Braddon Hurst |

Indeed. I have a lovely little Dell laptop which shall holiday with me and my beloved, and it has inbuilt WiFi. I figure if the cheap roadside places don't have wifi I'll start hanging around Maccers or starbucks and using their wifi. Are there any american chains with free wifi that also sell decent food though? :-)
We leave here Tuesday morning and get there Tuesday morning so I doubt I'll post there come Monday after posting my last updates here on Monday night. :-D
Will be back to regular posting July 11th... ish. :-)

Joana |

Yeah, I figured wi-fi ought to be the same, but I wasn't sure about the actual electrical plugs for charging things. I know when I spent a J-term in England in college, my roommate had to buy a new curling iron at the Boots when we got there because the American plug on hers wouldn't fit the hotel's socket.

Mark Sweetman |

Aussie plugs and US plugs are indeed different... but that is easily solved with a cheapo adapter. The more pertinent difference is that the US power system operates on 120V rather than Australia's 230V.
Most laptops and shavers and some other electrics are dual voltage (as in operate of either level) but still worth checking.

Malkith Deraythen |

Have a good time. I apologize now if Malkith fouls this up. The necklace and missing servant woman are Braddon's investigation, I'm not sure how well Malkith has kept up on that information while investigating his own leads...

Joana |

I think Braddon's intent is to question Nora about the events of Sunday night while the general's daughter was with her, ask if she knows where Lil Scarlet is, see what instructions, if any, she might have been given on what to do with Ananda, and find out if she knows anything about Madame Vishki's whereabouts. Hopefully, Dave will check in when he gets a chance in the US and elaborate if there's anything else.
In other words, it's okay if Malkith doesn't know exactly what to ask since Braddon's there to coach him through it. :)

Gristav |

Can you have Dayn come rescue me from the dungeons of the CypherLodge? :)
That silvered brunette in green is gonna Circe me, I just know it.
I'd like to be something that can fly. :)

Gristav |

I'd call it 'mental stance', and gate it like the (1 BAB = draw a weapon while Move action), hanging it on the _trained_ Will save increase, or possibly also allow it if a Trait is possessed that adds to that sort of save.
A 'yea, though I walk through the valley...' sort of thing. Saint Clydwell's Ward, for the everyman.
edit: LOL. I hadn't realized I was opining about Gris' need.
another edit: I suppose I ought recuse myself from further comment, but this one works against my cause: It's arguable such minor wards and mental stances are subsumed in the mystically-trained classes increased Will save.
Gris knew he was poking the tigress. :)

Gristav |

I don't know if Gris will make it down the hill, or to the ferry, or back to the Goblin. But I expect it's tolerable to list some intent:
Ask the Ferryman if a pass of reasonable or permanent duration might be purchased. Is there a reduced rate for repeat business?
And another tentative post, spoken in Common or possibly translated from the original Bullfrog...
Gristav to Larur:
"...and that's when I stepped in. It hurt to watch her wilt, to imagine it happening every day. I didn't have the right, I know, but in the instant, I only saw the fire, and reached for the bucket."
"I think I was convincing. I hope the lack of diction will be remembered, and Sam will see I was insincere. I don't want her to think I meant the things I said, only to get the older lady's attenton and sympathy for her."
"I couldn't really walk up and ask Sam, if she wanted me to make a scene..."

Tendal Deverin |

So, I have had my posting frequency decrease lately, and I have realized that it is time that I face facts. I cannot continue for the time being, at least until I get my feet underneath me and I figure out how all this is going to work.
What is "this"? Well, I am starting med school this year. In about a month, actually. I also am in the middle of a move from Hawaii back to Michigan. And last but not least...I am an older student, so I haven't been "in" school since oh...1998.
To say I am nervous and a bit freaked would be an understatement. I just don't think that I can continue posting until I get settled in, get my study rhythm down and figure out what is what.
I am certain that I will be scratching the walls and looking for a good stress release in a few months, and will most likely return...probably to a game or two.
In any regard, its been a good two years of fun. I have really enjoyed this. I am certain that posting regularly has helped my writing and probably helped my career in the process. You guys are a fantastic community, wonderful brilliant and imaginative writers and just lovely people. Cheers and I hope to see you again in a few months.

