GM Hmm |

The F&F gm hasn’t shown back up and it’s almost 24 hours.
I’ll start building the threads again in a couple of hours and get the show back in the road.
Since you rebuilt the tables, I won’t try to call Customer Service to day to get them flipped. Thanks again for doing this, Shifty.

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I am not at any of the affected tables, but now that I have caught up on the last couple of days of this thread, I want to say how inspiring the leadership of this Lodge is. Seriously, HMM, Redelia, Shifty, all the other GMs who volunteered to pick up these dropped games (and those who couldn't because you're running multiple tables during Outpost) - you make the organized play campaign worth participating in. Thank you for all of your efforts in making it all come together (and HMM, if I had checked this thread yesterday, I would not have bothered you about that nothing question while you were dealing with this - thanks again for responding so quickly).

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Yeah, same. 3 games is really about my max.
I have to admit PbP has sort of saved me from suffering harder depression that I otherwise would be with the new edition announcement.
My initial instinct was to cut bait and start winding down but Outpot has kept my head in the game and reminded me of why I do what I do in the first place, oddly good timing that.

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Yeah, when I was referred to this community I was getting burnt out on Pathfinder as I had no local groups to arrange games with but after joining up I ended up loving Pathfinder even more. I may be apprehensive about PF2 but as long as the lodge is still going I am joining all three systems (PF1, PF2, SF). One of my recent groups is fantastic and going through a long list of scenarios together...which is the reason I decided to start GMing PbP games here.
TLDR; The PbP lodges and community members are amazing.

The World's Most Interesting GM |
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Just to bring it back a bit--this seems more like a discussion now than a series of recruitment posts.
CORE Master of the Fallen Fortress
The first three players are in automatically, the next three will be decided by lottery in the next day or two.
He is a wet blanket large enough for all of us.

GM Socrates |

CORE Master of the Fallen Fortress
The first three players are in automatically, the next three will be decided by lottery in the next day or two.
Exactly six players signed up, so there is no need for a lottery!
RxGus | Arisiraletsuna | Hap Daywhisper
Ansha | Caelreth Durothil
qstor | seebonick
GGG | Pietro Slaszval
Elinnea | Zekuli
Please check in to the discussion thread and gameplay thread!

GM Netherpongo |

So, they JUST finally updated the Additional Resources with Ultimate Wilderness, unfortunately not in time for OutPost. Anyone starting a PFS game soon that a level 5 character (a rebuild, in case you're wondering) would fit into? :-D
I can probably cover something. Is there a type of scenario or a level range you're wanting?

EvilMinion |
I can bring a character to play for no credit if you wish. I enjoy the scenario quite a bit.
Don't think this is permitted.
The only time you can play a scenario for no credit, is to help make a table legal (numbers-wise).
Though its possible those rules may have changed, I suppose.

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Actually, it looks like EvilMinion is correct, unfortunately.
In certain circumstances, you may replay an adventure you
have already completed. The following rules determine
when replaying Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild
adventures is legal and what benefits you can gain from
replaying. When using a replay credit, you may earn no
more than one bonus Chronicle sheet per adventure.
Minimum Legal Table Size: You are permitted to
replay an adventure in order to meet the minimum legal
table size, with the following stipulations.
Notify the GM: You must inform the GM that you have
already played the adventure or run it as a GM. GMs are
encouraged to be as flexible as possible when replaying
an adventure is the only method to run a legal table, but
a GM has the right to deny replaying an adventure to
players if she feels uncomfortable running an adventure
for players who have foreknowledge of the story.
No Spoilers: Spoiling plot points or using insider
knowledge to affect game play is grounds for the GM to
remove players from the table. You should be very careful
about character knowledge versus player knowledge. If
you are concerned about possible spoilers, take the GM
aside and ask her how she would like to handle it.
Rewards: Replaying to make a legal table doesn’t earn
any rewards. The Chronicle sheet for the adventure is
a placeholder. It should note that the scenario has been
replayed for no credit and award no gold, Prestige Points,
Fame, XP, boons, item access, or any other benefits or
disadvantages. You must track consumables, purchases,
and conditions acquired by playing the adventure. This
is the only exception to not having two copies of the same
Chronicle sheet assigned to one character.
GM Star Replay: As a GM earns GM stars, she gains a
limited ability to replay adventures (see Chapter 3: GM
Basics). Note on the Chronicle sheet that you are using
one of these limited replay opportunities (for example,
“GM Star Replay #3”).
There are no other mentions of replays for no credit being allowed.

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The language in the guide only talks about replaying the scenario "to meet the minimum legal table size." I don't think you're allowed to do it otherwise.
Minimum Legal Table Size: You are permitted to replay an adventure in order to meet the minimum legal table size, with the following stipulations.
Notify the GM: You must inform the GM that you have already played the adventure or run it as a GM. GMs are encouraged to be as flexible as possible when replaying an adventure is the only method to run a legal table, but a GM has the right to deny replaying an adventure to players if she feels uncomfortable running an adventure for players who have foreknowledge of the story.No Spoilers: Spoiling plot points or using insider knowledge to affect game play is grounds for the GM to remove players from the table. You should be very careful about character knowledge versus player knowledge. If you are concerned about possible spoilers, take the GM aside and ask her how she would like to handle it.
Rewards: Replaying to make a legal table doesn’t earn any rewards. The Chronicle sheet for the adventure is a placeholder. It should note that the scenario has been replayed for no credit and award no gold, Prestige Points, Fame, XP, boons, item access, or any other benefits or disadvantages. You must track consumables, purchases, and conditions acquired by playing the adventure. This is the only exception to not having two copies of the same Chronicle sheet assigned to one character.
Edit: ninja'd!

Gummy Bear |
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Tarondor (and really anyone else who has written a guide), would you be willing to post announcements when you are going to play a character that is relevant to your guide(s)? I can't speak for everyone else, but seeing a character in action is the best way for me to really learn where they shine and where they don't. I'm sure at level 1 a transmuter wizard is nothing special, but around level 5 and onward I'd love to observe a game or two.

Tarondor |

Well, to be honest, I've never played a Transmuter! I'll be testing out that theorycrafting like anyone else who reads my guide. I did do a great deal of research and consultation, but I've yet to see it in action. Now I want to do that before it becomes Overcome By Events with the advent of PF2.

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One of my biggest suggestions for a teaching table is to make sure you have one (or maybe 2) 'mentor player.' You want someone who can show by doing how to make and format a good player post. Usually, I recruit this one experienced player by PM, so that I can be sure exactly what I'm getting.

GM Netherpongo |
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We'll miss you, Michael!
Okay, so this is our table at the moment:
Recap of our players:
Cartmanbeck (Human shifter 5)
Greenclaw (Evangelist cleric 5)
Ingrge (Urban ranger/zen archer 5)
Zaarah Katsu (4th-level pregen)
Terevalis (4th-level pregen)
Mustering time!
The party above can find their campaign here:
The race for the Champion's Chalice.
Netherpongo, if you will also run the sequel I would love to join for that one. I have a character who played part 1 and missed part 2
Magabeus, for now I'm avoiding the question of whether I'll do Champion's Chalice II. Even under good conditions, that's a long way off and there's no guarantee that the party will hold together or want to continue on. If you want to follow the thread as we go, you're welcome to do so (no spoiler concerns since you've played it, I suppose).
As a side note, Chalice I & II are barely related to each other story-wise. This is one series that I don't recommend that people make great efforts to play in sequence.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |