The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

Glad Mel cares so much...
"I thought we were playing cards."
He seems a little disappointed.
"I guess that would be better, though. I can't leave the medical ward, though. They said I have to stay so the bug things can keep taking out the stuff."
He pulls the white candy cane object from his collar and it expands into a cane.
"I don't suppose you could grab me some clothes from my room real quick, could you? I didn't know I'd be here when I wore my nice suit today."

Male Elven (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Gunslinger 10 / Arcane Gunmaster 5
Aanandareavekki wrote:
"Yes. She used to be in my advanced mechanics class, But she quit after a run-in with James. He took issue with her taking off to deal with personal stuff in the middle of an emergency. She still does work-study for me, maintaining the SIM rooms. She's brilliant, but she seems to waffle a lot about whether she actually wants to use her talents or not."

Tamrin keeps typing at the console.

"Well here's hoping she's in the mood for a special project, because she's our first candidate."

"Last name?"

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
Tybalt Baneko wrote:

Glad Mel cares so much...

"I thought we were playing cards."
He seems a little disappointed.
"I guess that would be better, though. I can't leave the medical ward, though. They said I have to stay so the bug things can keep taking out the stuff."
He pulls the white candy cane object from his collar and it expands into a cane.
"I don't suppose you could grab me some clothes from my room real quick, could you? I didn't know I'd be here when I wore my nice suit today."

Mel leads the trio toward Ginni's room in the Infirmary, Tybs, you and me both, I'm in isolation here as well. and Arthur here is, well, he's well he's here to keep me out of trouble.

Mel heads to Ginni's room. but does not try the door.

turning to the other two, Ok to be truthful here, I do have another motive for being here. Ginni may have knowledge of a murderer that has been around, and I was hoping to get access to any nanites that may have been with here recently and possibly extract information from them.

Female Image Firebird Image Wizard(Shadowcaster, Shadow subschool)13/Sorcerer(Shadow Bloodline)8/Shadowcraft Mage 5(gestalt)

A cloud of darkness envelops the two girls, and they are instantly teleported to the infirmary. Serrin stops the nearest official looking person "My friend here was apparently just attacked, by some thing. I think it was some sort of mental assault"

"All of you that are going, get ready, check in, and then go get that girl back before anything worse happens."

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

"Oh geeze and here I was looking to buy some souvenirs, maybe a bit of real estate if I can get a good deal" he says deadpan.

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

"Uh Mels weren't we told to hold off on that?"

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

"We goin' after the girl the celestials took, or Sam?"

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

"Uh. Mel, I tried that once. If you try to talk to the things, they stop working and tell the security Lady."
He recalls the time he tried to use them to make sure Dave didn't do anything rash. It didn't work, and he almost didn't catch him...

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

"Yeah it was the "security lady" he quotes, snorting before continuing"who told us to hold off, then again, I'm just giving a token protest so I don't get in trouble later"

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

"I say take the fight to the demons, fighting celestials feels wrong" Dave says simply.

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Serrin Surya wrote:
A cloud of darkness envelops the two girls, and they are instantly teleported to the infirmary. Serrin stops the nearest official looking person "My friend here was apparently just attacked, by some thing. I think it was some sort of mental assault"

An oversized Quasit turns to face you as you appear and begin speaking. It is larger than a normal Quasit, about the size of a gnome or halfling, and has skin in shades of blue rather than red or green as is normal for Quasits. Its eyes are like pools of quicksilver, and they emit a soft silvery light.

When Serrin finishes speaking, it looks down at the desk for a moment. When it looks back up at you, a distinctly male voice appears in both Serrin and Lily's heads, ::Please follow me, I will show you to a room.:: He steps out from behind the desk and waits for you to begin following.

Female Image Firebird Image Wizard(Shadowcaster, Shadow subschool)13/Sorcerer(Shadow Bloodline)8/Shadowcraft Mage 5(gestalt)

Serrin notes the odd looking demon, but does not immediately follow. After all, Lily was the victim, not her. "I have never seen a Quasit quite like you before. Granted, the only ones I have ever encountered were in books I stole from those misusing them, but still"

"Find out what you can about the celestials first. We don't need caught in a power play between them. Get information, then contact me and we'll discuss the next course of action."

