Scepter Tower of Spellgard - Rev's version

Game Master Rev Rosey

WoTC's Scepter Tower of Spellguard (whatever did you expect?)
It lead to a series of spinoffs.

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Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Zombie 2 is nearly on its knees, but manages to grab Leo in response to his challenge. 1d20+4 v Fort = 18. See above for escaping.

Rolled on athletics but got a 5+4-5 for a total of 4!

Have learned of a mistake I made on my character sheet and have corrected it but I do ask that you take a look just in case also a question if I'm being grappled does that prevent the use of say a daily power such as On Pain of Death on the zombie currently grappling Leo?

It's not proving the best day for pcs in either of my games. The Savage Blight team have all rolled dismal init versus a bunch of very tough gnolls and now a couple of zombies are about to chow down on you chaps. Happy Christmas one and all :D

Zombie reflexes are very poor, but Leo remains grabbed. As far as I can see you can take an standard action. My instinct says it would be at some kind of penalty, but I can't see what. The attempt to escape counts as a move. This being so, you should in theory be able to make a second escape attempt in lieu of an action. The PHB does not seem to say you can't. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Can anyone help us out here?

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Leo the half elven Paladin wrote:

Rolled on athletics but got a 5+4-5 for a total of 4!

Have learned of a mistake I made on my character sheet and have corrected it but I do ask that you take a look just in case also a question if I'm being grappled does that prevent the use of say a daily power such as On Pain of Death on the zombie currently grappling Leo?

Being grabbed immobilizes you, meaning you can't leave your space (except by teleportation). It does not affect your ability to make attacks.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:
Zombie reflexes are very poor, but Leo remains grabbed. As far as I can see you can take an standard action. My instinct says it would be at some kind of penalty, but I can't see what. The attempt to escape counts as a move. This being so, you should in theory be able to make a second escape attempt in lieu of an action. The PHB does not seem to say you can't. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Can anyone help us out here?

Oddly, didn't see this one. Correct -- he can take a standard as usual, or swap the standard for a second move (escape attempt).

Brujo quickly blinks out of existence and reappears behind the undead group.

"Burn", green-blue flames wrap around his blade as he attacks a skeleton.

Fey step to L15. Greenflame blade on s2 1d20+8=18; Damage 1d8+5=8 cold/fire damage

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Perigia casts Acid Arrow at S2. 1d20+5=14 vs, Ref for S2, 1d20+5=13 vs ref. for Z1, and 1d20+5=10 vs Ref. for Z3. Damage to S2 is (2d8+4)+1=18 acid damage ad 5 ongoing. (Save ends). Z1 takes (1d8+4)+1=11 acid damage and 5 ongoing (Save ends). Z3 takes the same damage. Note that the extra +1 is from the Burning Blizzard feat.

"Take that," Perigia shouts as she lobs a sickly green arrow at the monsters.

Rev, if my attack misses S2 takes half damage and 2 ongoing, and the secondary attacks don't happen.

Brujo teleports effortlessly into a nest of enemies slicing easily into the bony corpse next to him. Perigia's attempts are less successful. Her acid arrow eats into the skeleton, but the surrounding zombies are unaffected. It was a miss, but S2 still takes 9hp acid damage with 2 ongoing.

S1 gleefully stabs the Commander as he struggles to free himself. 1d20+8=24, 1d8+2=10hp damage to Commander Caine.

S2, distracted by the acid ravaging its body, fails to hit Brujo, but manages by sheer force of undead personality to stave off the continuing damage. Failing to hit but made the save.

S3 and S4 merely advance.

MAP post skeleton moves

Commander Caine is up


"I hate undead!"

1d20+9=26, 1d10+5=14

Would you like to use your move action to try and escape the grab or are you happy just to stay there and hack it to pieces while it holds you close to its rotting bosom? If you want to try and escape you need to roll either Acrobatics v Ref or Athletics v Fort. If you succeed, you can shift as part of the escape movement. EDITED to take account of Cronin's correction. I always mix those two up. Sigh.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:
roll either Acrobatics v Fort or Athletics v Ref. If you succeed, you can shift as part of the escape movement.

Other way 'round, I'm pretty sure.

The wight chants horribly and hurls a bolt of necrotic power at Cronin. Unable to withstand the horror, the shifter is immobilised.

Grave Bolt v Will. 1d20+6=19, 1d6+4=8 necrotic damage. Cronin is immobilised. Save ends.

Fairwind is up
Cronin - feel free to act as it's unlikely to impact much on Fairwind

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin, though rooted to the spot, is far from helpless. He invokes Selune's sacred flame on the zombie grabbing Commander Caine, burning it badly and granting Caine some relief.

Sacred Flame vs Ref on Z1, then save (1d20+6=11, 1d6+6=10, 1d20=9) 10 radiant, 2 temp hp to Caine, failed save

Zombie 1's mouth opens in a silent scream as searing flame blasts into it. Z1 is bloodied.

Rev DM wrote:
Would you like to use your move action to try and escape the grab or are you happy just to stay there and hack it to pieces while it holds you close to its rotting bosom? If you want to try and escape you need to roll either Acrobatics v Ref or Athletics v Fort. If you succeed, you can shift as part of the escape movement. EDITED to take account of Cronin's correction. I always mix those two up. Sigh.

Athletics vs. Fort 1d20+8=24

Did I escape? If yes, please shift me to an open space, Rev.

With inhuman strength born of disgust and desperation, Commander Caine shoves the undead arms aside and leaps free! As his parting gift, he slices into the undead form and pulverises it. Moving you to I17, which is the best I can do really. Zombie 1 is dead.

Updated MAP

Fairwind to go

I got 10 and 22 to hit with twin strike. I do 4 damage to Z2. Woot.

Fairwind snarls and stabs the zombie, in attempt to aid Leo.

Fairwind's stab strikes a vital spot and the zombie clutching at Leo falls into a slumped heap of rotting horror. Zombie 2 is dead - there has to be another term for dead undead, surely?

The remaining zombie tries to wrap its putrescent arms around Brujo, but the wily swordmage easily evades its attack.


Brujo is up

Brujo jumps back from the undead attackers

Shift to M14.

He raises his blade, and with a cold look in his eyes releases the weapon, "Burn them to ashes...Llamear Muerte".

He hurls the blade, now looking like a cloud of burning cinders, at the undead.

Thowing Incendiary Sword at L15; Incendiary Sword against z3 and s2 [ooc= ]1d20+6=22 vs Will, 1d20+6=18 vs Will; Damage 2d6+6=16 fire damage, 2d6+6=10 fire damage; target takes 5 fire damage if it makes an attack that does not include you on its next turn.

After covering the area with red flames, the blade reforms in the moon elf's hand.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th

Just to save time Leo tries to break free using both standard and move action due to his lack of success last round, rolls an 8+4-5 for a total of 7 for the first and 17+4-5 for 16 for the 2nd attempt

Leo desperately tries to free himself...

Leo your opponent was turned into mincemeat by Fairwind and you are no longer grabbed.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Perigia moves to G13 and casts Magic Missile at the Wight.
1d20+5=20 vs. Ref. 2d4+4=9 force damage

The wight winces slightly as Perigia's arcane blast hits it.

Just holding on for Leo to sort himself out before I sort out the skeleton moves and update the map.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

The wight winces slightly as Perigia's arcane blast hits it.

Just holding on for Leo to sort himself out before I sort out the skeleton moves and update the map.

Sorry about that that caught me offguard and I've only got back online after correcting a problem with my antivirus setup

Leo reacts with uncustomary haste as he levels his holy symbol ahead of him.
"Sorry to cut and run I hope your passage into the next life is as quick as it can possibly be...ON PAIN OF DEATH!" Leo invokes with his prayer.

Rolled a 15+5 for a total of 20 to hit vs its Will on S4 if it does hit it does 3d8+4 damage rolled a 8+4+4+4 for a total of 20 damage and it will take an additional 1d8 damage after any attack it makes (once per round) until it makes its save, (Please note that if this missed the damage is halved to 10pts and it takes an additional 1d4 damage each time it attacks but only once per round until it makes its save) Leo will then move to C-15 then D-15 and finally to E-14 since he can see S3 from there using his divine challenge on S3 and then using an action point allows Leo to bestow upon it a holy strike rolling a 19+9 for 28 to hit which if it does inflicts 1d8+5 radiant damage and roll a total of 9pts of radiant damage to S3

Rushing to the otherside of the crypt Leo catches another foe and cuts loose with a holy strike upon it hoping he can reverse his poor decision that forced Fairwind to back him up.

