Phillip Hargreaves |

To be honest - to realise the requirement for comrades (or power of friendship) Phil needs a comeuppance. As of yet he's swanned his way through the thread on the back of some clutch dice rolls (such as the Intimidate vs Bojasc) and without being yet forced or needing anyone else to resolve what comes up. Confidence begets arrogance, and arrogance begets overstretching... I am sure that his time will yet come.
Phil is always going to be out for just himself... as a CN exemplar of the Goddess of personal freedom should be. Phil's reason for helping the underdog is selfish, and he's never been afraid to admit same.
Forgetting what's happened in thread, Gristav and Phil aren't likely to end up bosom buddies at any rate - as he's NG and relatively honorable, and Phillip is a little cockroach.
Just to drive that point home... you might wonder why Phillip's bought a second vial of the perfume that he's planning to gift to Ethel.
Would come in useful if he ever needed to frame his paramour for something no? - the scent so oft wore by Ethel happens to be found at the scene of the crime?
That being said, words and the exchange of them are fun... and speaking cross purpose is also enjoyable - which is one reason that I'm sad that Tendal will no longer be present moving forwards.

Phillip Hargreaves |

At the moment, Phil is clearly Saul's man while Gris is clearly Larur's. At this point, they don't have an overt common foe, but I'm hopeful that they can find that their interests align at least some of the time in the success of the Gold Goblin. Even if at the moment the PCs must write each other off as morally duplicitous and self-righteously foolish, can we avoid an outright cold war in favor of an uncomfortable detente?
Just adding a comment on this as it sniped in while I was compiling the other.
Absolutely - that's why I wanted Phil to get to Cas' first. Doing so allows him to expunge his duty in the matter of wooden tables without feeling as though Gristav is moving nuclear missiles to Cuba.

Gristav |

Maybe it will go badly with Cas, and Gris can arrive in time to pull Phil out of the fire, and demonstrate to Cas what use Gris was to Capn Creezy.
I'd like to refer all to the 3rd season of Deadwood for examples of good use of the foolishly moral, but it's on loan with my 2nd season of Firefly. :(
Regarding the archival scent bottle, Gris only thought it was a touching gesture, a nod to eternity. But the potential for false evidence, he already has thought over, in the Case of the Shredded Handkerchief.

Gristav |

This latest is some plot to have me reprise 'Inspector General' with a nautical theme, no?
"That one, there... Crewed aboard the Cloud, and Old Paddy says he's a friend of Jhonas, of the Devil's Grail..."

Gristav |

I think Malkith's just asked Dayn a question, so the elf will have to wait to pursue his fussed-over.
And may I apologize for my delay, the weekend was very full.

Joana |

Don't worry about it: Posts over the weekend, while more than welcome, are not required.
I still owe Mark an update for Phil; fortunately, he seems to have been busy this weekend too so I'll hope he's not been waiting on me too impatiently. Having taken the time to help clean out the shipwright's workshop, Phil is a bit ahead of the rest of you timewise; hopefully making him tramp all the way up one side of the river and down the other will help get him back in sync. ;)

Joana |

long weekend here in KL, it was Malaysia Day... which is totally different to the National Day public holiday we have a couple of weeks ago.
You do seem to have a lot of long weekends. Perhaps it might be simpler to establish a four-day work week and then designate specific short (i.e., two-day) weekends? ;)

Joana |

Ha, yes, I finished a reply for Phil, hit submit, then remembered I was going to tag a reply for Gristav on the end of it because it offends my sense of aesthetics to have two 'Gold Goblin' posts in a row. So I copied, deleted, and am working on the scene at Rag's End to append. :P
Only it might not be "shortly" because I also have a lasagna in the oven for dinner when the timer goes off. Sometime within the next several hours, anyway.
EDIT: Ha! Less than an hour.

Gristav |

EDIT: Ha! Less than an hour.
Meanwhile, it's taken me until now to get where I might frame a reply.
Something up soon (is the plan...).

Gristav |

I'm hoping that bat isn't the maguffin for chapter two. :)
And it occurs to me when Gristav explains Phil's confusion, trying to take responsibility for it, there may be more clarity than either Gris or Phil intended.

