Spooky's Wrath of the Righteous group 1

Game Master Nidoran Duran

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Asmodea, since I originally accidentally listed you as the wrong path, and that path is now cleared up, would you like to go back to being the party's Champion? I'm going to make a recruitment thread tomorrow to replace players in both of my WotR games, and I still want to recruit mostly by path, so I figured I'd offer to fix my mistake before I announce that.

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,

Yes, I would like to be the party's Champion. I have always seen Asmodea as an offensive pally.

Alright. In that case we will be remedying my f@!+-up, and I will seek a Marshal for this party (and a Hierophant and Trickster for the other).

I don't know how much of an interest anyone has in giving some input/votes on who the replacement will be, but if you are, keep an eye on this thread.

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

I'll have a looksee.

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,

I'll pass on looking at the applicants. I like to learn about my companions as we go rather than learning their background from their character sheets.

That, and I tend to like almost everyone. I have no idea how I'd choose a small party if I were a DM.

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

Yeah, I understand that, I run my campaigns on a day when not all of our regular group can be there for that very reason. Our every other Saturday game is usually a minimum of 8 people, as many as 14 at one table. Our first sessions of skulls and shackles were 12 out of 14 players and we still have around 8-10 on a regular basis. Insane group size, but very fun to play in. Our record group size was a 22 player cluster $%^& in Iron Kingdoms setting.

The main campaign we have played the last 3 or so years is the Legends of the Shinning Jewel living campaign where all modules are built around an assumption of 6 players per table. We have yet to turn people away at a major con, though it is starting to get close since we were filling out I believe 10 tables a slot for the entirety of Gen Con Indy last year, and are planning on more than that this year.

I have found part of the fun with the larger group size is that you can afford to play a character that is unoptimized and still complete a module since you have the extra players to help balance out the slack.

If anyone wants to send me their thoughts, selection is vaguely tonight-ish. I won't say here which characters I'm liking better, so PM me with your comments if that's something you'd like to do.

And wow, I have absolutely no idea how I'd run that large a group. My real life table is all meatspace friends, but all within the same group, and so even six people can sometimes drift and get harder to control than I'd like.

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

It only happened once or twice. The trick was to take it into sub-groups. Go around the room one group at a time to give everyone a chance to do something, if they were not paying attention then tough luck. It was a pain in the butt for our gm to run it, but he pulled it off fairly well, not long after our group size got much smaller very quick as several people had a lot of real life issues and could no longer come.

Oh, and before I forget, if the bard fella is one you are liking for ours, it does not bother me since our builds sound like they are different enough that it won't be an issue as far as I am cncerned.

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,

I missed posting yesterday. Was on the road all day and got into Savannah at 10:30ish. Too tired to get online, so I passed out. I'm back now however.

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

One Marshall (and the wolf he rode in on) checking in -- not familiar with the AP, but there's only 5 pages of gameplay. I can catch up. ;)

Will I just be retconned in, or will I be another survivor they come across?

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

...and done. All caught up.

I suspect Vardan's reaction to the dragon's death and arrival of the Storm King will be especially unpleasant, since his father died in the last Crusade when they turned him back (and so, he never knew him) -- especially if his mother hadn't died before the attack and was in her sickbed when it came.

Oh good, I was going to write up a summary post but if you've read the thread through that's much better, and gives you a better feel for the other characters.

You're being retconned in. Just act like you've always been there; it's the easiest way to do things. This isn't the sort of campaign that lends itself to accumulating drop-ins on the roadside, and even if you aren't mythic yet this helps keep it consistent.

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

So I retroactively (retrocontinually?) inherit the Sacred Weapon scale? Works for me.

Oh right, that was supposed to be in the summary post. Yes, you do. Fortunately, I'm not nearly as accident prone in this game as I am in the other one you're in.

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

Welcome to the game Varden.

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,


Alright, so just as soon as we get a new Marshal, we're dropping our Archmage. It's been two weeks without a post, so I'm not even going to wait any more; patience for this sort of thing is pretty low. Going to use the same thread again so I'm not just spamming the place.

F Human Sorceror (Tattoooed) 3 (undead bloodline) Init +5 Percep +2 AC 11 Flat 10 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 +1vs enchantment hp 17

I am your new sorceress and I think I have always been here. I'll add a stat line later, its a busy day on Thursdays for me.
I will also read through the story so far so I am up to date.
For reference I am in the UK so my posting times may not quite sync with averyone else

Archon-Blooded Aasimar; Cleric 3 HP 25/25 Initiative +3 AC 17 (Touch 11 Flat Footed 16) Fort +9 Refl 3 Will +10 CMB +3 CMD 14 Vision Darkvision (60 ft.), Move Walk 30 ft.
HP 25/25 AC 17 (Touch 11 FF 16) Perc +7 (11 for hidden objects/doors); Init +3; Fort +9; Refl 3; Will 10; CMB +3; CMD 14 || Radiance +6; 1d8+2; 19-20, x2
Diplomacy +8 Perception +7 Sense Motive +7 Kn:Religion +7 Profession(Soldier) +7 Heal +3 Appraise+1 Stealth -1 Disguise +2 Bluff +2

. o . Hiiiii, Xana!

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

Welcome to the jungle Xana. Glad to have you

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

Welcome, Xanaphia.

Now I've got someone just as retconny as I am. :)

F Human Sorceror (Tattoooed) 3 (undead bloodline) Init +5 Percep +2 AC 11 Flat 10 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 +1vs enchantment hp 17

For reference my useful spells are Ray of Enfeeblment and Sleep,

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

Sorry to spring this on people so late, but...

