Rev DM |

Kia snaps irritably at Darius and turns her considerable attentions to the Shaman.
Arianwyn shrugs slightly and points his rod casually at the Stone wielding mystic. Eldritch light outlines her briefly as he takes sweet vengeance for the earlier mental befuddlement she inflicted on him.
"Very well, Mistress Rubarka."
Eldritch Blast (Ref) v Shaman.
1d20+21=41. Crit.
1d10+15=25 plus 2d8=16 plus 2d6=8. Total 49 damage to Shaman. She's not pleased. She's also bloodied.
The Wisdom Seekers decide to move out of the aura of the slowing stone and send debilitating looks at the nearest companions. To no avail.
Evil Eye (Will). On hit target is immobilised (se)
W1 v Chary. 1d20+18=22. No.
W2 v Tutavak. 1d20+18=19. Really no.
W3 v Darius. 1d20+18=25. No.
W1 and W2 both double move.
W3 attacks Darius.
W3, already wounded, sees no reason to change his course of persuasive action and smashes at Darius with his mace.
Shifts back one. Reach 3 attack.
1d20+20=40. Crit v Darius.
21 damage to Darius.
Darius - roll an immediate save at +2.
[ooc]Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed
Darius - +2 next attack on W3; dominated (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 3 - BLOODIED; marked by Darius; cursed; Tutavak's Quarry

Tutavak |

Tutavak continues his methodical conversion of the seeker into a pincushion.
Twin Strike vs W3 AC.
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 20 = 341d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 = 141d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 281d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 112d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
19 on one hit, 30 on two

Rev DM |

The first of Tutavak's arrows finds a painful home in W3, but the second bounces off. Clearly this particular Wisdom Seeker will be looking for a new cycle of existence in the near future.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed
Darius - +2 next attack on W3; dominated (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 3 - BLOODIED; marked by Darius; cursed; Tutavak's Quarry

Chary |

Move action: shift to H20.
Standard Action: Energizing strike vs WS3--(16)+ 18+1=35 vs AC
On hit: (8)+10 damage and Darius gets 12 Temp HP.
Chary steps up to the wounded wisdom seeker and tries to help him seek wisdom in that future existence by stitching his stomach with perforations.

Rev DM |

Chary proves extremely persuasive. As W3 falls into a new karmic cycle, Arianwyn flickers out of sight and reappears behind a stone pillar.
The Shaman wraps herself and Kia, Chary and Darius in darkness, masking herself from sight.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
Targets Kia, Chary and Darius.
1d20+20=28 v Kia. Hits.
1d20+20=31 v Chary. Hits.
1d20+20=34 v Darius. Hits.
15 damage to Kia, Chary and Darius.
Shaking her head, she looks at Tutavak, infusing the Kargzant with a sense of impending doom.
Evil Eye (Ref). On hit target takes 10 ongoing necro (se)
1d20+20= 30.
10 ongoing necro to Tutavak (se)
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Darius - +2 next attack on W3
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed

Darius Elliendo |

The warden disappears into the floor just as some mushrooms appear behind the shaman.
Shift to L16 using Earthstride.
Amidst the pale fungi stands Darius, who goes for the back of the knee.
"Even mountains are brought low by the passage of time."
Mountain's Stature
1d20(18) + 18 = 36 vs the Shaman's AC; 1d8(2) + 10 = 12 damage and the Shaman is knocked prone.
Use Nature's Wrath to mark the Shaman.
AC 30; Fort 28, Ref 28, Will 29
Bloodied 47 of 128 HP, 10 of 14 Surges; Initiative +8
Passive Perception 24, Passive Insight 24;
AP: 0
Dailies: Boiling Cloud, Boiling Cloud Attack
Encounters: Erupting Vines, Inexorable Shift, Frontline Surge, Walk It Off, Earthstride, Mountain's Stature

Rev DM |

Glowing eerily among the fungi, Darius intones a warning and sends the Shaman crashing to the ground. She clutches the Stone tightly to her and glances upwards. The reverberations of her fall send tremors through the cavern.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; prone; marked by Darius

Kia Rubarka |

"Oh, very clever! Well, if I can't get near enough to hit you, I'll have to ask someone else."
Kia moves out of the zone of darkness and invites Darius to clout the Shaman once more.
Move to H13:
Commmander's Strike Allowing Darius to make a basic melee attack on the shaman with a +5 bonus to the damage roll

