The Deepest Shadows Lie Longest (Inactive)

Game Master Dreaming Warforged

Carrion Hill Module

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Liberty's Edge

Joana's right; getting a bunch of extra stat points and feats wouldn't hurt any of us, but the real benefits of this change accrue to character classes/concepts that none of us are playing. I'm also not sure how the AP would have to be changed. The d20 system is, I think, robust enough to accommodate a wide range of playstyles, but PF has been playtested as a package and it is in many ways a tightly coupled system--changes in one area can have effects that weren't obvious at first glance and only surface after playing for a while.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Bullocks. I wish we knew more about this noble family...that would have at least given us some options...or we would have realized to not follow this particular path...

I really can't believe that they have met. I mean, what is the point of the invitation letter if they already know this dude at the Lodge? If the "doorman" knows him!

Unless he was leaving the lodge when we found him...? Oh poop. We didn't consider that.

Grand Lodge

We could have said "we are returning this body and found this..." as well.

But where's the fun in telling the truth? ;P

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9


Liberty's Edge

Oh, *now* you think of that.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

And if you don't listen to us, the witch will curse you with horrible boils and warts...or something.

Liberty's Edge

It occurs to me (far too late for it to matter) that Iozef should have tried a speak with dead on the body.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Awwww crap! I didn't even think of that. Freaking that would've been a great idea. Dadgum it that makes me sick. I can now only sum it up as Charlie Brown would: ARGH!!!

Liberty's Edge

BTW, nice job coming up with an excuse for the disguise.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

This game does not seem to work, for me at least. I blame myself as , in hindsight, it was probably not such a good idea to try and extend the module to the AP.

I'm happy to hear your thoughts, but for the moment, I would suggest we end it here and leave it as a module game, which I had great fun playing with you.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
John Woodford wrote:
BTW, nice job coming up with an excuse for the disguise.

Thanks! :)

As per Deimus:

I will admit, I was a bit concerned going into this AP with this group.

And it all goes back to this group being so non-combat oriented. As I've said, I like this group and am willing to keep on keeping on. But the truth is, I feel like you, DW, are going to have to cut corners - and possibly a lot of them - for us to make it through this AP. That equals more work. Which means cutting out encounters. Which equals less fun. We wouldn't know it unless we read it, but what's the point in playing if you've got to remove a certain number of encounters just so we can survive?

And I know you not a big magic item fan, but Pathfinder's AP's are built for it. There's really no work around for it. Well, unless you revert back to what I said previously by basically tweaking the entirety of the rest of the AP for us to survive. Again, that's a lot of work. (Just for the record, I'm totally guessing you would have to tweak it so. Mainly due to what some have said about Book 3 on these boards. Apparently there's a bit of an uproar about the TPK's within Part 3. This is why I firmly believe that Paizo's claim of "4 party members at a 15 point buy is all you need for any AP" is a crock of crap. In my opinion - I'm sure I've stated this also - 25 point buy should be standard. But that's a whole 'nother subject.)

You know, I went and looked through the Carrion Hill module after we were done, and was amazed at what we didn't encounter. The Chaos Beast for one. That thing is more powerful than the 'Thing' we faced. We would've never been able to take it down. It would've eaten us alive. And probably literally.

I think this group would fit perfect in a Council of Thieves or Crimson Throne type adventure. They are totally built for city adventures and would fare well, I think.

Now, having said all that, this is a good group. It's very seldom you can find 5 folks that manage to work well together. In all facets. OOC and IC wise. I hate to lose this group. But if it's not working for you, DW, then that's no fun for you. And I hate to see someone not having any fun. ESPECIALLY the DM. That's the wrong guy for it not to be fun for.

So, I don't know, a part of me thinks it's a good idea while the other part of me hates to see this thing end. I'm torn.

I think I've mentioned this before, but of all the pc's I'm playing, he's easily one of my favorites. I freaking just love his whole persona. Which I still don't get considering he's completely opposite of the typical pc I prefer to run. I am such a power gamer. Give me the dude who slaps down 40 to 50 points of damage in a round. Maybe that's why I like him so. He's different.

Welp, I guess that's all I got. Really hate to see this party fade away but I guess if that's the way the ol' ball bounces: What can you do?

Liberty's Edge

We might have been able to take the chaos beast, but it wouldn't have been easy. The tactic of having Grigor tie up the critter while Windle puts two bane arrows into it per round would have worked only as long as Grigor made his saves against corporeal instability, and if Grigor once blows a save then maybe Windle can stay out ahead of it, but he's limited to one shot a round. At least the rain of frogs would have damaged it.

Re the campaign: I'm with Javell, Deimus. If it isn't fun for you, don't feel obliged to keep running. There will be other games. (Besides, coming to that conclusion and being up-front about it puts you head and shoulders above far too many other GMs on the boards.)

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Agreed. Since we have a group of mature, competent gamers here, I would much rather continue to do something that everyone enjoys (especially the DM) rather than continuing a module just because.

I am certain that we can all create new characters quite easily if that is required.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
John Woodford wrote:
We might have been able to take the chaos beast, but it wouldn't have been easy. The tactic of having Grigor tie up the critter while Windle puts two bane arrows into it per round would have worked only as long as Grigor made his saves against corporeal instability, and if Grigor once blows a save then maybe Windle can stay out ahead of it, but he's limited to one shot a round. At least the rain of frogs would have damaged it.

Yeah, that freaking corporeal instability is NAS-TY. And with the way Grigor was rolling? Oh yeah, he would've been jelly. ;)

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

So far, the feedback is in line with previous conversations and my general feeling.

So this is the end of this endeavour. We've completed the Carrion Hill module and I had great fun running it and playing with you. You were a very interesting mix of personalities and managed to find your angle and made it the group unique and memorable.

That said, if I run a new project, I will make a recruitment call for it, instead of starting with a set group of players.

My sincere thanks for this wonderful game.


p.s.: some players didn't post yet, so I'll leave the thread active for a few more days.

Liberty's Edge

And thank you for running, Deimus. I had a great time, and will keep my eyes open for your next recruitment call. (In the meantime I'll work on keeping Trevor in one piece. Paladins. It's a good thing 2/3 of the party have healing magic.)

I think characters who were created to run an urban campaign defending their home are always going to have a difficult transition to being self-sufficient adventurers wandering the wilderness. As demonstrated, we can Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate anything that breathes, but we are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to monster-fighting. Honestly, my interest is in the relationships among this particular group of PCs rather than in the storyline of an AP; while I'll miss Mireza, I'd rather retire her than try to morph her into a blaster-witch in a rough-and-tumble group of monster-hunters.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Enjoyed the heck out of it, folks!

I'm in games with a few of you, but for those I'm not(John, Helaman), will be seein' y'all around the boards. :)

Grand Lodge

Thanks all... was great.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Later all! It was a blast. I will look forward to gaming with you in the future!

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