3 people marked this as a favorite. |

They say that shadows of deceased ghosts
Do haunt the houses and the graves about,
Of such who life's lamp went untimely out,
Delighting still in their forsaken hosts.
Joshua Sylvester
From the whispering shadows of haunted Ustalav an ancient evil rises to grip the world in a new age of horror!
This is a recruitment thread for the awesome Carrion Crown.
I am looking for 4 – 6 experienced play-by-posters for a very fast based, adult-themed game. By adult-themed I mean that although we aren't talking R-rated, I am graphic in my descriptions, fully embrace the horror theme of this AP and am looking for like minded, mature players. Ideally you won't have read or played through (much) of this AP before but as long as you can separate player and character knowledge we should be cool.
Posting Considerations - Fair warning
I tend to demand quite a lot of my players in that I really enjoy a fast posting rate – ideally a minimum of twice per day (although I love an extended dialogue or logging in to find 12 new posts!) – and I also like quality roleplaying within the group and with NPCs.
Combat is by far the slowest part of a pbp so I reserve the right to bot a player if they haven't acted in combat in a reasonable amount of time (usually this is measured in hours) and to remove them from the game if they have not posted for 7 days without previously stating that there would be a break.
I know it's a lot to ask which is why I'm putting it right up front. In exchange I can promise you a very regular, high-quality experience with dynamic combat, exposition and an interesting world in which to play.
Sound fair? In that case, keep reading.
Character Creation
Alignment: Any non-evil
Ability Scores: 20 point buy, no stat beneath 8 and none above 18 after racial modifiers
Races: I won't lie, I'm a traditionalist So although I will consider the uncommon races, there has to be a compelling reason why you are playing a Grippli Paladin.
HP: Max at 1st and then half+1 every subsequent level
Traits: Two traits, one campaign and one other
Starting gold: 150gp
Classes: Everything except Summoner and Gunslinger. Also, the Slumber Hex is also out. I love the witch and shaman classes but hate that ability both as a player and GM. Occult classes are welcome although I am the first to admit I am not fully conversant with them yet so if I ask stupid questions about your build or for you to clarify something in the game, forgive me.
Third party content Not acceptable for this game, sorry
Skills: Background skills from Pathfinder Unchained will be used. I'm not sure about compressing the skill groups yet, I'll read over that chapter again to better understand it.
Running the Game
I do some weird stuff to keep the game moving;
Identify I hate pausing to identify magic items because it could be a week in real life before we go back and identify the dagger you've found by which point I can't remember what room you found it in. Urgh. I make the identify spell an addition/expansion of Detect Magic.
Initiative This is the biggest one. I roll all initiative and whichever group, heroes or enemies, has the highest (average), they act first and all members of that group act in whichever order they post. That order can change round by round for the heroes because they act when they post. This keeps combat moving very quickly and prevents a single combat taking a whole week to resolve but equally, it has other effects such as devaluing a high individual initiative, makes certain spells more powerful, others less so, risks an individual enemy getting mobbed by action economy and so on.
It is definitely not without it's drawbacks but the fact it keeps a potentially slow medium moving is fine by me. I make changes to feats such as Improved Initiative and Selective Spell to compensate for this difference but won't go into that here.
Maps: Combat will be run using maps from MapTool. I will post a map at the beginning of the first round and every round after.
Saving throws: When called to make a save I will always roll for you and post the result so that you can post appropriately depending on the outcome. This is also true of static skill checks.
Hero Points: I do use the hero point system although with a few alterations, nothing major however.
Your Submission
I don't need a novel as a backstory, but quality writing is appreciated as well as a few lines on physical description, personality and the role you would full in the party.
Recruitment will run for at least two weeks and I will put an end date up closer to the time, likely to be around the 17th.
This game will not be run with the intention of handing out PFS credit
Have I forgotten anything? I'm sure you awesome lot will remind me :)
Have at it!

