The Deepest Shadows Lie Longest (Inactive)

Game Master Dreaming Warforged

Carrion Hill Module

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Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9


Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Why not. I find this group to be quite unusual and interesting. It's a dang fun group! We can't hit nothing but man are we a cool weird! ;)

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Wreck Valiard's shop and have us get driven out of town because we "remind " the mayor about how we killed all his friends.

Well, we have just murdered two of the most prominent and well-connected citizens of Carrion Hill in cold blood. Shouldn't be too much of a problem getting run out of town on a rail.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

So I am traveling to Okinawa for 1 day. So I will be off the internet for the next four days as I lose time with all the travel.


Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Cool - have fun there.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Good job everyone! I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to volume 3 of the Carrion Crown, Broken Moon.

You'll receive 5,000 GP from Heggry, plus about another 5,000 GP from the Keeper's stash and gifts from interested parties.

That makes 2,000 GP each to spend if split even.

The next step would be to move directly to volume 3, unless you wish to tie up loose ends in Carrion Hill. Let me know. I don't mind either way.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I think it's cool we finished a module. :)

I've only finished 2 pbp's. One was Scipion's Master of the Fallen Fortress and the other was Navior's We be Goblins.

Of course they're both from "Free RPG" day. The really, really short adventures.

So this a cool step up!

I'm good for either as far as moving on to Book 3 or tying up loose ends. Whatever the majority of you folks wanna do, I'll roll with it.

Grand Lodge

Re: Grigor

I am cool for him to continue but in making characters in isolation I have made him a rogue/warrior type - which very much seems to tread on Valiards toes leaving him to only practice his skills fully when Grigor isn't around.

Maybe thats fun for him, maybe not.

I am happy to play through an exposition, have Grigor quit or be fired so that its not a deal or even retire him in favour of a Mercenary.

Grigor is a sour SOB by concept and its not gonna change - not sure if thats made it enjoyable for the group or not.

Choice is with the group.

I don't have a problem with Grigor as played. I don't know how the DM is planning on handling his job and wife when we leave Carrion Hill, never to return. Valiard has a business to close or leave to someone else to run or something as well, although I suppose his shop could be one of the buildings collapsed by the spawn and we just haven't heard about it yet. Windle, Iozef, and Mireza have fewer ties to the city.

(Of course, Grigor did just kill his wife's brother, not that Myre seemed to recognize him, so maybe his wife's family will take care of making him unwelcome.)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I got zero problems with Grigor. I think he fits quite well.

And wow! I didn't even realize Grigor was even married. That's pretty wow.


I'm good with him, too, but will defer to Valiard.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for the great gaming and may 2013 be filled with happiness IRL and great drama in PbP!

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Well, that took a bit longer than I thought. So happy holidays/Christmas to all!

Honestly I don't mind too much. Grigor goes the fighter/rogue, and Valiard sticks to mobility/rogue. Plus, he is a shadowdancer now. So he is going to be a good scout so we don't get blindsided in the future.

As for the store, Valiard can sell it at a steep discount, buy a wagon and load up his supplies. I don't think that he is going to want to stick around anymore. Perhaps its time for him to start hiring out his procurement and repossession services? (all while running a lucrative herbalist cover business, of course)

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Great! I'm happy with Grigor. So unless you aren't, I'd be happy to see him stay. Plus he has good motivation to follow Baveshk.

When I return, I'll work on the epilogue. Probably only in a few days. Feel free to do stuff IC.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Not sure what Grigor will do other than drink himself into a drunken stupor with a desire to fight people when he can stand.

Sounds like a good way to get "reassigned." Or a leave of absence. :)

Grand Lodge

New post up that leans him heavily in that way.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I think the real question really is: Do you like Grigor, Helaman?

I'd hate to see you be stuck with a pc you're just not in to. That's not fun, bud.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Of course you could finally get thrown off the force for drunkenness and have nowhere else to go... hey! hit a superior officer while you are at it.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Oh, okay. I see. You're looking for a reason to leave town. You're not planning on drinking yourself to death because you don't like Grigor; it's because you need some legitimate reason to actually leave town.

That is right, right?

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

More or less... I have to skive off now and do the Carrion Crown stuff. I (Grigor) doesn't particulary love you guys and you guys don't particulary love Grigor but given a choice between being off the Watch or leaving down on a mission, gives me an incentive.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Incidently comradely will develop - I am a firm believer in loner characters are a pain in the butt and realistically have no business being in an adventuring party.

