Paracount Julistar

Lucas Svarog's page

305 posts. Alias of Lord Foul II.


Firebird (looks like this but with blood red hair)


Blight Druid (fey follower) 13/warlock 13




M (when not wild shaped)



Special Abilities

Very impressive telepathic skill, late blooming but potent fire "bending" skill, Druidic magic


Borderline LN/LE


Common, ingan (autocorrect misspelled it to infant and I was tempted to keep it) Auran, abyssal, infernal, Druidic, thieve's cant, diabolic, undercommon, elven,


Model Student.

Strength 22
Dexterity 22
Constitution 14
Intelligence 23
Wisdom 28
Charisma 28

About Lucas Svarog

core stats:

AC 29 touch 17, flat foot 21 10+2+8+6+1(higher in wild shape)
Eldritch blast to hit +21 touch attack (hideous blow +11 non touch)
Initative: +8
HP 130
Fort: +10
Reflex +14
Will +17
To hit (base form) +18
+4 to saves vs mind altering effects
Low light vision
Darkvision 60ft
Blindsense (40ft, hearing based)
Tremmor sense 20ft, double in loose ground such as sand or ash

racial abilities:

Type: Outsider (Native, Fire) or Fey, whichever is more advantageous
Base Speed: Normal Speed (0 RP): The race has a base speed of 30 feet.
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (0 RP) (+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis)
Languages: Linguist (1 RP) Common, Ignan, Auran, any
Racial Traits:
- Fire in the Blood (5 RP) turns fire damage into healing on a 1:1 basis
- Emissary (1 RP)
- Focused Study (4 RP)
- Nimble Attacks (2 RP)
- Elemental Affinity: Fire(1 RP)
- Elemental Immunity(Fire) (4 RP)
- Elemental Vulnerability(Cold) (-2)
- Spell-Like Ability, At-Will: Beast Shape I(Medium bird only) (6 RP)
class abilities, and other special powers:
Eldritch blast base damage 7d8+13
DR 7/cold iron
Energy resist: cold/acid 20 electricity 10
Pact: Either by birth or by deed, each Warlock enters into a pact with a source of strange energy not accessible by most mortals. These pacts are different than those of the Binder; instead of drawing in multiple remnants of power past, a Warlock taps directly into one source, funneling that essence into their own and slowly becoming a part of it. The three pacts described here are Infernal, Fey, Far Realms, and Shadow, and each has a unique power source with it's own benefits and limitations.
Fey: Fey Pact Warlocks draw their energy from accords with the children of the wilderness, but are not necessarily bound to either the Seelie or Unseelie Court. They are not considered proficient with weapons or armor made of metal, but are proficient with medium armor provided it is not metal. Additionally, they add Knowledge (nature) to their list of class skills.

Unearthly Eyes (Su): At 2nd level, A Packbound Warlock's sight become enhanced by the magic flowing through him. He gains low-light vision, adds half his class level to perception checks, and can cast detect magic at will with a CL equalling his class level but gaining all information in the first round and, based on his pact, detecting other auras as listed.

Fey: detect plants or animals

Covenant's Vulnerability (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, just as a Packbound Warlock is strengthened by the magic flowing through his veins, he also becomes more vulnerable to that which he cannot protect himself from.

Fey: The mere touch of iron or steel (such as touching the bars of a jail cell) causes 1 point of damage, and attempting to wield an iron or steal weapon or use iron or steel armor causes 1 point of damage per round, and iron or steal weapons striking him deal an extra 1d6 points of damage (his DR still applies if it is not cold iron, but he always suffers at least 1 point of non lethal damage from being hit with such weapons).

Eldritch Hands (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a warlock can use telekinesis, as per the spell except as stated below, as a standard action once each round. The warlock is limited to a maximum weight of 10 lbs per warlock level, and the maximum number of objects he is able to simultaneously manipulate with the violent thrust aspect ability is equal to one-half his warlock class level, rounded down (to a maximum of 10). The warlock may only this ability at medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of the long range listed for the spell.

Eldritch Resilience (Su): At 7th level, the warlock can use his eldritch energy to reknit his tissues, sinews, and bones. The warlock can use a swift action to grant himself fast healing 1 for 20 rounds. At 10th level, and every three levels gained thereafter, the fast healing granted by eldritch resilience increases by 1 to a maximum of fast healing 5 at 18th level. The warlock can use this ability twice per day at 13th level and three times per day at 19th level.