Rev DM |

Kia moves huffily out of the darkness and points out an promising spot to Darius.
The Shaman closes her eyes and starts to chant. It is hard to tell if she's trying to regain her composure or preparing something unpleasant, but the sound is particularly piercing. The supporting pillars start to vibrate.
Over to you Darius.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; prone; marked by Darius

Rev DM |

Leaves whirl around Arianwyn, concealing the warlock as he blasts ineffectually at the prone Shaman.
Rolled a 3.
The remaining Wisdom Seekers glance upwards and work to first immobilise and then smash Chary and Darius. Keeping close to the supporting pillars, they have considerable success.
W1 Evil Eyes (Will) v Chary. On hit target immobilised (se).
1d20+18=37. Hits.
Mace attack (AC). On hit does additional 2d10 v immobilised targets. Reach 3.
1d20+20=38. Hits. 1d12+9=13 plus 2d10=10
23 damage to Chary and she is immobilised (se)
W2 Evil Eyes (Will) v Darius. On hit target immobilised (se)
1d20+18=32. Hits.
Mace attack (AC). On hit does additional 2d10 v immobilised targets. Reach 3.
1d20+20=40. Yet another crit. It's official. Fomorians hate Darius.
41 damage to Darius and he is immobilised (se)
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Chary - immobilised (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; prone; marked by Darius
Darius - immobilised (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed

Tutavak |

"No, you will not," Tutavak mutters as he closes his eyes, focusing his other senses on locating the shaman. White flame bursts around the shaman, also enveloping Darius, where it lingers.
Take 10 damage. Minor: Focused Sight on S -- TEOMNT, no penalties from total concealment. I think I can quarry S now, as I can't see W1. Standard: Soul Flare vs S Ref -- area burst, so no penalty vs prone.
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 292d10 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (5, 10) + 7 + (2, 4) = 28
Effect -- soulfire on Darius. On hit, 28 fire to S.
Save vs ongoing 1d20 ⇒ 6

Rev DM |

Tutavak calls in his ancestral knowledge of fey tactics and looks through the deceiving mists directly at the Shaman. She winces as the attack hits and her chant grows louder. Darius flares slightly as Kargzant power fills him.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
Chary - immobilised (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; prone; marked by Darius
Darius - immobilised (se); +2 Speed/Ref and +3 fire damage to end next turn
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)

Chary |

Chary is at a loss for what to do for a moment, then calls herself to task. She heals herself, thanks the gods for darkvision before throwing fire at the outline of the shaman, and then flings the shaman around the room, garnering the attention of both Darius and Kia.
Chary is bloodied. All allies within 5 gets +4 damage UEMNT.
Minor: Ardent surge on self (surge +12) (now 45/88, no longer bloodied).
Minor: Darkfire--(17)+17=34 VS shaman. on hit: Until the end of your next turn, all attacks against the target have combat advantage, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Standard: (daily)Passage of Swords--close burst 3 vs Shaman (20 CRIT!)+18=38.
on hit: target is dazed, and Effect: You slide the target 5 squares. Each ally adjacent to the target during this slide can make a melee basic attack against it as a free action, with a power bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier (+5). Slide shaman 5 squares so that Darius and Kia each get a whack at it, and leave it adjacent to Kia and Darius, please.
save vs immobilized: (12)
Okay, so that was complicated, but the short of it is that: 1) Shaman cannot gain benefit from invisibility or concealment and all allies gain CA on Shaman UEMNT, 2) Kia and Darius get melee basic attacks on the shaman with CA and a +8 bonus to damage, and 3) Tutavak gets +4 to damage UEMNT.