Grigor, warts and all, was developed as a one off one shot character with the intent of dying a horrible death or going insane. He did neither... need some time to re-orientate him.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Grigor Vachkov wrote:

Incidently comradely will develop - I am a firm believer in loner characters are a pain in the butt and realistically have no business being in an adventuring party.

Grigor, warts and all, was developed as a one off one shot character with the intent of dying a horrible death or going insane. He did neither... need some time to re-orientate him.

I would have to disagree. Mainly because Joana runs this halfling barbarian in Dan E's Lof pbp and she is most definitely a loner type. Stubborn as a mule and straight to the point. Technically you would consider her rude and a jerk, but when you look at how she was raised and her life as she knows it, you can understand why she is the way she is. There's always more to a person(pc) than what is seen on the outside. And the players around her have found a way to make it work. It takes players who are willing to see more than black and white. Plus it's a fun challenge, I think.

And there are some on these boards that that's all they see. What's on the surface of the pc. They don't even bother with the idea that there is some reason behind as to why they are who they are. Those kinda folks would comment, "She's rude and a jerk and you either need to play a new pc or leave."
That's crybaby stuff to me. It actually happened to me so that's why I know. Not 50 posts in and I had to step out. One dude was crying my pc was a jerk and the DM was pretty much FORCING me to go along with what he had going or play a new pc. I do not like that. Like at all.

To be honest, while Grigor is the, "Leave me alone I really don't want to talk to you" type, I've never had any problems with him at all.

Iozef pretty much is emotionless toward, well, everything. Mireza is lost in her own world. Valiard is just a free living dude. And Windle is a mission oriented fellow. I don't think any of us pay to much mind to Grigor's personality. Iozef sees him as tolerable. A little grumpy but tolerable. :)

And If you think about it, I don't think any of us really are fond of one another. Well, outside of Mireza and Valiard. ;) (Which, might I add, I totally DON'T get! Iozef is such a charismatic fellow. *shrugs*) ;)

But we do tolerate each other and I think we all do it quite well.

This is a good group and I think you won't have any problems with Grigor when it comes to us.

Of course, if you start spitting in our faces and telling us to hand over everything we find and threatening to cut us on a regular basis(and possibly do!), we could have problems. :)

He's cool with me, bro. But ultimately it has to be you who has fun with him.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

I'll clarify.

Its ok to be a bit of a loner and a bit of a jerk. Most adventurers are likely 'damaged' in some way.

Its not ok to be a total loner and total jerk - here's my justification.

Its an adventuring party. Joined for purpose and profit. Its an alliance of sorts. You also spend a LOT of time alone with each other and you need to be able to rely on one another.

If you are a real prick, most of the time, the group would realistically just ask you to leave or leave without you as soon as its feasible.

The only reason Raistlin works in Dragonlance is a) he has a skillset not shared by anyone else and b) His brother is a totally nice guy who is devoted to him and so by extension, everyone else sorta has to put up with the jerk.

If not for those things, he would have simply been left behind or directed elsewhere.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

When can we spend our reward money? Is there a large settlement we will stop at on route to the next adventure?

I can't help thinking we need a wand of cure light wounds or two.

Saves spell slots for others knowing we have healing at hand. 4 of us can use them.

If we all throw in 300gp each we can get a pair of them - that gives us a lot of healing.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

I feel like a real twit...

Hunter's Bond: At 4th level, a ranger forms a bond with his hunting companions. This bond can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger's Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

I could have given everyone a +1 to hit/damage against that thing for 2 rounds. Will need to remember in future.

Now I am somewhat torn on progression at level 7 for Grigor... am thinking about dipping into Fighter now that he's not really gonna be policing per se.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

You can spend now.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

So we leveled as well at the end of the module?

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Valiard Tessar wrote:
So we leveled as well at the end of the module?

I'm actually curious about this as well. I'm not sure what level this AP is fit for.

I've still got to spend the 2000g. :P

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

I'm thinking about it. Let me check a few things first. It's likely though.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Are we buying communal wands of Cure Light Wounds?

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I've got 1 Wand of CLW still. Not sure if y'all want to get another one or not.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

I'll throw in 150gp against a second one if everyone else will

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Windle's actually got one also. I think we're good on those for now.

I also don't have 150g to spend. I spent it already.

If the others still want to go ahead and go that route that's up to them, but between our 2 wands and the fact that Iozef is a cleric and Mireza can cast CMW 1/day on everyone individually, I think we're okay.

