The Herald of Heaven's King (Spellguard III - 4e)

Game Master Rev Rosey

Earthmotes and other FR strangeness for the ongoing Spellgard crew.

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Male Human Sorcerer 9

"Well, I'm sure I don't understand what you and Ceara are talking about, but here some more acid in the face." Hobbes says as he casts his acid orb.

Acid Orb on ST vs Ref 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 for 1d10 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21 acid damage if it hits

That's it. I am back to rolling by hand again. Errr.

Hobbes's attack sizzles into the mess on the floor.

Feel free to home roll. As you know, I tend to for monsters due to having suffered with lengthy posts getting eaten.

Brujo - if you want to take Erik's slide, tell me where to in your next post.


Skintaker 2 (Kelgan) - BLOODIED; -2AC to end Erik's next turn; one shroud; gets +4 to attacks on Brujo to start his next turn
Kelgan - BLOODIED; +3AC to end Erik's next turn; cannot use healing surges (se); AP used

Male Elf Ranger

Move to B10
Minor action, use swift recovery on Brujo, target can use his second wind without taking an action to do so.

Standard action use twin strike on the skintaker.
Arrow 1, attack vs ac, 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17, damage = 1d12 + 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (3) + (7) + 7 = 17
Arrow 2, attack vs ac, 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31, damage = 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Edit: useing elven accuracy to reroll attack with the 1st arrow.
Arrow 1, attack vs ac, 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29, damage = 1d12 + 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + (2) + 7 = 17

Both of Kel's arrows strike true, but the Skintaker manages to transfer some of the wound to his unwilling twin. As the second arrow sinks home, the creature collapses dead to the floor, still holding fast to Kelgan's shape.

Twin Sympathy recharges.
17hp damage to Kelgan

Stay in init order. Kelgan has yet to make his save and it may matter rather a lot as he's bloodied and also taken 17 damage.

Kelgan - BLOODIED; +3AC to end Erik's next turn; cannot use healing surges (se); AP used

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Kelgan finally releases his grip on his doppleganger.

Yes, I still live. Spending three healing surges once we can rest.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

"Let's just make sure..." Ceara says, and stabs the fake Kelgan, in case it's playing dead.

Ceara neatly ensures that the skintaker stays as dead as it looks.

Out of combat. 600xp each. Bringing you to 12,884 each and level 8 on the horizon. That was also a milestone, so you each gain 1AP.

Male Human Bard/Warlord/Warlock/Circus Monkey/Soda Jerk/Etc

Obligatory Reminder: Add +4 to all surges spent during the short rest due to my bard feature.

Erik walks over to examine and search the bodies while his songblade hums gently at this side, providing strength to those who hear it.

"I've never seen the likes of these before," says the bard as he crouches down to investigate.

Looking over at Brujo he asks, "Are these things spellscarred, or are they naturally like this?"

He also takes a moment for a sidelong glance at Ceara and wonders.

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Kelgan sits down next to the wall, still covered in his own blood. "A shame he couldn't live up to the original."

Still spending three healing surges. Also, I'm probably going to finally subscribe to DDI in the next couple of days, so I'll be switching out a few powers soon.


To answer Erik's question, none of the monsters were spellscarred.

Erik- Dungeoneering for monster id.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Seeing that sidelong glance Ceara smirks. "No, I'm not one of them." Ceara says to Eric, as she stays in her drow form for now. "I wish I could share wounds with an attacker, however. That is a very interesting power. I'm rather jealous truth be told."

Male Human Sorcerer 9

"Cut Ceara some slack, Erik. She has done nothing but help us. And I noticed she has had several opportunities to betray us if that was her intention. Her opinions and mannerisms are.....interesting, but what can you expect, growing up where she did? She may not get the whole "helping others just because they need it" thing, but if she allows us to and aids us while we do so, then she is alright in my book." Hobbes gives Ceara an encouraging smile. "Besides, there may come a time when we may need her... lack of scrubles to do what you or I would find.... distasteful." And he gives Erik a serious look there.

anything on the bodies? perception= 10+9= 19 And yeah, Hobbes likes using dramatic... pauses.

Male Elf Ranger

"I had scrubles once, they tasted like chicken."
"But seriously, Ceara you might want to keep it to one look for a while."

How is every one doing on HS? I have a ritual that allows me to transfer HS from one person to another.

