Rev DM |

The arched grille to this vault is of decorative workmanship and features beautifully etched figures of mages sending an assortment of foes to their doom. The style is archaic, but pleasing. A carved inscription encircles the upper arch.
Through the grating you can see that the chamber is dotted with seven individual tombs. They were clearly built with love and attention with specific people in mind. Like the whole catacomb, the emphasis is very much on honouring the noble dead.
Please note that although for convenience I have given you a map of the whole room, the individual tombs are 10 feet tall and provide cover, so you can't actually see all of it.

Leo the half elven Paladin |

The arched grille to this vault is of decorative workmanship and features beautifully etched figures of mages sending an assortment of foes to their doom. The style is archaic, but pleasing. A carved inscription encircles the upper arch.
Through the grating you can see that the chamber is dotted with seven individual tombs. They were clearly built with love and attention with specific people in mind. Like the whole catacomb, the emphasis is very much on honouring the noble dead.
Please note that although for convenience I have given you a map of the whole room, the individual tombs are 10 feet tall and provide cover, so you can't actually see all of it.
"Can anyone read those b****y things or should we avoid doing that?" Leo asks sounding a mite irritated after taking a look around.
Leo glances over at Perigia."It does kind of indicate they buried mages here, doesn't it?" he asks her.
"No offence but I doubt those fellows behind us are the only defences this place has," Leo points out.
No check roll just plain old paranoia... and Leo's reaction is because where there are crypts of long dead mages there are sometimes long undead mages...

Rev DM |

Rev DM wrote:Unless any of you can read ancient Netherese, you probably can't read the inscription.Looks like I neglected to do languages, but Cronin is from Netheril and is trained in history. Any chance?
I'll accept that as a combination. Roll me a history check - DC15
"Within this vault lie honoured mages, proud defenders of Saharelgard's might. Enter with heads lowered in humility and awe. Their wisdom shall live forever."

Cronin |

Leo the half elven Paladin |

Cronin reads the inscription aloud.
History (1d20+7=20)
"So we keep our heads down to avoid being hit by neck level traps or we keep our eyes peeled for ankle biters?" Leo asks Cronin.
Leo really doesn't like this place, but he'll be a step behind Fairwind and Perigia since they sounded like the first to enter on the grounds he can lend a hand if trouble strikes...
"Why do I get the feeling that if we ignore searching this place we're going to end up heading back here later looking for something we need?" Leo asks nobody in particular.

Rev DM |

Snaggletooth follows Cronin like a shadow, imitating his every move as the party move into the vault.
EDITED: Cronin and Snaggletooth have their heads down. Fairwind is looking up. Got all your starting positions, just need to know where you're looking. And can you all roll init please. Just in case.

Rev DM |

Rolled for Fairwind, Caine and Leo for init. Also rolled randomly to decide who was looking where.
Brujo - looking down
Leo - looking down
Perigia - looking around
Caine - looking around
Fairwind - looking up
Cronin - looking down
As you enter the chamber, bright light flares from the lamps beside the tomb doors. The effect is startling. Altough it will soon pass, Perigia, Caine and Fairwind are blinded for this round. For this round you grant combat advantage and take -10 on Perception checks. You cannot see a target and you cannot flank an enemy. Targets have total concealment, so make you make attack rolls at -5.
Brujo, Leo and Cronin, having heeded the warning on the door allow their eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness and are aware that they are not alone. From around the corners of the tombs, zombies are approaching. Once upon a time they were dark creepers. Now they are merely doomed souls, locked in their bodies and the nearly witless slaves of whoever created them.
Brujo is up and can act normally
Perigia is blinded and targets have total concealment. -5 to attack rolls
Caine is blinded - -5 to attack rolls
Fairwind is blinded - -5 to attack rolls
Cronin can act normally
Note that Z1 and Z3 cannot yet be seen by any of you.

Rev DM |

Even blindness cannot stop Perigia's unerring aim and her attack causes the zombie to freeze, breaking open fresh wounds in the already damaged corpse.
Brujo glances wildly around, waiting for the opportune moment to make his attack. Brujo, once you establish when you wish to act, that will be your new place in the init order.
Leo is up and can act normally - you can see Z2
Caine is (blinded and attacking at -5. Cannot target anything, so will delay unless he says otherwise).
Fairwind - act if you wish. Blinded, attacking at -5, but can take a slosh at Z2 if you so desire
Cronin can act normally.

Leo the half elven Paladin |

Even blindness cannot stop Perigia's unerring aim and her attack causes the zombie to freeze, breaking open fresh wounds in the already damaged corpse.
Brujo glances wildly around, waiting for the opportune moment to make his attack. Brujo, once you establish when you wish to act, that will be your new place in the init order.
Leo is up and can act normally - you can see Z2
Caine is (blinded and attacking at -5. Cannot target anything, so will delay unless he says otherwise).
Fairwind - act if you wish. Blinded, attacking at -5, but can take a slosh at Z2 if you so desire
Cronin can act normally.
"There's a zombie over there to my right I'll take care of that one if you can keep an eye on the others for a moment, please Fairwind?" Leo asks the ranger.
Been having trouble posting even more since I can't use the die roller, Leo heads diagonally straight to B-14 and divine challenging Z2 before bestowing a Holy Strike upon it. He has +9 to hit it which if it does, does 1d8+6 pts of radiant damage, could you please roll this for me since I can't even manually roll dice where I am at the moment?
Oh and merry christmas one and all!

Rev DM |

"Keep an eye!?! You danged idiot! I can't see!"
Rolled 17+7-5 for basic attack = 19 with longsword. If that hits, damage is 9.
Where are you?
As with Perigia, being blinded does not noticeably slow Fairwind down and her trusty longsword inflicts further damage on the zombie.
EDIT. Still a hit even with the further -2 added in.

Leo the half elven Paladin |

Leo lashes out at Zombie 2 and Kelemvor guides his hand. 1d20+9=19, 1d8+6=10 radiant. Z2 is bloodied.
You're asking a blinded ranger to keep an eye on things? Happy Christmas!
Fairwind is up
Whoops! Leo obviously didn't notice as he was busy bestowing Kelemvor's blessing on an unfortunate undead soul!

Rev DM |

As the companions stagger in the sudden light, Cronin's forethought proves its worth. Snaggletooth backs obediently away. Two more zombies round the corner and lurch into the hapless Commander, a beam of holy light strikes Z1 firmly in the chest. The divine light seems to cause it extra pain.1d20+6 v Ref = 15, 1d8+6 radiant = 10. Vulnerable to radiant damage.
It's not enough to halt the creature's advance and Zombie 1 engulfs Commander Caine in a hideous parody of a loving embrace. Zombie 3 slams brutally into the helpless warrior.
1d20+4 v Fort = 19. Commander Caine is grabbed. Escape checks are made at -5 penalty. Use Acrobatics v Ref or Athletics v Fort. If you make the escape, you may shift as part of that action. Escaping is a move action and you may attack on the same turn.
Zombie 3 1d20+6=23 v AC; 2d6+2 = 9 necrotic damage.
Zombie 2 is nearly on its knees, but manages to grab Leo in response to his challenge. 1d20+4 v Fort = 18. See above for escaping.
A new and most unwelcome sound assaults your ears. Even as the blindness lifts, you see the doors of some of the tombs opening and skeletons emerge wielding rusty longswords. From above you hear a spiteful chuckle and a bolt of necrotic energy flies past Cronin's head.
To summarise -
Leo and Caine are grabbed.
Brujo needs to take an action.
You can all see skeletons 1 and 2
You can all see the wight on the roof of the tomb
You can all see the zombies
Nobody is blind any more.