Eldritch Aura (Su): At 8th level, a warlock’s eldritch power grows strong enough that he unconsciously releases damaging attacks on those who harm him. Any melee attack that damages the warlock for at least 1 point of lethal damage causes a backlash in eldritch energy. This backlash deals 1d8 points of damage to the attacker. This damage results from pure arcane energy and does not possess an energy type, therefore energy resistances, energy immunities, and damage reduction of any type offer no protection against it. It always deals lethal damage and is not under the conscious control of the warlock. Any melee attack that inflicts lethal damage to the warlock provokes the use of this ability.
At 12th level, and every four levels gained thereafter as a warlock, the damage inflicts by the warlock’s eldritch aura increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 4d8 at 20th level.
Hideous Blow (Su): The warlock infuses his melee weapon with the power of his eldritch blast. This invocation may be used as a standard action, and imbues one melee weapon which the warlock is currently wielding with the energy of his eldritch blast. As part of the invocation, the warlock may make a single melee attack roll with his weapon, gaining a bonus on the attack roll equal to the warlock’s Charisma modifier (if any). If the attack successful hits the warlock deals normal weapon damage plus the full damage of his eldritch blast. A successful critical hit (using the weapons critical threat range) multiplies the damage for both the weapon and the eldritch blast, with the damage for each figured separately and then added together if the critical multipliers are different. Since hideous blow is not a ranged touch attack, this is the only eldritch blast invocation that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A warlock must be at least 6th level to select this invocation.

Hindering Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Will saving throw or become slowed for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is not affected.

Inferno Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict fire damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +1d8; this extra damage applies only to the inferno blast.

Maelstrom Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict electricity damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +1d8; this extra damage applies only to the maelstrom blast.

Sickening Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is not affected.

Vitriolic Blast (Su): The warlock alters his eldritch blast to inflict acid damage. The damage on his eldritch blast increases by +2d8; this extra damage applies only to the vitriolic blast.

Entropic Blast (Su): This invocation can only be used against objects weighing no more than 10 pounds per warlock level. The object takes full damage (not half) from the eldritch blast, and has its hardness reduced by one-half. This is an instantaneous effect. Any single object can only have its hardness reduced once by this invocation. Magical or attended objects are allowed a Will save to negate the hardness reduction and reduce the damage to one-half the amount rolled; non-magical unattended objects do not receive a saving throw and suffer the listed effects of this invocation.

Mask of flesh
Make a touch attack against a living creature of your size category. If you succeed, your physical appearance (including garb) changes to match his, as disguise self.
In addition, when you use this invocation you can choose to bestow a –1d6 penalty to the touched creature's Charisma score. This penalty can't reduce the creature's Charisma below 1.
A successful Will save by the target negates both effects. A creature that successfully saves can't be affected by your mask of flesh for 24 hours.
Both effects last for 1 hour per warlock level; if you dismiss the invocation, both effects end.
When you steal the flesh of another through use of this invocation, and successfully inflict them with a Charisma penalty, you also steal a little bit of their memories. You instinctively know, on sight, anyone who would qualify as "Close Friends" or "Intimate" with the victim (see the Disguise skill), though you do not automatically know any additional information beyond a name. In addition, you are treated as having the Favored Enemy class feature (see Ranger) towards the Close Friends and Intimates of your victim, stacking with any existing favored enemies.

Path of shadow
This invocation allows you to use shadow walk as the spell. Each hour that you spend shadow walking with this ability, you regain hit points as if you had rested for a full day.
If you abandon someone on the border of the Plane of Shadow by using this invocation while wearing their flesh from your Mask of Flesh invocation, you may permanently steal their appearance. They take on a new appearance, typically older and more feeble-looking, though always completely different and unrecognizable from their previous form, even to their most intimate of associates. This is their true form now; it is not magic that can be dispelled, and no magic short of a Wish or Miracle duplicating a Polymorph Any Object spell can give them their exact true appearance back (and even then, that's only for the duration of the spell). Even better, you now own their appearance. It is not magic, nor the work of your invocation any longer; you have two (or possibly more, depending on how many times you do this) true forms, and may shift from one to another as a swift action. Even though you no longer need Mask of Flesh to duplicate the stolen appearance, it still counts as having been stolen by Mask of Flesh for the purposes of the abilities granted by this Baptism.

