Return of the Rune Stones (4e - Part VI)

Game Master Rev Rosey

Part 6 of the Rune Stones saga.
Fomorians and Nuckalavee, oh my.

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Question format is fine.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Going ahead with:

"Is the Hill Clan leadership planning to betray us before we retrieve another Stone?"

Tutavak looks into the Primordial Eye and sees welcoming formorian figures placing the Rune Stone reverently in its correct position in the sacred grove. Your own party stands unharmed, watching the process, aware, but unalarmed by the ill-concealed daggers held by the giants. One figure within your group seems blurred and unrecognisable. The image changes and the fomorians usher the party away from the grove intact.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Tutavak reports all except the blurriness.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10
Arianwyn wrote:

"That is exactly what I just said. I swear your understanding of Common is at fault. Was your language teacher deficient in some way?" Arianwyn asks in a genuine manner.

"Are you unwell in some way? You seem to require more and more recuperation after every skirmish."

"I swear, Arianwyn, that, if you don't stop being an arrogant oaf whenever you feel safe, I may just start witholding my inspiration from you during battle."

On hearing what Tutavak has to say: "Right let's find one of their clan to carry the thing back to where it belongs. We keep an eye on him, just in case he goes funny, though."

Can I assume we have had a short rest?

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Short rest, I hope, followed by extended rest at Baldrech's gets my vote.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Do we really need an extended rest? It seems like we're taking one after every encounter.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

It's been two big fights since the last one. I'm at 1 surge and nearly bloodied. So, yes . . .

Edit: As far as I can tell, we've only taken one since our return to the island.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Hmm, ok, I think I've taken 1 somewhere else then...

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

OK, I think I may be confused with another game. Apologies. I am on 2 surges and no daily powers (except from items).

The party resume their normal bickering as they bind each others wounds and clean equipment.

Short rest. Looking around or what?

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

And I'm on 40 HP with one surge left.

Definitely short rest, then extended asap

"Why doesn't someone go and find our allies to help transport the stone? While we are waiting, we may as well take a look around too."

Whiteclaw licks the last of the blood off her fur and snuffs the air.

"They stink of fey. I'll find them."

Where are you looking?

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia is searching in the tents.

The tents are opulent inside, furnished with feywild treasures and knick-knacks. Fomorians clearly make little attempt at housekeeping and everything is jumbled together in a heap.

A brisk search brings some useful items to the surface.

Augmenting Whetstone (level 16)
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Touch this whetstone to a melee or ranged weapon you hold. The weapon gains a +4 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of the encounter. This has no effect on the extra damage dice or other special effect applied when the weapon scores a critical hit.

Statuette of a fomorian queen, worth 4,350gp

A cloak made from gnome hide, beautifully embroidered with gnome hair and depicting the crushing of a gnomish city by a band of fomorians. Worth 1,375gp

Aldron's Firebox
Property: This box unfolds (a standard action) to reveal a magic campfire. This fire is warm, comfortable, and cannot be doused by any action beyond refolding the box (another standard action).

Cask of Liquid Gold
Wondrous Item
Property: At the start of each day, the cask fills to its full volume with dwarven ale. Any ale taken from the cask evaporates if it has not been consumed when the cask refills.

Bag of Holding

Polyglot Gem
Property: Each polyglot gem contains the knowledge of one language, chosen when the item is created. As long as you carry the gem on your person, you are able to speak, read, and write that language fluently.
If you carry more than one polyglot gem on your person, none of them function.
Special: If you create a polyglot gem, you can imbue it only with a language you know.

3 fire opals worth 1,000gp each

5 bottles of rare feywild wine from the Prince of Frost's own vineyard

Assorted skins, among them a length of purple dragon hide, four tanned furs and two human hides

Endless Quiver
Power (At-Will * Conjuration): Free Action. Use this power when you attack with a bow or crossbow. When you reach into the endless quiver, it automatically produces a single arrow or bolt, as appropriate. Ammunition created by the quiver that is not used within 1 round of its creation disappears

4 Feystep potions
Power (Consumable * Teleportation): Minor Action. After consuming this potion, you can use a move action to teleport up to 5 squares before the end of your next turn. If you consume another fey step potion before the end of the encounter or before 5 minutes elapses (whichever comes first), you teleport 2 fewer squares than the last dose allowed you to teleport.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia takes charge of the items found. She doesn't weant the formorians to know they have them. She does, however, don the Endless Quiver.

The bag of holding and the other items are (hopefully) distributed among the rest of the party, to be divvied out when they get back to Baldrech's hideout, along with a good tankard of ale. (Unless people can quickly claim them).