Headmaster Ryo wrote:
"Find out what you can about the celestials first. We don't need caught in a power play between them. Get information, then contact me and we'll discuss the next course of action."

"With all due respect, sir, we got caught in this power play between the demons and celestials the moment that Tryko'Sam took this girl from those cultists. Also, you are a Seer and can gain that information much faster than we can. Hells, the conjuration professor can gain that information faster than we can. Meanwhile, Tryko'Sam is being held prisoner in the Abyss and I'm pretty damn sure that time is of the essence there. And, I reiterate, regardless of the power play going on, we do not hand over innocents to those who expressly state they mean them harm, even in a hostage situation. And we don't abandon our own either. We just need to know the coordinates to teleport to so we can get him back," Jeran said firmly, trying to rein in his frustration at how quickly this had gotten off track. And this is why going for reinforcements is such a chancy thing, he thought, trying not to actually grind his teeth.

Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
Aanandareavekki wrote:
"Yes. She used to be in my advanced mechanics class, But she quit after a run-in with James. He took issue with her taking off to deal with personal stuff in the middle of an emergency. She still does work-study for me, maintaining the SIM rooms. She's brilliant, but she seems to waffle a lot about whether she actually wants to use her talents or not."

Tamrin keeps typing at the console.

"Well here's hoping she's in the mood for a special project, because she's our first candidate."

"Last name?"

"Waverider. She's probably still in the infirmary. She was helping with Vai's treatment before..." She had to stop and catch her breath so she wouldn't start crying again. "Plus her friend was the latest victim of the killer who's been luring girls off campus and stabbing them, so she's probably lurking, trying to get more information. Much like Keme has been doing before he was finally able to get my attention. My notification system had some bugs after the attack."

Vai Emkar wrote:
narrator wrote:

"Well, that's your problem right there. Of course you can't go up against it directly. To get past powerful magic you have to find the weak point and sort of unravel it. Attacking directly just wastes your power to no purpose. Try using logic, dear. They have some connection to the Resistance, I'm sure of it. So if we let a few of them get away, trace their flight path, send scouts into that area. We may not be able to find the planet directly, but we can narrow down the area at least. And then it's only a matter of time and intelligent planning. You have to be methodical about these things, Vai," she said, rolling her eyes a bit at the perceived density of the older dragon.

"Hmm. This herd animal is overcooked. Bring the chef here. And get the child from storage," she ordered the guards. "I warned him she would be punished I of he failed me again."

This Red was so insolent, if she wasn't so useful to Vai she would've killed her just now for that. Still, the blue was used to politics and she knew when to hold her tongue, and how to hide her annoyance. Of course they had a connection to the Resistance. Vai didn't bother to explain about what she knew of the history of Agartha to the Red. She was probably too dense to understand anyway.

"And since you suggested it, I trust you have forces at your disposal that will be able to carry out this plan without alerting our prey." It wasn't a question, and the Red's plans were strangely similar to the plot Vai and the being named Kara had hatched before Hope had chosen her new champion and given Vai a wealth of new options. "I have some experience with their wards, and I should be able to modify a tracer to continue broadcasting even while planetside. It will take some time to do though."

She snorted. "Yes, of course I have the resources. My allowance is bigger than the annual income of most planets, and I'd be the dead kind of stupid if I didn't spend it Of various types. Nepotism has its upside after all. There's a lab on level three where you can work on that tracer, by the way. Let me know if there's any equipment you happen to need. I'm not entirely sure of its status. My last researchers....well, let's just say we had had philosophical differences. I'm sure we can find some suitable slaves to replace them so that you can have all the assistance you might require."

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

"Sam started this whole thing. Part of me thinks we should let him rot for a decade or so...but, luckily I don't listen to that side often..."

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"I'd rather not deal with clestials, if that's an option."

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16

Mel looks back and forth at her two frinds. realizing she is out numbered she gave a sigh.

Alright, but we can at least visit, right? Oh, from what I remember, she has complete memory loss, so we need to approach this as though we are meeting her for the first time. and please be patient, she is scared, and probably feels alone. ok?