CampinCarl9127 |

I must say, I am very impressed with your opening post. Good formatting and writing, full of rich flavor, a demanding, mature, and fast-paced attitude.
I've already created the idea for a wonderfully flavorful character for this. I know you said you're a traditionalist for races, but in Ustalav dhampirs are more common than normal, so between that and the highly active church of Pharasma I came up with an idea. A dhampir inquisitor of Pharasma with the kinslayer archetype and the Hunter's Blood and the Subject of Study traits. The character would be entirely self-loathing about his existence and with Professor Lorrimor's help and the help of the church of Pharasma learned how to hunt and destroy undead. His dour attitude would fit perfectly into the dark and hopeless atmosphere of the city. I'm going to get to work on creating him!
I'm assuming that since drawbacks were not mentioned that you're not using them?


Hi Carl, thanks for showing interest! I tried to answer everything up front but also encourage people to ask questions.
Agreed, dhampirs are an excellent fit for this AP and it sounds like you've got a strong concept in mind.
I won't be using drawbacks, I find the are a little mechanic that soon gets forgotten in the sea of other numbers we need to track.

Mimesyne |

(I assume any name followed by 4 digits is a birthyear, so I'm going to pretend CampinCarl9127 a time traveler from the future, here in the past on a family camping vacation)
Yiss! I've been dying to play this campaign! I had a group before for this campaign and we got through not even the first half of the first chapter of the first book before it just flopped apart.
I'm going to be quite honest I had the same idea as CampinCarl9127 about the dhampir. I've uh... kinda wanted to play a bard dhampir since I made a connection between that combo and Marceline from Adventure Time. Since that moment, I have not been able to get the image of a dhampir killing it on a lute out of my mind.
That said, I take my RP and campaign immersion seriously, and in no way want to clone a character from a silly (although excellent) cartoon into your game. IMO that would kill the setting and mood, especially in this AP.
I'm really excited about your very clear expectations, and even more so about your posting expectations. I'm a student so having things to read and post when I should be taking notes or while I'm on break is just idyllic. My post history isn't long (I've only recently discovered the joys of PBP) but you'll see since I got here I've been an active poster. And I'm well versed in the Pathfinder system.
Anyways, I suppose it's time to kick up a fancy new alias and set to work building up a character that... rocks

CampinCarl9127 |

(I assume any name followed by 4 digits is a birthyear, so I'm going to pretend CampinCarl9127 a time traveler from the future, here in the past on a family camping vacation)
It's only proper that I'm going to be playing an inquisitor of the goddess of fate. I already know how the campaign is going to end.
I'm going to be quite honest I had the same idea as CampinCarl9127 about the dhampir.
Just for kicks, I've always wanted to run a party that consists of nothing but negative energy channeling dhampirs. They would be freaking unstoppable. Until they ran into undead.

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Mimesyne here. Made my alias ;p
I have a question about a set of Bard archetypes: sound striker and (chelish) diva. I know typically archrtypes don't stack if they both replace the same ability, but in this case, the replacement ability is identical in all but name.
The sound striker's "wordstrike" and the (chelish) diva's "devastating aria" bardic performances both read:
At 3rd level, the Diva can spend 1 round of bardic performance as a standard action to direct a burst of sonically charged words at a creature or object. This performance deals 1d4 points of damage + the diva’s level to an object, or half this damage to a living creature.
This performance replaces inspire competence.
They both also stipulate that they never take less than a standard action to perform. So my question is, would you allow these archetypes to stack?

Sarabian |

I'd made Maxim here for another Carrion Crown PbP - lots of good applicants, so he didn't make the cut, but I'm taking another run here. The only thing he'd need would be a background skill and he's ready to go. That GM had much more extensive background requirements, so you should find plenty to work with in there!

Evelyn Starr |

Dotting this character for interest with a few questions
1. Would you allow a group submission? I often play with a friend and I prefer to be in the same games.
2. Would you allow me to change rapier into a slashing weapon instead of piercing and using slashing grace instead of Fencing Grace?
3. I've never ran this game before but I've been on PBP for a while is that acceptable?
4. Do we start with 1 Hero point or 0?