The years of your journey have finally brought you, appropriately enough, to Pharoe. Your quarry is here, you know it. Tracking them has been relatively easy. Avoiding the fomorian scouting parties, less so. It is with some relief that you note one such party departing up a hilltop when your hiding place is disturbed by a paw on your shoulder.

"Be glad you're not a giant or you'd be dead. Who and what are you?"

It is Whiteclaw. The gnoll you've learned so much about is even more imposing in the flesh and it is also clear that she has recently been in battle.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Arianwyn examines the polyglot gem to determine what language it contains.

Male Human Warden 14

Hi everyone, I'm your new full-time defender, replacing your earth strength warden with… another earth strength warden. I'll be meeting you in-character soon.

Darius calmly puts down his flail and carefully turns to face the tower of fur.

"Ahh, you must be Lady Whiteclaw." He extends his hand in greeting, "Darius Elliendo. I've been following you," he waves his hand to point to the space next to Whiteclaw, as if the rest of the group where there too, "all of you."

"I'm a huge admirer of your work, and might I say it has been both a pleasure—as well as a terror—to finally meet you in person and witness such mastery of the wild!"

Whiteclaw snorts slightly with what might be amusement and picks up Darius's flail.

"Following us? Then you'd better come with me. The others do the talking. I just kill things."

She definitely smiles, displaying beautifully kept and very sharp teeth. "This way."

A rustle from the edge of the encampment heralds Whiteclaw's return. The gnoll is holding a flail now as well as her axe and has a tall, dark slightly haughty looking human in tow.

"No giants. Got this instead. He's been following us."

Darius can see a radiantly beautiful eladrin woman clutching what might be the contents of a rummage sale in her arms, a lean Kargzant warrior carefully cleaning his weapons, another eladrin closely examining a small gem and a drow woman, leaning against a tree and seemingly taking a nap.

EDIT: Arianwyn the gem is tuned to allow the bearer to speak, write and understand Abyssal.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia casually picks up her bow and faces the stranger.

"Are we to bid you welcome or kill you? Personally I'd rather not have to kill you, we have just had rather a hard fight already. Why have you been following us?"

...and welcome to the team BTW.

Male Human Warden 14


"Welcome, I hope," as the haughtyness gives way to awe at finally meeting his idols.

"Darius Elliendo," the short-haired, earthhide-clad human announces as he enthusiastically offers his hand for anyone to shake.

"I've been following in the wake of your noble quest to protect the people from the depredations of Kyleth and reunite the Rune Stones."

"When a previous, uh… incarnation of our mutual friend Seraphiel visited my world, he tasked me—at a later date—to bring him this very important box," he pats an ornately-decorated almost-certainly magical box.

"Due to a portal mishap, I was deposited here twelve years too late and with yourselves being his last known associates, I naturally had to track you down."

He addresses each of the companions with uncanny familiarity, "You must be the regal Lady Kia, the conscience of the group…"

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Tutavak fails to completely hide his pleasure at being ranked with the Chosen by the newcomer, but says nothing yet, perhaps awaiting his description from Darius.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Conscience?" muses Kia. "Maybe."

"I always thought of myself more as the one with the good manners. That's why I thought I'd better speak up first. I didn't want Arianwyn upsetting you." She indicates Arianwyn who is busily trying to get to grips with the polyglot gem.

"I think we need to get out of here. How good are you at carrying stones?"

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

The tall, silver-haired eladrin turns his attention away from the gem he is studying at the mention of his name. His eyes glow faintly. He wears a gold coronet, and a tunic and breeches of dark blue, complemented by black riding boots.

"As ever, Miss Rubarka's remarks are tinged with unintended irony. Her good manners generally only come into play with those of her own social status. If you have a font of stories of maiden aunts and society balls, then you should get along famously." he adds.

Male Human Warden 14
Tutavak wrote:
Tutavak fails to completely hide his pleasure at being ranked with the Chosen by the newcomer, but says nothing yet, perhaps awaiting his description from Darius.

"And you must be the foundation of the team, the noble Lord Tutavak, son of Ogrol, and First Arrow of Kargzant!"

Male Human Warden 14
Kia Rubarka wrote:
"I think we need to get out of here. How good are you at carrying stones?"

"Agreed. Just as the Midnight Lord carries the torments of the world upon his shoulders so the innocent need not suffer, I too, shall carry this burden towards glorious salvation."

Female Drow Ardent 13

Chary stirs from her seeming slumber.

