Return of the Rune Stones (4e - Part VI)

Game Master Rev Rosey

Part 6 of the Rune Stones saga.
Fomorians and Nuckalavee, oh my.

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M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Rev, I don't have a quarry right now. I'll take the Rambler.
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 20 = 381d10 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Smack -- thanks, Chary!

Very cool, Chary. Still need a save from you for the restraint and ongoing damage.

Tutavak has gone for the Rambler, so looks like Kia gets a shot at S2 and Darius can clobber C2.

Male Human Warden 14

Darius embraces a history of violence and lays into the Crusher.

Melee Basic Attack
d20(6) + 17 = 23 vs C2's AC for d10(1) + 10 = 11 damage.
On Hit: Use Lashing Flail to slide C2 to Q21.

I shall kick Kia along and then update the whole caboodle.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia acknowledges Chary and shoots an an arrow at the slaver.

Basic ranged attack vs S1 1d20+16=(17)+16=33; 1d10+5=(9)+5=14 damage

Despite her struggles to free herself from the net, Chary urges her companions on with some success. Tutavak and Kia both send arrows into their prey, but Darius is momentarily distracted by his cage of plants and misses the Crusher.

The Slaver sighs. "You're being very difficult. Still have it your own way."

Having run out of nets, he simply stabs Kia with his spear.

Spear (AC). Reach 2
1d20+20=34. Hits. 2d10+4=15
15 damage to Kia.


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Crusher Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attack rolls and all defences to end encounter or until the cyclops uses the power again.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

Tutavak - Soulfire (TENT +2 Spd/Ref, +3 fire damage)
Rambler - BLOODIED; cursed
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)
Crusher 2 - BLOODIED; marked by Darius; cursed
Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); EEed by C2 (-2 attacks and defences until end enc or target change); concealment
Chary - BLOODIED?; restrained and 10 ongoing (se both)
Slaver 2

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Quarry C2. Twin Strike vs C2 AC.
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 231d10 + 4 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 2 + 3 = 151d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 351d10 + 4 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 2 + 3 = 162d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
One hit for 20.

Tutavak lofts two more arrows, this time one sinking into the Crusher.

Tutavak's arrow offers a firm rebuttal to any notion of cooperation.

The Rambler sighs deeply. "If you're not going to be helpful about this, then we'll just be on our way. It's a pity, but there it is."

Dancing towards Arianwyn, it circles the warlock and heads for the northern exit.

Double move

"I do not think so."

Arianwyn fires a bolt of eldritch power at C2 and goes in pursuit.

EB (Ref) v Crusher
1d20+15=31. Hits.
1d10+15=25 plus 2d8=7. 32 damage to Crusher

The Crusher looks startled and just manages to say "Ow" before it falls.


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Crusher Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attack rolls and all defences to end encounter or until the cyclops uses the power again.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment
Chary - BLOODIED?; restrained and 10 ongoing (se both)
Slaver 2
Tutavak - Soulfire (TENT +2 Spd/Ref, +3 fire damage)
Rambler - BLOODIED; cursed
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Kia moves to fire off a magic arrow at the retreating rablmer.

Move to O23, Paint the bullseye vs R (using onslaught arrow) arrow1d20+18=(15)+19=34; 1d10+3=(2)+4=6 damage.
* Allies get a +5 power bonus to damage rolls against the rambler to the start of Kia's next turn
* Rambler is at -2 to all raned and area attacks
* Alllies get a +1 item bonus to attack rolls vs R to end of Kia's next turn.

"We'd better not let him warn anyone else or we could be fighting all day."

Kia picks her way through the unseasonable orchids blooming around Darius and unleashes a helpful arrow into the Rambler's hide.

"As you may have noticed, I am attempting to do just that," comments Arianwyn acidly.


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

* Allies get a +5 power bonus to damage rolls against the rambler to the start of Kia's next turn
* Rambler is at -2 to all ranged and area attacks
* Alllies get a +1 item bonus to attack rolls vs R to end of Kia's next turn.

Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment

Chary - BLOODIED?; restrained and 10 ongoing (se both)
Slaver 2
Tutavak - Soulfire (TENT +2 Spd/Ref, +3 fire damage)
Rambler - BLOODIED; cursed
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)

Male Human Warden 14

Moving to S20, Darius brings the Eternal Rose's bounty to Chary and something much less pleasant to the remaining slaver.

Frontline Surge
d20(13) + 17 – 2 = 28 vs S2's AC for 2d10(5, 8) + 10 = 23 damage.
On Hit: S2 is pushed one square and Darius shifts one square towards S2. And in doing so, Chary may shift one square as a free action.

Use Nature's Wrath to mark S2.