Awesome, I'll get to work!
One last question (for now anyways): Are variant heritages allowed?
Not this time, I'm afraid. Sorry, that's the traditionalist in me coming out again.
So my question is, would you allow these archetypes to stack?
I don't really see a problem with it but bear in mind that Weird Words has been FAQ'd/Errata'd to not be able to target the same creature with every word. I'm sure I read that somewhere....
1. Would you allow a group submission? I often play with a friend and I prefer to be in the same games.
2. Would you allow me to change rapier into a slashing weapon instead of piercing and using slashing grace instead of Fencing Grace?
3. I've never ran this game before but I've been on PBP for a while is that acceptable?
4. Do we start with 1 Hero point or 0?
1 = Of course. As long as both have a strong concept I would definitely consider it.
2 = Why would you need to change a rapier?
3 = As long as you feel like you can keep up with the posting requirements it's very acceptable.
4 = Start with 1 hero point and 1 every level thereafter.

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Sofia wrote:So my question is, would you allow these archetypes to stack?I don't really see a problem with it but bear in mind that Weird Words has been FAQ'd/Errata'd to not be able to target the same creature with every word. I'm sure I read that somewhere....
Awesome! Sticks and stones will break my bones and now words will too!
I think it's built into the performance itself now. It seems to say one word per target, at least that's how I read it anyways.
Pathfinder Zoey |

2 = Why would you need to change a rapier?
It's purely a flavor thing stat wise rapier is the best weapon for me but I hate the fighting style of poking so changing it to slashing fixes that flavor wise and all it effects stat wise is I lose the +2 against disarm, if you'd prefer I not the character won't change just the way I describe her fighting

Dal Selpher |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Races: I won't lie, I'm a traditionalist So although I will consider the uncommon races, there has to be a compelling reason why you are playing a Grippli Paladin.
Perhaps because Frog was one of the greatest characters in Chrono Trigger and his refusal to lose himself despite the terrible curse cast upon him is thematically awesome for Carrion Crown? =)

Celissa |

Oh my. Carrion Crown has been the adventure path I've been most interested in playing. I'm always the GM for my live games, so the chance to play for a change would be great. I'm curious if you would allow a changeling character in this setting. I noticed you were all right with the idea of a dhampir, so I'm hoping it could work. I love the idea of a half-elf changeling sorceress or possibly oracle if you're more in need of divine casters than arcane. I'm well aware that with a changeling of half-elven heritage, her very inhumanity will set her up for potential harassment and other happy good times; that's part of the amusement value. I am definitely intrigued.


Unchained Rogue is absolutely fine
@SirPeter and Moon Papa
I'd be happy to have you guys submit. If you feel you can commit to the game as per the recruitment specs, please go ahead :)
@Pathfinder Zoey
I fluff up a lot of stuff in description so yeah that's fine, you carry on. Story and great narrative > rulezz
@Celissa and bes753
I will consider races outside core so long as the backstory is strong and warrants it.
@Dal Selpher
Curse you! No Grippli Paladins!

