The City of Spiders (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

Current Battle Map

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I assumed you would pass it. I therefore told you what spell it was in the post. Or I tried to. Maybe it was too subtle. It was Command

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Vicalan is waiting at the back for something to happen with a spell ready. So I hope I am not the one holding things up. :)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

It was me. Map updated, Party up. :)

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Whoa our order is messed up. No way Vicalan is second from the front, ever. Unless everyone else is dead, and he has run out of spells, while having a broken leg, in the snow, with a male wookie chasing him, wanting to mate, after drinking something with powdered blue pills slipped in.

I trust I have made my point by now. Changing my order to what we agreed to IC. (-.-)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I warned that I may have gotten that wrong. :)

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

I'd also be somewhere closer to the front, but it's a bit hard for me to adjust that at the moment. This tablet doesn't want to let me click on my character icon so I can drag it.

Anyways. As soon as I get to a proper computer you can expect me to charge the Mage. Think I'll try to shut him down fast with a grapple.

GM Choom, how much time as passed since the hall? Some of my potions have likely run out since then.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

They have. It's been just over 15 mins. Also, as it stands, no-one has a charge lane.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Heheh. I know, I know. I meant that I'd move around the corner and engage the target.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

OH. Umm. Just realized something. Wouldn't this technically be a surprise round in our favor? So wouldn't I be able to only take a single action? Such as, moving into position.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!


Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

Apologies, forgot it was a surprise round. I will use that readied action for next round, if applicable.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Now everyone does not need their own demiplane, but other defenses besides a small hallway that leads to a big one in front of fancy doors. Is a design flaw no matter how you slice it. If you want to make a servants highway then you make them tunnels with secret doors. Both defensive and discreet as they can be sealed from both sides. Even surface folk do that and they don't expect to have assassination attempts on a regular basis.

Your were asking to fall House Kewadin. >:P

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Bah. You're just trying to get a rise out of us Kewadin types.

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

I'm beginning to suspect he is some sort of double-agent or something : P

(No but Teleportation Trap + Demiplane makes your stuff *very* secure at the price of some minor inconvenience, certainly less then labyrinths or such!)

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Nah I really do wish the matron dead as an example of what shottie design in defenses and poor choices gets you. Then again I'm bitter the only smart guy of the bunch got harpooned without so much as a clone back up. Bet mommy dearest didn't want to spring for the gold on that. >.>

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Heheh. Don't worry, if ground discussion/conflict is wanted. Then such remarks will get some sort of respouse from Calas.

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Well to be fair, we are not sure all the important members of our house aren't waking up in some vats kept in a secure location.

Come to think of it, clone backup and the like seems like an excellent explanation as to why someone would choose an method of attack that incapacitates instead of outright kills...


Also I just realized how hilarious it would be with siege warfare versus drow houses - one simply gets plenty of slaves with hammers and chisels and cut cut cut until the whole house literally falls :P

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13


And we all know who has to swing the hammer... many drow does it take to knock a house down?

None. Get Nate to do it

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Well duh!

You know how long it took to get these nails just right?

Wouldn't be right to ruin it with hard work - not right at all!

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Spellcasters are wily, the arcane types tend to survive unless their well studied, while the divine ones tend to have their god give them a second chance as some sort of reborn monster or something. Lolth being a bit of an exception, she is cheap with the divine goods.

As for cutting the house off the ceiling. The problem of magic enchantments to reinforce the stone, common construction practice. As well as the fact that you need to know where it is dropping or you may have alot of mad drow who could be worst then the house your attacking. But most of all, it's too showy. The council does not like showy, what's the point of putting up darkness to cover things up if you do something like that.

With a name like the bull, you sort of did it to yourself. ;)

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13 is weird being the only nondrow....of sorts.

But it does keep me hopping!

Btw if we let him near me i get to kick him in the nuts to start the

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

UMD wand DC is 20.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I'm starting on an update now.

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

Anything made with magic can be undone with magic*! And the lower levels are only plebs anyhow, who cares if they are angry. Let them eat cake or something :P


The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

If I had designed this house well, you would have had to fight through most of the opposing force (and possibly some friendly traps) to get here.

If I had attacked this house as it should be attacked, you would all be dead right now.

Some things need to suffer for the sake of the character's survival. ;)

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

You mean 'if this house would be properly defended' we wouldn't have a plot :P

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

So you admit it, he planned to destroy the house from the start. GET HIM! :D

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

And so our demise... Or more likely. My demise begins. I've placed myself smack in the middle of all the enemies. So this should be interesting.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

I should have been, you're right. *mumblemumblestupiddicerollermumble*

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

A for effort, but I still live.