AC 30; Fort 28, Ref 28, Will 29; –2 attacks & defences vs C2 as well as S2;
BLODDIED 63 of 128 HP; 12 of 14 Surges
Initiative +8:
Surge Value: +32 HP; Speed 6
Passive Perception 24, Passive Insight 24;
AP: 0
Conditions: iEvil'd by C2 (-2 attacks and defences until end enc or target change)
Dailies: Boiling Cloud, Boiling Cloud Attack
Encounters: Wrathful Warrior, Earthstride, Mountain's Stature, Erupting Vines, Second Wind

The briar roses and thorned orchids surrounding Darius wrap themselves helpfully around Chary, masking the drow and restoring her with their rich scent. S2 sneezes violently as the pollen affects him adversely.

"You really are tiresome," it comments with resignation.


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

* Allies get a +5 power bonus to damage rolls against the rambler to the start of Kia's next turn
* Rambler is at -2 to all ranged and area attacks
* Alllies get a +1 item bonus to attack rolls vs R to end of Kia's next turn.

Chary - restrained and 10 ongoing (se both); concealment (Darius's zone)
Slaver 2 - BLOODIED; taking 5 damage at start of turn (Darius's zone)
Rambler - BLOODIED; cursed
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)
Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment

Female Drow Ardent 13

save versus restrained and ongoing from last turn= (6) Fail

Chary tries to shift closer to the creature at Darius's suggestion, but as she is restrained, she cannot. On her turn, with no other options open to her, she lobs a dagger at the slaver.

standard action: ranged basic--(5)+18=23 vs AC--WHIFF

save versus restrained and ongoing again :(10) Whoo Hooo!!

Chary hurls an apathetic dagger and concentrates her efforts on breaking free of the netting. She does so just in time to see the slaver wince as Darius's portable bramble patch wraps itself around its ankle.

Shifting free, it looks thoughtfully at the other exit and heads away.

"Discretion, I feel, may be the better part of valour."


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

* Allies get a +5 power bonus to damage rolls against the rambler to the start of Kia's next turn
* Rambler is at -2 to all ranged and area attacks
* Alllies get a +1 item bonus to attack rolls vs R to end of Kia's next turn.

Rambler - BLOODIED; cursed
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)
Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment
Chary - concealment (Darius's zone)
Slaver 2 - BLOODIED

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Does either opponent look markedly more feeble than the other? Passive Perception 27

Tutavak thinks the Rambler looks to have suffered slightly worse wounds than the Slaver.

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Can't easily quarry the Rambler. Quarry Slaver. Sure Shot vs Slaver AC
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 323d10 + 9 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (7, 8, 2) + 9 + (3, 6) + 2 = 37
Choose to reroll the 2
1d10 ⇒ 2
Total 37 damage to Slaver. AP -- Soulfire on self, Kia, and Chary. Attack Slaver again with Twin Strike (or Rambler, if Slaver has fallen
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 211d10 + 4 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 + 3 = 181d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 241d10 + 4 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 + 3 = 11

Tutavak sends an arrow directly into the slaver's back, near its heart. Spiritual flame engulfs Tutavak, Kia, and Chary before Tutavak launches two more arrows which fall short.

Tutavak's arrow lodges deep in the Slaver but doesn't kill the cyclops. "Was that necessary?," it asks rhetrically.

The Rambler wastes no further time but heads away at high speed. Not fast enough to avoid the vengeful eldritch blast emanating from Arianwyn's rod which catches it square between the shoulder blades and sends it thudding to the ground.

Eldritch Blast (Ref)
1d20+16=31. Hits.
1d10+15=23 plus 5 from Kia plus 2d8=11 curse damage for a grand total of 39. Which kills it.

Quirking an eyebrow, the warlock turns back to Darius.

"Forgive the interruption to our most interesting dicussion. You were saying?"


Rambler Evil Eye (Sight). To end encounter or until Rambler changes target. When adjacent to target, Rambler can shift an extra square whenever it shifts. If the Rambler hits a target under its evil eye, it can take an extra move before the end of its next turn.

Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

* Allies get a +5 power bonus to damage rolls against the rambler to the start of Kia's next turn
* Rambler is at -2 to all ranged and area attacks
* Alllies get a +1 item bonus to attack rolls vs R to end of Kia's next turn.

Kia - +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment
Chary - concealment (Darius's zone); +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Slaver 2 - BLOODIED; Tutavak's Quarry
Tutavak - +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA1; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)

Please note that as of this evening (UK time) there will be a 24 hour posting hiatus. Going to a wedding.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Right then." Kia switches to her sword, moves and then charges the remaining slaver.

Moves and charge ends up at S11. [ooc]Basic melee 1d20+20=(19)+20=39; 1d8+7=(8)+7+3=18 damage (inc. 3 fire) (I like these dice)

"Slaving degrades people. Did you know that?" She informs the slaver as she clouts him.

