The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Did you want to throw some links up and we can try work out a rescue plan?

Happy to pick up F&F3.

What else is there?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A long string of scenarios

A few evergreens

first group for Faithless and Forgotten

second group for Faithless and Forgotten

third group for Faithless and Forgotten

For these abandoned multi-game tables, a GM who takes over is not necessarily expected to do all the scenarios, but just to get the table to the end of the current scenario. Continuing beyond that is for the GM and players to decide together.

Thank you very much, anyone who is considering helping out with this situation.

edit: fixed one wrong link.

I could pick up one of the groups of evergreens. Will need a little help, though, as I haven't GMed PbP before. I've been playing here so long and have had so many GMs step in to finish games for me... About time I gave back. I could maybe get rolling tomorrow, but I have some stuff coming up so it might be mid-week instead.

I am a Player at the Long String of Scenarios and I understand the length it would take for someone to take over this series, but I could take over after the current Scenario has finished.

Edit: I have sent out messages to the players, due to the inactive status, and asked if they wished to continue. Awaiting responses.

The Wisp one looks dead as a doornail.

The string looks like they are on Consortium Compact (as a live game)

Table 1 = Current
Table 2 = Current (I think I'm picking up these guys)
Table 3 = Current

The Exchange

Thanks, Redelia, and everyone else for keeping an eye on the table.

I am in the first group of F&F, and we are on the final scenario, so just looking to be ushered through that to the end.

Good, responsive group for anyone who takes over.

I've unfortunately already got plenty on my plate at the moment so taking any of them right now wouldn't be the best idea for me. However, I did just start my own run of the Faithless & Forgotten trilogy and can make a back-up offer to take one of those tables, if no one else can pick them up sooner, once my own plate clears a bit - but that likely wouldn't be for another couple of months at best. So as I said, please consider my offer a back-up plan at best.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shifty wrote:

The Wisp one looks dead as a doornail.

The string looks like they are on Consortium Compact (as a live game)

Table 1 = Current
Table 2 = Current (I think I'm picking up these guys)
Table 3 = Current

Yep, the wisp one was an error that I fixed, replacing with the table I actually meant. You must have followed that link before I fixed it.

All three F&F are in Scenario 3 yeah?

Silver Crusade

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Shifty wrote:
All three F&F are in Scenario 3 yeah?

That's my understanding- as a table we have taken breaks so that other tables could catch up. I would doubt that all three F&F tables are more than slightly off of each other in terms of game play.

Everyone here is awesome- thank you!

Quick Aside:

The point of linking in and posting here wasn't to shame/blame the GM. I know there is usually a certain dead period before they call the game abandoned but wanted to point to why I was bringing it up sooner. I had hoped that our GM would sleep on it and rethink it tomorrow morning- but once the game flipped inactive I decided to post about it.

Grand Lodge

i am at the table of F&F in the 3rd part....i had no idea he was dropping it...he marked ut inactuve and didn't get any updates as such. rather out of the blue. i also wouldn't mind completing the trilogy if someone can help

Silver Crusade

Redelia wrote:

Thank you very much, anyone who is considering helping out with this situation.

edit: fixed one wrong link.

Apparently map files/google docs are also in the "trash". I am going to save copies of all three F&F tables before they disappear for good...

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OK here's the deal.

I understand where you are coming from, and I don't think anyone would suggest you were pulling a dick move by coming looking for a rep.

I'll give the old GM 24 hours to re-think his decision, if there's nothing heard in 24 hours, then I'll pick up all three F&F tables.

In fairness, I had already made the decision to stop GMing PFS 'Classic' at the news of 2nd Ed, only because I wanted to start smashing Starfinder until2nd Ed came out - I now have 9 more Stars to chase, that's 288 tables to run - because our old stars don't count and my 5 stars just got a layer of tarnish.

I can be bitter about it all, AND I can get on with the job.

You guys will be my farewell to PFS Classic GM'ing :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
GM Poblano Pepper wrote:

I am a Player at the Long String of Scenarios and I understand the length it would take for someone to take over this series, but I could take over after the current Scenario has finished.

Edit: I have sent out messages to the players, due to the inactive status, and asked if they wished to continue. Awaiting responses.

I can pick up that string, at least long enough to finish off the current scenario.

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Dennis Muldoon wrote:
GM Poblano Pepper wrote:

I am a Player at the Long String of Scenarios and I understand the length it would take for someone to take over this series, but I could take over after the current Scenario has finished.

