Scepter Tower of Spellgard - Rev's version

Game Master Rev Rosey

WoTC's Scepter Tower of Spellguard (whatever did you expect?)
It lead to a series of spinoffs.

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F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Move to J10. Hunter's Quarry the fancypants vampire guy. Scorching Burst on him but missing Caine.
1d20+3=15 vs his Reflex

Fairwind pelts across the room, hanging back to gauge the foe and brings forth a burst of fire against their pallid opponent.

Brujo looks on with wild eyes. The undead thing shakes his foundation. He draws his crossbow and fires.

Attack 1d20+5=16; Damage 1d6=6


Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Commander, you only have cover if you're Snaggletooth or you're prone.

INIT ORDER SO FAR - just waiting on Leo
Barthus (the bad guy - you should know his name, although he'll tell you soon enough)


Sorry been a little off of late rolled a 11+2+2 for a total of 15, where you've indicated on the map is fine

Leo launches himself after Caine Moves to L-10 and then after their erstwhile foe Moves from there to H-6 before stepping in to attack at G-6 employing an action point to make an attack employing his divine strength before cutting loose with Piercing Smite and rolls a 19+8 for 27 to hit vs its reflex doing 2d8+4+3 (for divine strength) for a total of 11pts of damage IF it hits...

"Excuse me but you picked the wrong time and the wrong place for an introduction, but have a piercing smite on behalf of Kelemvor!" Leo lunges forth as his sword glitters with silvery spikes that disappeara as quickly as they manifest.

No problem, just hoping you're OK. One of the reasons for my ruthless posting on behalf of people is so that if things go horrible in rl for any reason, you'll all know things will roll along and you won't be holding anything up. That's the theory anyway :D

On which subject, I need to remake the map for this one. Photobucket is playing silly whatnots and while it will let me upload, it won't let me edit. I really don't want to launch into combat with this particular big bad without a decent map for you all, so I'll have to finish putting together Barthus moves and actions in the morning - it's half past midnight here. Apologies to all.

Fairwind and Brujo both launch attacks that Barthus loftily ignores, while Leo has better fortune. As another blade slices into his immaculate white skin, Barthus sighs gently as one of his wounds heals over. He looks the paladin in the eye.

"The younger generation really have no manners at all do they?" he remarks calmly.

Against his will, Leo finds himself nodding understandingly and looking reproachfully at Commander Caine. The Commander takes advantage of the vampire's momentary distraction to swipe at him again. In response, Barthus casually slaps him with his mace.

"Watch and learn from your elders and betters. You are in my country now." A faint glow forms around him and Leo feels a deathly chill sweep over him.

Bear with me. Barthus used his Dominating Gaze on Leo as the melee combatant likely to do him the most damage. Leo is dominated. This is a ranged attack, so Caine and Leo both get OAs against him. Minor.

Then he swiped at Caine with his mace. Standard.

Finally, he cast Desecrated Ground - burst 1. This affected Leo, but any enemy starting their turn in the zone takes 1d6+3 necrotic damage. He can only sustain one zone at a time, but it is a rechargeable power. Minor.

Dominating Gaze v Will on Leo (1d20 9=26. Leo is dominated. Save (at -2) ends. Once the domination effect ends, Leo will be dazed (save ends). Effects of domination noted below. This is a rechargeable power - Barthus rolls at the start of his next turn to see if it recharges.

Mace attack on Caine (1d20 12=20, 1d8 4=12). 12hp damage to Caine.
Desecrated Ground (Burst 1) v Fort against Leo and Caine (1d20 9=22, 1d6 3=8, 1d20 9=15, 1d6 3=4). Hits Leo, misses Caine. 4hp necrotic damage to Leo.

Domination: You are dazed (one action per turn). The dominating creature chooses your action. The only powers it can make you use are at-will powers.

Dazed: You grant combat advantage. You can take either a move action, or a standard action or a minor action on your turn. You can also take free actions. You can't flank an enemy.