The skintakers and the ex-farmers carried no weapons, but a search of the armoured commander proves more profitable. Stowed under his battered scale mail is a staff. Arcane glyphs are etched along its length.

Mnemonic Staff

The glyphs carved into this staff suggest its ability to recall mundane and magical secrets.

Level: 12
Price: 13,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +3d6 damage
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to any monster knowledge skill check.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Swap a power you've prepared for another power in your spellbook of equal or lower level. Each power must also be of equal or lower level than the level of the staff, and you can only swap a utility power for another utility power or a daily power for another daily power.

"Those things were a bit tougher than they looked" Brujo holds himself as he finds a place to sit

32hp. Spending 2 surges to put me at 66. 2 surges left

"No not touched or plagued. Trust me, would have warned ya way before we started fighting"

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Ceara is amused it seems. "Oh, it's ok, Hobbes. Erik is right to wonder about me after that battle. I'd wonder about me if I wasn't me. Although, I'm not sure what a 'scruple' is. Is it some sort of food?"

Male Human Bard/Warlord/Warlock/Circus Monkey/Soda Jerk/Etc

Erik smiles at the exchange.

"Do not fret dear Hobbes, all I did was take a look, and not a very long look at that. I do not feel that Ceara is a danger to us. I was only wondering if there was some connection between her ability and that of the creatures'."

Erik grins somewhat mischievously and chides Hobbes, "I think someone may be a bit smitten with our newly dark-clad mistress, eh Hobbes? Don't worry, I certainly cannot blame you."

Erik says all this while going through the rather grim task of checking the bodies.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 Dungeoneering check

"Hmmm, sadly real monsters are not my expertise, but rather those of myth and legend. They do overlap sometimes, but it seems many of our foes are rather unique in the world, both past and present."

Male Human Sorcerer 9

"Hey, Perigia, you a staff wielder, right? I prefer my dagger myself. But if you've got a decent staff, I can use it. This one appears to more your kind of magic then mine." Hobbes says as he brings the new staff over to her.

Rev, what's Perigia using now? The spellbook function of this staff is tailor-made for her. If she is using a lesser staff, I can use that one in a pinch. Unless someone else wants to disagree? This staff has magic user written all over it. We're the only two characters that use 'em.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Hobbes looks back at Erik with a smirk.

"She....interests me, 'tis true. It's not every day you meet a shapechanging shadow magic-user who likes to dress up like a pink-haired drow, is it? I've certainly never met the like before."

He looks at Ceara and smiles. He explains,

"Scruples are those things that tell us not to do the things that we would later regret. We can discuss Ethics more fully another time, perhaps. Have you heard of a conscience? The little voice inside that tells you wrong from right? "let your conscience be your guide" and all that? hmmm? Well, that's what I was talking about. You growing up among the drow may mean you have fewer scruples than we do. Fewer things you consider wrong and won't do. That's all. A useful trait, as long as we can trust you to continue to help us and not betray us or kill us or cripple us or poison us or kill innocents....Well, you get the idea. Help us help others and I care not what you really think about it."

As he talks, he moves his arms in the air. (He counts the things she could do to the party on his fingers.)

Hobbes really does love the sound of his own voice, doesn't he? he didn't get hurt, so he doesn't need healing or anything. where to next?

Male Human Sorcerer 9
Athsirion {Kel} Keledilinthir wrote:

How is every one doing on HS? I have a ritual that allows me to transfer HS from one person to another.

I still have half of mine (3/6). Provided I can keep out of melee, I can go another encounter. besides, I have 2 action points and will lose one if we sleep. besides its still mid morning, right?

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8
Bartholomew Hobbes wrote:
Athsirion {Kel} Keledilinthir wrote:

How is every one doing on HS? I have a ritual that allows me to transfer HS from one person to another.
I still have half of mine (3/6). Provided I can keep out of melee, I can go another encounter. besides, I have 2 action points and will lose one if we sleep. besides its still mid morning, right?

I'm also at half healing surges. Of course, 6 is still enough to get me through one or two more fights.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

I'm at full surges. If we need to shift some around, feel free to steal a few of my 9.

Perigia was still using a +1 staff of the war mage last time I looked.

Erik's formidable memory helps a bit. He's confident that all the creatures are aberrant and that the commander and the zombies were undead. He has a feeling that the corrupted commander is a type of undead sometimes used by demons to control lesser undead. The skintakers are the stuff of nightmare. Little is really known about them or their motivations.


Can you all rustle me up a wish list up to level 11. Bung it in your profiles.

