The City of Spiders (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

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Male Human Sorcerer 9(Div)

Vic: Spells for our base should be obtained either via magic items, or add them to your spellbook separate from your level bonus spells. Those should be spells you absolutely must have.

My suggestion would be Acid Arrow. About the only 'downfall' is it deals less damage, but not by too much (you'll get 4d4 atm vs 4d6).

If you really like Stone Discus(and it is a badass spell, especially at higher levels) maybe we can track ya down a scroll.

Male Human Sorcerer 9(Div)

What were our starting languages? I forgot to add them to my CS

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Character update complete!

4th bonus ability -> int

new spells: Glitterdust, Silence

Ref, Will +1

Hp +6


Skills + lots

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Opps forgot to update my spells. I am going with acid arrow and symbol of mirroring. Those two should be useful off the bat. :)

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Sorry for the silence - this weekend turned out much more draining then anticipated! I still have some stuff to catch up on but I should be able to be a productive poster soonish.

Cheers! //Lessah

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Ok, with a week of no reply to a decent question I think I'm going to call it. I'm ending this campaign. If someone else wants to take up the mantle they are welcome, but I need to step aside.

I blame me, personally. I am apparently bad at this kind of game and keeping sandbox characters sufficiently engaged. I apologise. I know some of you joined because of the promise of a long term drow game and I'm sorry I couldn't deliver.

Male Drow Fighter 3 / Wizard 1 HP: 18/26 AC 18 | FF 14 | TCH 14 Perception: +5 Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3

aw man, im sorry to hear that, and im sorry i havent been more active, I was loosely trying to not get too much in the lead since most of my decisions seem to work out oh so great before, and i havent been as active in many of the games im in rough week.

It was a valiant attempt sorry i wasnt up to it. Thanks for running it Choon!

Draegloth (Unique Half Drow/Half Demon) 4th Level Monster (Draegloth)| HP 27/39 | Speed 30ft | AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (CMD 20) | Fort +7 : Ref +4 : Will +4 | Init +4, Perception +6; Darkvision 60ft | Active conditions:

Oh well...

Do we want to see if we can find a replacement GM? I've had good luck with that in other games. Not that I personally had anything to do with selecting them other than some basic input.

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Ah that's sad. Though perhaps not completely unexpected.

It was fun while it lasted - thanks for the pleasant times : )

@Sandboxes - They are a bit difficult in pbps I've noticed. In a face-to-face game you can take thirty minutes or so to discuss the next direction and what to do. But here that takes weeks at best. So not your fault really!

@Replacement GM - Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm... Not sure how I feel about that. Lemme think about it

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

It was an enjoyable experience,GM Choon, and I would be honored to ever join one of your games in the future.

See you all again, I hope.

So, long and thanks for all the fish!

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Had a rough week myself, glasses destroyed. -.-

Sad to see it end, really liked this game. I would also agree about sandboxes being tricky to pull. Your a good DM Choon, best of luck on your next game.

Male Human Sorcerer 9(Div)

Seeing as how this game was my idea (as I put out a call for a long-running Drow game), and I too have not had the posting rate, I will take some blame/responsibility for this game coming to an end.

Thanks Choon for willing to try, and taking us as far as you did. It was definitely fun while it lasted.

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