Caine has taken 12hp damage
Leo has taken 4hp damage and is dominated
Barthus is marked by Fairwind


OAs from Leo and Caine
Perigia is up

Opportunity Attack 1d20+9=28, Damage 1d10+5=10

Nice one Commander.

Caine's greatsword slices true once more, as the warlord takes full advantage of a minute opening in Barthus' defences.

OA from Caine resolved.

For Rev

I'm bloodied, btw; can I retcon the healing surges from the last rest so I start the encounter with full hp?

Commander Caine wrote:
For Rev** spoiler omitted **

Commander Caine


Yes. I was somewhat surprised that you were bloodied and indeed had assumed that'd you'd fully healed yourself up. My bad for not asking.

For Rev


I am assuming that you all used the necessary healing surges after your little run in with the creepers to restock on hp. If you didn't, please do so now and amend profiles accordingly.

Leo - OA when you can, after that Barthus is in control until you save, but please feel free to post IC reaction as you wish.
Perigia - is up

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

I am assuming that you all used the necessary healing surges after your little run in with the creepers to restock on hp. If you didn't, please do so now and amend profiles accordingly.

Leo - OA when you can, after that Barthus is in control until you save, but please feel free to post IC reaction as you wish.
Perigia - is up

Tried another holy strike but rolled a 3+8 for 11 to hit which should miss, will then be under B's control until next round when he can make a save at which point rolled a 17 but until then...

Leo strikes again but falters missing as he stands upright and silent, gazing ahead of him at some point beyond the party and the battle thats being waged.

To DM only:

Wasn't sure if thats what you meant by being dominated

Leo only


React in any way you feel Leo would if a charismatic vampire took him over and he knew darned well that said vampire would use him against his friends. I can't see anything that says you lose the ability to think, just the ability to act. It's entirely up to you. Going blank sounds like a very natural reaction to me.

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

Perigia casts Ray of Frost at the bugger. 1d20+5=19 vs. Ref to hit. 1d6+4=5 cold damage and target is slowed.

Perigia's bolt of frost strikes true and Barthus looks across to the genasi.

"How charming. Fire and ice. Your talents would make you a most welcome addition to my ranks. Do consider the offer seriously." His tone remains entirely polite.

Snaggletooth gulps hard and whispers to Cronin.

"You should have let me keep the cloak. Now he can see me." Even so, the kobold starts to scuttle towards the back of the room, crouching low behind coffins and boxes to keep himself inconspicuous. Double move plus shift.


Caine is up

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin advances and, with a grand gesture, brings down silvery flames on the opponent.

Sacred Flame vs Ref (1d20+6=17, 1d6+6=9) Move to K10. If it hits, 9 radiant damage and Leo gets a save


For what it's worth, some undead have their regeneration not work when they're hit with radiant damage. Maybe? Puppy-dog eyes?



Daylight in this case. You get the radiant vulnerability, so it balances out a little.

Cronin - posted

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:
Cronin ** spoiler omitted **

Was worth a try!

Attack Roll 1d20+9=29

Damage then is 15

Minor action use Shake it Off on Leo giving him a +2 bonus to his saving throw to end being dominated.

"Do you want to live forever?!"

Necrotic damage from zone (1d6 3=4). 4hp necrotic damage to Caine for starting his turn in the dead zone.

Never heeding his own growing wounds, Commander Caine concentrates on hitting Barthus hard and succeeds. Cronin senses his skills are needed closer at hand and advances on the vampire, searing it again with holy flame and between them, the two friends manage to break Leo free of his domination. Although shattered by the experience, the paladin is restored and able to defend himself once more.

Both Caine and Cronin used powers that allow Leo to make immediate saves. I took Leo's own 17 for the first of those and rolled for him on the second one. Save v daze (1d20=10). Leo is back to normal, but will take the 1d6+3 necrotic at the start of his turn for being in the dead zone.