ZetaGilgamesh |

I think you guys deserve a bit more of a post.
Joana, you are a wonderful and amazing writer and a fantastic DM. You have held this world of ours together with grace and strength. I cannot say much more than it has been a supreme pleasure to have been a part of it.
Gentlemen and Ladies, I must say that you are quite possible the single best group on the forum. I cannot say that I have ever seen a group that consistently has such high quality and craftsmanship. You were wonderful to dream and write with.
To all, God Bless (whatever your personal faith).

Phillip Hargreaves |

ZetaGilgamesh - completely understand the reasons and concern, though still will be sad to see Tendal depart. Time shared was enjoyed and it's a shame that Phil and he won't get to verbally dance.
Joana is running a very tight ship indeed and I'm happy to be a mere deckhand upon it's great and glorious journey.

Gristav |

I'm sure you'll miss it, ZG. I respect your wisdom in focusing on your foundation. I hope you'll have time to read up, possibly read in, in the future. I understand the 2nd-level class feature for 'Medical Student' is 'Slivers of Free Time (Ex)', and at 3rd they get 'Memories of Sleep (Ex)'. And remember you have that 'Always a Gamer' Trait.
Best wishes for your studies and move.

Braddon Hurst |

It will be sad to see you go, and I hope you do return. I regret that our interactions have been minimal to date as such great personalities were made to dance. :-)
Heck, two months- Tendal may be back in time for dinner tonight? :-P
Good luck, good wishes, take care.

Joana |

Very sorry to see you go, Zeta, but I fully understand that your RL transitions require a lot of effort and focus. I'd be thrilled to have you back again if you find you have the time when things settle down. I have no intention of writing Tendal out of the game; he'll just move to the background, handling business-related tasks with Saul. You are more than welcome to step back in at any time. And please don't feel like you'd have to catch up on all the posts from the meantime; I'd be happy to provide you a summary to get you up to speed. As Braddon points out, in-game time's been elapsing fairly slowly. ;P
I wish you all the best as you change gears. Remember where you left us! Drop back by to say hi and let us know how you're doing. :)

Malkith Deraythen |

Yes, to echo Braddon, it's a disappointment that our characters did not get to interact more. I haven't done much PbP before, but this group has certainly been much more successful than I had anticipated it to be thanks, not only our spectacular GM, but a great group of players.
With luck, by the time you're scratching at the walls again, Braddon, Phillip, Gristav, and Malkith won't even have noticed Tendal had wondered off for a day or two.
Best of luck with school and the long move.

Daynadrian Nirgassan |

Well, I don't think Dayn's going to miss Tendal too much, but I will certainly miss the opportunity for them to interact more, as well as your excellent portrayal of him ZG. So come back soon.
On another note, I'll be camping all week so will have little to no net service. I'm eager to get more info on Lil, buy please dmpc Dayn as necessary.

Gristav |

Gristav will be about in the common room, lending a hand. Easy for Phil or any other to find him if desired. He's not woven into the current intrigues yet, so his current probable trajectory is back to somewhere in sight of the near side of the ferry, as darkness falls.
He might vent as outlined above, to Larur, but not likely to others.
Gristav will, in absence of scheming PC conversation, after much re-doing of his maths, sigh and go softly to Thuvalia's room, absent hat in hand, requesting dancing lessons.
(Spare me, lads!)

Phillip Hargreaves |

Phil's only plan for the afternoon so far was to swing past Ethels place of employ to see her after work... for the triple duty of saying hi, milking his head wound for some sympathy... then seeing if she was interested in hanging out with the guy that hit Phil this evening ;)
Will have post up in thread sometime soonish-ish.