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Are you ok with Aasimars? if so, are you ok with the option for swapping out the SLA? Also, what are your views on the scribe scroll feat and crafting of scrolls?
Also, I would like to play it that my character has no Idea he is of celestial blood (at this time) If that is ok, (took scion of humanity for that)
Class: Cleric
Archetype: Roaming Exorcist
Race: Aasimar
Alternate Racial trait: Scion of Humanity, Deathless Spirit
FCB: +1 damage when using positive energy to harm undead.
Traits:Indomitable Will (deity-less of Indomitable faith, see backstory), On the pay roll
Ability Scores:
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 16
HP: 10
AC: 16 T:12 FF:14
Fort: +3
Ref: +2
Will: +5
Initiative: +2
1- Scribe Scroll
Domain: Sun Domain
Domain Spells: 1st—endure elements, 2nd—heat metal, 3rd—searing light, 4th—fire shield, 5th—flame strike, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—sunbeam, 8th—sunburst, 9th—prismatic sphere.
Arms and Armor:
Chain Shirt
20 arrows
20 blunt arrows
Misc. Gear:
Silver Holy Symbol, backpack, waterskin (2), (work in progress)
Scrolls: 150g
Carrion Compass (1) 12.5g
Magic Weapon (1) 12.5g
Sanctify Corpse (1) 12.5g
Touch of Truthtelling (1) 12.5g
Summon Monster I (2) 25g
Cultural adaptation (1) 12.5g
Detect Charm (1) 12.5g
Detect Evil (1) 12.5g
Swallow your fear (1) 12.5g
Clarion Call (1) 12.5g
Comprehend languages (1) 12.5g
Read weather (1) 12.5g
Sun metal (1) 12.5
Perception: 1 (+9)
Sense Motive: 1 (+7)
Diplomacy: 1 + (+9)
Know. Religion: 1 (+5)
Know. Arcana: 1(+5)
Archetype Features:
The roaming exorcist travels far and wide to root out possessions, hauntings, and hidden evils. The roaming exorcist extracts unruly spirits from not only victims of possession, but also haunted sites and accursed items.
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Dedicated Wanderer
A roaming exorcist is dedicated to her cause and affords no time to other pursuits typical of clerics. A roaming exorcist must choose to channel positive energy. She may choose only one domain from her deity's list of domains, rather than the normal two domains, and she does not gain Medium Armor Proficiency or Shield Proficiency.
Unseen Revealed (Ex)
At 1st level, a roaming exorcist gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her cleric level (minimum +1) on Perception checks to detect haunts and incorporeal creatures and on Sense Motive checks to determine whether a creature is possessed, under the effects of an enchantment or curse, or otherwise magically controlled.
Spirit Sleuth (Ex)
At 2nd level, upon interacting with a rejuvenating spirit or haunt for the first time (such as by attacking the spirit or channeling energy to damage the haunt), a roaming exorcist can attempt a Sense Motive check as a free action to determine the specific course of action required to permanently neutralize the spirit or haunt (DC = 10 + the undead creature's Hit Dice or the haunt's CR).
Curse Seeker (Su)
At 5th level, a roaming exorcist can more readily identify cursed items. When identifying a magic item, the roaming exorcist needs to exceed the item's DC by only 5 (instead of by 10) in order to determine whether the item is cursed.
Dispossession (Su)
At 8th level, a roaming exorcist can expend one use of her channel energy ability to force a possessing creature from its host body. The exorcist must make a melee touch attack against the possessed creature; if successful, the roaming exorcist deals damage to the possessing creature as if it were targeted by the roaming exorcist's channel energy ability (regardless of the possessing creature's creature type), and the possession effect ceases as the possessing creature is ejected from the host body. A successful Will save (DC = the roaming exorcist's channel energy DC) halves the damage taken, and the possessing creature resists being ejected from its host.
Curse Eater (Su)
At 11th level, a roaming exorcist gains Improved Disarm as a bonus feat, regardless of whether she meets the feat's prerequisites. The roaming exorcist gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to disarm a creature of a magic item she knows to be cursed. If the roaming exorcist successfully disarms a creature of a cursed item without using a weapon, she may automatically pick up the disarmed cursed item without immediately succumbing to the item's curse. She may wield or hold this cursed item for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round)—during which time she may use the item normally, as if it were not cursed—before the item's curse manifests again.
Basically, I made this character as both a metaphorical AND Literal light standing against the darkness. I see it as when he channels positive energy actual light radiates and swirls around him in the affected area for 3 seconds. His level 8 domain ability will actually make him a LIGHT among the dark. His personality is similar. Kind, caring, friendly, joyful and optimistic. At least on the surface....