Fairwind is up

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Move to F7. Evasive Strike 1d20+8=21, 1d8+3=11Quarry 1d6=4 then shift to D9 as part of the power

Fairwind runs up to the vampire and slashes efficiently following up with a roll away.

To her surprise, Fairwind's blades fail to make any impact on Barthus. The vampire smiles serenely and shakes his head at her.

"No, no my dear. You have to hit me much harder than that if I'm to take notice of you. Who would like to try next? This should be educational for you all."


Leo is up and can act normally

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

"Gorram..." Fairwind mutters, "That shoulda sliced clean through 'im..."

Brujo shakes, overcome with fear and hatred for the vampire. He drops his crossbow and draws his blade. Quickly covering gournd he stops near Cronin and thows his blade at Barthus.

Move to J10. Whirling blade on Barthus 1d20+8=21 vs. AC;Damage 2d8+5=14. I really hope that hits...

Not giving the enemy time to recover Brujo ignites his blade.

Action point. Origin point E5. Incendiary blade 1d20+6=20 vs Will;Damage 2d6+6=10 cold/fire damage

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

To her surprise, Fairwind's blades fail to make any impact on Barthus. The vampire smiles serenely and shakes his head at her.

"No, no my dear. You have to hit me much harder than that if I'm to take notice of you. Who would like to try next? This should be educational for you all."


Leo is up and can act normally

"Enough Vampire, its time for your villainy to end!" Leo snarls.

Shifts to F-5 before employing divine challenge on the vampire and then unleashes a Holy Strike upon it, rolling a 15+8 for 23 to hit which if it does inflicts 1d8+5pts of radiant damage rolling a 6+5 for 11pts of radiant damage IF he hits...

Leo sidesteps behind the vampire as his sword gleaming silver once again swings at his undead foe even as Leo breaths a prayer to Kelemvor under his breath hoping to ward off any further attempts by the vampire to dominate him...

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7

On her turn Perigia will move to K15 and then cast Icy Rays at the vampire. 1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=20 vs ref. to hit, (1d10+4)+1=11, (1d10+4)+1=13 cold damage and he is imobilized until the end of Perigia's next turn. The extra damage is from My Burning Blizzard feat, which I keep forgetting about.

I'm afraid I must decline your invitation," Perigia saya. "Sorry to leave you out in the cold."

Brujo's sword flies from his hand and fails to break through Bathus's defences, like Fairwind's before him. His bolt of incendiary flame has better fortune and more blisters arise on the immaculate skin.

Free of domination, Leo ignores the pain coursing through his body from the zone of evil surrounding Barthus and strikes. His blow finds a surprising opening and his divine challenge brings the vampire round to face him.

"Do you never learn? You cannot possibly withstand me, so please cease trying. My patience is wearing a little thin."

Another wound heals over, and Barthus looks Leo in the eye once more. The paladin has no hope of resisting the vampire's gentle voice and he is once more dominated. With catlike grace, Barthus swings his mace over his shoulder, inflicting severe damage on Commander Caine.

"Your lesson in leadership continues sir. Today, you learn how to die first."

He laughs softly at the party. "So amusing, watching you all dance to my tune. I applaud you, really I do."

Necrotic damage from zone (1d6 3=8). 8hp necrotic damage to Leo from the dead zone.

Whirling Blade missed, Incendiary Blade hit. Leo's Holy Strike hit as well.

Barthus recharged his domination power, but not his desecrated ground power. Dominating Gaze against Leo v Will (1d20 9=25). Leo is dominated, but as before, he and Caine get an OA against him due to its being a ranged power.

Mace attack on Caine v AC (1d20 12=32, 1d8 4=12). 12hp damage to Caine for the crit.


Leo and Caine get OAs on Barthus, then Leo is dominated again.
Perigia is up

Caine's own turn

Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7
Rev DM wrote:

Perigia is up

Caine's own turn

Looks like I was posting about the same time you did.

Perigia, I've moved you to O12 or you're not in range to make either of your last two attacks.