Female Drow Investigator 3 ■ HP 21/21 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 14) CMD 15 | Init+3, Perception+6, Fort+2 Ref+6 Will+2 ■ Insp. 3/4, Extracts 2/3

Question. Am I taking any penalty for shooting through the spaces of allies? Also how tall are the ceilings?
(Trying to figure out if this is a situation in which spider climb would be useful. Lol. I'm just looking forward to whenever I'll have the chance to use my feat that lets me spider climb as an SLA.)

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Your allies are generating cover, yes. Being on the 10ft ceiling would be handy. :)

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

At least the guard nearly got combusted for his efforts. Max damage on that little spell. :)

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

sorry for my absence today... As a freelance artist, I sometimes have deadlines... today is one of those days and it's also my birthday so tonight going out for dinner and a play. I will try to catch up reading now and make at least one post before we leave.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Which do you think would hurt the Mage more? A five foot step and a flurry of blows + stunning fist, or a bite that does 2 con damage?

Edit: Oh whoops. Never mind the stunning fist, already used it for today.

HP 11/27 | AC 17/13/14 | CMD 16 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 | SR 10 | Init +3 | Per +10; Darkvision 120' | Active Effects:

@Azzra'el - Well congratulations then : )

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

@Azzra'el Congrats.

Nate just is hoping you good drow would allow him closer to him....

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

Well, I read the posts, and it seems not my turn yet anyway... so on that note... I'll be back in the wee hours because after the play, we are going to the mountains to watch the Perseid meteor shower (a cosmic light show that happens on my bday every year and we always go). Probably won't post again til tomorrow sometime - My home game is tomorrow morning, so no guarantees when that post might come.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Turns are kinda done all at once with Choom re-ordering them as he sees fit for dramatic flair. Makes it easier on him to do turns in blocks, and easier on us. We don't have to wait to post our turns, and he doesn't have to keep track of them.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

^ That

Male Active Conditions: Human (Aasimar) Monk / Rogue (Acrobat Dedication) 13

@GM Tonight is my high level (18th) home group, so my ready action will just continue, along with deflect arrows feat active.

Thank you.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Congrats Azzra'el and happy birthday.

Female Drow Investigator 3 ■ HP 21/21 | AC 17 (T 11, FF 14) CMD 15 | Init+3, Perception+6, Fort+2 Ref+6 Will+2 ■ Insp. 3/4, Extracts 2/3

Spider drow
Spider drow
Does whatever a spider drow does
Can she swing from a web
Well not really
There aren't any magic items that do that

(... I just get a kick out of climbing on things. xD)

Happy birthday Az!

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

I could make one when or if I pick up crafting. :)

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

Someone pass me some holy water, or better yet some unholy water. Hell, hand both over! I need to start punching these guys BEFORE they get to do damage. At this rate, every time I miss someone is going to end up dead.

Male Human Sorcerer 9(Div)

Happy Birthday Az, may Lolth bless your day, and curse your foes!

Yea, dice gods aren't lookin favorably on us right now :(

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity

I'm going to make a back-up character.

Juuuuust in case. I am currently the closest to the enemies, with the least health, and rolling very low.

Yeah. I'm rolling a new character, just in case.

HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13


Your going to make me have to summon another hell hound to take care of things. Aren't you, you dirty little dice.

I suggest you go just straight up unchained monk if you do, their pretty good from what I hear. As well as consistent if built right.

Male Dhampir Barbarian 2/ Monk(Martial Artist) 1 | AC 13/11/10 | HP (10)4/(31)| F +8, R +4, W +6 | CMB +7, CMD 23 | Init +2 | Perc +10;Low-light Vision; Darkvision; Light Sensitivity
Vicalan Shal'Tludeint wrote:


Your going to make me have to summon another hell hound to take care of things. Aren't you, you dirty little dice.

I suggest you go just straight up unchained monk if you do, their pretty good from what I hear. As well as consistent if built right.

But... but... I like fun themed builds. Actually, I wish they'd errata that the regular monk used the higher hit dice, BAB, and flurry that the unchained has. But... I'll live I guess.

And sorry, but I've not gotten enough use of this natural attacks flurry thing to be satisfied. Current thought I'm having is a white haired witch, unchained monk type build. Mostly White haired witch. Basically, I'd use flurry so I can get iteratives with the hair. My attack rolls wouldn't be impressive, but I'd off-set them with witch debuff touch attack spells. Such as limp lash and ray of enfeeblement.

hp 24/24; AC (21, 14, 17) 17 t14 f13; f 4, r 5, w 3; bab 2, melee 6, ranged 6; cmb 2, cmd 16; sr 14; ap 5/5 drow noble magus/3
acro 5, fly 10, know arcane 10, know dungeon 8, know nobil 5, perc 5, perf dance 1, splcrft 10, stlth 4

thanks for the birthday wishes! IT was a good night!

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