in combat: healer/support/buffer or undead destroyer
out of combat: utility caster, face, spiritual guidance counselor and party morale booster.
Cedric was born and raised in Ustalov, however he grew to be an odd child. Quite contrary to most in Ustalov the dour and desperate mood never seemed to catch on Cedric. Even into his late teens he was always smiling, always full of energy and trying to have fun. Indeed whever he went was easy to tell as the normally dour and moody folk of Ustalov appeared slightly happier, some, dare I say, even smiled whole whole-heartedly. Whenever people would ask him how he always stayed in such a good mood he simply replied with "because I want to be". At the age of 18 he still had not acquired a trade or job and many people were starting to view the once happy lad as merely lazy. He never thought so, he simply replied that "he Hadn't found something he loved yet" to the increasing worry and anger of his parents. It was this that brought about the first time Cedric had cried since he was a babe.
One night while he was arguing with his father about getting a trade to support himself the argument became heated, well, the father slowly became furious and worked himself into a rage from his frustrations. Alas, the mans health had been fading from years of hard work as a lumberman and his heart had a heart attack from the rush. When his father died a couple minutes after Cedric blamed himself. For once, the cold, icy grip of despair grasp his heart and he couldn't shake it off. He fled to his and his sisters room and cried half the night. The next few days Cedric wore nothing but a frown of despair as the funeral was carried out. Then, when they entered there home two days after the death, with Cedric's smile still gone, a sense of foreboding came over them. Cold chills would blow about the room and strange noises were heard. The local priest could not say what was the cause, and so reluctantly called upon an old acquaintance. A one professor Lorrimar. But not two days after the message was sent objects began hovering, flinging about. So they had to abandon the house, and even with his fathers good standings as a merchant and with money enough to pay rent no one would let them stay or even come in for fear of the haunting affecting their homes as well.
So for two days they slept in a tent, Cedric began to grow angry at the people of the town. He began to blame them for his predicament. He thought the only reason his father had begun to say anything about his lack of skills or job was because of the talk the other townsfolk had begun. Then, he blamed them for his mothers sickness, forcing her to sleep in a tent. His despair slowly ebbed to rage and against better judgement marched back to his home just several hours before the priest lead Lorrimar there as well. When the Priest and Lorrimar got there the house was alife with a whirling wind, a pot was thrown out a window and Lorrimar knew instantly what it was. When he began to move towards the door suddenly everything stopped, and became quiet. As they stood slightly shocked stillness for several seconds Cedric opened the door. He was crying, at first they thought he was injured, but once they got close they realized he was also smiling, a vibrant beam of a smile. Lorrimar was impressed. This boy had just quelled what he had assumed to be a rather high level Haunt. He offered the lad a chance to work with him in solving other situations as this. Cedric Thought about it for a moment, and asked about his mother and sister. Lorrimar laughed at the lads worry, not mockingly, but because he enjoyed the care and love of the thought. He promised they would be fine, and put up well as well, free of charge to his pay. So Cedric studied under Lorrimar for a time, and worked with him as a secondary insight on things. lorrimar asked the lad how he had destroyed the Haunt in his home. Cedric looked away, keeping his smile faintly, and merely replied "I, finished a talk. Just, somehow made things right..."
During their travels Lorrimar also noted, with both appreciation, and a tinge of worry. That Cedric rarely showed signs of frustration or despair, and never, not even when sleeping let his smile fade. When he asked the lad why he always smiled and why he was always in such a good mood. Cedric Replied.
"Because it's less painful, because I want to be happy, and... Because I have to be, for all the other people that can't or couldn't be...."
EDIT: I tried to keep the backstory like a girls skirt, long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to be interesting and easy to read ;)


