Rev DM |

As the rain continues to pour down, the lights come closer and reveal a group of three armed travellers. To the south, faint flickers identify another two figures, accompanied by a large dog. Possibly some kind of a hound.
A bluff and cheery looking man, wearing chainmail and carrying a halberd calls out to you.
"Bad night for journeying - mind if we join you?" His companions on the road nod emphatically and push back hair from their streaming faces, revealing that they are identical twins.
Map showing your positions and those of your new chums is HERE. Apologies for the extemely small type. Please also note that I inadvertantly deleted the test version, so if any of you are clicking hopelessly at the link I posted earlier today, it won't work. Please also note that if I have made some gravely wrong assumption about your position, you are welcome to amend it in your next post.

Perigia |

Perigia looks at the newcomers uncertainly. "I guess it's okay, If Caine and Leo agree," she says, defering to the more experienced of her group.
1d20+2=22 for Perciption, 1d20+8=28 for Insight to sense anything unusual about the newcomers. Much better luck that time.

Brujo |

Rev DM |

Perigia looks at the newcomers uncertainly. "I guess it's okay, If Caine and Leo agree," she says, defering to the more experienced of her group.
1d20+2=22 for Perciption, 1d20+8=28 for Insight to sense anything unusual about the newcomers. Much better luck that time.
Despite your fears, you sense nothing wrong with the newcomers. The dog smells odd though.

Rev DM |

"Kind of a tricksy type. Likes to pop in and out of sight. Pretty hard to keep track of him." The spokesman shrugs.
The rougher voice laughs harshly. "Sneaky I call it."
"Now then, that's no way to speak of our poor lost friend." The man in front is still sounding conversational, but shifts his weight again.

Cronin |

Geleri Fairwind |

"Uh-huh, well if he's that hard to find, we'll be sure and keep 'em peeled. Now, our horse here is kinda spooked by dogs, so's I reckon it would be of a good idea for you folks to find another fire. Don't want to cause a fuss now." Fairwind says with a level gaze and a jauntiness to her voice.

Geleri Fairwind |

"Man has to look after his neighbour, right enough." Fairwind says quietly, not moving either. "But I'm for sayin' this ain't your pitch to be callin' the shots on, 'Devlin'. Plenty of other fires round here, plenty of travellers won't mind the smell of huntin' dogs." she gestures to not only the hound, but the men as well, Her attitude becomes sharper "Happen, we do. Sorry to break it to ya. You better run along, boys."

Rev DM |

"Reckoned you should know the name of the man that's joining you friendly-like, but I guess I'll just have to settle for you knowing the name of the man about to slice pretty patterns on your cheeks. Shame about that."
Devlin grins, nods at the twins who draw evil looking daggers and readies his halberd. From the other group comes the sound of eldritch muttering and the noise of a sword being drawn.
Roll initiative please folks. There is no surprise round due to Fairwind's delaying tactics and Perigia's awesome ability to see through his enormous bluff bonus.

Geleri Fairwind |

Perigia |

Cronin's initiative should be 17. He gets a +2 from Commander's Caine's inspiring presence. As do you all. Leo has already rolled and has a 10 I believe.
8+3+2 from Caine=13. That seems about right."I would recommend that you move on as well," Perigia said as her szuldar begin to glow brightly. "I would regret if this misunderstanding resulted in your death."

Rev DM |

For some perverse reason known only to Photoshop, Chryzylyx didn't show up. I've redone it and she seems to be there now. She's centrally positioned at H14
Init Order (pending Chyzylyx's rolls)
Brujo - 24 (higher total bonus than Devlin)
Devlin - 24
Farrak - 23 (one of the twins)
Harrak - 23 (the other twin)
Caine - 18
Cronin - 17
Dark Eyed One - 17 (Eldritch mutterer)
Fairwind - 14
Perigia - 13
Leo - 10
Hound - 9
Chryzylyx - ? (also feel free to amend your position if this is not where you thought you would be)