I just got a call from the nice people who's cottage I'll be renting over the next 2 weeks informing me that the internet connection to the place is currently flaked out.

Originally, I'd not mentionned the upcoming absence because I thought I'd be able to get on once per day (but later, after the country air causes the wife to get all sleepy), but now I'm not so sure what my connectivity will be like.... and it may depend on whether or not there's decent cell service out there.

Anyhow, bottom line: I will not be able to post reliably from Sunday (the 8) until Sunday the 22nd. Again, I apologize for springing this on people, but it's a somewhat unexpected turn of events -- I would have said something in the recruitment had I known. Feel free to DMPC Vardan.

Real life stuff's making it pretty rocky on my end; just got kicked out, riding my friends couch for a while. The game'll still be going, but I might not be able to make quite as many posts per day as I've been able to do (I lurk pretty much constantly).

And we'll just proceed as though Vardan is not present for the time being, and I just won't jack the CR up to accomodate for a party of six.

F Human Sorceror (Tattoooed) 3 (undead bloodline) Init +5 Percep +2 AC 11 Flat 10 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 +1vs enchantment hp 17

Good luck to our GM in getting things sorted out.

I have been looking over all my fellow characters and reading the backgrounds when I noticed an oddity it looks to me like Asmodea is built on a 10 pt stat buy not the 20pt stat buy of everyone else. It is none of my business but I thought I should mention it in case it is an oversight and she should have more points in her stats

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,

You are correct. I was in the middle of taking my state medical exams when I made the character and it seems I've made a mistake. I've corrected it.

Things just went from bad to worse, and while I'll spare you all the long, unneeded details, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue my games anymore. Sorry everyone; you've been great, but as it stands DMing isn't really feasible for the forseeable while, and I have to worry about other things.

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

;_; And I was so looking forward to this too. Hope things clear up for you soon.

F Human Sorceror (Tattoooed) 3 (undead bloodline) Init +5 Percep +2 AC 11 Flat 10 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 +1vs enchantment hp 17

Real life is more important. Good luck in getting everything settled down to something comfortable. Thank you for putting in the effort to run this game.

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

Good luck, Spooky.

So, mates, do we just let this go, or try to find a new GM interested in running this for a already - formed group? I've had success with that at least once before.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

I'd like to find someone to take over it personally, got all hyped up for my character and don't want to give her up now. Enjoying this group thus far and want to see how the story unfolds.

Human Paladin, HP: 7/12, AC: 19/10/19, SV: 3/0/2, INIT: +0, CMB: +4, CMD: 14 ATT: falchion +4 (2d4+5), Perc +1,

I think I'm going to let it go. I do enjoy the group, but am having trouble finding the time to post. I have enjoyed meeting you all and I wish you the very best. 8)

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

So anyone besides Iolana want to give this another go?

F Human Sorceror (Tattoooed) 3 (undead bloodline) Init +5 Percep +2 AC 11 Flat 10 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +3 +1vs enchantment hp 17

I quite like my character so I would like to give it another go

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

Vardan probably can't respond right now since he was going to be out of touch for a few weeks. What about you Kyra?

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

I'm posting in the other thread in case any of them are interested in trying again.

Female Human Bard 3; hp 21/21; Init +3; AC 17 (Touch 13, Flat Footed 14); Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +2; CMB +3 CMD 16 ; Move 30ft ; Perception +5; Diplomacy +9; Intimidate +9; Sense Motive -1; performance 9/11; chance encounter 1/1; Spells: 1st--4/4 per day

K, I will delegate these responsibilities to you and perform my role as I should...supervising.

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)

I would love to continue if we can find someone to take over the reins.

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

Ok I got one bite from the other group so that gives us 5. I'll go ahead and post a thread on the recruitment forum looking for a new GM in the morning.

Male Halfling NE Unchained Rogue (Shadow Walker) 4, Stranger 2
Init: +8* /10| HP: 51/51 | AC: 21* /25 | FF: 10 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +11 | Will: +6* | Perception: +12* w/ 40ft Darkvision | Mythic Power (5/7) |

*Nibble Nibble*

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

I made a post in recruitment asking for a new GM volunteer.

Male Halfling NE Unchained Rogue (Shadow Walker) 4, Stranger 2
Init: +8* /10| HP: 51/51 | AC: 21* /25 | FF: 10 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +11 | Will: +6* | Perception: +12* w/ 40ft Darkvision | Mythic Power (5/7) |

Looks like Spooky had a third group if you want to scope out a 6th player.

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

Seems that we have 7 people interested in playing, and a GM. Chime in on the recruitment thread I linked if you want.

Male Human Ranger 3 | HP 30/30| AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | CMB+6 CMD 19 (17 Fl) | Ft +4 Rf +5 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Exposed to Awfulness reroll: 1/1

Heads up, we seem to be making some progress in the thread I linked above!

Vardan's Vitals:
(HP: 36/28; AC: 20/12/19; CMD: 18; Fort +7, Ref: +3, Will: +3 [ChildCrusades Re-roll: o], Percept: +8 [Darkvision 60'], Init: +1)
Male Haalfimar Cavalier (Emissary) of the Star: 4
Thorne's Vitals:
(HP: 31/31; AC: 17/12/15; CMD: 19 [23 vs. trip]; Fort +6, Ref: +7, Will: +2, Percept: +7 [Scent, Low-Light, Blindfight], Init: +1)


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