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7
Krays wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Seeing the look of hurt on Krays face would've brought tears to Vai's eyes had she not... y'know, been dead and all. "I'm sorry Krays! It's just... scary, being dead. I know you guys would never forget me or leave me behind. You've already proved that."

At Krays' reassurance that she would barely notice the time passing, Vai just nods. "Can.. can you tell the family that I love them? Fei too? And... the rest of my friends. Sadie and Phaeze and Keme and Mel and Ace and Adon and Belyu and..."

She blinks, pausing a moment. "Wow, I have alot of friends. I guess it would be too much to tell everyone."

"I'll see you soon Krays." she says again, hugging him tightly despite their spiritual state.

Female Firebird
Phaezeriel wrote:

An oversized Quasit turns to face you as you appear and begin speaking. It is larger than a normal Quasit, about the size of a gnome or halfling, and has skin in shades of blue rather than red or green as is normal for Quasits. Its eyes are like pools of quicksilver, and they emit a soft silvery light.

When Serrin finishes speaking, it looks down at the desk for a moment. When it looks back up at you, a distinctly male voice appears in both Serrin and Lily's heads, ::Please follow me, I will show you to a room.:: He steps out from behind the desk and waits for you to begin following.

LIly seems to flinch slightly when Phaeze 's telepathy enters her mind. Even being a Firebird and knowing full well about telepathy, it didn't make it any less jarring for this... creature to be using it. He looked somewhat similar to the thing that had done this to her after all.

I realize Kezzin and Phaeze share very little similarities beyond wings and odd skin colouration, but Lily's good at finding excuses to hate people. ;P

When Serrin questions Phaeze's status as a Quasit, Lily's eyes narrow in suspicion. Especially when Serrin mentions that she steals books. A noble, acting like a common theif! The Surya really were desperate these days. Still, Serrin had proved herself useful thus far. "What in the Blazes is a quasit?" she asks harshly, anger still clouding her better judgment and ruining her decorum. Despite her suspicion, she does in fact step towards Phaezeriel, following him.

I imagine "What in the Blazes" is more of a curse phrase for Firebirds than it is for us. xD

Male Elven (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 10 / Arcane Gunslinger 10 / Arcane Gunmaster 5
Aanandareavekki wrote:
"Waverider. She's probably still in the infirmary. She was helping with Vai's treatment before..." She had to stop and catch her breath so she wouldn't start crying again. "Plus her friend was the latest victim of the killer who's been luring girls off campus and stabbing them, so she's probably lurking, trying to get more information. Much like Keme has been doing before he was finally able to get my attention. My notification system had some bugs after the attack."

" rest for the weary here, that's for sure," he says with a sigh as he confirms Melody's location.

"She's not recovering from anything is she? She can be brought here as far as you know?"

Female Half-Elf Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple 9
narrator wrote:

She snorted. "Yes, of course I have the resources. My allowance is bigger than the annual income of most planets, and I'd be the dead kind of stupid if I didn't spend it Of various types. Nepotism has its upside after all. There's a lab on level three where you can work on that tracer, by the way. Let me know if there's any equipment you happen to need. I'm not entirely sure of its status. My last researchers....well, let's just say we had had philosophical differences. I'm sure we can find some suitable slaves to replace them so that you can have all the assistance you might require."

The group was insolent so I had them liquidated. ;P

Vai swished her tail, taking a bite out of the massive platter of food that had been set out for her. She chewed and swallowed while she thought. "I should think any slaves would simply get in the way. Unless I have need for live subjects for some reason, though I doubt that." Hope didn't need to know that she was used to working alone anyway. There was never anybody she could trust after all. The Red would see that as weakness, though, and Vai knew that well.

"I shall take stock of the lab after we've eaten." she replies conversationally. "Tell me, what punishment have you planned for your incompetent staff?" to Fei's ears, he catches the slight bloodthirstiness in Vai's voice, something that sounds so very odd to his ears. His Vai... she might lose her temper sometimes, but this was different. This was malicious, almost gleeful at the prospect of hurting others. It sounds very wrong for Vai's voice.