Rev DM |

Chary flares with power as her wounds briefly overcome her. Urging Darius on, she sees with satisfaction that the warden at least has damaged the Shaman yet again. In the aftermath, it is clear that the Shaman is hanging on by a fine thread, but nothing stops her passionate desire to convert the newcomers.
Kia- make a basic melee attack please v Shaman with CA.
Still prone, she turns her gaze on Darius, lashes out at Kia and kicks viciously at the rocky pillar.
Staying prone.
Evil Eye v Darius (Ref). On hit target takes 10 ongoing necro.
1d20+18=38. Hits.
10 ongoing necro to Darius (se)
Death's Touch v Kia (Fort). On hit target is slowed (se)
1d20+18=31. Hits. 4d4+5=17
17 damage to Kia and she is slowed (se)
Uses move action to kick pillar. It crumbles in a burst 1 attacking v Ref and renders the ceiling extremely unsafe. Using ranged powers now brings a chance that you'll collapse the whole cavern.
Attacks v Shaman and Kia.
1d20+16=29 v Kia. Hits. 3d8=17 damage
1d20+16=25 v Shaman. Miss.
Another 17 damage to Kia. Total 34 this turn.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Darius - BLOODIED; immobilised (se); +2 Speed/Ref and +3 fire damage to end next turn; 10 ongoing necro (se); probably unconscious prone and on -4hp - if so needs to make a death save
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; marked by Darius

Darius Elliendo |

Font of Life 1d20(6) + 3 = 9 >:( Oh well, saves me some typing.
Death save 1d20(15) + 1 = 16.
Save against immobilisation 1d20(5) + 1 = 6.
Save against ongoing damage again 1d20(8) + 1 = 9. Hahahahaha
"I am reminded of a saying they have in the south: 'A Rahadoumi laughs at death—but it's a shared laugh, not a defiant one.'" He muses before falling over.
AC 30; Fort 28, Ref 28, Will 29
Dying –4 of 128 HP, 10 of 14 Surges; Init +8
Passive Perception 24, Passive Insight 24;
AP: 0
Dailies: Boiling Cloud, Boiling Cloud Attack
Encounters: Erupting Vines, Inexorable Shift, Frontline Surge, Walk It Off, Earthstride, Mountain's Stature

Rev DM |

Grievously wounded, but polite to the last, Darius slumps into unconsciousness.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Shaman - BLOODIED; cursed; Tutavak's Quarry
Darius - BLOODIED; immobilised (se); 10 ongoing necro (se); unconscious and prone - needs to make a death save

Chary |

Chary can help Darius pretty heftily on her turn...she has "from the brink" with gives him surge HP without spending the surge, plus 2d10+5 hp and he will get to stand from prone as a free action. I also have one more ardent surge to share. Of course, that assumes Chary doesn't get squished by WS1 and WS2 this turn!

Kia Rubarka |

Kia looks towards Chary to see who is best placed to help Daruis, but finds she cannot see her. Seeing her ally in an unconscious mode of existence, her compassion gets the better of her and she heals him to enable him to fight another turn.
Minor: Inspiring word for Darius who can spend a healing surge and, additionally, gain 3d6+5=(6,1,6)+5=18HP.
Standard: Withdrawal Gambit vs Shamanb vs AC. 1d20+19=(11)+19=30 vs AC. If that hits, the shaman takes 3d8+7=(6,8,8)+7=29 damage and Darius can make a saving throw with a +2 bonus. (He can also shift up to 5 squares if he wants to)
Move: Kia shifts to G12
Save vs slowed: 1d20=1

Rev DM |

Darius hears Kia's words and opens his eyes. There is simply no way he will ever be able to disobey that voice.
Are you shifting, Darius?
The warlord continues to make her feelings about the Shaman quite clear as she delivers a firm comment on the unwisdom of kicking down caverns.
Will update map and take Arianwyn and Wisdom Seeker turns once Darius confirms where he will be.

Darius Elliendo |

Thank you, Kia. Back in the game at 50 HP.
I'm baffled by how the shift 5 granted by Kia interacts with the prone condition. Would he be able to shift half his speed while prone or not at all? Either way I doubt he'd suffer the ignominy of crawling away, so I guess he'll stay put.
Darius can make a saving throw with a +2 bonus.
Save against ongoing damage 1d20(10) + 1 + 2 = 13.

Rev DM |

With a mighty effort of will, Darius rolls away from the pillar as the ceiling shakes again.
Arianwyn fires a bolt of eldritch light at the fallen Shaman and heads towards her as she falls, clutching the Stone of Wisdom to her in a death grip.
"Take the Stone," he commands generally.
Eldritch Blast (Ref) v Shaman
1d20+13=27. Hits.
1d10+15=24 plus 2d8=7 curse damage. Shaman dead.
Arianwyn teleports and then moves to the Stone.
The Wisdom Seekers send up a terrible howl as their leader falls and beat at the adjacent columns, bringing further rock falls. Any moment now, the whole cavern will start to collapse.
W1 tries to hold Chary still the better to hit her, while W2 charges Darius.
Evil Eye (Ref) v Chary
1d20+18=26. Hits. Chary is immobilsed (se)
Mace v Chary
1d20+20=33. Hits. 1d12+9=19 plus 2d10=11 for immobilisation
30 damage to Chary.
Charge v Darius
1d20+23=32. Hits. 1d12+9=18 plus 2d10=10 for immobilisation
28 damage to Chary
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Chary - immobilised (se)
Darius - BLOODIED; immobilised (se)
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed

Tutavak |

Tutavak decides on the best way to stop the Seekers from bringing down the cavern.
ooc]Quarry W2. Move to D12. Twin Strike vs W2 AC.[/ooc]
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 331d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 91d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 371d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 112d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
14 damage on one hit, 23 on 2.
Save vs ongoing
1d20 ⇒ 9
Down to 56 . . .

Rev DM |

Edging closer to the Stone and Kia, Tutavak deftly pincushions W2, despite the seeping wound that just will not be ignored.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Chary - immobilised (se)
Darius - BLOODIED; immobilised (se)
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)

Chary |

Chary reels with the blow, but then helps herself and Darius get some extra energy.
CHary bloodied again, so everyone within 5 gets +4 damage UEMNT.
Minor action: Ardent surge on Darius--surge + 11 hp back, and you gain +2 speed UEMNT.
Standard Action: Second Wind--I regain some HP, but I am still bloodied after the second wind.
save versus immobilized: (15)
37/88 hp; 6/10 HS left.

Rev DM |

Chary takes a deep breath and feels her feet coming free. Given the state of the cavern, this is a good thing.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
ALL: +4 damage to end Chary's next turn
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Darius - BLOODIED?; immobilised (se)
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Chary - +2 all defences to start next turn - used second wind; BLOODIED

Darius Elliendo |

Darius - BLOODIED?
Thanks to Chary, not any more.
Font of Life against immob. 1d20(18) + 3 = 21.
Darius stands and slices into the Wisdom Seeker.
Strength of Stone
1d20(7) + 18 = 25 vs W2's AC; 1d8(3) + 10 + 4 = 17 damage and Darius gains 5 temp. HP.
Use Nature's Wrath to mark W2.
AC 30; Fort 28, Ref 28, Will 29
65 of 128 HP, 8 of 14 Surges; Init +8
Passive Perception 24, Passive Insight 24;
AP: 0
Dailies: Boiling Cloud, Boiling Cloud Attack
Encounters: Erupting Vines, Inexorable Shift, Frontline Surge, Walk It Off, Earthstride, Mountain's Stature

Rev DM |

Darius shakes himself free of the overwhelming lethargy, rises, smites and misses. Nonetheless, he can now move and is again dangerous.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
ALL: +4 damage to end Chary's next turn
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Kia - BLOODIED; slowed (se)
Arianwyn 66/91;4/8 surges - concealment
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Chary - +2 all defences to start next turn - used second wind; BLOODIED

Kia Rubarka |

Kia looks disapprovingly on as the remaining seekers howl unmusically. She gets over her slowed state by teleporting next to one of them and attmepts to provide a salve for the members of her party (but not for the seeker).
Teleport to L15;
Stand the fallen vs W2 vs AC 1d2+19=(14)+19=33; 3d8+7=(2,4,8)+7=21 damage.
Regardless of whether of not that hits, all allies (but not Kia) within 10 can spend a healing surge with an additional 6HP.
As a minor action, Kia heals herself for one surge plus 3d6+5=(5,4,5)+5+4=23HP.
Kia is no longer bloodied
Save vs slowed: 1d20=13

