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![]() Kierdan stands by Alistair and watches him expertly use his healing kit. You are a skilled healer, my friend. I appreciate you using your supplies so we might save whatever divine healing the Sun Father deems fit to grant me for an emergency. The priest looks at his fellows, Is there any further aid I can render to any of you? ![]()
![]() Here are my proposals for the Adventurer's League season 1 series. Authion Barinov Half Elven Ranger:
Authion Barinov Half Elven Ranger (DCI #) Ability Scores: Str 12; Dex 16; Con 14; Int 10; Wis 14; Cha 10 Background: Outlander Diety: Mielikki, Tymora Alignment: CG hp: 12 AC: 14 (leather) Proficiency Bonus: +2 Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Attacks: Melee shortsword (x2) +5 (1d6+3 piercing, finesse) Ranged longbow +5 (1d8 piercing; 150/600), 20 arrows Skills: Athletics (Strength) +3, Stealth (Dexterity) +5, Investigation (Intelligence) +2, Nature (Intelligence) +2, Insight (Wisdom) +4, Perception (Wisdom) +4, Survival (Wisdom) +4 Tool Proficiencies: musical instrument (lute) Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons Languages: Common, Elvish, (Damaran), Orc, Goblinoid Racial traits: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill Versatility (Insight, Investigation) Class features: Favored Enemy (Orc, Human) PHB p 91, Natural Explorer (Forest) PHB p 91 Personality trait: I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home. Ideals: Change: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic) Bonds: Abandoned by his father and resented by his mother, Authion does not put his trust in others easily. Flaw: There’s no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest. Equipment: leather armor, shortsword (x2), longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, staff, explorer’s pack, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal I killed, set of traveler’s clothes, pouch with 10 gp Appearance: Authion stands at 5’9” tall and his lean physique, redy stance and weatherworn gear tell of a life spent outdoors in dangerous locales. His alert green eyes look out from a naturally pale complexion, and his black hair is not quite long enough to hide the obvious elven heritage given away by his ears. He wears leather armor, with two short swords at his side and a longbow strung across his back. Character History: Authion did not have a happy childhood. He was conceived in a passionate union of a human female from Hillsfar and elven male from Cormanthor one summer night in 1464 DR. The capricious elf soon disappeared, never to be seen again, leaving Authion nothing but his name. His mother was forced to raise the child in the atmosphere of increased xenophobia that befell Hillsfar in the 1460s. She and her child were forced to leave the city proper and live in nearby countryside. She quickly began to resent the child. As soon as he was able, Authion left his mother and made his way to Elventree, where he learned the the skills of a hunter and guide. The life of a ranger suited Authion and he has treveled all around the Moonsea, pushed onward by his wanderlust. Recently, he has been in Cormanthor, hunting for maraufding humans who have been raiding elven ccommunitied in the great wood, looking for more non-humans to sacrifice in Hillsfar’s arena.
Torgon Rell Human (Variant) Rogue:
Torgon Rell Human (Variant) Rogue (DCI #) Ability Scores: Str 12; Dex 16; Con 13; Int 10; Wis 12; Cha 12 Background: Criminal Diety: Tymora Alignment: N hp: 9 AC: 14 (leather) Proficiency Bonus: +2 Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence Attacks: Melee shortsword +5 (1d6+3 piercing, finesse) Melee dagger (x2) +5 (1d4+3 piercing, finesse, thrown (range 20/60)) Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6 piercing; 80/320), 20 arrows Skills: Athletics (Strength) +3, Acrobatics (Dexterity) +5, Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) +5, Stealth (Dexterity) +7, Investigation (Intelligence) +2, Perception (Wisdom) +4, Deception (Charisma (+4) Tool Proficiencies: thieves’s tools, gaming set (cards, dice) Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword Languages: Common, (Chondathan) Racial traits: Variant Feat (Alert), Variant Skill (Sleight of Hand) Class features: Expertise (Thieves’ Tools, Stealth) PHP p 96, Sneak Attack PHP p 96, Thieves’ Cant PHB p 96 Personality trait: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. Ideals: People: I am loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx, for all I care. (Neutrality) Bonds: Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again. Flaw: When I see something valuable, I can’t think about anything but how to steal it. Equipment: leather armor, shortsword, dagger (x2), shortbow, quiver with 20 arrows, dungeoneer’s pack, thieves’ tools, crowbar, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, pouch containing 15 gp Appearance: Torgon is 5’6” tall with an olive complexion, green eyes and a disheveled mop of black hair, worn short. In his leather armor, with his shortsword sheathed at his belt, he appears to be just another Westgate street thug. Character History: Until recently, Torgon had lived his entire life in Westgate. Born poor and orphaned early, he found himself responsible for his younger sister as well as himself when he was still very young. He loved his sister very much and did what he had to in order to support them both. Eventually, he fell in with the Fire Knives as a burglar and street thug. He did very well for himself at first. In those days he was proud and quick to anger. One day, he had a run in with a younger member of the Bleth family. Letting his emotions get the better of him, he beat the younger Bleth soundly in a fistfight. Thinking that was the end of it, he went out with some of his friends. Later, when he returned home, he found that Bleth and taken his vengeance on Torgon’s younger sister, who Torgon found brutally murdered. Since that day he has sworn never to let his emotions take control of him again. For weeks, he wandered around in a drunken haze, blaming himself for his sister’s death. He has left Westgate behind, looking to forge a new life elsewhere.