All sounds ok Rorek55. Not sure what you mean about my views on Scribe Scroll? It's fine as far as I'm concerned. I'll tell you up front that this isn't really the AP to focus on crafting but I find Scribe Scroll and Brew Potion to be the most useful because low level utility scrolls can be written up pretty quickly.
As for swapping out SLA's, that's pretty much the same answer I gave CampinCarl, I'm not a fan of variant heritages so it'll just be standard aasimars and tieflings.

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Very well. I would probably like one of the other SLAs, but.. I can think of some fun and useful uses of the Daylight spell I reckon.
I also updated my post with the archetype information I accidentally left out.
also trying to decide if deathless spirit or exalted resistance would be better.. I really lik 6+LvL SR.... hm.

Rajuna Two-Fangs |

Ohhh... I do love quick posting and can definitely manage two a day in general. I've got a character I built for Carrion Crown awhile ago but the game ended....
I'll be changing his build somewhat (Unchained Rogue) but the core concept is here. I'll update his sheet as quick as a I can but here is the quick and dirty:
Rajuna (Raj) is a combat-oriented rogue that wields a pair of curved daggers as his 'calling card'. At a later point, he'll be taking a level or two in Wizard to round-out his thiefly skillset. Despite his flexible morals, he is dedicated to Iomedae... doing the dirty work that needs doing but that her more upright followers can't do. He fights fire with fire.
Despite her desire to save her child, Sitta's body wasn't up to the task. She died in the deep brambles of the strange forest-draped hills, orphaning the boy. Raj struggled on and survived despite his horrible wounds which, in the fullness of time, became heavy scars. (CHA 8) He journeyed slowly through the mountains fighting fatigue, injury, and grief. He did whatever it took to survive - becoming almost feral. Weeks later, he found his way down into the more civilized lowlands of Ulcazar. Traumatized by his experiences and distrustful of everyone, he began a life as a scarred scavenger on the fringes of society - living by nerve and blade.
Years passed and slowly Raj learned to interact with other people as something other than predator or prey. For the first time, he was considering his future. In the meantime, he needed food on the table. To that end, he was shadowing an old man with all sorts of interesting equipment that could be pawned to the right fence. His embryonic plans for a snatch & grab were ruined when a group of blade-wielding bravos set upon his mark. Normally, he would have shrugged and left the jackals to their sport. That day, for no reason he could explain, he decided to step in and make the fight a bit more even. In the end, the bravos were run off. (Trait: Chance Savior) And the Professor, 'Doc Lorr' as Raj called him, proved grateful - just not grateful enough to part with his equipment, much to the young thief's chagrin. Instead, he gave Raj a shot at a future. He took the scarred and scrappy teen to Ardis, vouched for him, and turned him over to the care of the church of Iomedae. The church would feed, clothe, and educate the boy until he was ready to make his way in the world, hopefully as a contributing member of society in the service of Iomedae. The idea worked... mostly.
Raj would never, could never, be a completely upright citizen. Larceny was in his blood. But he could fight fire with fire to even the playing field and give those upright citizens a little help. As Raj saw it, the Church's one weakness was that it played by the rules against forces that didn't. Raj decided that gap was where a feral, enterprising, semi-reformed thief might meaningfully contribute to the fight.
With complete faith in his mission and his Fangs, Raj set off to forward the goals of his Church by any means necessary. And it has been a brisk business over the last few years. But now the marker on an old debt has been called and Raj heads to Ravengro to pay it.
About the Attack...
The events of his youth has scarred Raj inside and out. He rarely shares the story behind his scars. He doesn't know what attacked his village - Dire Wolves, starving Bears, Lycanthropes, or something else. To all these possibilities, Raj can only shrug. His memories are hazy and distorted through the lens of having been so very young when the attacks happened. He remembers very little of that night.

The Pale King |

Hmm, I've really been wanting to play a greek hero inspired character lately. Nothing says greek hero like killing lots of evil monsters.
I have three possible paths for such a character:
1. Guide/Skirmisher Ranger who uses combat styles feats to get good with using his spear and shield, then his regular feats to become a switch hitter with a bow or thrown javelins.
2. Phalanx Soldier Fighter who uses his many feats to become good with a polearm and a shield but also with thrown weapons.
3. Celestial Bloodrager, going for a more Hercules style character.

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GM-JZ wrote:It's purely a flavor thing stat wise rapier is the best weapon for me but I hate the fighting style of poking so changing it to slashing fixes that flavor wise and all it effects stat wise is I lose the +2 against disarm, if you'd prefer I not the character won't change just the way I describe her fighting2 = Why would you need to change a rapier?
The scimitar is identical to the rapier as far as stats go, except it's slashing rather than piercing. To top it off, you can take slashing grace to make it count as a piercing weapon for the purposes of class abilities and feats (not to mention dex to damage). And as a cavalier(and still with your archetype) you're proficient with it. Then with that weapon, you're still getting the benefits of your archetypes class features, and the non-poking flavor without changing mechanics.
It might make things easier in the long run to change mechanics as little as possible. This route, if you like the look of a different weapon more (personally I think scimitar look silly), all you're changing is the visual fluff rather than mechanical functioning like you would be with a rapier, and getting the identical effect.