Rev DM |

Kia bolsters her friends and delivers a stern warning to W2.
Keeping firmly on track, Arianwyn moves towards the stone, his limbs treacle-like and tries to pick the thing up. Alone, he cannot manage it.
Seeing his purpose, the Wisdom Seekers also move towards the Stone.
Both Wisdom Seekers double move (i.e. 4 squares)
Chary gets on OA on W1.
Kia and Darius get OAs on W2.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
ALL: +4 damage to end Chary's next turn
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Tutavak - 10 ongoing necro (se)
Chary - +2 all defences to start next turn - used second wind; slowed (RS aura)
Darius - slowed (RS aura)
Kia - slowed (RS aura)
Arianwyn 90/91;3/8 surges - slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry

Tutavak |

Tutavak shifts targets, having lost his first to darkness, but to little effect.
Quarry W1. Twin Strike vs AC.
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (8) + 20 = 281d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 91d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 211d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 132d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Save vs ongoing
1d20 ⇒ 10

Chary |

AoO on W1: (18)+18= 36 VS AC, for (6)+7= 13 damage.
Also, she spends the surge and is no longer bloodied.
Chary spies to find a weakness in the creature moving by her, and thrusts her rapier towards it. And she tosses a "Thanks, Kia!" as an aside.
I just read more about my ardent eruption power that grants +4 damage just after Chary is bloodied...and realized it is an encounter power. Therefore I have not added it in this turn.

Rev DM |

Tutavak's arrows bounce unsatisfyingly off the fomorians as they start to chant again.
"No, you imbecile. It is not just a stone," hisses the warlock as he attempts to wrap his arms around the six foot rock.
"It is a powerful artifact and I for one have no wish to spend the next several years disinterring it from rubble."
Chary and Darius both stab successfully at their respective foes.
Kia - make an OA v W2 please.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
ALL: +4 damage to end Chary's next turn
All: - CA v Shaman to end Chary's next turn
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Chary - +2 all defences to start next turn - used second wind; slowed (RS aura)
Darius - slowed (RS aura)
Kia - slowed (RS aura)
Arianwyn 90/91;3/8 surges - slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed; slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry; slowed (RS aura)

Chary |

Chary tentatively strikes at the Wisdom Seeker in front of her, before moving to block its path into the darkness.
Standard: Energizing Strike (augment 2)--(6)+18 = 24 VS AC
on hit: (4)+10= 14 damage and one ally can spend a surge...on a miss, nada.
Move: shift to G18.
Chary also looks up to get an idea of how quickly the ceiling is likely to fall on us.
perception--(10)+8 = 18

Rev DM |

Walked backwards into trestles and duffed up my back.
Chary's natural anxiety over the ceiling helps her to mistime her attack.
Looking up, she sees ominous cracks appearing. She has no idea how long the stonework will hold up, but she has a feeling that Arianwyn is right and that they, the Wisdom Seekers and the precious Stone may well be in danger of vanishing under rubble.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Darius - slowed (RS aura)
Kia - slowed (RS aura)
Arianwyn 90/91;3/8 surges - slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed; slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry; slowed (RS aura)
Chary - used second wind; slowed (RS aura)

Darius Elliendo |

"No, you imbecile. It is not just a stone," hisses the warlock as he attempts to wrap his arms around the six foot rock.
"I know the stone means a lot more to you than it does to the fomorians, much more it would seem," admits a bemused warden.
"There'll be plenty of time to hug the Affection Stone after we're hauled it out of the collapsing mine."
Strength of Stone
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36 vs W2's AC; 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 damage and Darius gains 5 temp HP.
Shift to K17.

Rev DM |

Darius shifts, smites successfully and offers some practical advice. Arianwyn snarls but says nothing, too occupied in trying to think of a way to keep the Wisdom Seekers away from the treasured object.
Wisdom Stone aura 5: Creatures in the aura are overwhelmed by a contemplative urge. They are slowed and cannot charge.
Darksoul Mist (Fort).
Creates zone of darkness that lasts to end encounter. Blocks line of sight for any creature without darkvision.
ALL: +2 bonus to Will v charm fear and illusion within 10 squares of Kia.
"X"ed area is difficult terrain.
Kia - slowed (RS aura)
Arianwyn 90/91;3/8 surges - slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 1 - cursed; slowed (RS aura)
Wisdom Seeker 2 - - cursed; Tutavak's Quarry; slowed (RS aura)
Chary - used second wind; slowed (RS aura)
Darius - slowed (RS aura)

Darius Elliendo |

Oh, and how's the duffed up back after the Extended Rest? :)