Darius Finch

Bartholomew Hobbes's page

383 posts. Alias of Cale Noor.

Full Name

Batholomew Sebastion Hobbes




Sorcerer 9




M (5'10" 178 lb)



Special Abilities

Dragon Magic, Cat Familiar








Common, Elven, Draconic


mage-for-hire, adventurer, ex-military reservist

About Bartholomew Hobbes

Build: Dragon Sorcerer
Spell Source: Dragon Magic (add Str to spell damage, +2 AC when bloodied, add Str to AC instead of Dex/Int)
Dragon Soul: Dragon Soul Fire (resist 5 fire, ignore 5 fire resistence w/ his spells)
Background: Aglarond (Aglarond Benefit)

AC: 22 Fort: 21 Reflex: 18 Will: 24
HP: 62 Bld: 31 Surges: 6/6 Surge Value: 15
Passive Perception: 20 Passive Insight: 19

Init: +8 / Speed: 6 / Action Point: 1

Current HP: 62

Current XP: 17,900

Str 18 +4 +8
Con 10 +0 +4
Dex 10 +0 +4
Int 12 +1 +5
Wis 10 +0 +4
Cha 20 +5 +9



Melee basic- Staff of Ruin +2 (+12 vs AC, 1d8+8)
Ranged basic- Acid Orb (+12 vs Ref, 1d10+13 acid)
Ranged basic- Dragonfrost (+12 vs Fort, 1d8+13 cold, push 1sq)



Perception +10
Arcana +13 (w/"cheaters")
Insight +9
Bluff +14
Diplomacy +14
Acrobatics +11

Dungeoneering +4
Endurance +4
Heal +4
History +5
Intimidate +9
Nature +4
Religion +5
Stealth +4
Streetwise +9
Thievery +4
Athletics +8



Human: Implement Expertise (staff) (+1 to attacks with implement)
Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
Level 2: Arcane Reserves (+2 to damage on at-wills when encounters are used up)
Level 4: Improved Initiative (+4 to init)
Level 6: Arcane Familiar (cat)
Level 8: Bardic Dilettante (gain majestic word 1/day, and training in Acrobatics)



1: Dragonfrost*(Ranged 10, one creature, +12 vs Fort, 1d8+13 cold, push 1 sq) (*can be used as a ranged basic attack)
1: Burning Spray(Close blast 3, +12 vs Ref, 1d8+13 fire, nxt enemy who attacks me before EOMNT takes 3 fire damage)
1: Acid Orb*(Ranged 20, one creature, +12 vs Ref, 1d10+13 acid)
1: Tempest Breath (Close blast 3, +12 vs Ref, 2d6+13 acid, and I gain concealment until EOMNT)
3: Ice Dragon's Teeth (Area burst 1 w/in 10, +12 vs Ref, 2d8+13 cold and target is slowed until EOMNT)
7: Thunder Bomb (Area burst 1 w/in 10, +12 vs Fort, 2d8+13 thunder, and the target is slowed (or immobilized if in origin sq) until EOMNT)
1: Dazzling Ray (Ranged 10, one creature, +12 vs. Will, 6d6+13 radiant, miss: half damage)
5: Serpetine Blast (Ranged 10, +12 vs Ref, 3d10+13 lightning, ignores cover or concealment, but not superior cover or total concealment, miss: half damage)
8: Majestic word (close burst 5, me or ally can spend healing surge and regain additional hp equal to Cha bonus(+5) +1d6)
9: Prime the Fire (area burst 1 w/in 10, +12 vs Fort, 2d8+13 fire damage, if target attacks before start of my next turn, takes 2d8 fire damage)
2: Elemental Shift (minor, can change my resistence to another type for the encounter, and adjacent ally gains 5 resistence to same type)
6: Sudden scales (immediate, trigger: I am hit by an attack, gain +7 to all defenses against triggering attack)



Deep-Pocket Cloak +2, Staff of Ruin +2, Magic Leather Armor +2, Arcanist's Glasses (heroic tier), Eternal Chalk (heroic tier), Reading Spectacles (heroic tier), Backpack (empty), Candle (3), Climber's Kit, Crowbar, Disguise Kit, Everburning Torch, Fine Clothing (2), Glass Cutter, Identification Papers, with Portrait, Journeybreads (17), Pouch, Belt (empty), Rope, Silk (50 ft.) (2), Waterskin (2), Travel Papers, Wine, Bottle (2), Oil (1 pint) (3), Lute, Nail of Sealing (heroic tier) (2), Sack (empty) (2), Holy Symbol of Sune, Sack (775 gp), Bedroll, flint and steel, 6 healing potions, Gregor's anti-spellplague elixer, Barstow's effects, potion of dragonbreath (fire), potion of lesser invisibility, potion of mimicry



