Bartholomew Hobbes |
I am guessing if we rush them, we will get a surprise round. Which is always nice. But Kelgan and Erik and Perigia are still back where the fake Kelgan died. We start something, we are at half strength. I will signal to Kelgan and the others to come over and once we are all in position, we are going to rush them. Before they start killing prisoners.
Hobbes signals his companions to follow them and whispers, "Get in position. We'll take them en masse. Just the monsters, not the chained prisoners."
Roll Initiative?
Rev DM |
Please note that Perigia now has a new and much better staff to play with. Copied below for convenience.
The glyphs carved into this staff suggest its ability to recall mundane and magical secrets.
Level: 12
Price: 13,000 gp
Implement (Staff)
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +3d6 damage
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to any monster knowledge skill check.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Swap a power you've prepared for another power in your spellbook of equal or lower level. Each power must also be of equal or lower level than the level of the staff, and you can only swap a utility power for another utility power or a daily power for another daily power.
Bartholomew Hobbes |
you're welcome, Dave. It was more your kind of magic than mine. So, we doing this or what? If I don't respond in the next 10-12 hours, it is because I got lost in DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online). I spend most of yesterday there. They gave away an incomplete version and if you want cool races or stuff, you have to pay for that.... And now this is sounding like one of my facebook updates.
Erik Annadar |
Erik hoofs it up behind everyone else, his heavy armor rattling as he does so.
"Managed to find some more trouble already? Well we are in the business for it," he says while drawing his songblade.
Put me at U36.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Initiative
Rev DM |
OK - I think we can definitively say no surprise round is possible.
1d20+11=27 - Dephigor Perception check
1d20+8=10 - Nialla Perception check (dozy bint)
"Quiet - someone's coming."
"More for the Choir. How lovely."
Nialla - 24
Kel - 20
Hobbes - 18
Dephigor - 16
PD - 13
Ceara - 9
Rev DM |
"Don't guests deserve a kinder welcome? A truly gracious host would open the door for us," says Erik, matching the voice's bravado.
"In happier times, that would be true," murmurs the woman's voice.
The mood is slightly marred by the clanking of chains and a low wail and ruined still further by the male voice Kel heard earlier adding,
"Just stop messing about woman and get ready."
Rev DM |
The most gloriously beautiful woman Brujo has ever seen stands invitingly behind the door, beckoning him in.
A human man in bedraggled priest's vestments stands a little further off, holding a set of chains - possibly caked in rust or more probably blood. Brujo has time to note devils standing beside winches before his eye is drawn upwards and he sees what can only be the Choir.
Some twenty humans are chained to the ceiling and are forced to bend and stretch to avoid the spiked mechanisms surrounding them. In truly sadistic touch, the unfortunates are chained in such a way that any movement on their part pulls one of their comrades into the spikes. It is from here that the tragic wails of pain are coming.
New map (i.e. enlarged version of the relevant bit). Ceiling is 3 squares high in this room.
Perigia |
Is that Arcana check for the woman or the other devils? I need one check for each type of creature. Apologies for not being clearer about that.
Chain-wielding humanoid** spoiler omitted **
It was for the woman. 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 fo the other devils.
Rev DM |
Perigia instantly sees the woman and the devils for what they are. Hobbes guessed correctly.
Medium Immortal humanoid (devil)
Level 9 Controller
Resist 20 fire
Speed 6, fly 6
Corrupting Touch (standard, at-will) v AC
Charming Kiss (standard, at-will) Charm
AC; the succubus makes a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack (Will)
The target cannot attack the succubus, and if the target is adjacent to the succubus when the succubus is targeted by a melee or a ranged attack, the target interposes itself (as an immediate interrupt) and becomes the target of the attack instead. The effects last until the succubus or one of its allies attacks the target or until the succubus dies.
If the target is still under the effect of this power at the end of the encounter, the succubus can sustain the effect indefinitely by kissing the target once per day. The succubus can affect only one target at a time with its charming kiss.
Dominate (standard, at-will) Charm
Ranged 5; vs Will; the target is dominated until the end of the succubus’s next turn.
Change Shape (minor; at-will) Polymorph
The succubus can alter its physical form to take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid, including a unique individual.
Alignment Evil
Pain Devils
Medium Immortal Humanoid (devil)
Level 8 Soldier
Aura of Torment aura 2; a creature without the devil keyword that starts its turn in the aura takes 2 damage.
Resist 10 fire
Speed 5
Scourge (standard, at-will) Weapon
Reach 2; and the target is slowed until the end of the pain devil's next turn.
Wave of Pain (standard, recharge ) Weapon
Close burst 2; targets enemies; the target is slowed until the end of the pain devil's next turn.
When the pain devil scores a critical hit or its attack renders an enemy bloodied, it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Evil
Equipment: scourge.
Athsirion {Kel} Keledilinthir |
Kel summons a Guardian of Faith at L11.
Guardian of Faith: conjure a guardian that occupies 1 square within
range. Every round, you can move the guardian 3 squares
as a move action. The guardian lasts until the end of the
encounter. Any enemy that ends its turn next to the conjured
guardian is subject to a Wisdom vs. Fortitude attack.
On a hit, the attack deals 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant
"Everyone try to heard them next to the spirit I just summoned."