Initiative: 12 +7(1/2 Level)+5(Dex mod)
Speed: 6 +6(Human)
Vision: Normal
Attack Notes: Hunter's Quarry +2d6 with ranger powers, +2 to damage vs bloodied targets, +1 to weapon attacks when mounted, +5 to mounted charge damage, bow attacks ignore concealment
Combat Challenge [Immediate Interrupt]
Effect: Whenever an enemy marked by you is adjacent to you and shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy.
Call Spirit Companion [Standard Action]
Effect: You conjure your spirit companion in an unoccupied square in the burst 20. The spirit lasts until you fall unconscious, until you dismiss it as a minor action, or until you use this power again. The spirit occupies 1 square. Enemies cannot move through its space, but allies can. When you take a move action, you can also move the spirit a number of squares equal to your speed.
The spirit can be targeted by melee or ranged attacks, although it lacks hit points. If a single melee or ranged attack deals damage to the spirit equal to 10 + one-half your level (17) or higher, the spirit disappears, and you take damage equal to 5 + one-half your level (12). Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.
Sunspray Dance [Standard Action]
Totemic Spear Longspear +3
Attack: 20 vs. AC +5(Dexterity modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 1d10+9 radiant, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of your next turn.+5(Dexterity modifier)+3(enhancement bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Practiced Rider [Minor Action]
Effect: You mount or dismount a willing, adjacent creature that has the mount keyword.
Soulfire [Free Action]
Trigger: You or an ally in burst 10 scores a critical hit with an attack
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: Until the end of the target’s next turn, the target gains a +2 power bonus to speed, a +2 power bonus to Reflex, and deals extra fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (3) each time he or she hits with an attack.
Bathed in the Light [Immediate Interrupt]
Trigger: An enemy would deal fire or radiant damage to you
Effect: Reduce the triggering damage to 0. You regain a number of hit points equal to the fire or radiant damage you would have taken before reducing the damage.
Spirit's Prey [Opportunity Action]
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your spirit companion without shifting
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: One ally within 10 squares of your spirit companion can make a ranged basic attack against the target as a free action with combat advantage.
Silverstep [Standard Action]
Totemic Spear Longspear +3
Attack: 19 vs. AC once or twice, one attack per target +4(Strength modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 2d10+8 and push target Dex (5) squares+4(Strength modifier)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Effect: Shift Dex (5) squares.
Mounted Coordination [Minor Action]
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of your next attack before the start of your next turn.
Thundertusk Boar Strike [Standard Action]
Homing Longbow +2
Attack: 20 vs. AC, twice +5(Dexterity modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 1d10+9 +5(Dexterity modifier)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
With each hit, you push the target 1 square. If both attacks hit the same target, you push the target a number of squares equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (4).
Biting Volley [Standard Action]
Homing Longbow +2
Attack: 20 vs. Reflex, twice. Each attack can score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20. +5(Dexterity modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 1d10+9 +5(Dexterity modifier)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Focused Sight [Minor Action]
Effect: When you attack the target, you take no penalties to attack rolls because of cover, superior cover, concealment, or total concealment. This benefit lasts until the end of your next turn.
Soul Flare [Standard Action]
Totemic Spear Longspear +3
Attack: 14 vs. Reflex vs each enemy in burst 1 within 10 +3(Wisdom modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid))
Damage: 2d10+7 +3(Wisdom modifier)+3(enhancement bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Effect: You use your soulfire power on one ally in the burst as a free action.
Action Point [Free Action]
Activate soulfire on self and 2 allies in range and trigger tattoo.
Soul Furnace[Minor Action]
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, any enemy that starts its turn or enters a square adjacent to a creature affected by your soulfire power takes (3) fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Speak with Spirits [Minor Action]
Effect: During this turn, you gain a (+3) bonus to your next skill check equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Sure Shot [Standard Action]
Homing Longbow +2
Attack: 20 vs. AC, can reroll +5(Dexterity modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid))+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 3d10+9, can reroll each die +5(Dexterity modifier)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Cometfall Charge [Standard Action]
Totemic Spear Longspear +3
Attack: 19 vs. AC +4(Strength modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 3d10+10 +4(Strength modifier)+2(Constitution modifier)+3(enhancement bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Miss: Half damage.
Requirement: You must charge and use this power in place of a melee basic attack.
Close Quarters Shot [Standard Action]
Homing Longbow +2
Attack: 20 vs. AC vs one adjacent enemy. Does not provoke. +5(Dexterity modifier)+7(1/2 Level)+2(proficiency bonus)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Two-handed Weapon Talent (Hybrid)+2(Feat Bonus - Master at Arms)
Damage: 4d10+9 +5(Dexterity modifier)+3(inherent bonus)+1(bonus - Fighter Weapon Specialization)
Miss: Half damage.
Helm of Vision Unclouded (item). Free: You can see invisible creatures and objects until the end of your next turn.