Deep-Pocket Cloak +2 (+2 F,R,W, Neck Item, pockets can hold up to 1,000 lbs of weight or 100 cubic feet in volume, cloak always weighs just 1 lb, each item can only weigh up to 10 lb, drawing an item is a minor action)
Staff of Ruin +2 (+2 to attack and damage, critical bonus- +2d10, Property: whenever you make attack w/ staff, you gain a item bonus to damage equal to staff's enhancement bonus)
Arcanist's Glasses (gain a +3 to Arcana checks) *calls them his "cheaters"
Eternal Chalk (never runs out, breaks, or wears, any writing or drawing made can not be removed for a week by anyone other thanthe original artist or user)
Reading Spectacles (can read any language while wearing these glasses)
Nail of Sealing (when pushed into a door, chest or other closable object, it magically sinks into the material and seals it shut. Treat like an Arcane Lock of 25.)
Everburning Torch (torch with continual flame cast on it, permanently sheds bright light in close burst 5, no flame, can be covered to prevent light)
Staff of the War Wizard +1 (daily power: change burst or blast to 1 larger, so area burst 1 becomes area burst 2)



Cassandra, or 'Cassie' for short
Cat familiar
Low-light vision
Speed 6
Constant Benefits: +2 to Acrobatics, can make an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage taken in a fall.
Active Benefits: Independent Spirit- has no range limit it can exist away from me
Silent Predator- gets +5 to Stealth checks
Skills and Checks: uses master’s skill modifiers, unless listed above
Hit Points: has 1 hp, but a missed attack never deals damage
Defenses: uses master’s defenses
Destruction: if reduced to 0 hp, the familiar is destroyed and cannot reform until the next short or extended rest when it appears in passive form
Immunity: familiar is immune to master’s powers
Communication: can speak to master in a special arcane language. Cannot speak any other language, although it can parrot anything it hears and repeat it to master later so master can understand any language he knows that way.
Objects: can not pick up or manipulate any object.
Switching modes: is a minor action
Passive mode: cannot be targeted or take damage- Cassie is a small black cat tattoo on the master’s right hand in passive mode.
Active mode: does not have its own actions, must use master’s actions to move or act. It is tiny and occupies its own space.
Description: Cassie is a black short hair cat, with shining blue eyes (like her master's eyes)
Personality: Cassie is lazy and acts indifferent most of the time. She thinks she is smarter than Hobbes. Loves attention. Often cleans herself when Hobbes trys to talk to her. She is an expert at night-time scouting due to her black fur and stealth skill. Protective of her master and will hiss at people she doesn't like or thinks are a threat to him.



Bartholomew Sebastian Hobbes was born into a Aglarondian family that combined humans, on his father’s side, with half-elves, on his mother’s. So while he was born a human, his maternal grandparents were half-elves. Because of this heritage, he was born with fair skin and blonde hair, instead of the usual black hair and ruddy complexion. Besides his looks, he was born with magical powers. As is the custom in Aglarond, he was detected at an early age and was taken into the palace to be trained with other spellcasters. This was the policy of the kingdom since the time of the Simbul and it continues to today. AS a sorcerer, he was inducted into the Dragons, an elite spell-casting unit of the Aglarond military. Besides the usual magic theory and spellcasting, these young mages are taught manners, ettique, and diplomacy. This is to give them other options besides just blowing everything up. Once he was trained, Hobbes was sent to the front lines to serve in Aglarond’s military as magical backup to the infantry. He grew bored as incursions from Thay decreased and there wasn’t much for him to do. After his release from the military, Hobbes went back to his family. (Technically, he is still a reservist and could possibly be called up at some point if there is some big-time crisis.) His father was a fisherman and he was proud to have his son learn his trade. But fishing was not the excitement Hobbes was looking for. So, he bid farewell to his family again and worked his way across the sea to Sembia, and from there, he went through the Dalelands to Cormyr. He stayed in Cormyr for a while, his good looks, charm, and foreign accent made him a favorite of the Cormyrean nobility. He also joined the Sunite church while in Cormyr. He was able to live a rich and opulent lifestyle through his connections, almost to the point of marriage to a nobleman’s daughter. But while he enjoyed the rich foods, the lavious parties, and beautiful women, he still craved excitement. So he packed his bag and became an adventurer and a mage-for-hire. He had many interesting adventures, travelled all over the area, and acquired some magical treasure while working in this fashion. His last job ended rather badly, and he decided he needed to move on. He is currently looking for a job that either pays well or gives him an opportunity to serve his country or provide the excitement he needs.