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16

As Phaezeriel turns and begins walking into one of the infirmary wings, his mental voice is perfectly calm as if discussing how vertical the walls were or what might be served for lunch, ::A Quasit is a very minor type of demon. One might say they are the least of the demons. Now can you tell me more about what you experienced?::

Male Firebird Monk (Master of Many Styles, Martial Artist) 16 // Firebender 8/Earthbender 8

Period Three: Evocation

Ardiente wanders absently into his third period class, clearly zoned way out with a happy smile on his face. He looks around, though the blank look on his face probably means he isn't seeing much at all, including three fellow classmates he really should notice...

Female Firebird
Phaezeriel wrote:
As Phaezeriel turns and begins walking into one of the infirmary wings, his mental voice is perfectly calm as if discussing how vertical the walls were or what might be served for lunch, ::A Quasit is a very minor type of demon. One might say they are the least of the demons. Now can you tell me more about what you experienced?::

A flaming DEMON?! Lily stops dead in her tracks at Phaezeriel's offhand reply.

And then the words of her parents come back to her: anything and anybody could be useful, even the so-called 'evil' planar beings. Efreeti especially, but devils and demons had their uses as well, as long as you were careful in your dealings with them.

After that momentary pause, Lily resumes walking, following after Phaeze, her calm and haughty demeanor slowly reasserting itself.

"I was in the hallway between classes, and there was a... creature of some kind with wings that buzzed me. I admit to losing my temper somewhat and commenting curtly to him that he should watch where he was going. He responded by showing me a vision of flying headfirst into a stone wall. I felt my skull crack. It was... very painful."

Ahaha... Bluff (Lily has edited the story slightly to make herself appear more favourable): 1d20 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 5 = 14

Sovereign Court

Male Firebird (looks like this but with blood red hair) Blight Druid (fey follower) 13/warlock 13

Bumping into a well dressed firebird with blood red hair. he turns to the other bird and for the only the briefest moment bid eyes flash with rage before he calms down, "hey there, didn't see you there,"

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death
Vai Sunwake wrote:
Krays wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Thanks to his ghost touch ability, it really feels like a hug.

"I certainly will, and I love you too, sister. When I see Fei, I can call you forth to speak to him, if you'd like, if it's before you are to be brought back permanantly, that is. Be at peace, I will return."
Krays fades out, warm smile on his face.

Back in the lab, Krays returns to his senses with a sigh, and turns. He sees his wife there, and immediately embraces her.
::Even though I know it's not permamant, it's still hard to see people you care about in that place...::

Male Firebird Monk (Master of Many Styles, Martial Artist) 16 // Firebender 8/Earthbender 8
Lucas Svarog wrote:
Bumping into a well dressed firebird with blood red hair. he turns to the other bird and for the only the briefest moment bid eyes flash with rage before he calms down, "hey there, didn't see you there,"

Before I reply, Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Man, the dice roller really hates me today.

Ardiente snaps out of his reverie when he accidently bumps into someone, missing the falsh of anger in his eyes. "Ah.. no, sorry. My fault. I was kinda zoned out." he says apologetically, nodding to the other firebird. Ardiente didn't recognize him from the other times he'd been to this class, though those times had been admittedly sparse. "My name is Ardiente." he introduces himself casually, his attention on the other firebird.

Sovereign Court

Male Firebird (looks like this but with blood red hair) Blight Druid (fey follower) 13/warlock 13

He nods regally, but lacking in harshness "Lucas, Lucas Savrog"
The bird on his shoulder squawks causing him to chuckle.
"Yes, yes, and this here is Icarus"

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage
Vai Emkar wrote:
narrator wrote:

She snorted. "Yes, of course I have the resources. My allowance is bigger than the annual income of most planets, and I'd be the dead kind of stupid if I didn't spend it Of various types. Nepotism has its upside after all. There's a lab on level three where you can work on that tracer, by the way. Let me know if there's any equipment you happen to need. I'm not entirely sure of its status. My last researchers....well, let's just say we had had philosophical differences. I'm sure we can find some suitable slaves to replace them so that you can have all the assistance you might require."

