Keolin's Reign of Winter Campaign, Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Nickadeamous

Roll20 Link
Loot List


[dice=Ragnar] 1d20-1 [/dice]
[dice=Warden] 1d20+2 [/dice]
[dice=Fang] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Droviz] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Havelock] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Krystae] 1d20+6 [/dice]
[dice=Elen] 1d20+3 [/dice]

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Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

Sloat was severely damaged in the fight. You have the time and the means so of course. The question is, will you?

I don't think that sounds as dramatic as I was hoping.

HP 19/36, Temp HP (0), Nonlethal 12, -4 max hp(from con damage), AC 19 (17), Fort +4 (+6), Dex +0, Will +4 (+6) Rage 0/6, Command Undead 5/5, Assume Fate 2/2, Spells: 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Active Effects: 2 Wis damage, 4 con damage

I will.

I have 7 1st level spells a day. That should be enough to heal Sloat to full.

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2


HP 19/36, Temp HP (0), Nonlethal 12, -4 max hp(from con damage), AC 19 (17), Fort +4 (+6), Dex +0, Will +4 (+6) Rage 0/6, Command Undead 5/5, Assume Fate 2/2, Spells: 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Active Effects: 2 Wis damage, 4 con damage

What's teh big thing behind us on the map?

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

Pay no attention to the giant tree monster creeping up from behind you.

Move along. Nothing to see here.

A mistake. It has been removed.

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2

Crimes against the elderly.

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2

Heads up, I'm going on a week-long trip tomorrow.
I should have internet access, but feel free to bot me if necessary.

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2

DM, does my faerie fire negate the quickling's natural concealment due to speed? I'd like to think it does, given it's already sovereign against such diverse concealments as offered by darkness and blur. ^_^
But it's your call.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

Yes, Faerie Fire negates the concealment while moving.

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

Hum, just realized my posted action for last turn is missing -_-
I suppose I only previewed and left it at that - hate when it happens.
Either way, mostly posting as a means to explain why I seemingly did not post in case you were waiting for me.

I do have a busy time currently, but I do try and make sure to keep all my games moving. If you saw me post in another game we are in together and I've not elsewhere for a prolonged time, assume that a poke will fix things :)

Male Drow Fighter 4 / VMC Magus: Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +9; AC 19 (+3 Dex., +3 armour, +2 shield, +1 natural); hp 22/32; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will 0/+2
The Many-Faced GM wrote:
Yes, Faerie Fire negates the concealment while moving.

Ah, I am glad! Quicklings are a genuine pain to fight. ^_^; Every advantage is welcome.

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

I've been absent these past few days for medical reasons.
Apologies for any inconveniences that may have caused.
I am still recovering, but hope to catch up and get back to posting again soon.

HP 19/36, Temp HP (0), Nonlethal 12, -4 max hp(from con damage), AC 19 (17), Fort +4 (+6), Dex +0, Will +4 (+6) Rage 0/6, Command Undead 5/5, Assume Fate 2/2, Spells: 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Active Effects: 2 Wis damage, 4 con damage

Time to need to deal with the issues of having a necromancer in the party.

Within the time we are traveling, the Control Undead spell will end and the Hecueva might break free of Ragnar's control.

GM, I need you to make some decisions (I don't remember if we've talked about this for this game or not, so forgive me if I'm bringing it up again).

1) Can Ragnar order controlled intelligent undead to voluntarily fail their saves? (Normally, the answer is yes with an opposed Charisma check. Some GMs prefer other house rules, so I want to check)

2) Can Ragnar cast Control Undead on the Hecueva again, before the duration of the last one ends? (normally the answer is yes)

2.a) If so, does making a save against the new control effect end the old one? (normally the answer is no, but again, I've seen unexpected house rules before, so I want to be sure to ask)

The overall effect of saying yes to questions 1 and 2 (and no to 2.a) is that by sacrificing a 2nd spell slot a necromancer can control an intelligent undead indefinitely. (It's definitely less hassle and bookkeeping, but it is arguably not int he intentions of the rules, and robs necromancy of a lot of it's inherent danger and drama)

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

Hey Ragnar, one page of discussion back, you may find some answers you need.