Race and Class Features Bonus Feat [Human]
Choose an extra feat at 1st level. Bonus Skill [Human]
Trained in one additional class skill. Bonus At-Will Power [Human]
Know one extra 1st-level attack power from your class. Human Defense Bonuses [Human]
+1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. Hunter's Quarry (Hybrid) [Hybrid]
When using ranger powers, deal 2d6 bonus damage to your quarry. Hybrid Ranger Reflex [Hybrid]
Combat Challenge (Hybrid) [Hybrid]
Mark targets you attack with fighter powers and gain Combat Challenge Soulfire [Soul Igniter]
Gain soulfire power Soulfire Action [Soul Igniter]
Use soulfire as a free action on yourself and two allies in burst 10, after action point use
Feats Sunspray Heritage Gain bathed in the light power; +2 to Endurance Spirit Talker Shaman: Nature skill, call spirit companion, spirit's fangs or spirit's shield 1/encounter, speak with spirits 1/day Hybrid Talent Gain a hybrid talent option for one of your hybrid class entries Sunspray Warrior Gain +1 to melee and ranged attack rolls while mounted; swap 1st level at-will power for sunspray dance power
Master at Arms
+1/2/3 (by tier) to weapon attack rolls. Minor action: sheathe one weapon and draw one weapon. Wild Sage +5 to Nature knowledge and monster knowledge checks to identify natural creatures, and gain a ritual Toughness You gain an additional 5 hit points at each tier of play (at 1st, 11th, and 21st level). Retreat Technique No opportunity attack when moving away from enemy you hit
Improved Defenses
+tier to F/R/W
Fighter Weapon Specialization
You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls when you hit with an attack using a weapon of the style you chose for the Fighter Weapon Talent class feature.
Inventory Weapons Longspear, Totemic Spear +3 (1 of 1 equipped)
Longbow, Homing Weapon +2 (0 of 1 equipped)
Property: Your attacks ignore penalties from concealment, though not from total concealment.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power before making the attack. Your attack ignores concealment and cover, but not total concealment or total cover.
Magic Items
Tattoo of the Penitent Martyr (paragon tier)[/url] (1 of 1 equipped)
Property: Once when using a daily attack power, when you miss with an attack roll, you can take damage equal twice the number of healing surges you have remaining. If you do so, you reroll the missed attack roll.
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 (1 of 1 equipped)
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You end one condition that a save can end.
Cold Iron Bracers (heroic tier) (1 of 1 equipped)
Property: Gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex against fey creatures' attacks.
Martyr's Saddle (heroic tier) (0 of 1 equipped)
Property: The mount gains a +1 item bonus to all defenses.
Power (At-Will): Immediate Interrupt. Use this power when an attack would damage the mount you are riding. The mount takes half damage from the attack and you take the remainder. Nothing can reduce or prevent the damage that a rider takes in this way.
Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (0 of 2 equipped)
Power (Consumable • Healing): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.
Gauntlets of Blood (heroic)
Helm of Vision Unclouded (paragon)
Floating Lantern
Horned Helm (not equipped)
Riding Boots
Bag of Holding (heroic)
You cloak yourself and any allies present for the ritual in a camouflaging shroud. The subjects of this ritual gain a bonus to Stealth checks while traveling, and other creatures take a penalty when using Perception to find your tracks.
Your Nature check determines the bonus you and your allies gain and the penalty others take.
Nature Check Result Bonus to Stealth Penalty to Find Tracks
19 or lower +2 -2
20–29 +5 -5
30 or higher +10 –10
This camouflage protects you and your allies as you travel, but not during battle. Any subject who rolls initiative or makes an attack roll loses the benefit of this ritual until the end of the encounter. If a subject is hidden when he or she makes an attack, that subject loses the bonus before making the attack roll, which could cause him or her to lose the benefit of being hidden for that attack.
Other Suntide
Kargzant Warhorse
Level 8 Brute
HP 110; Bloodied 55
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 18
Speed 9
Perception +12 Init +8
Rider's Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, and Stealth
Kick (standard, at-will)
+11 vs AC; 2d10+1 damage.
Trample (standard, at-will)
The warhorse can move up to its speed and enter enemies’ spaces. This movement provokes opportunity attacks, and the warhorse must end its move in an unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy’s space, the warhorse makes a trample attack: +9 vs Reflex; 2d10+3 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Charger (while mounted by a friendly rider of 3rd level or higher with the mounted combat feat; at-will) Mount
The warhorse grants its rider a +5 bonus to damage rolls on charge attacks.
Defensive Kick (while mounted by a friendly rider of 3rd level or higher with the mounted combat feat; immediate reaction when an enemy moves into flanking position)
+9 vs triggering enemy's Ref; 1d10+4 damage and push target two squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
Str 21 (+9) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 16 (+7)
Con 20 (+9) Int 3 (+0) Cha 12 (+5)
Carried: 1314gp
Proficiencies Weapons
Simple Melee [Hybrid]
Military Melee [Hybrid]
Simple Ranged [Hybrid]
Military Ranged [Hybrid]