The Deepest Shadows Lie Longest (Inactive)

Game Master Dreaming Warforged

Carrion Hill Module

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Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

Iozef ponders a moment on what words might help. "I believe the proper phrase is, 'Break, a leg'. Although, I've never understood such. If such an event were to occur, how would one go on? No matter. And I gather we are to follow Mr. Thetra's cover story idea if indeed it is needed."

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Are you all coming along? With the wagon? Also, I'll need a disguise roll from Valiard, as well as a Bluff roll.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Hold on a second, let me get my lying-pants on...

Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Disguise: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

A bang on the door and a spyhole is slid open to reveal a bleary eye: "This is Ascanor Lodge. Welcome, but we don't let anyone come in. Unless you've got an invitation. Who are you!?" says a gruff voice.

Valiard turns and looks at Iozef. "Well priest? Are you going to introduce me or are we going to stand here until we grow roots?" Rolling his eyes in exasperation, Valiard simply talks aloud, as if he is the only important person present, and therefore nobody else is worthy of his attention. "Some days I wonder if being trapped in that bloody web wasn't a vacation from the cretins of the world. Of course, I don't know if I should expect much from backwoods hicks that I find on the side of the road."

Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

That's odd, where did you get that Quote from? I don't see it anywhere in the thread.

Staring at Valiard stoically, yet, you get the feeling if he were able, thousands of daggers would instantly be flying straight for the heart of the herbalist, Iozef plays the part as he clears his throat and stands proper. "I give you, 'Lord Echtmoor Dravin of Sturnidae'."

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3
Iozef Kolnikov wrote:
That's odd, where did you get that Quote from? I don't see it anywhere in the thread.

Here. Before we jumped back to retcon the discussion about the dead man's name.

Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

Ah, I see. Thanks.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

The pair of bleary eyes seem to think for a moment, as they scan the herbalist: "Well, does Lord Echtmoor carry with him an invitation? And if so, could his Lord produce it for me?"

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard simply sniffs and simply gazes off into the distance, waiting for Iozef to produce the letter.

Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

Iozef pulls out the invitation and holds it up for him to see. "There was a... complication, but we managed to retain it mostly in tact."

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

The eyes of bleary widen as they take in the poor shape the letter's in. "Hold on."

Despite the state of things, the letter still got the door opened, revealing a whole body holding the bleary eyes in place. The person is visibly a guard, wearing a dark blue and green checkered tunic over mail. A sword sits on his hip, alongside a horn and a dagger of some size. Keeping the eyes from staring at the light of the sun is a black round iron helmet, and keeping the eyes from staring at the ground is a dark thick moustache, as wide as the door.

"My Lord Echtmoor, I bid you stay here while we fetch Porter Belik. He'll check your letter."

He signals a black haired teenager wearing a simple checkered tunic.


The inquisitor returns to his usual friendly demeanor and keeps a close eye on the guard's apparent attitude.

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

Mireza stays as bid.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

A somewhat chubby man appears with the guard. His black receding hair and long thick sideburns frame a square jaw and deep set eyes. He looks at the lot of you before walking decisively towards you: "What is the meaning of this? Where is Lord Echtmoor? What did you do to him?!? Speak! Or I'll have your heads on the door and your guts for the dogs!"

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Aw. Poop. Well, here goes everything. We are supposed to double down when a plan fails right?

Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Sense Motive, does he know Ectmoor personally?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Valiard draws himself up, and moving with the swiftness of a dagger, slides directly into the chubby man's personal space.

"I find your tone offensive and disrespectful...porter. I have spent far too many days trapped in a web to be halted by an officious toady when I have an invitation." Valiard says in a voice like a dagger in the eye at midnight.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

It seems to you that he knows personally Lord Echtmoor, and has seen him before, and not so long ago.

The Porter blushes and poofs up in response to Valiard's speech: "Of course, I mean no disrespect Sir, but this invitation is for Lord Echtmoor, and Lord Echtmoor, well, you are not! So, with all due respect, explain yourself!" and plants his feet across the doorway while the guards behind him get more nervous.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

I will give anyone else a chance to come up with a brilliant idea before Valiard goes and does something extra


Windle locks gazes with the porter. "Excuse me? Are you certain of that? I believe that we should discuss this. In private. Now."

Intimidate check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19

Well, that roll could have been better.

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

"Indeed! Are you calling His Lordship a liar?" Mireza jumps in. "Is this the kind of treatment people of quality can expect from the staff here? To be publicly questioned and insulted?" She glares at the paunchy porter.

Intimidate: Aid Another 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28


If I'd rolled like that he might have passed out, Mireza.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Grigor claps a hand to a weapon in response...

