Shadow over Riddleport

Game Master Joana

"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is." -- Braddon Hurst

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hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Hope recovery is swift and smooth.
Best wishes for both of you.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Ouch man - fingers are definitely well crossed for you that the stroke was minor.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

She is still her, and still here, and I thought she might be neither.

So yes, minor.

Less poetically, there are signs the left side will respond to rehab.

So indeed, if 'minor' applies, we can apply it here.

I'm thankful to hear that the worst appears to be over and that the doctors' reports are positive. I hope the road to recovery isn't too long and arduous for either of you.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)
Braddon wrote:
"Only an idiot picks a fight they can't win."

If Phillip's defence he did make twelve gold off of it :P

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Somehow, I doubt Braddon has won every fight he ever picked. If called on this however, I suspect he has an excuse for each and every loss. And none of them would have made him a cent. :-)

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Gristav might say he's never lost a fight, because he's still fighting his first.

As a throwback to our Metaphysical Poets digression a while back, every time I see this thread in the sidebar, I keep mentally declaiming, "Death be not taxed."

Mark, does Phil have any ulterior motive to his evening with the gladiators, or is it just a meet-and-greet?

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Joana - not really, my next post in thread was going to be a suggestion for a slight time skip to the end of the scene. Phil just wanted to put in an appearance, start to develop a bit of a profile with the gladiators and then bug out off to Ethel.

Sounds good. Feel free to skip yourself ahead.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Out of town for a week so posts may be irregular. Assume Braddon stays out the way and keeps watch and does as he's told for once. :-)

(Perhaps a little unfair- Braddon has shown some aptitude at following orders. :-)

Male Elf Urban Ranger/ 1

Hey all. My sincere apologies once again for my absence. It's been a very busy, full and fun summer so far. I very much enjoy this amazing campaign and all the incredibly talented people making it what it is. Yet at this point, I think it's only fair to retire Dayn for now. I'm off again on another two week camping trip, and with group being as incredibly prolific as they as, it makes it very hard to catch up in the time I have. I'm going to have to drop a couple other games as well and narrow my focus to the 3 or 4 years long running campaigns I'm currently in. Which will be a stretch in and of itself.

Perhaps after the summer, when things have slowed down, I can bring Dayn back, if we're welcome still :-)

I send you all my great gratitude for the great time already had, and I wish you all the best. U til next!

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Farewell. :-(

I shall miss the gentle 'thock' of your arrows as they slide neatly between ribs to puncture internal organs. :-)
Take care. You were fun.

:-D avid

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Aye, fare thee well in the world Daynadrian. If / when you're back in the 'net' and free enough drop on in.

Thanks for being upfront about your time constraints, Khaladon. If you find yourself back in a place where you can check in every other day or so, you're welcome to return. For the immediate situation, Dayn's lockpicking skills are in demand so I'll DMPC him as needed.

Re Gristav's spoilered question about prestidigition: The main constraints on it are that it can't duplicate the effects of any other spell and that its effects, save those specifically called out, cannot persist more than an hour. As such, I'm fine with it being able to produce the equivalent of candlelight; that makes it useful for illuminating a small area but not sufficient for dungeon-travel, when you'd still want light or dancing lights.

Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
Content at least to be past the entrance Phil figures there will be more than enough time to reflect on Ethel's nerves later.

Cut the girl some slack! Commoners have only so many skill points to go around. ;)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Oh he will... but she's probably ruled herself out of an active role in any shenanigans he plans to get up to for a little while... which is probably a good thing for her anyhow :P

Hey, not everyone is fortunate enough to be born into a PC class with all the embarrassment of ability-enhancing riches it entails! Some of us have to be the secondary and tertiary and quaternary characters, you know. That said, she did much better against Rosamond. :)


Gristav wrote:
Gristav strode through the door with studied nonchalance, very nearly reaching for his absent hat as though to hang it immediately.

Gristav's hat! I almost feel it needs its own character sheet. It's like Chekhov's gun: If a hat has been lost at the beginning of the adventure, it must be found by the end. It needs a story feat.

What once belonged to you shall be yours again.

Prerequisite: You must have lost a hat.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks, but direct sunlight makes your eyes all squinty.

Goal: Regain your lost hat. In the process of completing this claim, you must decisively defeat a challenging foe that seeks to deny you your hat.

Completion Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on hat-related ability checks, hat-based skill checks, and Reflex saving throws to hold onto your hat.

Special: If you manage to regain your hat without defeating a challenging foe, you may still complete this story feat at a later date if a suitable challenging foe attempts to steal your hat again.

I'm in the midst of a post giving an overview of Lil's flat but am about to have to leave to keep an appointment. If anyone wants to examine any specific item or part of the room, let me know. I've rolled Perception and Survival for Braddon (and rolled quite well) so he needn't include any rolls.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

If Braddon has rolled well, he has out-scaled anything Gristav could do.

Gris had already had thoughts along those lines, and had focused himself on magical senses. Given your prompting, however, and consulting his stats...