Leo's flurry of activity wrecks havoc on the skeletons and bones char under his divine powers.

Skeleton 1 attacks Commander Caine, slashing effortlessly past the warlord's defences. 1d20+10=27, 1d8+2=9hp damage to Commander Caine.

Skeleton 2 attacks Brujo and also hits, but the longsword sheers away at the last moment, doing substantially less damage. 1d20+10=28, 1d8+2+4hp damage to Brujo.

Heedless of its doom, Skeleton 3 launches itself at Leo and manages to evade the paladin's guard. 1d20+10=23, 1d8+2=6hp damage to Leo.

Skeleton 4 leans around the corner to attack Fairwind, and even with that disadvantage manages to land an blow on the dexterous ranger. 1d20+8=22 (includes -2 penalty for cover), 1d8+2=6hp damage to Fairwind. Even in its moment of triumph, the continued effect of Leo's spell afflicts it and it suffers further damage itself. 1d8=7 damage to Skeleton 4 which is now bloodied. Skeleton 4 also failed its save. Go Skeleton 4.


Caine is up

<Spending action point to gain another attack>

"This will hurt!" Caine tells the Skeleton.

1d20+9=27, 1d10+5=9

[url=]1d20+9=18, 1d10+5=8[/url

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Rev, you missed Perigia's move on the map,

Apologies Perigia - amended.

The Commander and Skeleton 1 face off against each other, man to bone. The wight stays securely on the roof of the tomb and fires more necrotic damage at you. This time the target is Leo.

1d20+6=21 v Ref; 1d6+4=8 necrotic and target is immobilised. Save ends. 8hp damage to Leo and he is immobilised.


Fairwind is up
Cronin - still immobilised.

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Shift 1 square N. Twin Strike. 18 and 19 vs AC against S4. Damage - 2 and 2.

Fairwind snarls in frustration as she is left alone to fend off a skeleton.

Fairwind methodically cuts a few more sinews out of Skeleton 4.

updated MAP

Cronin is up (needs to save v immobilisation
Leo - will need to save v immobilisation

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin, though still fearful of the wight, blasts the skeleton attacking Brujo with sacred flame, at the same time inspiring Leo to shake off the fear effects.

Sacred flame vs S2, 23 vs Ref, 9 damage. Leo gets a save. Missed my save.

Cronin's attack bloodies skeleton 3 and grants Leo the mental power to break free of the immobilising spell cast by the wight.


Leo make a save to end the immobilisation immediately. If you make it, you can act normally on your turn.

Brujo is up
Perigia (icy doom gal)

Rev DM wrote:

Cronin's attack bloodies skeleton 3 and grants Leo the mental power to break free of the immobilising spell cast by the wight.


Just to confirm, but S2 is still standing after Cronin's and Brujo's attacks. Also the map seems to be wrong I had moved to M13 during my last turn.

Brujo wrote:

Shift to M14.

Thowing Incendiary Sword at L15; Incendiary Sword against z3 and s2 [ooc= ]1d20+6=22 vs Will, 1d20+6=18 vs Will; Damage 2d6+6=16 fire damage, 2d6+6=10 fire damage; target takes 5 fire damage if it makes an attack that does not include you on its next turn.

Sorry if this causes any problems

Map corrected. Yes, Skeleton 2 is still with you. These are rather tougher than the first batch you met. It is bloodied, and taking the ongoing, but still up and about.


Aegis of Shielding on z3.

Brujo quickly makes a few hand jesters and places a barrier around the zombie.

Greenflame blade on s2 1d20+8=28 vs Will, CRIT; Damage 1d8+5=13 fire/cold damage, all adjacent enemies take 2 fire damage.