Edit: I have sent out messages to the players, due to the inactive status, and asked if they wished to continue. Awaiting responses.

I can pick up that string, at least long enough to finish off the current scenario.

You sir are wonderful Thank you again for stepping up. three of the other five players have stated they will continue.

The Exchange

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Thank you so much, Shifty. And thank you to everybody else who is looking out for all of us lost souls, cut adrift.

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If there is still a table in need of a rescue I could pick it up. I have bandwidth for 1 more game right now.

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Shifty, you deserve a medal.

When you recruit through Flaxseed, my expectation is that GMs earnestly strive to give their tables what they promised.

(At least one of my non-PFS games is on hiatus because the 2e announcement threw the GM off their normally smooth game. I myself have been posting at a far slower pace then normal, because the announcement of the new edition hit me hard. The rules change does not bother me... The restart of the campaign, and potential split in our community does. This is an emotional time, and it has affected all of us differently.)

That said, real life happens. Sometimes you find yourself unable to continue on. There is no shame in stepping down, but I would rather that this be done gracefully. My expectation is that GMs seek replacements for their games to make sure their players are not left in the lurch.

We are a community that not only depends on one another, but also looks out for each other.


Lantern Lodge

Nicely put Hmm.

If I wasn't struggling a bit with my current table load I'd offer to pick one up as well.

My thoughts on PFSv2 have mellowed a little. While I'll be curious to give it a whirl, the removal of an unlimited future for my classic v1 characters has certainly taken some of my enthusiasm from GMing for that game. Knowing me I'll probably stay playing it until my characters max out, or I run out of scenarios, but step back from quite the quantity I've run in the past.

Core, well, I oddly enough have a larger attachment to most of my core characters than I do to most of my classic ones. I'm also running most of them slow, so I will likely continue concentrate my fantasy GMing on that campaign.

Starfinder is another kettle of fish. Especially as it looks like it was a bit of a beta-test for the PFSv2 rules, and has an unlimited future ahead of it, I may pick up extra GMing there and try to do a couple of tables of SF at a time once some of my existing games and commitments die down.

Silver Crusade

We're looking for an arcane caster (a true arcane caster) of level 3 or 4 to support our party of 4 that's about to go through a new PFS scenario soon... our gang always play with the same characters so it's like playing a steady campaign. The entire party has Shield Wall teamwork feat, and 3 out of 4 also have Scion of the Lost Empire and Shake It Off teamwork feats. The arcane caster we seek need not have those feats, but we're just letting you know, just in case... :)

The discussion thread is here.

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GM Ietsuna wrote:
If there is still a table in need of a rescue I could pick it up. I have bandwidth for 1 more game right now.

Looks like we are sorted mate, thanks for the offer :)

I'm giving the GM his 'sleep on it' and the chance to do the righty by his players, then I'll get them sorted if that doesn't come to pass.

Dennis looks like he's going to sort that other table.

I suppose once I had refunded all the GM's back to the community after Runecarved Key we had some bandwidth :P

Grand Lodge

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once again...saved by the Flaxseed Lodge and the absolutely awesome GM's....

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I will follow Shifty's lead and give the original GM 24 hours to rethink their decision.

Grand Lodge

The same GM that dropped the Faithless and Forgotten sessions, thus far, has not dropped the Frostfur Captive table that I'm currently in...and he made a Gameplay post there since dropping those...

While I don't agree with dropping the tables, I can understand his I've just been playing for a year, it's disconcerting to know that the material I've bought and the PFS characters I've gotten attached to will soon be obsolete. I can only imagine how it could affect those of you who've been invested much longer than I...

Liberty's Edge

Do any of the evergreens need another GM?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You guys who are offering to help us out here are all my heroes.

I can't take over a table right now, but I can offer to be a resource to any new GMs who are taking over here.

I'm looking into how taking over a game should work when the original GM marked the tables as inactive.

Liberty's Edge

Redelia wrote:

You guys who are offering to help us out here are all my heroes.

I can't take over a table right now, but I can offer to be a resource to any new GMs who are taking over here.

I'm looking into how taking over a game should work when the original GM marked the tables as inactive.

Since the game is Inactive, I would start up a new thread instead of trying to take over the original thread. It would be a much easier alternative than trying to take control of the original.