Sheets of ice pour from the tip of Perigia's wand and strike Barthus hard. For the first time you see him flinch slightly.

"Very well. If you insist on such discourtesy, we shall see what rougher magics will do for your spirits."

His head goes back and he speaks a chilling word of evil. From the coffins, creaking can be heard.

Snaggletooth puts his hand over his mouth and his eyes bug out as he skitters away from the coffin and around the back of the vampire, hunting for an opening. Recklessly, he hurls one of his daggers at Barthus, but accomplishes nothing as it falls far short.


Caine and Leo to make OAs,
Caine to take his turn


Female Genasi Firesoul Wizard 7
Rev DM wrote:

Perigia, I've moved you to O12 or you're not in range to make either of your last two attacks.

Okay, my move will be to L9 instead.

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Barthus recharged his domination power, but not his desecrated ground power. Dominating Gaze against Leo v Will (1d20 9=25). Leo is dominated, but as before, he and Caine get an OA against him due to its being a ranged power.

Leo and Caine get OAs on Barthus, then Leo is dominated again.
Perigia is up

Caine's own turn

Leo unleashes another Holy Strike upon the fiend

Rolled 14+8 for 22 to hit and if it does rolled an 8 for 13pts of radiant damage

So soon as he swings his sword Leo slows as he turns his blade upright as he quivers in response to some vile command.
Pausing he glances across the room past the vampiric foe at his fellow adventurers...

Perigia - move noted and map amended accordingly.

Leo - for an OA you can only make a basic melee attack. It's a miss anyway, but just so you know in the future.

Caine - OA and normal attack

Male Half Elf Paladin 6th
Rev DM wrote:

Perigia - move noted and map amended accordingly.

Leo - for an OA you can only make a basic melee attack. It's a miss anyway, but just so you know in the future.

Caine - OA and normal attack

Sorry completely forgot, however i'm unlikely to able to post again until Friday so if its alright with you could you npc Leo if needed before then?

Leo the half elven Paladin wrote:
Rev DM wrote:

Perigia - move noted and map amended accordingly.

Leo - for an OA you can only make a basic melee attack. It's a miss anyway, but just so you know in the future.

Caine - OA and normal attack

Sorry completely forgot, however i'm unlikely to able to post again until Friday so if its alright with you could you npc Leo if needed before then?

Of course. Let me know when you're back and ready to take control of him again.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Cronin advances on the vampire, menace in his eyes. "I say again, back to the darkness!" A brilliant flash of light bursts forth from his holy symbol, bathing the combatants and inspiring his allies.

Move to I7. Divine Glow on blast 3, F5 - H7. Divine Glow vs Ref (1d20+6=18, 1d8+5=10) If that hits, 10 radiant damage. Regardless, Leo and Caine get +2 to their attacks through my next turn. Finally, Healing Word on Caine for surge + 6 Healing Word (1d6+4=6)


Since whirling blade missed, does that mean I need to roll the other 3 attacks until it hits. Leo, Fairwind in Caine are going to have words with me...

Miss Repeat the attack against a second target within 5
squares of the first. If you miss, repeat the attack against
a third target within 5 squares of the second. If you miss
again, repeat the attack against a fourth target within 5
squares of the third. Your weapon then returns to your



Good question. I think, in this instance as there are no other targets you'd want to hit you can send your blade around again to attack Barthus. It's a daily power and if you had to attack allies on a miss due to you only having one legitimate target, would be pretty useless.

Roll again for the second, third and fourth attacks and on the first hit, the blade returns to your hand. Your blade circles Barthus, searching for an opening.

Caine - OA and own action
Cronin - already posted
Leo - dominated and dazed

Opportunity Attack 1d20+9=18, Damage 1d10+5=15, Normal Attack 1d20+9=20, Damage 1d10+5=14

"Pour it on! It will fall!"

For all his brave words, the Commander cannot breach Barthus's defences. Not only that, but he feels further dark energy coursing through him from the zone of unholy ground he stands in.