HP 19/36, Temp HP (0), Nonlethal 12, -4 max hp(from con damage), AC 19 (17), Fort +4 (+6), Dex +0, Will +4 (+6) Rage 0/6, Command Undead 5/5, Assume Fate 2/2, Spells: 1st 6/7, 2nd 3/4 Active Effects: 2 Wis damage, 4 con damage

ok, thanks. It's been... 8 months since then and I'm playing 4 different necromancy themed characters on these boards. It's hard to remember all the various rulings.

GM, the Hecueva will have a chance to become free on the 2nd day of travel. How would you like to handle that?

Sovereign Court

Female Ulfen 4th Level Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) | HP 27/27 | AC 20 | T 15 | FF 15 | CMD 19 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +6 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +11 | Judgement: 1/2 | Spells: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 2/2

Okay, loot tracker is updated. Also, it'll be nice to finally have an opportunity to unload all this stuff we've been hauling around with us. We have QUITE the bit of coinage being carried around. I think if the city if large enough we should dump everything not being used and try to pick up some gear while we are here.

Sovereign Court

Female Ulfen 4th Level Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) | HP 27/27 | AC 20 | T 15 | FF 15 | CMD 19 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +6 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +11 | Judgement: 1/2 | Spells: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 2/2

Hey all, I will be heading to Florida for a week starting tomorrow morning. Normally I would have my work computer with me, but I have to leave with our IT guys for some much needed tinkering. I'll have my phone with me, but I may not have much time for posting. If you need to GMPC my character during this time, that is okay.

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

So...any ideas about Ragnar? At worst, we would dig a hole for him, and I'll semi-cover it with my treesome being so he can still breathe.
I think like shallow grave, with open space for the head. Fang could also be a shrub covering the fresh earth.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

It is with deep regret that I must halt this campaign. I will leave it active for a few days so everyone has a chance to chime in on whether or not you want to try and find a replacement GM. I am truly sorry to have to abandon this game but the for the last four months I've been trying to deal with some personal issues that have left me no time to do adequate prep work and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

You guys have been a lot of fun.

Sovereign Court

Female Ulfen 4th Level Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) | HP 27/27 | AC 20 | T 15 | FF 15 | CMD 19 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +6 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +11 | Judgement: 1/2 | Spells: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 2/2


I very much understand and support that your personal life needs to take precedence over this game. I hope that whatever issue with which you are currently grappling gets better for you soon and I have had a blast with you as our GM. I was a good time!

For my fellow players, I would love to try and see if we can find a replacement GM. I very much enjoy this group and this game!

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

Same...I was a late entry here, but I enjoyed myself so far - what I said over in your other campaign holds true here too.

Incidentally, this is my first ever druid :)
So yeah, I would like to stay on and see about that replacement.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

I really agonized over this decision but give me a week to see what I can sort out. I hate abandoning this and the other one. We've come too far together. Let me see what I can wrap my head around.

I'll be out of town til Sunday. Maybe the break is what I need to recharge.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

Screw it, we're pushing through. There are too many interesting stories going on here for me to not see this through. My posting rates will likely continue to be sporadic, but hopefully will improve some.

Sovereign Court

Female Ulfen 4th Level Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) | HP 27/27 | AC 20 | T 15 | FF 15 | CMD 19 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +6 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +11 | Judgement: 1/2 | Spells: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 2/2

Awesome! Very excited to hear that, GM! Also, no worries on posting rate here. Let’s do this thing!

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

Aye, glad to hear, but don't push yourself too hard :)
Sporadic worked out good so far.

Curse of the Crimson Throne Roll20

No one has posted to this campaign in over 2 months.

Does anyone want to continue or should I shut it down?

I'm fine either way.

Sovereign Court

Female Ulfen 4th Level Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) | HP 27/27 | AC 20 | T 15 | FF 15 | CMD 19 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +6 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +11 | Judgement: 1/2 | Spells: 1st - 3/4, 2nd - 2/2

I think everyone might've been waiting on me now that I look back at the thread... I apologize everyone. I'm still up for it if everyone else is!

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

I am definitely up for it. Always was. When else will I get to play a briarborn? :D

HP: 35/35 | AC:18 / T:12 / FF:16 | Fort: 7, Ref: 3, Will: 7 | CMD: 17 | Init: 2(+2 Forest) , Perception: 11(+2 vs traps, +2 Forest, Low-Light)

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the game!

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