Description and personality: Hobbes, as noted, is a good-looking man. He has bright blonde hair, fair skin, and a dazzling smile. He is very muscular but without the bulkier build of most humans. He is well-dressed, well groomed, and well-mannered. He wears a well-worn cloak, and leather armor over a well-tailored tunic and pants. He wears a wide brimmed hat in a Sembian swashbuckler style with a cord under his chin to prevent it falling off while running or riding a horse. He has a good sense of humor and likes to have a good time. He is used to the finer things in life, both from his early training and from his days in Cormyr. He also had to endure roughing it with the military and while adventuring. So he is not a whiner, but will go out of his way to get the best room or best food he can. He is friendly and gracious and loves to learn about new people. As a follower of Sune, he believes in protecting and nuturing both beauty and love. While in Cormyr, he taught himself how to play the lute, and he still likes to play it when he can, despite the fact that he is an amateur at best. (He mostly used it to woo women.) But despite his romantic heart, Hobbes is also a fighter. He loves to unleash his power and destroy his enemies. He craves excitement, both the thrill of battle and the hunt for adventure. He has a strong desire to prove himself, both as a hero and as a sorcerer. He comes to his magic instinctively and doesn’t like to study all the magic history or theory. He says, “You have to feel the magic, not think about it.” Because he is powerful and he knows it, he expects a certain level of deference from the people around him. He is special, and he knows it. So he gives his opinion, even if not asked for. He offers advice, even if it is unneeded or unwanted. He thinks he is being helpful in this way, even when he is not.
And he loves his cat familiar, Cassandra, even though she sometimes frustrates him with her attitude.



Hobbes doesn't need all that much. He is pretty compact with his focus and his magic. I didn't find any armors or weapons that interested me. The magic items I think Hobbes would be interested in are themselves interesting or kind of weird.

Useful Headgear: These either improve his preception or grant him a special ability.
1. Diadem of Acuity (level 8)- property: grant +2 item bonus to Perception and Insight checks.
2. Starlight goggles (level 8): property: gain low-light vision
3. Cap of Water Breathing (level 10): property: you can breathe water as well as air.
4. Hat of Disguise (level 10): property: while use this item’s power, gain a +5 item bonus to Bluff checks to pass off a disguise.
Power (at –Will- Illusion) standard action. You gain the appearance of any humanoid race of the same size catergory as you. Your clothing and equipment alter appearance to reflect this change. The illusion does not alter sound or texture. so someone who touches or listens to you might detect the illusion. (Note: This is inspired by Ceara's natural gifts. Interacting with her has sparked an interest in disguise magic.)

Wonderous Items-
These I see Hobbes being most interested in. Maybe not the most useful or give the biggest bonus, but fascinate his sense of wonder. Remember, he "feels" his magic. These have the biggest awe factor, in my opinion.

Any figurine of wonderous power (especially the mount ones)
Such as: Obsidian Steed (level 5)
*Opal Carp (level 6)
Jade Macetail (level 8)
*Ebony Fly (level 9)
Pearl Sea Horse (level 9)
Elderwood Falcon (level 10)
*Marble Elephant (level 10)
Jade Sea Serpent (level 10)

Everlasting Provisions (level 4) (never need carry rations or water)
Instant Campsite (level 5) (never need to set up camp)
Endless Canteen (level 9) (endless supply of water? cool.)
Sending Stones (level 11) (magical "walkie talkies")
(if you can find any other "amazing" wonderous item, Hobbes would definitely be interested in it.)

Strange Mounts-
Griffon mount
Hippogriff mount
Pegasus mount
Wyvern mount
or other flying mounts (giant eagles, etc)

Note: the wonderous figures are better since I don't have to feed them or worry about where to store them when not in use.