Phillip Hargreaves |

Hmm - just re-read Gristav's comment and saw that he was actually playing along reasonably well rather than being an obstruction. Doh! - Phil's post comes across a little bit arseholish by comparison now.
But I'll leave it there as a mis-read and mis-representation of how I initially heard it and responded... rather than reading it again now a second time; and realising that what Gristav said originally was perfectly fine for Phil's purposes.
I'll blame it on the concussion :P

Gristav |

I know sometimes my text is dense and overwrought.
Gristav means, "How do I learn to dance like a gypsy, by dancing with you like a fauxble?"
Fauxble: faux-ble, not really a noble.

Gristav |

Notes on a slate hung in Desna's view:
Dear Lady: Thank You for Your Presence, and for suffering ours. is written across the top.
Below a broad line in similar, less careful hand:
Caravan Night?
Dancing: T! S? -G Others?
Magics: G S? Others?
Game/Show: Stretch
Speaks Varisi? S,T,G,?

Gristav |

[Hagrid]"I'm a WIZARD, Harry!"[/Hagrid]
Here's hoping 'mother' trusts James Jacobs' opinion.
[Warner Bros. Cartoon Witch]"...'Mother'... Hee hee hee hee!"[/WBCW]

Gristav |

Sounds like I did already. Say, wait! Were you once a Mwangi caster of some kind, who found a feral halfling under your chair in the pathfinder briefing room? Because that was me!

Phillip Hargreaves |

I find that the best use of the James Jacobs thread is as a reinforcement of why a collaborative design focus can be superior to a singular design focal point.... kind of how Star Wars I-III suck alot more compared to IV-VI as nobody was able to tell George Lucas when he was off in cuckoo land.
Don't get me wrong - he's a great cog in the well oiled machine that is Paizo... but to me Half-Elves can tend to the hirsute if they have a care to.

Phillip Hargreaves |

It seemed an appropriate affectation to apply when Phil's been out doing the hard yards filling his own pocke... I mean, doing very important word in the name of the Goblin :P
Though other synonyms are equallay magnificent... such as fribble, coxcomb or macaroni.
Phil is totally not deflecting... honest...

Gristav |

Consider 'flibbertigibbet', 'blatherskite', and 'fancy'.
After all, the person instigating the challenge is traditionally afforded the choice of weapons. And nothing requires they be accurate.
I don't think you're going to distract Larur, though.

Phillip Hargreaves |

Though with a tad more wiki research I discovered a term for the modern day - Swenkas. And these guys have serious style!
We'll see about Larur...

Gristav |

Several gentlemen laboring toward looking their best. I'd have to say I think that second fellow is a bit off course.
But for Gristav? No, his beard lies in natural lines, unwinged, unwaxed. There's another avatar with a broad hat I like also for him, but he lost that hat on the way to Riddleport. (A tale as yet untold)

Phillip Hargreaves |

Advanced warning that your friendly neighborhood conman will be on vacation starting 27th June all the way through to 17th July. We will be taking our first big ol' vacation in six years and swanning off to Hawaii (both Kauai and Oahu). Our first trip to the US, and despite needing about 16 hours in a plane to get there - we are still super excited :)
However since we'll be travelling with only an i-pad for computer support both my predeliction for sesquipedalian loquaciousness and the relative alacrity and frequency of posts shall suffer most terribly during that time. So in essence Phillip will be relatively inactive while I'm off sinking deep into Kalua pig, malasadas and loco moco. Fear not for I shall return fully recharged and reinforced for the onward push towards Varisian Gypsy Night.
I'll aim to get a mudmap of Phil's actions for the next 24 hours or so up before I disappear so that Joana's got something to run with.

Gristav |

kn:local+7 vs DC20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
LOL. Well, conversation about it counts as 'Aid Another'?

Joana |

Where are you heading once outside, Phil?
As far as plans for your partial absence, I think Phil's only actual scheduled events for the near future are drinks with Ranef tonight and then lunch with Gristav and the shipwright tomorrow? Where does he plan to be during the intervening hours? I know he mentioned some mysterious evening possibilities that Ethel might assist him in this morning.