The group was insolent so I had them liquidated. ;P

Vai swished her tail, taking a bite out of the massive platter of food that had been set out for her. She chewed and swallowed while she thought. "I should think any slaves would simply get in the way. Unless I have need for live subjects for some reason, though I doubt that." Hope didn't need to know that she was used to working alone anyway. There was never anybody she could trust after all. The Red would see that as weakness, though, and Vai knew that well.

"I shall take stock of the lab after we've eaten." she replies conversationally. "Tell me, what punishment have you planned for your incompetent staff?" to Fei's ears, he catches the slight bloodthirstiness in Vai's voice, something that sounds so very odd to his ears. His Vai... she might lose her temper sometimes, but this was different. This was malicious, almost gleeful at the prospect of hurting others. It sounds very wrong for Vai's voice.

The continued discourse between the two dragons was giving Fei reason to question his choice of cautious reconnaissance over surgical strike, but he focuses on the value this information will bring and continues his silent vigil. The stark difference in this Vai just cements his resolve to deal with her when the time finally comes. (-_-)

The mention of a (currently) unmanned laboratory gives the young monk an idea for where to enact his (still-forming) plan. He may have to move quickly, but if his time at Avalon has taught him nothing, it is that laboratories seem to be prime sites for 'accidents' to occur... (^-^)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Lily Svarog wrote:

A flaming DEMON?! Lily stops dead in her tracks at Phaezeriel's offhand reply.

And then the words of her parents come back to her: anything and anybody could be useful, even the so-called 'evil' planar beings. Efreeti especially, but devils and demons had their uses as well, as long as you were careful in your dealings with them.

After that momentary pause, Lily resumes walking, following after Phaeze, her calm and haughty demeanor slowly reasserting itself.

"I was in the hallway between classes, and there was a... creature of some kind with wings that buzzed me. I admit to losing my temper somewhat and commenting curtly to him that he should watch where he was going. He responded by showing me a vision of flying headfirst into a stone wall. I felt my skull crack. It was... very painful."

Ahaha... Bluff (Lily has edited the story slightly to make herself appear more favourable): 1d20+8+5

Phaezeriel cannot not pick up on that.

Phaezeriel glances back over his shoulder and pauses until she resumes following, his mental voice is very dry, ::Yes. Can you describe the .. creature .. any more precisely?::

Reaching the door to an empty room, Phaezeriel beckons that Lily should precede him, ::Do you wish to have another person present while I ensure that no lasting harm was done to you?::

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

"You know what, screw this. That jackwagon deserves what he gets. If the school gets attacked I'll fight, but I ain't going to face the abyss to save his naive ass. That girl being taken by angels is probably the best thing that's ever happened in that poor girl's life based on what I saw in that place. Good luck, ya'll." He turns and leaves Ryo's office.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"I'm tempted to agree with him... There's so many problems here I want to work on too, and apparently it need to be in class..."

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

"Go if you want, I'm going to go in there, fight, win, bring back one of our own,"

Male Shaman(Nature) 6/Green Faith Acolyte 10/Ranger(Spell-Less) 16(Gestalt)

Silinrul had been quiet this whole time. He did not know any of these other students, but it seemed like a noble cause. However, perhaps not "I am unsure if charging headlong into the Abyss and thinking you are going to win is such a good strategy. I have never been to that plane before, but I know its never a good idea to fight in the enemy's territory, at least without a really strong plan." He looks to the others "However, it seems like perhaps this adventure is loosing its support, which means its going to be even more difficult to pull off a daring rescue from the hordes of demons likely to be guarding your friend"

Female Human Teenager

With a subtleness of a gentle caress, Anahita had re-appeared in her room back in Avalon.

She looked around at the starkness of the room, the way she'd left it from before, the bed still unused, the cabinets empty save for any standard garments pre-generated.

Still, subconsciously, she did arrive her, so this must have been what she wanted. The thought spiraled a bit in her mind, but being mentally spent as she was, the lack of joy in pursuing it won out.

These jaunts she'd be recruited into were weighing on her. So far, nothing devious or perverse appeared to be occurring, but, her curiosity continued to hound her -- urging her on to learn more. This aspect of her being and thoughts had increased vastly since her arrival. Just thinking on it, furthered the drive to learn more.