Joana |

Then it just becomes the expansion pack "Shadow over Riddleport: Quest for Bat." :)
I think it was Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor which, among the other bugs which rendered it unplayable, would let you drop or sell a quest item before you ran into the rest of the quest and you could never get it back because stuff you sold didn't go into the shopkeeper's stock. So frustrating trying to play that game, but it looked like it could have been amazing.

Gristav |

"Only a direct lead to Lil and the news the scribe is in on far more than we knew." He grins.
"On the down side it means we'll have to go back to the scribe but I'm in the mood to hit something until it cooperates.""Is Saul about?"
...and are the nominations for the next title quote still open?

Joana |

I'm guessing no brooch on him then?
No, sorry, intended to specify and failed to: The initiates in buff-colored robes apparently haven't yet earned their badges.
An update on our missing players: I made an NPC avatar for Tendal just to make who's saying what easier to follow. Zeta is more than welcome back if/when he has the time, but he posted elsewhere a few weeks ago that he doesn't have time for PbPs at this point in his schooling.
Khaladon has returned to regular posting in other games but not ours. I'm not really comfortable with actively DMPCing him on missions, but I've been doing so because you guys need Disable Device. To that end, I've been speaking with a player I know from some other games about joining us with a PC who can pick locks. If both ZetaGilgamesh and Khaladon surprise me by returning, we'll just roll with seven. The way we're going, you won't all be in the same place at the same time anyway. ;)

Braddon Hurst |

Disable Device? Pfft. Braddon can easily disable device.
I'll just give him an axe. :-)
However, if you would like Braddon to hook up with the rest of the party or head in a particular direction, just let me know. I've tried to make him malleable and it shouldn't be too hard for a character or event to direct his focus to where it's needed.

Joana |

No, you're golden, Dave. I actually like splitting the party. It may not make sense in a wilderness or dungeon campaign, but in a city setting, it's more natural than everyone traveling everywhere together in a bloc. Besides, it lets me juggle more plotlines into the mix more quickly. I just have to be intentional about getting you all together when it's necessary.

Joana |

But must've hit a nerve getting her to waste a level 3 spell on a simple ol' halfling :P
Perhaps.... but Phil hasn't the training to know what level spell was used on him. (Fortunately, as I never know how to handle it when someone fails a save vs. a charm/compulsion or illusion and yet makes the Spellcraft roll to know what was cast. :P )
Then again, maybe she's just a lab wizard who doesn't get much chance to cast spells in the field and a little trigger-happy. It's not like she has to save all her third-level slots for fireball or haste, like a PC might. ;)
Edited in a reply to Phil in the last Gold Goblin post. He have any plans for the rest of the afternoon?

Phillip Hargreaves |

I know Phil doesn't know exactly what spell was cast (hence the OOC text) but he would know that something fishy went on. He did take it as a fairly strong affront to his person though - but that's just the Calistrian in him. Reminds me... there's still a certain ferryman on his list for retribution at some stage.
He does have plans... once I figure out what they are I'll throw 'em up in thread :P

Gristav |

Some rather late comments:
1) Mistress Bro-Matron is kinda foxy. Had not gotten that vibe before the avatoar.
2) I keep trying to get back to the others, but I guess so long as it's all fun, it's all good.
3) Going to use this line real soon, honest: "I know, I'm not the prettiest man in Riddleport... although, I could arrange an introduction."
4) I know a very good player suddenly at large. Might I arrange an introduction? (Not the prettiest player on the forums... that'd be Jo?)

Joana |

1) Mistress Bro-Matron is kinda foxy. Had not gotten that vibe before the avatoar.
That would be Laurel, the herbalist from Falcon's Hollow in Hollow's Last Hope. Fenella didn't rate her own art in the AP. I've been wanting to use that avatar for a while and thought of it instantly for Fenella. There's not a lot of art of women between thirty and sixty in fantasy RPGs. :P

Gristav |

Double post, sort of a faux pas. But the muse would not be denied.
If it's uncool to have Gris compose extemporaneously, I'll take a level in bard next. :)