These insults cannot be bourne M'lord.

Aid Another Intimidate 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

Iozef sighs, figuring they have cut their own throat already. "Sir, we would be more than happy to explain, but we would rather speak to you in private. This is not something to be spoken aloud, I promise you. And your guards are more than welcome to accompany you."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

The Porter blushes violently as he suffers the companions speech: "I surely meant no offenses! And I am entirely sorry of my Lord feels that way and apologize sincerely!" says he as he looks at Valiard, not making eye contact. He steps outside and closes the gate behind him, leaving him with you "alone" as the guards can only watch from the tower.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

He turns and take in the lot of you: "Now, may be you can explain?"

Male Human Cleric of Pharasma (Cloistered) 5

Seeing no one speak up, Iozef turns to the man. "Very well. We are on a mission. I am afraid we cannot speak of the nature of our mission but I promise you, it is of grave importance. Now, having said that, our mission has led us here. We came upon Lord Echtmoor, or what was left of him, during our travels. I'm afraid he was a victim of the 'Creature of the Tower'," he states as a matter of fact.

"Anyway, we concluded that a disguise might better our chances to gain entrance to the lodge. Well, we had hoped I should say. Unfortunately, you recognized him where we hoped very few would. All we are asking is entrance to the lodge so we can continue in our attempt at finding what it is we are searching. I implore you to grant us that, sir."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Grigor shows his Carrion Hill Guard badge.

It is as the revered priest states... and our mission carried us far beyond the stretch of my City.

Diplomacy aid another
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard crosses his fingers.

"I apologize for my manner, sir. I had to play the part as convinicingly as possible. People tend to believe the worst in others easier than believing in goodness, so you can understand why I pushed as hard as I did."

"To be honest, if we continue to maintain the charade as we press forward, it may be the easiest."

Diplomacy, aid another: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29


"Who else here might recognize the late Lord?"

Windle's got +14 Diplomacy, so he can't fail to Aid Another.

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

"You cad," Mireza turns and slaps Valiard across the face while giving him a sly smile. "You told me you were of noble blood."

Unarmed strike vs. Valiard 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 nonlethal damage 1d3 ⇒ 1 Ha! Just enough to hit his flat-footed AC. :)

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard shoots a piercing glare at Miri, threatening vile retribution at an unspecified and completely surprising time.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

The Porter looks confused, but tries to smile as he mostly says no: "I understand that you might have other businesses, but Ascanor Lodge is a very private and select club," he turns to Grigor "and Carrion Hill's Law does not hold in these parts.Most guests, to be admitted, need to be formally invited. I can't give you entrance."

"Lord Echtmoor was often coming to the Lodge, as a guest of Margrave Graydon. He will want to know what has happened to him. I will not mention to him that you tried to pass for him. That will ease things."

He pauses and seems to think for a moment: "Look, may be I can help you. One of our guests often goes on wild hunts and looks for partners. I can introduce you to him if he goes hunting today..."

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

"Hunting is barbaric," Mireza informs him. "I'll play no part in hunting down and killing anything that is happy enough to leave me alone. Unlike some, I don't go looking for trouble."

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

"Then I wish you luck, lots of it." says the Porter as he shrugs and makes for the door.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9


He reaches out to the porter.

We'll take your help - which of your two suggestions seems best to you?

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

There's only one suggestion I can see: go hunting with some rich guy and suck up to him so he invites us in. Where are you seeing another option?


Talk directly to Margrave Graydon about Echtmoor, I think. Getting the invite from someone else wouldn't require us to mention anything about finding Echtmoor.

(Edited to expand on commentary.)

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

I thought that was just our reward for the insanely high Diplomacy rolls: He's saying he won't get us in trouble with the Margreve for our deception. I didn't get that he was offering to let us in to talk to him. In fact, he specifically said he wouldn't let us in. Even to meet this hunter, we only get to hang around outside the wall until he decides to come out at his own convenience.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

"Perhaps we could be formally invited by someone who is not normally here?" Valiard says quickly.

"Does someone actually have to be here at the Lodge to invite someone? Or merely a member? If just a member, then you, as Porter, know all the members and can suggest someone who can "sponsor", into the Lodge. We deal with the issue unobtrusively, remove the probable threat and move on. This plan protects you while allowing you to use us to ensure the safety of the Lodge."

Can't someone charm him...unobtrusively?

Grand Lodge

isnt some one in our partyskilled at that?

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

After discussion, it was decided to end this game and be content with having run a memorable Carrion Hill module and not venture into a longer AP.

In case you don't go and read the ooc thread, I wish here to thank the players for a wonderful commitment and quality posts. I had great fun playing with you. Godspeed!

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