WAIT! Just saw the hat edit. LOL. Thing is, I know where and why he lost it (in the way a writer knows things, which is perhaps out of bounds for a player). Anyway, back to the matter of Lil's apartment... (If Gris' hat were found here, I expect he might not make it back to the Goblin with all his teeth. At least he'd have his hat. Would Braddon count as challenging? :)

Back on topic: Appraise +7? Kn:Local +7? (Sources of sundries found in the place, might tell us where she shops). Otherwise , DetMag, perhaps especially near the bed, 'where the magic happens'. (Gristav would smirk)

There's no reason Gristav shouldn't know where and why he lost his own hat. He was there, after all, I presume. It's not like knowing who his parents were and why he was taken, which are things beyond the bounds of his character knowledge.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

I figured something came at him out of those haunted shipwrecks you mentioned, (he rode into your game with Distrupt Undead ready...) and when the hat blew off during the chase, he didn't go back for it. Having it appear here, in Riddleport, would raise many questions. And possibly lead to us meddling kids unmasking the Shipwreck Phantom. (cue Scooby Doo theme)

I'm pleased you've recalled and used Water Street.

Ah, the Boneyard. That's just outside Riddleport; certainly not beyond the realms of possibility he might be there again. :)

Crazy busy day today. I'll post up what the rest of you find in Lil's apartment in four hours or thereabouts.

Ethel Braum wrote:
She can take 10 to palm a coin-sized object and make it disappear -- but if she's in immediate danger or distracted, she could manage a bit less than half of the time.

Should be a bit more than half the time -- and I missed the edit window by about five minutes. Ought to teach me not to post when I'm in a rush. :P

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Gold Goblin wrote:
Sorry; I'm so used to rangers having ranks in Knowledge (nature), I didn't even notice no one in the group had it trained. :P

Well, we did start out with two urban rangers, though now we have none. Maybe Braddon will study a rat or something. Though that Int penalty... :-)

Advance notice that in approximately 48 hours I'll be going out of town for a few days. I expect to have internet access at the hotel but will probably only be able to check in once a day, and I won't have a great deal of time to post anything lengthy and/or involved. Should be back to normal Thursday.

Gristav wrote:
Gris will provide the firefly, but his plan (before the lamp was extinguished) was to carry the lamp and follow Braddon's senses at such a distance as to let Braddon have the light, but keep it from shining through whatever doors we might come to in our exploring. That was what he'd meant. Malkith gets little from the firefly. But with the lamp now out, Firefly is fine. Take the shawl, we're going to either trap her here or send runners to El General? Or both. Is the plan. Otherwise, lets try to leave things as we found them.

Yeah, Gris wants the light for exploring the next room and beyond, while Malkith is concerned about it being immediately obvious to Lil that someone's been in her room if she comes back and the lamp is missing. Both have a good argument. Do we let the man with 7 Int decide it? ;)

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Gris figures we're neither trapping ourselves in this stairway, nor leaving forever, so we can put the lamp back later. And if he has to fight or spell, the firefly might be lost. Also, the dust will mark our passage for Lil as well as it has marked hers for us, and she'll probably miss the scarf and poison. And wasn't the plan to take her into custody, anyway?

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Braddon is happy to operate with the firefly. His 12 Wis tells him it'll be harder for others to see their approach. His 7 Int tells him it's a light. :-)

Keep vials, dust and shawl. Put all else back. Including the lamp if we have an alternative light source.

Male Human (Varisian) ; 8/8 hp; AC 14 (11 t/13 ff); CMD 12; Init +1; Oracle of Lore 1

Malkith is willing to work in the dim light of the firefly, especially if it's not going to hinder his companions' senses. If things go south, he's got a few sunrods in his pack.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

(Gristav trying to talk the team out of searching the office. If we decide to search, draping the windows is going to leave tracks, so Gris will use his Silent Image spell (if it can cover all windows and doors?) to create black velvet draperies, so the lantern can be used (and others here lit?). I wanted to save it for a scowling Mescher, but I realize Gristav hasn't seen Mescher... )

I hate adjudicating illusions, as the more I think about them the more my head hurts, but there seems to be consensus on the boards that it's possible to use silent image to block light. The office is deeper than it is wide so the spell's area of effect is sufficient to cover both windows.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

I'm willing to give up the spell, if you'd rather it not be about. I do love the versatility. The PFS version of Gristav used grease to stop a wall-crawling enemy, and then silent image of the grease effect spreading over all nearby walls, to keep it grounded.

Shall I simply fail to prepare the spell in future?

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

I think of silent image as simply creating holograms. Perfect for images of walls, floors and doors or people running away. Not so good if actually interacted with. :-)

Very sorry for the delay, guys. Hotel internet proved rather unreliable -- when it was up, it was excellent, but the whole network had a disturbing habit of evaporating into the ether in the middle of a post -- and then when I got home last night, Paizo was down. Assuming the site stays up, I'm back in the saddle.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Welcome back.