Druid powers

Faerie Speech (Ex): Faerie followers learn ancient secrets to communicate with fey and can use their knowledge of such creatures to easily express their ideas. The faerie follower can speak with and understand any fey creature, regardless of what actual language that creature actually speaks. Additionally, the faerie follower can attempt to influence the attitudes of fey creatures she spends at least 1 minute talking to. This functions as the Diplomacy skill, except that the faerie follower rolls 1d20 and adds her level + her Wisdom modifier to the check. Additionally, the faerie follower may substitute her Wisdom modifier for her Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks made with fey creatures.

Fey Magic (Ex): A faerie follower learns secret magic from her communion with fey creatures and through her studies of the fair folk. At 1st level, the faerie follower can choose 2 spells from the bard or sorcerer/wizard spell list, which cannot be of a level greater than the highest-level druid spell she can cast. She treats the chosen spells as though they were on the druid list and can prepare them as druid spells. At each level beyond 1st, she can choose another spell from the bard or sorcerer/wizard spell list, using the same guidelines, to add to the spells she can prepare and cast.

Fey Resistances (Ex): At 4th level, the faerie follower begins a slow transformation into a fey creature, gaining some of their protective powers. The faerie follower gains DR 1/cold iron and a +1 bonus on Will saves to resist charm and compulsion effects. At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the DR granted by this ability is increased by 1, and the bonus to saving throws is increased by 1.
This ability replaces the resist nature’s lure class feature.
Wild Shape: At 4th level, the faerie follower gains the wild shape ability, as normal; however, she can use it to assume the forms of fey creatures in addition to animal forms. When the faerie follower alters her form using the wild shape ability, she can choose to assume the form of a Small or Medium fey. At 8th level, she can instead assume the form of a Tiny or Large fey. The faerie follower can only assume the forms of animals or fey when using wild shape to replicate the effects of beast shape III or beast shape IV.
When she assumes the form of a fey creature, she gains certain bonuses and penalties based on the size of the form she assumes, as follows.
Tiny Fey: The faerie follower gains -4 size penalty to Strength and a +8 size bonus to Dexterity.
Small Fey: The faerie follower gains a -2 size penalty to Strength and a +4 size bonus to Dexterity.
Medium Fey: The faerie follower gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity.
Large Fey: The faerie follower gains a +2 size bonus to Strength and Dexterity.
Additionally, the faerie follower gains any of the following abilities if the form she assumes possesses them: burrow 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, darkvision, low-light vision, and DR 6/cold iron.
At 8th level, she adds the following to the list of abilities she can gain: special arrows (memory loss or sleep only), and unearthly grace.
At 12th level, she adds the following to the list of abilities she can gain: fly 60 feet (good maneuverability), DR 10/cold iron, and all extraordinary abilities.
At 16th level, the faerie follower gains all supernatural abilities of the chosen form.
At 20th level, the faerie follower gains all of the abilities of the chosen form, including spell-like abilities, though she may only use a spell-like ability gained in this way once per day, even if she would gain the same spell-like ability from another source, The saving throw DC for a spell-like ability gained in this way is Wisdom-based, and uses the faerie follower’s caster level.
The saving throw DC for any ability gained in this way is equal to 10 + 1/2 the faerie follower’s level + the faerie follower’s Wisdom modifier.

This ability modifies the wild shape class feature

Beginning at 3rd level, a druid traveling through natural terrain is difficult to pursue. Anyone tracking the druid treats his trail as difficult terrain. Additionally, as a swift action, a druid can designate a number (up to his Wisdom modifier) of 5-foot areas he passes through as traps. Anyone other than the druid entering such a space must make a Reflex save (Dc 10 + the druid’s level + Wisdom modifier) or fall prone. The druid is not actually setting traps, but merely noticing natural pitfalls along his way that he veers trackers toward.

blight druid can improve the attitude of vermin as a normal druid can with animals. Vermin have a starting attitude of unfriendly. The blight druid can also improve the attitude of animals and mindless undead creatures that were formerly animals, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check unless the animal or undead has a disease special attack

.Starting at 5th level, if a blight druid is adjacent to a creature at the beginning of its turn, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid’s level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier or become sickened for 1 round. A creature of the animal, fey, or plant type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute thereafter. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours, as are creatures immune to disease.

At 9th level, a blight druid gains immunity to all diseases, including natural and supernatural diseases. She also becomes immune to effects that would cause her to become sickened or nauseated.

Starting at 13th level, any creature that strikes a blight druid with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural weapon must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the druid’s level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier or contract a disease, as the contagion spell. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours.