One simple cantrip later, clothing discarded in a cleaner state than before, a shower commenced, she reckoned she would feel somewhat restored after that last orgy witnessed.

If her Patron's goal was to cause Anahita to become indifferent to procreation rituals across the spectrum of life, she was starting down that road. The alternative, however, did dawn on her too. So far, no luring yet in that direction.

A quick few soaking minutes later, while not cleansed to the soul, her form certainly was cleaner. She felt slightly restored while walking out combing her thick mane, wrapped in a towel.

The room reminded her of some caves she'd been a dweller in, but it still lacked the touch of natural she always preferred.

Casseus Rex wrote:
"You know what, screw this. That jackwagon deserves what he gets. If the school gets attacked I'll fight, but I ain't going to face the abyss to save his naive ass. That girl being taken by angels is probably the best thing that's ever happened in that poor girl's life based on what I saw in that place. Good luck, ya'll." He turns and leaves Ryo's office.

"Seriously? Why did you even agree to go in the first place if you were just going to bail as soon as the plan went kablooie? The plans always go kablooie. This is why you don't have friends," Jeran says to Casseus as he leaves, obviously frustrated.

Silinrul wrote:
Silinrul had been quiet this whole time. He did not know any of these other students, but it seemed like a noble cause. However, perhaps not "I am unsure if charging headlong into the Abyss and thinking you are going to win is such a good strategy. I have never been to that plane before, but I know its never a good idea to fight in the enemy's territory, at least without a really strong plan." He looks to the others "However, it seems like perhaps this adventure is loosing its support, which means its going to be even more difficult to pull off a daring rescue from the hordes of demons likely to be guarding your friend"

"We aren't planning a full on assault. This is strictly a snatch and grab. The less we have to fight there the better. We don't have to win. We just need to get Tryko'Sam and get out. Everything else has to be improvised on the way anyhow."

Jeran's patience had worn almost through. He was starting to wonder how it was he got himself into these messes, but he already knew. Every time he said he wasn't going to do this again, but every time he'd meet some cute guy in trouble and next thing he knew he was dodging nature spirits, fighting fireworms, and now preparing to go on a field trip to the abyss.....

Male Shaman(Nature) 6/Green Faith Acolyte 10/Ranger(Spell-Less) 16(Gestalt)

OOH! I can help with troublesome nature spirits!

Sil nods his head slightly in respect to Jeran "Then, let us be on our way. I do not relish a trip to an infernal plane, but it is the right thing to do"

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)
Jeran Darkclaw wrote:

"Seriously? Why did you even agree to go in the first place if you were just going to bail as soon as the plan went kablooie? The plans always go kablooie. This is why you don't have friends," Jeran says to Casseus as he leaves, obviously frustrated.

"Pfft. It's why I don't have dead ones either..." he says over his shoulder...the remark hitting close to home.

Lucas Svarog wrote:

He nods regally, but lacking in harshness "Lucas, Lucas Savrog"

The bird on his shoulder squawks causing him to chuckle.
"Yes, yes, and this here is Icarus"

From his vantage point, Lucas can clearly see the three former guards from this morning sneaking up behind the boy he's talking to. Elektra puts her finger to her lips, signaling to him not to say anything, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Krays wrote:
Vai Sunwake wrote:
Krays wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Back in the lab, Krays returns to his senses with a sigh, and turns. He sees his wife there, and immediately embraces her.
::Even though I know it's not permamant, it's still hard to see people you care about in that place...::

::Yeah, I can imagine,:: she said sadly. She was currently feeling a torrent of fear, guilt, sadness, and worry. And anger. Mustn't forget anger. Because once again Kronos had hurt her family to further his schemes.

Vai Emkar wrote:
narrator wrote:

She snorted. "Yes, of course I have the resources. My allowance is bigger than the annual income of most planets, and I'd be the dead kind of stupid if I didn't spend it Of various types. Nepotism has its upside after all. There's a lab on level three where you can work on that tracer, by the way. Let me know if there's any equipment you happen to need. I'm not entirely sure of its status. My last researchers....well, let's just say we had had philosophical differences. I'm sure we can find some suitable slaves to replace them so that you can have all the assistance you might require."