"I apologize, my mind must have wandered away elsewhere. Darius, welcome to our just missed a real barnburner. We've got a plan and I hope that you can help it go better than our last two plans!"

As he gestures to the stone, "My that is a strong back, and with those shoulders it does seem as though you could carry the torments of the world."

Her flirtiness is clear, but she is just as easily distracted and turns to Kia. "WHat is that whetstone you have there? That looks very useful...I worry about the point of my rapier after poking it in all these rough-hided giants. AND a cask of ale, lets share some as soon as possible!"

Male Human Warden 14
Kia Rubarka wrote:
"I always thought of myself more as the one with the good manners. That's why I thought I'd better speak up first. I didn't want Arianwyn upsetting you."
Arianwyn wrote:
"As ever, Miss Rubarka's remarks are tinged with unintended irony. Her good manners generally only come into play with those of her own social status. If you have a font of stories of maiden aunts and society balls, then you should get along famously." he adds.

At this exchange Darius chuckles as if enjoying a joke with old friends, rather than new acquaintances, admitting, "It's true. You are larger than life in person, Lord Arianwyn, the lovable trickster."

Male Human Warden 14
Chary wrote:
"My that is a strong back, and with those shoulders it does seem as though you could carry the torments of the world."

"I do what I can," he smiles. "Though walking that road is made more bearable knowing that the exuberant Lady Chary is by my side. You truly are the glue that holds us all together!"

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter
Darius Elliendo wrote:
"And you must be the foundation of the team, the noble Lord Tutavak, son of Ogrol, and First Arrow of Kargzant!"

"You know much of us, Darius."

Female Eladrin Warlord/10
Tutavak wrote:
"You know much of us, Darius."

"And no doubt you shall tell us all about it when we are safe. I hope you have something nice to say about Baldrech, when you meet him, as well as he is a fine fellow too."

When Chary indicates the treasures, she proffers the whetstone. "Please, if you think it will aid you, take it. I fear it will take only one use." She looks at the cask. "We will indeed have a fine drink tonight."

She appraises Darius, guaging his strength. "You can indeed help walk our road now. I think it will take several of us to carry this to where it belongs. Look, does anyone mind if we leave the human skins behind?"

She puts all the treasure into the bag of holding and stashes it in her pack.

Kia is keen to go and approaches the stone looking at the others for help in carrying it.

"Let's get this over with."

Strength checks please. It takes three of you to carry and it will be slow going (half speed). Each carrier needs to make me six strength checks at DC20. You may swap in and out of the carrying team if you wish to.

Whiteclaw silently moves to lift the stone with Kia.

1 fail on check 5

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Tutavak's weariness shows through as he tries to help with the stone.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 171d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 221d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 161d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 171d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 221d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Fails on 1, 3, 4

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"'Lovable trickster'? I had no idea minstrelsy had rendered me so... twee..." Arianwyn says with a snarl.

"You referred to 'your world', I would be most interested to hear more of that. And speaking of the extra-planar, this gem conveys the ability to speak and understand the language of demons. Not encouraging."

"I speak it," remarks Whiteclaw calmly. "And I'm not demonic."

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

1d20+11=(5)+11=16 (fail)
1d20+11=(2)+11=13 (fail)
1d20+11=(16)+11=27 (yay!)
1d20+11=(5)+11=16 (fail)
1d20+11=(18)+11=29 (yay!)
1d20+11=(2)+11=13 (fail)

Kia tries to lift the stone, but finds the effort of the last two fights has sapped more of her strength than she had imagined.

"Maybe some else had better do this. I'll help when I can, but I can't do much."

Female Drow Ardent 13

Chary knows her strength is her weakness, usually choosing to favor her nimble moves, but she tries to help nonetheless.

strength checks:
(4) +6 = 10
(10)+6 = 16
(20)+6 = 26
(4) +6 = 11
(8) +6 = 14
(12)+6 = 18
One success :(

Chary stubs her toe repeatedly, only getting in the way, so she bows out of this exercise and focuses on watching her surroundings.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Strength: 16, 21, 17, 22, 25, 24. 4 successes.

Hilariously, between you, you can just about haul this rock up a hill. What you can't do is pick it up in the first place. Let's hope Darius can roll more than 20 on his first check.

The companions stagger, stumble and bump into each other as they try to manipulate the Rune Stone off the ground. Kia's fears that this may be difficult are completely fulfilled.

Male Human Warden 14
Arianwyn wrote:
"'Lovable trickster'? I had no idea minstrelsy had rendered me so... twee..." Arianwyn says with a snarl.

Darius considers the eladrin's words, then offers, "Yes, you are more like an elegant pillar of refinedness, milord."