Basic MAP for orientation purposes.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Ceara leans against the wall and talks. "I'm not a magic user, there's nothing magical about what I do. I've been bonded to the Shadowfell and so, shadow and I are one. I also don't 'dress up' as anything. I become what I look like."

She ponders Hobbes' later words. "You surface folk are strange." she finally says. "You are correct, however, since I have no scruples. Whatever it takes to get a mission done is what I do. And if there are things that need to be done that might make your 'conscience' bother you, I will do them for you as you surmised."

In case it matter, I'm at W21 while chatting.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Wishlist done, and I oopsed and am at 7/9 surges. Still, feel free to transfer a few if needed. I don't tend to use many.

Male Human Bard/Warlord/Warlock/Circus Monkey/Soda Jerk/Etc

I'm currently at 53/59 HP with full surges. Guess I need to jump into the fray more next fight to lighten the load on our defenders.

Wish List is up.

"I wonder if these undead creatures were native to this mote or whether they were brought here like us. If these are the fights we have to look forward to, then more caution may be necessary in the future, even if it does make for a rather dull tale. I can always spice it up later."

Male Human Sorcerer 9

they targeted our defenders. that's why they were so beat-up. also every time we tried to kill them, they just transfered some of the damage to our guys. so, in essence, we beat up Kelgan and Brujo. :) Sorry about that. Jumping in sooner would only have possibly made them target you and get you killed, since you are not as tough as Kelgan and Brujo. It worked out as well as expected.

"Did I note a tone in your voice, Ceara?" Hobbes smiles again. "Are you actually sensative about your 'playacting'? When you assume a form, you are not actually becoming a drow or an elf or a human. You just look like one. It's a show. Forms are like clothes for you, my dear. No need to get so touchy about it. And you're right. I did mispeak about the nature of your powers. A shadow magic user would be more like a shade, like I originally thought you might be. And I am very glad I was wrong about that." He winks at her, playfully.

Then he turns to the others. "Are we to just blunder around then, until we find something? Somebody remind me again why exactly we are here? Somewhere on this rock is the source of these abberations and we need to stop it. Is that about it? Or was there more to it and I just wasn't paying attention?"

Male Human Sorcerer 9

so Hobbes swapped out Perigia's staff for the new one. I'll hang on her old staff of the war mage+1, for now. I am adding it to my profile. Let Dave know he's got the new one. Should come in handy.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

"I could.... send Cassandra out to scout around. She can't really be harmed and could give us advanced warning about other monsters." Hobbes suggests.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

"Oh, so you're the expert on what I am and what I do?" Ceara says. She seems very very amused at Hobbes words. "I'll keep that in mind if I have questions for you."

Hobbes is close to right. Sybil (the blind seer child) told you that the earthmote was a focus of some kind for the spellplague. An earthmote was also mentioned in Margant's visions. Sybil also told you (albeit cryptically) that you needed to stop a collision. So far you've seen no signs of Spellplague and Brujo hasn't sensed it here yet.

Erik is also right. At least some of the creatures you've met have simply been gathered by the Earthmote or whatever is controlling it.

Bran (the farmer you rescued) is still locked in the eastern tower.

Where to now?

Male Human Sorcerer 9

"No, what I am is opinionated, and not shy about sharing those opinions with others. I am no genius, just a strong personality with a curious mind. I make decisions quickly and stubbornly stick with them until proven wrong. I am sorry if I come off like a 'know-it-all' sometimes. It's just my way." Hobbes nods to her, claps his hands together, and then gives her a hands spread open in front of him sign. It appears to be an apologetic gesture of some kind.

Wish list updated. Bran stays right where he is until we find a way safely off this rock. When I rescue someone, they stay rescued.

Male Elf Ranger

"Hobbs'll say every word in the world just to make sure he's right. Ya need to learn how to hear only the important ones."

"I'm gonna take a quick look down the hall, cassie's welcome to come along."

Sneaking down the hall check (stealth) = 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 Move to P36.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

"Stick with him, Cassie. If he gets in over his head or is about to do something stupid, let me know by screaming your head off or run back to me." Hobbes tells his familiar after he summons her.

Cassie gives him a disinterested look, looks down the hallway, and sighs very loudly as she rolls her eyes. Then she moves quickly and silently down the hallway.