If that hasn't finished the slaver, Kia will spend an AP and hit him again

Inspirational assault 1d20+20=(9)+20=29: 3d8+7=(6,5,3)+7=21+3 fire damage. There is an effect as well, but no-one is near enough to benefit

Kia pelts across the cavern and opens a forthright discussion with the remaining cyclops.

Unable to fend off her blows, he seems more concerned with her argument than her attack.

"But we are all slaves in one way or another. Why is my job so much worse than yours?"


Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment
Chary - concealment (Darius's zone); +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Slaver 2 - BLOODIED; Tutavak's Quarry
Tutavak - +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA2; used AP; concealment; EEed by Rambler (see above for effects)
Kia - used AP; +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn

Male Human Warden 14
Rev DM wrote:

Quirking an eyebrow, the warlock turns back to Darius.

"Forgive the interruption to our most interesting dicussion. You were saying?"

"I believe we were discussing the merits of the Sixfold Trial, or the Chelish Play as one is prudent to call it, especially while inside a theatre," recalls the warden.

Move to R14. Charge to R11.

Kia Rubarka wrote:
"Slaving degrades people. Did you know that?" She informs the slaver as she clouts him.
Rev DM wrote:
"But we are all slaves in one way or another. Why is my job so much worse than yours?"

Darius interrupts the proceedings, adding some courtroom drama.

"Objection! In the case of Avoral versus Duke Lapist it was established that "Men are born to walk. Birds are born to fly. Neither is born to kneel."

Melee Basic Attack
d20(4) + 17 + 1 – 2 = 20 vs S2's AC for d10(8) + 10 = 18 damage.

Use Nature's Wrath to mark S2.

AC 30; Fort 28, Ref 28, Will 29; –2 attacks & defences vs S2;
BLODDIED 63 of 128 HP; 12 of 14 Surges
Initiative +8:
Surge Value: +32 HP; Speed 6
Passive Perception 24, Passive Insight 24;
AP: 0
Conditions: iEvil'd by S2 (-2 attacks and defences until end enc or target change)
Dailies: Boiling Cloud, Boiling Cloud Attack
Encounters: Wrathful Warrior, Earthstride, Mountain's Stature, Erupting Vines, Second Wind, Frontline Surge

Darius joins the discussion in dramatic fashion pounding across to add his comments. Kia finds herself the unexpected recipient of climbing roses as the warden ranges alongside her. The Slaver is not impressed with by the argument or the attack.

"I believe, sir, you will find that the argument is erroneous. The wording of that ruling is open to some interpretation, particularly under fey law."

He pauses delicately. "Of course, we could discuss all this in more comfort off the battlefield, but it is not for me to say."


Slaver Evil Eye (Sight). Target takes -2 to attacks against the Slaver until end encounter or until target changes (or Slaver dies).

Darius's zone: grants concealment to allies and enemies starting turns there take 5 damge

Chary - +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Slaver 2 - BLOODIED; Tutavak's Quarry; marked by Darius
Tutavak - +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn
Arianwyn - 66/91hp; DSA2; used AP; concealment
Kia - used AP; +2 speed/Ref and +3 fire damge to end Tutavak's next turn; concealment (Darius's zone)
Darius - used AP; used second wind; EEed by S2 (-2 to hit him as above); concealment

Female Drow Ardent 13

Move Action: V12
Standard Action: Charge S2 via V6, ending at T8.
melee basic: (13)+18+1=32 VS AC
damage: (7)+7 +3(fire)= 17 damage

Action point if necessary: Victorious urging--(16)+18=34 vs AC
on hit: (2)+10+3(Fire)=15 damage and Tutavak gets +2 Power Bonus to hit S2 (if it is still up by then).

Chary moves with uncanny speed and cuts off the Slaver's remaining avenue of escape, with a charge. She hopes to finish him off, but prepares to dig deep within herself to flog the creature again, if it hasn't fallen after her first charge.

Chary ignores the ongoing discussion in favour of immediate destruction and puts and end to the slaver. It falls with a thud, leaving the cavern empty save for the bodies and the casks they were tending.

Chary, it took the second attack and AP to do that.


Take 2,800XP each bringing you to 50,876

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

"What in the hells was all that about?" Tutavak grumbles. "That way?" he gestures toward the passage Arianwyn is at.

"I am curious to know what they were guarding so assiduously."

Arianwyn ignores Tutavak and rummages through the casks, tossing aside foodstuffs and gems in favour of three small flasks.

"Useful, possibly."

Sleep Powder Flask
Burst 1 within 10 v Fort.
On hit target is slowed (se). First failed save target is knocked unconscious instead of slowed (se).