Leo the half elven Paladin |

"Reckoned you should know the name of the man that's joining you friendly-like, but I guess I'll just have to settle for you knowing the name of the man about to slice pretty patterns on your cheeks. Shame about that."
Devlin grins, nods at the twins who draw evil looking daggers and readies his halberd. From the other group comes the sound of eldritch muttering and the noise of a sword being drawn.
"Yes shame, I'd suggest you'd run but I'm actually going to enjoy wiping that smug grin from your faces," Leo sighs looking at the trio utterly unimpressed by their bravado.
(Intimidate check rolled a total of 20)

Rev DM |

Chryzylyx is offline until later in the weekend I think, so I've taken the liberty of rolling her initiative. Which was decidedly non-aweseome. The list now looks like this -
Spoilered for space
Init Order
Brujo - 24 (higher total bonus than Devlin)
Devlin - 24
Farrak - 23 (one of the twins)
Harrak - 23 (the other twin)
Caine - 18
Cronin - 17
Dark Eyed One - 17 (Eldritch mutterer)
Fairwind - 14
Perigia - 13
Leo - 10
Chryzylyx - 9
Hound - 9
The Blocks will work like this -
Block 1
Block 2
Dark Eyed One
Block 3
Devlin smiles. "Well, this is turning out a better day than I thought. Got me an all around good guy to dice and a gal with mouthy ways to slice. Seeming pretty good to me."
Brujo is up.

Brujo |

"Too much yapping, not enough fighting", Brujo steps up between the two half-elves. As he draws his blade, Brujo unleashes a bolt of lightning from his hand at the nearest traveler.
Move to D13. Minor action to draw my blade. Lightning Lure on Farrak 1d20+7=20; Damage 1d6+6=7 lightning damage; If it hits move Farrak to C13.

Rev DM |

Brujo's bolt hits Farrak squarely. Lightning scorches up his legs and he and his twin scream as one man.
Devlin exchanges glances with the twins. "It's our old friend. Welcome home sweetheart."
Still smiling, Devlin lowers his halberd and moves towards Fairwind. "Think I'll be starting off with you mouthy. Might make this day even better." Devlin to E11, jabbing with Halberd (reach 2)
Farrak grins at Brujo and jabs at him with his vicious looking dagger. Pain overcomes him and he cannot touch the eladrin.
Harrak meanwhile heads for Leo. His eyes gleam with pleasure as his dagger strikes home.
Devlin to E11
Farrak to C13
Harrak to C14
Caine is up then we're into Block 2 with Cronin to go.
Also please note that Allan should appear in Block 4, just before the hound.

Cronin |

Cronin, surprised by the elf's sudden aggression, moves to a better vantage, strapping on his gauntlet. Seeing Farrak already wounded, Cronin raises his left hand to this amulet. The amulet flashes silver and a brilliant ray of what looks like moonlight streaks forth, catching Farrak full in the face and setting him up for Brujo's next attack.
Move to D17, minor to ready gauntlet.
Lance of Faith on Farrak vs Ref (1d20 6=21, 1d8 6=11)
Brujo has +2 to his next attack roll on Farrak

Rev DM |

Caine, Warlord powers lend themselves well to delaying tactics, so as I may not be able to post tomorrow morning, and want to move things along, I'll rule that you may jump back in whenever you wish to.
From the southern side of the road, the strange muttering reaches a crescendo. Twin bolts of energy fly into Brujo's chest.
Dark Eyed One blasts Brujo with Magic Missile. 1d20+6=20 v Reflex. Please take 2d4+2=8 damage.

Commander Caine |

Combat is what Caine lives for and it shows in his eyes and the determined set of his jaw. When he roars, "Hold the line!" Caine appears bigger than he really is.
Activating Bastion of Defense/
Caine attacks the nearest foe with a mighty swat of his weapon.
Atk (Bastion of Defense); Dmg (1d20+9=18, 3d10+4=25)
Allies within 5 squares of Caine gain 7 temporary hitpoints.

Rev DM |

I'm guessing you've headed for Devlin (at E11) as the only foe you can reach in five squares. So you are now at F12.
Fairwind, Cronin, Leo, Brujo, Chryzylyx and all definitely get the +7 temporary hp and +1 to defences, I'm not totally certain about Perigia, but am prepared to allow it.
Caine's destructive attack on Devlin seems to come out of nowhere and his actions inspire you. Resolve strengthened, you battle on.