Brujo's flaming blade reduces Skeleton 2 to a pile of bones once more. Skeleton 2 is dead


Leo - immobilised

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Brujo's flaming blade reduces Skeleton 2 to a pile of bones once more. Skeleton 2 is dead


Leo - immobilised

Rolled a 13 so Leo will be back to mobility next round, makes it easier as this round he'd use second wind to recover I am assuming even immobile he can do that?

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Seeing Leo in trouble, Perigia turns and casts Ray of Frost at S3.1d20+5=23 vs. Ref to hit. 1d6+4=8 cold damage and the target is slowed until the end of her next turn.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Leo the half elven Paladin wrote:
Rolled a 13 so Leo will be back to mobility next round, makes it easier as this round he'd use second wind to recover I am assuming even immobile he can do that?

Yes. Immobilized just means you can't leave your square, no other limitations.

Perigia, you need to reconsider your target as S2 fell to Brujo on his turn.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Fixed it. I was actually thinking S3 but hit the wrong key.

Icicles form on Perigia's victim and its movement is clearly slowed. Leo takes advantage of his temporary immobility to draw power from within himself and holds his ground.

Skeleton 3 attacks Leo, jabbing at the paladin with its longsword. 1d20+10=24, which is a hit even with Leo's +2 to defences this round. 1d8+2=7 damage.

Skeleton 1 continues to focus on Commander Caine. 1d20+10=23, 1d8+2=9 damage to Commander Caine.

Skeleton 4 concentrates on Fairwind. The bony foe finds an unlikely opening in the half-elf's defences and slices her nastily. Crit. 10 damage to Fairwind.

MAP - as before, but for ease of reference.

Caine is up

Caine is bloodied.

Activating Bastion of Defense

1d20+9=16, 3d10+5=30

Allies within 5 squares gain +1 power bonus to AC and 7 temporary hit points.

Down to 8 hp; this damn skeleton is tough.

That's a miss Commander. No temp hp or attack bonus.

The wight looks on triumphantly as the skeletons stand their ground. With a hideous cackle it points a gnarled finger at the remnants of skeleton 2 and the bones knit together and rise again.

Your old pal Skeleton 2 is back. Not as good as new, but with you once more. It stands as a free action.

Gloating, the wight shoots an immobilising grave bolt at Fairwind and misses. It hisses with frustration.


Fairwind is up
Cronin - still immobilised
Zombie - which I forgot about last round.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin attempts to blast the skeleton harassing Caine with his lance of faith, but misses badly. He is still able to invoke Selune's blessing to heal the Commander partially.

LoF at S1 Ref; Healing Caine (1d20+6=7, 1d8+6=8, 1d6+4=5)

Caine spends surge +5; Failed save again

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

What the hell! Damn post monster! I posted a whole post. Fairwind got 20 something to hit her skelly using Hit and Run for 11 damage, and then got 19 or 18 to hit the one attacking Leo for 8 damage.

Fairwind stabs her foes, snarling "I've had enough of you!", rolls aside, and slices at Leo's opponent.

"Need a hand, preacher?"

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Geleri Fairwind wrote:

What the hell! Damn post monster! I posted a whole post. Fairwind got 20 something to hit her skelly using Hit and Run for 11 damage, and then got 19 or 18 to hit the one attacking Leo for 8 damage.

Fairwind stabs her foes, snarling "I've had enough of you!", rolls aside, and slices at Leo's opponent.

"Need a hand, preacher?"

"Certainly looks that way doesn't it?" Leo remarks a little crestfallen.

"I never knew undead could be this infuriating..." Leo adds wondering what else he could mess up today.
I think Leo is bloodied too

Took a guess on Fairwind's position, let me know if that's not where you planned to end up.

Fairwind's blows deal more damage to the bony dead, as she dashes between the two skeletons. Cronin's healing powers restore the Commander and Zombie 3 hauls itself back into action and tries feebly to grab at Brujo. It fails utterly to do so.


Brujo is up

"Just can't stay down can you...sigh" Brujo blade ignites and strikes at the skeleton.

Greenflame blade on s21d20+8=19 vs Will; Damage 1d8+5=10 fire/cold damage; z3 takes 2 more fire damage

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