Cantrips: Magic spike (lesser), summon nature's minor ally, create water, know direction, enhance diplomacy, purify/putrefy food/drink.
Level 1 aphasia, cure light wounds, obscuring mist, nereid's grace, whispering lore, aspect of the nightingale
Level 2 aggressive thundercloud, animal aspect, detect magic (greater), euphoric cloud, green sight
Level 3 animal aspect (greater) ash storm, contagion, dispel magic, vengeful comits
Level 4 kiss of the first world (at will), cape of wasps, flame strike, areal tracks, scrying
Level 5 commune with nature, entice fey, insect plague
Level 6 tree stride
Level 7 transport via plants (doesn't have yet)
Level 8
Level 9


Talented Invoker [General]
You know more invocations than the typical warlock.
Prerequisite: 1st level only.
Benefit: You know more invocations than the typical warlock. You gain an additional invocation at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels of the appropriate sort that you qualify for. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Normal: You do not have additional invocations known beyond what the class grants you.
Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level.

You were found in the wilds as a child.

Prerequisites: You may only select this feat at 1st level.

Benefit: Whenever you receive magical healing, you heal an additional 2 points per die rolled. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects. Unfortunately, you also suffer +1 point of damage from cold iron weapons (although you can wield cold iron weapons without significant discomfort).

Fast Wild Shape [Wild]

You assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise could.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, wild shape ability.

Benefit: You gain the ability to use wild shape as a move-equivalent action.

Normal: Using wild shape is a standard action.

Scent [Wild]

Your olfactory senses area as sharp as a wolf’s.

Prerequisites: Wis 11, ability to use wild shape to become a wolf.

Benefit: You gain the scent extraordinary ability, which operates normally regardless of your form.

Blindsense [wild]
Your senses are as keen as a bat’s.

Prerequisite: Ability to use wild shape to become a bat.

Benefit: You gain the extraordinary ability blindsense, which operates normally regardless of your form. Like the bat, you emit high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most creatures, as a form of “sonar” that allows you to locate objects and creatures within 40 feet. You do not normally need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice and locate creatures within that range, provided you have line of effect to those creatures. You still have the normal miss chance when attacking creatures with concealment. Since this ability relies on hearing, any circumstance that deprives you of that sense also negates your blindsense.

Blind fighting

(Racial bonus feats) Skill focus (sense motive, bluff, know(nobility)) weapon finess

Detect expertise
You can detect the mystic specialty of a foe.

Prerequisites: Int 13; ability to cast detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, or detect magic.

Benefit: When you use any of the spells listed in this feat’s prerequisites to detect a creature’s alignment or its magic, you have a chance of detecting what spellcasting expertise it has. After you observe a creature with the detect spell for 3 rounds, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Intelligence modifier). If it fails the saving throw, you learn what bloodlines, domains, hexes, schools, or mysteries (if any) the creature possesses. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to the effects of this feat for 24 hours.


( Lords of Madness, p. 126)


A creature that has this feat possesses innate telepathic ability that allows it to precisely pinpoint other thinking beings within range of its telepathy. The creature perceives where the others are and how powerful their intellects are.
Telepathy special quality,
A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.
Telepathy offers no special ability to sense other minds. The creature has to know that a being is there to communicate with it telepathically.

Tap Telepathy

You are able to notice, intercept, and interpret telepathic communication around you.

Prerequisite(s): Sense Motive 10 ranks, ability to cast detect thoughts or telepathy as a spell or spell-like ability or telepathy supernatural ability.

Benefit(s): When a creature within range of your telepathy (or within 60 feet if you are using detect thoughts) uses telepathy to communicate, including when that creature sends or receives a magical message such as dream or sending, you can notice the attempt with a successful DC 30 Sense Motive check. At this point, you can either use your telepathy ability or spend a use or casting of detect thoughts as an immediate action. If you do so, for every 5 points by which your check exceeds the DC, you glean one fragment of information about the communication, such as the identity of its source; its general nature; the emotional state of the sender or the recipient; or a specific person, place, or thing mentioned in the message. In addition, the creature must attempt a saving throw (with a DC equal to that of the spell if you spent a use of detect thoughts or are using telepathy, or 10 + 1/2 your racial HD + your Charisma modifier if you are using a racial telepathy ability). If the target fails its save, you can listen to both sides of the telepathic or magical communication as long as you continue to concentrate each round as a standard action.

Conceal spell

You can hide the evidence of spells you cast.

Prerequisite(s): Deceitful, Bluff 1 rank, Disguise 1 rank, Sleight of Hand 1 rank.