Sarivol Galanodel Moon (Silver) Elf Wizard :
Sarivol Galanodel Moon (Silver) Elf Wizard (DCI #) Ability Scores: Str 8; Dex 16; Con 12; Int 16; Wis 10; Cha 13 Background: Sage Diety: Corellon Larethian Alignment: CG hp: 7 AC: 13 Proficiency Bonus: +2 Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom Attacks: Melee Quarterstaff +1 (1d6-1 bludgeoning, versatile (1d8)) Magic (Save DC 13, Spell Attack modifier +5) Cantrips Known: Acid Splash, Firebolt, Mage Hand, Light Spellbook: (1st) Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Featherfall, Mage Armor, Magic Missile Spells Prepared: (4) Detect magic, Featherfall, mage Armor, Magic Missile Spell Slots (1st) 1 Skills: Arcana (Intelligence) +5, History (Intelligence) +5, Investigation (Intelligence) +5, Insight 9Wisdon) +2, Perception (Wisdom) +2 Tool Proficiencies: none Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: longsword, shortsword, longbow, shortbow, daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaff, light crossbow Languages: Elven, Common, Orc, Dwarvish, Sylvan Racial traits: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Keen Senses, Trance Class features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery Personality trait: There is nothing I like more than a good mystery. Ideals: Beauty: What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. (Good) Bonds: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore. Flaw: Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy. Equipment: quarterstaff, component pouch, explorer’s pack, spellbook, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not been able to answer, a set of common clothes, pouch containing 10 gp Apperance: Sarivol is a moon elf, and this shows in his characteristic pale white skin with a slight blue tinge. He wears his shoulder length black hair tied back over his ears. His gold-flecked blue eyes shine with curiosity. When he travels, he wears common clothes and walks with a quarterstaff and the things he carries, books, parchment quills and vials of ink, mark him as a scholar. Character History: Sarivol was born deep under the forest canopy in Cormanthor 150 years ago. He has always favored intellectual pursuits and it was no surprise to his family when he devoted himself to the study of magic. He is also fascinated by humans. He has lived in Elventree, in northern Cormanthor, for the past 30 or so years, the better to study human culture and society in the Moonsea region, the current topic of his research.
I also have a DCI number. I actually have two. Once I figure out which one I am going to use, I will add It to the this post. ![]()
![]() I would be interested in playing a ranger or a rogue, or even a wizard if the group has no arcane. I don't know much about the Adventurer's League, but I was a long time RPGA member (and of course PFS). The Adventure's League stuff is all online so I could check it out this weekend and get a character written up. ![]()
![]() This looks really amazing. I miss Greyhawk so much and I was always especially fond of the Sheldomar Valley. I think it is great how much reference material you have linked to. The only thing stopping me from applying to this campaign is the fact I know nothing about 5E at this time. I have downloaded the free Basic Rules from the WoTC website. I'll read that and see if I can pull together a Cleric of Heironeous from Gran March or maybe a scout for the Knights of the Dispatch. Even if I don't get to play, my hat is off to you for keeping Greyhawk alive! ![]()
![]() This is actually really helpful. I recently returned to playing PFS more regularly and I was aware of the faction changes. I wasn't sure, however, what to do with my 8th level Qadira's prestige awards he purchased back in 2012. I has missed the above quote from the Guide. Thanks for pointing it out! ![]()
![]() Hello, everyone. My group has just started playing Pathfinder Society adventures and a question came up concerning GM rewards. I have searched the forums and could not find the answer to our specific question. I was hoping some one here could provide some clarification. We understand that, currently, GMs receive +1 xp. 100% max gold for the tier, and full PA. Furthermore, we understand that GMS do not receive "special boons". What we are not clear on is regular access. Do GMs get access to routine treasure on the chronicle sheet for purchasing? Thanks for helping us out! ![]()
![]() Hello, I just want it to be known that I was one of those people that bought # 146 in a big box store (Hastings) and did not receive the map. I followed the advice that Vic Wertz posted to this thread. I received an e-mail the next day from Paizo acknowledging my problem and yesterday (Saturday) I received my replacement map (plus a catalogue). This all took place in less than a week. Thanks Paizo for the prompt attention to my missing map problem. |