Stealth for Cassie 1d20+8= 14+8= 22 (cassie gets a +5 for stealth checks and I have a +3 unskilled modifier)

Male Half-Orc Fighter 8

Kelgan shrugs as Kel and the cat sneak down the hall.

Remember how I said I'm going to be subscribing to DDI soon? By "soon", I meant Monday. I'll finish updating Kelgan then.

OK. Look forward to seeing the updated Kelgan. The current incarnation is already pretty devastating.


Kel (and Cassie) see no signs of life as they advance down the hallway, but from the door to the west they hear some thumping and muffled voices.

Male Human Bard/Warlord/Warlock/Circus Monkey/Soda Jerk/Etc

While Kel scouts ahead Erik keeps an eye on things in the center room with the others. He takes a moment to remove the helm from his head and run a cloth over his brow while speaking to the others.

"I hope we have enough rope between us to climb off this thing when we're done. Otherwise we may just have to live here. I volunteer to be king. Hobbes, perhaps you'd like to be a duke somewhere? I'm sure we can all make the best of it. Countess Ceara of the Great Earth Mote has a good ring to it as well, very impressive at parties."

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Hobbes laughs aloud at Erik's comments. "Truth be told, Erik, I think I will take my chances with the great fall before I live under YOUR rule. I think you'll find, however, that we will eventually find some way to control the mote's flight and then we can land this thing in the middle of Waterdeep Harbor or what's left of the Sea of Fallen Stars or where ever you choose." He chuckles at his own joke. "I do not think this thing's flight is as random as it appears. It is only my opinion, though. I have nothing yet to back it up."

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Cassie will hold a paw up to Kel, to tell him to hold fast. (If Kel is even paying attention to the cat) Then she will slip down the hallway to the western door at the north end of the hallway to hear what she can hear there.

Remember Cassie doesn't understand Common or any other language so she won't be able to interpret voices, but she can hear whether they sound like the party when they talk or more like creatures. Stealth=18 and Perception=1d20+9=24 when she gets there. Then she will move back to Hobbes to 'report'. And rub up against Kel to get his attention along the way. Stealth=19 on the way back.

Cassie returns to Hobbes's side. Her tail is bottle-brushed out and she has the look of a cat about to fight or flee.


Definitely other creatures and not nice ones either. Some sort of squabble going on.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

I will wait for Kel to return and confirm Cassie's story. If he doesn't return in say, 10 min game time, (or a few hours real time) Hobbes will tell the others what Cassie told him.

Hobbes picks up Cassie and strokes her until she calms down and starts to quietly purr. "Good Girl, Cassie. Good Girl." He says over and over again.

Male Elf Ranger

Listen to the door and check for locks and traps.

perception = 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
thevery = 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Male Human Sorcerer 9

After Cassie has calmed down, Hobbes looks up at the others and says, "Around that corner, there are two doors. One right around the corner and the other down the hall from the first. Both of them have angry sounding monster types behind them. They seem to be arguing. That's all Cassie could determine. I'm afraid Kel has decided to go ahead and find out more. We might want to be near him if things go bad."

perhaps if we moved a little further down the passage where we could see Kel opening the door, but still be out of monster earshot.

Female - mostly. Changeling Assassin 8

Ceara slips down the hall a bit to watch.

Move to S36

Cassie only heard voices from the lower door, just to clarify.

Kel hears the sound of harsh voices raised in argument, but he can't make out any words. The door itself appears to be booby-trapped, designed to warn those within of intruders.

You've identified it and now need to disable it. Thievery DC22.


Male Elf Ranger

1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

Edit: After disabling the trap Kel will open the door a crack and see if he can hear better. If they're speaking in deepspeach he'll head back to the others.

Male Human Sorcerer 9

Still holding his cat under his arm, Hobbes quietly goes and follows Ceara. move to T38

T38 is the wall. I've put you at T37


A male and a female voice, speaking in common.

The female voice is delightfully husky, but her words are less appealing.

"You know what you need to do. Why must you keep resisting me? You can always join the Choir, you know."

The man responds sullenly. "But I can't. They won't listen. If you're so wonderful, why don't you do it?"

"They smell horrible and they're so unpredictable - that's why I want you do it. You're a priest. Were a priest", she purrs.

You also hear creaking chains and subdued moans from above.

Male Elf Ranger

Kel heads back to the others and realys what he heard.

"Inside the room is a priest auguing with another preist about joining her and her 'Choir'. Also sounds like there are other chained 'people' in the room."

"We can sneak down there and get the drop on 'em."

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