Necrotic damage to Caine from desecrated ground (1d6 3=7). 7hp damage to Caine. Both your attacks miss.

Fairwind is up
Cronin - already posted
Leo - dominated and dazed
Brujo - to complete previous attack with Whirling Blade and add his own actions for this round

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

Move to E5. Twin Strike.
1d20+10=19, 1d20+10=23

We know 22 doesn't hit, so... does 23?

23 hits AC

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

shortsword; sneak attack; quarry - 1d6=1, 2d8=13, 1d6=6 - total 20

"Laugh this up, creep!" Fairwind shouts as she runs up behind the vampire and slashes with her shortsword.

Fairwind's attack marks the impeccable white skin and you can see the wounds you are inflicting are growing in number. Barthus raises a gentle hand to touch Leo's arm.

"Chastise our reckless young friend."

In some corner of his mind, Leo protests, but his training takes over and his longsword rises and falls expertly, wounding the ranger.

Barthus applauds. "Education is sometimes painful, but we all learn, do we not?"

Leo winces slightly as the desecrated ground he stands on inflicts further damage on him.

Leo, Holy Strike v Fairwind (1d20 8=27, 1d8 4=10). Dominated Leo attack on Fairwind. Fairwind takes 10hp damage.

Necrotic damage to Leo from desecrated ground zone (1d6 3=5). 5hp damage to Leo from desecrated ground.


Brujo - finish previous attack and deal with current one

F Half-elf Ranger 4 (multiclass - Rogue)

"Aggh!" Fairwind winces in pain, and she cries "Preacher! Leo! You gotta fight it! It's me here! Come on!"

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid
Rev DM wrote:

Brujo - finish previous attack and deal with current one


What happened on my turn?

Cronin wrote:

What happened on my turn?

It got eaten - grrrrr. Resurrected.

Cronin's goddess supports her servant's efforts as a blinding shaft of divine power floods over Barthus, causing the vampire the first real pain you have seen him endure and ensuring that Caine, Leo and Fairwind will all benefit from her blessing on their next attacks against the fiend.

The vampire's eyes darken and the fiend beneath the skin begins to show itself under the benign exterior.

"That was more than discourteous, priest. That was a challenge. Very well. This lesson will be sharp, but thorough. Painful even."

Divine Glow hit, doing an additional 5 radiant damage. Fairwind moved into range before your action went off, so it benefits her as well. Barthus is bloodied.

Brujo - finish previous attack and deal with current one

On My Next Turn

Bastion of Defense Attack 1d20+9=27, Damage 3d10+5=19

Allies within 5 squares gain +1 Power Bonus to AC and 7 temporary hp.

Previous attack 1d20+8=24 vs AC; Damage 2d8+5=14. I rolled a 17 and 24 for the last attacks.

Holding my action for now

Brujo's sword flies in and adds a further cut to the collection being amassed by Barthus.

The vampire allows an expression of mild annoyance to cross his face. Then he turns his attention to Leo. Almost lovingly, he brings his mace down hard on the paladin.

"So will you all fall. One by one."

The long fangs bare and he pulls the unprotesting knight towards him, sinking his teeth into the exposed throat and drinking deeply. Tenderly restoring the Leo to his place, he breathes deeply, looks around and smiles.

"Your education continues apace does it not?"

Barthus attack on Leo (1d20 12=27, 1d8 4=8). 8hp damage to Leo which bloodies him (total damage taken = 25).

Blood Drain v Leo (v Fort). On hit, target takes damage and Barthus regains 36hp. (1d20 9=16, 1d6 8=10). [b]Leo takes an additional 10hp damage, meaning he is now on 9hp.

Barthus used an AP to take two standard actions. First to hit Leo bringing him to bloodied status, then Blood Drain against and him as his has combat advantage due to Leo's dominated/dazed condition. Blood drain and the desecrated zone combined with his own regenerative ability means that Barthus is no longer bloodied.

MAP - for ease of reference - unchanged.

Perigia is up
Brujo needs to go

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