Yeah, part of having four PCs who can use a wand of clw is the fact that we can cast a lot of clws, too. Between us, we've got 14 1st-level spell slots, plus a cmw per person per day from Mireza and 7 channels per day from Iozef. And we've got 2 wands of clw in the party already, plus we were each given 2 potions of cmw and I think only Grigor has used one.

We should definitely replace the wands we have when they run out, but I don't know that we need another one right now.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Hey DW, I'm curious about something.

Would it be possible to upgrade a magic item we already possess and pay the difference to have it upgraded or would we just have to purchase a whole new one?

For instance: I have a +1 Cloak of Resistance which is 1000g. If I wanted a +2 Cloak that costs 4000g, could I pay 3000g to upgrade the one I have or do I just pay 4000g for a whole new one?

This is for future reference of course. I obviously don't have that much money but I'm curious.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Updating is a great idea.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Thank goodness because I could definitely get behind the upgrade idea.

For now? I'll save my cash, taken as a bankers draft or similar if possible. I'll seal it in a wax tube.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Do we know about the Were Wolf rumors here? Reason I ask is I probably would have done some shopping on that front... DR/10 is gonna be a mongrel without silver blanch, silver weapons etc.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

Yes, makes sense Iozef would have heard those rumors.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

Consider Grigor to have bought a pair of silvered short swords at one of the places we passed through and 4 packets of silver blanch and a longbow and 20 arrows, which he blanches with 2 packets.

I'll do the math later.

Its not Damage that worries me as much as Armour Class. We are very under armoured but we survived the last one when I thought we wouldnt... lets see how we do.

In the interests of getting purchases done before they can be influenced by metagaming, Mireza will have bought 40 more crossbow bolts and 5 packets of silver blanch and taken advantage of Grigor's blanching his arrows to get hers done. Actually, she'll probably just give them to him to do for her if he will. ;)

Wondering about the possibility of either upgrading her cloak of resistance to +2 or the availability of a bouncing metamagic rod; don't know if either would have been doable in Carrion Hill or the amount of time we've had to spend in one place. Apart from that, she'll just get a bedroll and some mundane traveling gear.

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal

You can all go back to full hp.

Grigor, do you walk around with four swords on your belt? Just asking ;-p

(Vanished One) HP 23/23 | AC 13 | Acr +5 Dec +3 Ins +3 Int +5 Perc +3 Pers +5 SoH +3 Ste +3 | Saves: S +1, D +3, C +5, I -1, W +1, Ch +5 Adv charm, disease; Imm Sleep| Init +3 | PPerc 13; PInv 9; Pins 13; DrkVis | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 4/4; 2:1/2) | Sorcery 3/3 | Spell Att +5 | Status: Normal
Joana wrote:

In the interests of getting purchases done before they can be influenced by metagaming, Mireza will have bought 40 more crossbow bolts and 5 packets of silver blanch and taken advantage of Grigor's blanching his arrows to get hers done. Actually, she'll probably just give them to him to do for her if he will. ;)

Wondering about the possibility of either upgrading her cloak of resistance to +2 or the availability of a bouncing metamagic rod; don't know if either would have been doable in Carrion Hill or the amount of time we've had to spend in one place. Apart from that, she'll just get a bedroll and some mundane traveling gear.

No problem with either.

Meh, so spend 3000 gp to make her horrible saves slightly less horrible, or buy a rod that's only useful when we're fighting more than one thing at a time that's not immune to mind-affecting spells?

Let me go update her spells prepared before I find out what Iozef and Valiard have perceived.

Female Changeling Witch 7 | hp 35/35 | AC: 19 (13 touch, 17 ff) CMD 15 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +8 | Perception +1 (+3 w/ familiar) | Init +2 | Attack of Opportunity +3

Okay, spells and character sheet updated. I went with the cloak, which I might regret (we're more likely to run across a +2 cloak in treasure than a metamagic rod), but it seems like a more useful item to someone with a more offensive spell list.

Urban Ranger 3 (Watchman) Male Human Ustalav Init +2 (+4) AC18|Touch 12|FlatFoot 14| CMD 19| HP:20/32 |Ft +5|Rx +5|Wl +5| Percept +9(+11) Snse Mot +9

I think in this case the silvered swords are still bundled up, and not on my belt. Later? one each hip and two over the back will make Grigor look like a badass.

I gotta save my money for now for better armour. Chain shirt is asking to be eaten.

Liberty's Edge

Saving for a breastplate for Windle.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard would just get a single silvered dagger.

Also, with damage reduction...I have always been a bit confused. Does a +1 or +2 magic bonus effectively negate a material based damage reduction?

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