Benefit(s): When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don't realize you're casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late. The attempt to hide the spell slows your casting slightly, such that spells that normally take a standard action to cast now take a full-round action, and spells that normally take longer than a standard action take twice as long. (Swift action spells still take a swift action.) To discover your ruse, a creature must succeed at a Perception, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft check (the creature receives an automatic check with whichever of those skills has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Bluff or Disguise (whichever is higher) + your Charisma modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing.

If your spell has a somatic component, any creature that can see you receives a Perception or Spellcraft check (whichever has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Sleight of Hand + your Dexterity modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing.

Since you are concealing the spell's manifestation through other actions, others observing you realize you're doing something, even if they don't realize you're casting a spell. If there is a verbal component, they still hear your loud, clear voice but don't notice the spell woven within.

If an opponent fails its check, your casting also does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and an opponent that fails its check can't use readied actions that depend on realizing that you're casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, or readied actions such as counterspelling that require identifying the spell you're casting. Spells such as fireball that create an additional obvious effect (aside from the manifestation of casting that all spells and spell-like abilities share) still create that effect, though it might not be obvious who cast the spell unless it emanates from you.

Brilliant planner
Your experience and intellect enable you to create prescient plans and contingencies.

Prerequisite(s): Int 13, character level 5th.

Benefit(s): You can prepare for future contingencies without defining what those preparations are until they are relevant. As a part of this preparation, while in a settlement for at least 24 hours, you can take 8 hours and spend up to 50 gp per character level, which becomes your brilliant plan fund. While you have a brilliant plan pending, you are always treated as carrying 20 additional pounds of weight, even before you define your brilliant plan.

Once per day, you can take 10 minutes to enact a brilliant plan, withdrawing an item that would have been available in a settlement you visited or procuring a mundane service that your character planned ahead of time. Once you enact the plan, subtract the price of the item or service from this feat's fund. Any item procured must weigh 10 pounds or less. Likewise, the GM must approve any non-magical service you gain by using this feat as being appropriate for the location selected.

Once you have spent all the money in your brilliant plan fund or procured 20 pounds of objects with this feat, you cannot use the feat again until you replenish your brilliant plan fund.


Fey Friend
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 212 (Amazon)
Your reverence for the Eldest helps make fey your allies.

Prerequisites: Worshiper of one of the Eldest.

Benefit: Fey regard you as akin to them, and the spells and other abilities of fey treat you as fey or your actual type, whichever is more advantageous to you. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks against fey.

coin cunning
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks to notice coins, gems, jewelry, and valuable trade goods. You gain a chance to notice such goods whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking.

Horrifying Mind [Link]
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 9 (Amazon)
When a nonevil humanoid attempts to read your mind via a magical effect, the reader must attempt a Will save opposed by your Wisdom or Charisma check (your choice). If the reader fails this save, she is shaken for 1 round. If she fails by 10 or more, she is instead frightened for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round.

skills of note:

Perception +28 (+4 when within five feet of Icarus, +2 for valuables)
Sense motive +30 (+4 within 5 ft of Icarus)
Bluff +30
Disguise +18
Slight of hand +22
Intimidate +24

+3 glamored wild dragon scale mail, enchanted with immunity to poison & sleep effects, and the "scorpion carapace" armor enchantment
+3 glamered warlock's sceptor
A lock of Raelle's hair

not currently unlocked abilities:

Defensive Abilities: A fey creature gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, resist cold and electricity 10, natural armor +3 and DR 5/cold iron (if 11 HD or less) or DR 10/cold iron (if 12 HD or more).

Speed: Unless the base creature flies better, the fey creature flies at 1-1/2 times the base creature's land speed (good maneuverability), rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5 feet. If the creature already has flight with a maneuverability of good, it increases to perfect.

Evasion (Ex)

A fey creature gains evasion, as the rogue ability of the same name.

Long Step (Su)

A fey creature can teleport up to 10 feet per Hit Die as a move action. It may use this ability once every 1d4 rounds.

Spell Resistance (Ex)

A fey creature gains SR equal to 11 + its CR. This does not stack with any existing SR possessed by the base creature.

Trackless Step (Ex)

A fey creature does not leave a trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. It can choose to leave a trail, if it so desires.

Spell-Like Abilities: A fey creature with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or more has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature's HD (or the caster level of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).

Spell Like Abilities
Dancing lights 3/day, faerie fire, Entangle, glitterdust, Deep slumber, Major image, Confusion, Feeblemind, Mislead, Project image