Arianwyn wrote:
"You referred to 'your world', I would be most interested to hear more of that."

"Yes, I would very much like to tell you all about it." He goes over to help lift the stone.

Strength checks
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

The journey back to the hill top is laborious. It is not just the weight of the stone, but the persistent tugging at your minds that hurts. For all your battle weariness, the Stone calls you, singing quietly of the joy of war and the need to fight.

Overall more failures than successes: 19 fails/17 successes. You each lose a surge. If you have no surges, you lose a surge worth of hp instead.

Oddly, your passage is undisturbed by any raiders and if your progress is followed, it is by nothing you can see. As you near the sacred grove, the stone's call grows more intense, bringing all your nerves to fever pitch as you enter the circle. Val Sholaes is waiting, still tending his mumbling master.

"The heroes return! And with a gift, my Lord."

Two guards move to take the Stone and place it on the ground near one of the empty sockets. Val Sholaes strokes it, moving his hands over the runes and his evil eye brightens. He breathes deeply.

"Power. And more to come."

Turning to the group, he smiles.

"Oh, well done little helpers. Well done!"

Reaching into his backpack, he pulls out a handful of bottles and throws them to the ground near your feet. From the colour and viscosity, you would judge them to be potions of vitality.

Five potions of vitality.

"Now, off you go to the mines. Two more treasures to found there. Bring them to us, good allies."

It is dismissal.

Female Drow Ardent 13

Chary is not perturbed by the terse dismissal, or at least she doesn't let it show. She trundles off down the path and after checking to make sure they are not being followed, heads back towards the Baldrech's cave...particularly for a well-earned rest.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Tutavak collects his potion (and Chary's, if she missed it) and follows the drow.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia os on 40HP with no surges left. She needs a drink.

Kia picks up a potion, assuming everyone else will also take one and follows Chary back to Baldrech's cave, being careful that they are not followed.

Once there, she places the takings from the formorian camp out. "Right, who is best to have these things?"

She takes a mug of beer from the cask and offers it around, (not forgetting Baldrech).

Augmenting Whetstone (level 16) Chary
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Touch this whetstone to a melee or ranged weapon you hold. The weapon gains a +4 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of the encounter. This has no effect on the extra damage dice or other special effect applied when the weapon scores a critical hit.

Statuette of a fomorian queen, worth 4,350gp

A cloak made from gnome hide, beautifully embroidered with gnome hair and depicting the crushing of a gnomish city by a band of fomorians. Worth 1,375gp

Aldron's Firebox
Property: This box unfolds (a standard action) to reveal a magic campfire. This fire is warm, comfortable, and cannot be doused by any action beyond refolding the box (another standard action).

Cask of Liquid Gold To be held by someone we can trust
Wondrous Item
Property: At the start of each day, the cask fills to its full volume with dwarven ale. Any ale taken from the cask evaporates if it has not been consumed when the cask refills.

Bag of Holding

Polyglot Gem Arianwyn
Property: Each polyglot gem contains the knowledge of one language, chosen when the item is created. As long as you carry the gem on your person, you are able to speak, read, and write that language fluently.
If you carry more than one polyglot gem on your person, none of them function.
Special: If you create a polyglot gem, you can imbue it only with a language you know.

3 fire opals worth 1,000gp each

5 bottles of rare feywild wine from the Prince of Frost's own vineyard

Assorted skins, among them a length of purple dragon hide, four tanned furs (two human hides were left behind)

Endless Quiver Kia
Power (At-Will * Conjuration): Free Action. Use this power when you attack with a bow or crossbow. When you reach into the endless quiver, it automatically produces a single arrow or bolt, as appropriate. Ammunition created by the quiver that is not used within 1 round of its creation disappears

4 Feystep potions
Power (Consumable * Teleportation): Minor Action. After consuming this potion, you can use a move action to teleport up to 5 squares before the end of your next turn. If you consume another fey step potion before the end of the encounter or before 5 minutes elapses (whichever comes first), you teleport 2 fewer squares than the last dose allowed you to teleport.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

53hp, 0 surges. I feel your thirst.
Nothing specific jumps out at me other than one vitality potion. Maybe a feystep for good measure.

The comrades old and new beat a stately retreat from the sacred grove and take a circuitous route back to Baldrech's cave. The shifter looks up. He counts the numbers entering the shelter and points at Darius.

"Where did you find him? He's not a mad-eye prisoner or he'd be raving. Is he safe? What happened?"

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"For an isolated island, this place has become a very popular destination." Arianwyn says dryly.

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