Male Human Warden 14

"The cyclopes were eager to gather captives. Is this their modus operandi, or do they need able bodies for some nefarious operation or ritual, further in the mines?"

Using one surge. 100 of 128 HP; 10 of 14 surges.

"They work for the fomorians. A poor choice, but ingrained in them. Since these caves were formerly inhabited by kobolds and duergar, I imagine they have run out of labour."

Arianwyn picks up an opal and holds it to his eye.

"Not quite flawless, but worth somewhat."

He offers it to Chary.

Once you're all short-rested and surged up, tell me if you're going north or west. Tutavak seems to be heading north, so I'll take the next post as concensus. Arianwyn doesn't have a preference at this time.

Male Human Warden 14

Darius fastidiously examines one of the flasks of sleep powder for information on dosage and contraindications, as a Chelaxian is wont to do.

"Northwards! Lead on Tutavak, son of Ogrol!"

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Short rest, no surge spent, 96/102, 8/9. North!

Female Drow Ardent 13

Chary takes the opal, looks at it thoughtfully and smiles broadly at Arianwyn. "Why, thank you good sir!" She slips it into her bag, before hurrying with the rest to the North.

Short rest, one surge. 88/88HP, 8/10 surges.

Darius notes a label on the side of the sleep flasks. "Warning. May cause drowsiness."

Who is taking them?


I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies.

Rev Rosey wrote:
I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies.

Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.

Probably human Bard/5, (tech)wizard/9
Pat o' the Ninth Power wrote:
Rev Rosey wrote:
I've fractured a finger. Posting will be slow until I can get the thing properly splinted. Apologies.
Rev asked me to alert that her finger is healing but that it will likely be mid-week before she can type easily enough to participate.

To add to that, she has tried to update today, but it is still too painful, so will try again tomorrow.


Just to recap, you've decided to go north.
You have three sleep flasks and an opal. Chary has the opal, but I don't know who has the sleep flasks.
I will assume that Kia has short-rested.
All correct so far?

Male Human Warden 14

I'm holding one already, so I'll take the other two, uh… too.

Got it. Map going up imminently.

Darius arms himself not only with steel and lilies, but also the power of slumber.

Suitably equipped and refreshed, the group press on through the caverns. It is noticeable that a lot of work has been going on. Apart from a general increase in the size of the shafts, there are also large numbers of relief sculptures on the walls. These are skillful work, delicately done and feature fomorians at work and play. Fomorian play is not for the squeamish, but beyond the generally expected megalomania, a theme seems to be emerging. These fomorians are seeking enlightenment and wisdom.

For "imminently" please read three and a half hours later.

The spiraling mine system has taken you deeper and ahead you can see a stronger glow. Voices rise and fall in what may be debate, punctuated by odd chanting.

Marching order and any preparations please.

Arianwyn sighs theatrically and rolls his eyes.

"Tedious. They're philosphising. In elven."

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

Marching Order: Tutavak (bow out), Darius, Chary, Kia, Arianwyn

The group make a cautious approach to the mouth of the cavern and discover a scholastic scene.

A fomorian of some rank to judge by her bejewelled person holds court. The object of her interest is a Rune Stone and she lectures three more fomorians. Maces lie at their sides as they engage in discussion. Although their voices are intent, their movements are strangely lethargic.

Elven speakers


"There can be no question that the Stone is guiding us to a better understanding of our reality and our role. The tragedy lies in the blindness of our fellows, who will not see the truth."

"But Shaman, how may we resolve this? Our nature does not allow for great discussion," points out one of the wisdom seekers. "Without the Stone, we are likely to degenerate into bloodthirst once more."

The shaman turns to the group and gestures.


"Join us, strangers, join the discussion of wisdom."


Chary, Kia and Arianwyn can all speak and understand elven. It is reasonable to think that one of them has translated for you.

Male Human Warden 14

Seeking confirmation from the elven speakers of the party, the warden asks,

"Judging by the absence of hostile activity, would I be right to say that they're inviting us to join their forum?"


Arianwyn looks slightly amused by the turn of events. "How very curious. It seems this Stone may be offering us some advantage. How do you suggest we proceed?"

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"We could hear what else they may have to say. We may need to guage the effect of the stone before wading in."

The shaman rises slowly.

"We seek wisdom," she says very slowly in common. "The Stone teaches us the virtue of patience. Join us in our search to understand its needs."

Seemingly hypnotised by the rock, the other wisdom seeking fomorians simply watch.

Arianwyn shrugs and strides forward, his fingers flickering slightly as he places a precautionary curse on the Shaman.

Anyone doing anything here?


M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

"Does this mean they won't fight back?" Tutavak asks softly.

"I would imagine they will respond aggressively to an arrow in the face," replies the warlock.

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