The group was insolent so I had them liquidated. ;P

Vai swished her tail, taking a bite out of the massive platter of food that had been set out for her. She chewed and swallowed while she thought. "I should think any slaves would simply get in the way. Unless I have need for live subjects for some reason, though I doubt that." Hope didn't need to know that she was used to working alone anyway. There was never anybody she could trust after all. The Red would see that as weakness, though, and Vai knew that well.

"I shall take stock of the lab after we've eaten." she replies conversationally. "Tell me, what punishment have you planned for your incompetent staff?" to Fei's ears, he catches the slight bloodthirstiness in Vai's voice, something that sounds so very odd to his ears. His Vai... she might lose her temper sometimes, but this was different. This was malicious, almost gleeful at the prospect of hurting others. It sounds very wrong for Vai's voice.

Literally...such a short time we've been acquainted and you already know me so well...:P

"Well, I was just going to have her whipped until she was mostly dead, but if you're looking for some entertainment, I'm sure we can come up with something a bit more amusing. I've got a new set of flaying knives I haven't had the chance to use yet. After all, he has other offspring. Humans breed like rabbits after all. It's not like he can't afford to lose one or two."
Now excuse me while I go scrub out my brain for even having to think like my villain long enough to type that. Shudder.

Tamrin - Gunslinger of Tomorrow wrote:
Aanandareavekki wrote:
"Waverider. She's probably still in the infirmary. She was helping with Vai's treatment before..." She had to stop and catch her breath so she wouldn't start crying again. "Plus her friend was the latest victim of the killer who's been luring girls off campus and stabbing them, so she's probably lurking, trying to get more information. Much like Keme has been doing before he was finally able to get my attention. My notification system had some bugs after the attack."

" rest for the weary here, that's for sure," he says with a sigh as he confirms Melody's location.

"She's not recovering from anything is she? She can be brought here as far as you know?"

"As far as I know, she just needed to rest. She was drawing out her stay to get information. It should be fine to bring her here."

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death
Ephebe wrote:

::Yeah, I can imagine,:: she said sadly. She was currently feeling a torrent of fear, guilt, sadness, and worry. And anger. Mustn't forget anger. Because once again Kronos had hurt her family to further his schemes.

He releases his wife from their embrace, looking to the others...

"Vai is fine, and she agrees it will be best to wait until the other Vai is disposed of before returning. She also wanted me to stress her love for us all, and for her friends."

Vis Niyambi wrote:

"Why do you let infernal a run about the school?"

vis says, more confused then ever.
"I mean, i understand jacob's predicament. It's something I know about, and is to be pitied. I don't fear him- that's just a problem that can be deat with. But that other infernal... I don't..."
vis doesn't seem to know what to say, rather lost as to why you would allow such a creature.
"I could /feel/ it's nature, and this confirms it."
he holds out his glowing scroll, revealing glowing text, written in common ink.

Fieri sighed. "Look, I know this can be hard to understand, but not all infernals are evil. Most sure, but not all. Just like not all celestials are good. Most sure, but not all. This is one of those rare safe places for non-evil demons and devils and such to be where they can be safe from their own kind and from the rest of us. So Professor Settro isn't the only one like him you'll meet here, most likely. They have to follow the rules just like everyone else. There are wards in place that prevent people from hurting each other here. The best thing you can do is not jump to conclusions about someone based on where they come from. Prejudice can be an ugly thing. It's better to judge people based on their actions."

Image (doesn't have wings)

Kitty was good at first, working hard at cleaning up, but it was a big mess, and she didn't think a little help would hurt...which somehow turned into a lot of help...but a very clean house for the Dacamaras.

I really couldn't resist...hopefully Mrs. Dacamara doesn't mind having her bathroom scrubbed by cockroaches. ;P

Sovereign Court

Male Firebird (looks like this but with blood red hair) Blight Druid (fey follower) 13/warlock 13

Lucas looks briefly over the shoulder of the person he is talking to but after determining no harm is meant to him or the boy, his curiosity wins out and he lets them do as they intend, besides, it should serve for ample payment for so rudely bumping into him.

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