GM Batpony wrote:
Redelia wrote:

You guys who are offering to help us out here are all my heroes.

I can't take over a table right now, but I can offer to be a resource to any new GMs who are taking over here.

I'm looking into how taking over a game should work when the original GM marked the tables as inactive.

Since the game is Inactive, I would start up a new thread instead of trying to take over the original thread. It would be a much easier alternative than trying to take control of the original.

This is what I'm planning to do if they don't reconsider in the next 6 hours or so.

I was going to have Christine and I email Paizo and see if we can’t expedite all these campaign transfers under the circumstances, but if you want to set up new threads, I’ll skip this step.


Sovereign Court

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That is a lot of abandoned games...I'm full atm else I would volunteer to pick up those games too.

I too am abit disheartened to hear the news about 2e but imo just dropping the games like that is a shocker.

I sincerely hope the GM reconsider if not for teh game and company but for the players.

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I agree. It's no reason to discard a game with people just like that.

But it is what it is, and it's great to see others save those games so soon. My plate's full, otherwise i'd volunteer. :)

Sovereign Court

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Reminder: There are still a few seats left at GM Ladile's core 5-6 table in session two of Solstice Scar B. link

Are there any other games left needing to be taken over? I'm willing.

Thank you all for doing this. I'm one of the players that was dropped in the F&F game.

I understand their anger and frustration, but I'm holding out judgement on PF2 until I we get closer go time on that one. I've still got loads of 1e scenarios to play/run. I'll be around doing those for quite a long while.

I can pick up a game if someone still needs a GM.

Is there interest in a CORE run of Master of the Fallen Fortress?

Silver Crusade

GM Socrates wrote:
Is there interest in a CORE run of Master of the Fallen Fortress?

I always have interest in another game! All of my characters (all lonely 3 of them) are currently tabled. I could, however, create a level 1 core. I am not sure what tier you would be looking for.

Liberty's Edge

I'd make a level 1 core and jump in.

I think I'd be interested in making a level 1 Core character and trying it too. Never played Core before, actually.

CORE Master of the Fallen Fortress

The first three players are in automatically, the next three will be decided by lottery in the next day or two.

RxGus wrote:
We are going to be looking for a GM to take over a non-outpost run of Faithless and Forgotten....

Well, that was terrible timing what with Outpost, and the special and everything. I wonder who- THAT WAS SO MY FIRST GUESS!

Anyway, about Pathfinder 2.0, or is it The World's Most Popular Fantasy RPG 5.75ish? It's been nearly a decade, and while I sympathize, I look at it this way: I'm gonna finally be able to complete my collection!!! YES!!!

Ahem. I'm sure there will be something for those who invested so much in Pathfinder Society to help ease the transition as we approach it and that folks won't be left with "no stars on thar's", especially if there is a virtual riot, with virtual Molotov's and such. If you don't have the time to program and render your own virtual riot I have a link to one here.

And they say there's too much violence in video games.

I mean, I turned out alright after all. Right?

Stay thirsty my friends!

The F&F gm hasn’t shown back up and it’s almost 24 hours.

I’ll start building the threads again in a couple of hours and get the show back in the road.

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I'm in one of the F&F games so I'm happy you guys are taking care of this. Am I the only only who noticed the irony of "faithless and forgotten"?

Liberty's Edge

GM Socrates wrote:

CORE Master of the Fallen Fortress

The first three players are in automatically, the next three will be decided by lottery in the next day or two.

"Fallen Fortress? That place is an absolute DIVE!! Ah well, who wants to live forever? HAHAHAHAHA!"

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Shifty wrote:

The F&F gm hasn’t shown back up and it’s almost 24 hours.

I’ll start building the threads again in a couple of hours and get the show back in the road.

Thank you very much, Shifty. I just want to say that I absolute love this community! I have never met a group of people in an online community that is as supportive of each other as this one.

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MindXing wrote:

Am I the only only who noticed the irony of "faithless and forgotten"?

I was trying to not make eye contact and move quietly away from that bit of irony.

The Exchange

Faelyn wrote:
I just want to say that I absolute love this community! I have never met a group of people in an online community that is as supportive of each other as this one.

Well said Faelyn, I completely agree.

Faithless & Forgotten (Table 1)
Your replacement table is up:



Faithless & Forgotten (Table 2)
Your replacement table is up:



Faithless & Forgotten (Table 3)
Your replacement table is up:



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