I've occasionally composed offline.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Huzzah! - welcome back.

Gristav wrote:
I've occasionally composed offline.

Yes, WordPad is often my friend when I've started a post and am unable to finish it for some reason. But considering I was trying to compose a post in the same hotel room with two children and a running TV, I figured I could probably do better starting from scratch, hopefully with fewer distractions. ;)

Gristav wrote:

I'm willing to give up the spell, if you'd rather it not be about. I do love the versatility. The PFS version of Gristav used grease to stop a wall-crawling enemy, and then silent image of the grease effect spreading over all nearby walls, to keep it grounded.

Shall I simply fail to prepare the spell in future?

Ugh, sorry, Thornborn; this is one of the things I started typing a response to when the hotel internet went down and then forgot I hadn't actually posted.

Illusions are a classic wizard trope, and it would be unfair to remove them from the game. I simply have very little experience with them, as no one in my RL group has ever played wizards. It will just take me some time to wrap my head around the spell descriptions.

Will advance the thread tomorrow to give the loreweaver an opportunity to make a Knowledge roll and have any input into the pre-stakeout process he might care to. You guys going to leave Daynadrian outside in the alley all night? :)

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Certainly Daynadrian should be updated by someone (else :-). Braddon is happy with him either in or out and sees advantages in both. GM may want to opt for out for simplicity. :-)

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Gristav will establish darkness in the apartment, then gather Daynadrian to the rest of us, and review for him what we've learned. This is done in a faint whisper, so as not to overly disturb the sleeping Braddon.

Working on a post to get you guys set up for your sting on Weatherby, but I'm multitasking today so it might take a while for me to get it done. If there's anything specific you want to be sure to make happen ahead of time, let me know. I'm going to assume one watcher will be on the front door and one on the side door. Gris, you going to wait on the stairs in the storage room, I assume, so you can hear when Malkith's in the office and ready for your entrance?

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Just make sure you're finished by lunch Gristav - we've an appointment to keep ;)

Otherwise have fun

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Dear Joana,

As I'm sure you're more than aware, almost one year ago to the week you ventured into the recruitment boards seeking a band of individuals for a delve into Riddleport's underbelly. We lucky few were those chosen, and stepped into a living city that ebbs, flows and breathes with your written words. While the faces have changed here and there on one side of the curtain, what has always shone through is your commitment and passion. I hope that we've been able to return the favor and line the path walked with purple prose and poetic refrain.

By means of showing our appreciation, we've collaborated and are getting you a small gift of thanks in commemoration of our 1st birthday and in the hope for many further happy returns. As we've never had the pleasure of meeting face to face, we thought it would be cool if we could send ourselves to you.... or at least small cuboid replacements.

I know a guy who knows a guy who makes dice out of roughly 200+ different types of hardwoods both exotic and native to the USA. Each of us in turn have looked through what's available and selected a wood that we think best correlates to our character's essence.

  • Phillip - Black Mesquite - reflecting his darker impulses and essence.
  • Malkith - has yet to decide :)
  • Braddon - Imbuia - Earthy and random.
  • Gristav - Ash wood - after his staff.
  • Tendal - Koa - from ZetaGilgamesh's time in Hawaii.
  • Daynadrian - has yet to decide (or I accidentally lost his choice)

In true post-modernist fashion this isn't original - but was a gesture we did during my first real long-running PbP (now at 2 years and 5 months with the original crew of five). Here's an example of what the set will look like.

Lastly I'll be bundling up and sending through a hand-turned wood pen similar to (but not exactly) the one in that photo. My brother turns them in Aus from various Aussie woods.

I can't guarantee it'll arrive in good time, but it will do so eventually. I'll also require a land based address via PM, if you choose to accept our offering.

Saul and Larur's Security Team

Guys, I am ... stunned for 1d4 rounds and drop all held items. I run this game because I love it, and I'm grateful every day that you guys haven't lost interest in favor of threads where you actually get to fight something every once in a while. (You will in this game, too! I promise!) Thank you so much. I'm just astonished.

And everyone gets an attack of opportunity as I pick up my stuff again.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)
Joana wrote:
And everyone gets an attack of opportunity as I pick up my stuff again.

I will consider stealing a kiss, then find the moment has passed, and long lament its loss.

But it was all Phil's idea and effort, really.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Pleased to be a supporter of Mark's fabulous idea.

I echo his thanks for the dedication and talent that you have lavished upon us and hope you continue to do so. I'm having a blast. :-)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Shhh - it was a team effort :P

Male Human (Varisian) ; 8/8 hp; AC 14 (11 t/13 ff); CMD 12; Init +1; Oracle of Lore 1

I thought I made a decision. Maybe not. Can you provide the link to the choices again?

Joana, a good PbP doesn't need a lot of combat to make it fun; just a few good gamers like the group we've got here - and an excellent GM to keep it all exciting.

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