Guru_of_the_Sands |

With Ustalav's proximity to Numeria, what is your opinion on Android characters?
I'm considering a Ranger in the style of a monster hunter and could also twist the Subject of Study background trait to include himself and a monster if this is acceptable.
I think the campaign leaves a very interesting take for the Android's lack of emotions and even the possibility of gaining emotions (through feat)
The idea just struck me as interesting as I looked over concepts and if that would be too far I'm ok with rethinking it.
I have plenty of time during work and check the forums fairly constantly during work hours out of boredom lol. 2 posts a day shouldn't be out of my range of ability.

Pathfinder Zoey |

The scimitar is identical to the rapier as far as stats go, except it's slashing rather than piercing. To top it off, you can take slashing grace to make it count as a piercing weapon for the purposes of class abilities and feats (not to mention dex to damage). And as a cavalier(and still with your archetype) you're proficient with it. Then with that weapon, you're still getting the benefits of your archetypes class features, and the non-poking flavor without changing mechanics.It might make things easier in the long run to change mechanics as little as possible. This route, if you like the look of a different weapon more (personally I think scimitar look silly), all you're changing is the visual fluff rather than mechanical functioning like you would be with a rapier, and getting the identical effect.
Scimitar is close and I could do that if the dm would prefer but I don't think it can be finessed so Id have to take dervish dance instead of slashing grace and that requires points in perform dance which don't really fit the character

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Scimitar is close and I could do that if the dm would prefer but I don't think it can be finessed so Id have to take dervish dance instead of slashing grace and that requires points in perform dance which don't really fit the character
Actually, according to your archetype, you can use it with your class feature finesse.
At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites. A daring champion also counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of meeting feat requirements.
With Slashing Grace (which you want anyways), the Scimitar counts as a piercing weapon for the purpose of class abilities. In this case, you aren't actually getting the Weapon Finesse feat, you're getting a class ability that emulates it. For you, this class version of Weapon Finesse works with light and one handed piercing weapons (rather than the standard finesse weapons), meaning that the Scimitar qualifies after you take the Slashing Grace feat. The feature also let's you qualify for feats that chain off Weapon Finesse without actually having the feat itself.

Pathfinder Zoey |

Actually, according to your archetype, you can use it with your class feature finesse.
Champion's Finesse (Ex) wrote:At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites. A daring champion also counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of meeting feat requirements.With Slashing Grace (which you want anyways), the Scimitar counts as a piercing weapon for the purpose of class abilities. In this case, you aren't actually getting the Weapon Finesse feat, you're getting a class ability that emulates it. For you, this class version of Weapon Finesse works with light and one handed piercing weapons (rather than the standard finesse weapons), meaning that the Scimitar qualifies after you take the Slashing Grace feat. The feature also let's you qualify for feats that chain off Weapon Finesse without actually having the feat itself.
Oh nice I was looking at normal weapon finesse that fits perfect, thanks I'll switch

Dal Selpher |

I'd like to present Valavastra Cross for your consideration, JZ. An old colleague of Petros', her dear friend's death spurs her to leave the classroom behind and carry on in the dear man's work.
Alas, she is not a grippli paladin.
(One day, one fine day, Glenn, Grippli Paladin of Iomedae, will find a home on these boards!)

Sarania |

I would like to present Sarania, a Changeling rogue....
This abnormality was exacerbated when she finally came of age as a woman. She experienced "the call," a hypnotic spiritual voice that invited her out into the wilds of Ustalav. Curious, Sarania ventured out in search of the source of the mystery.
At the end of this journey, she came face to face with her true mother, an Annis hag of great power. Sarania was presented with on opportunity... to join her mother and become a hag. This life would lead to great power, but the nature of the hag and the inherent evil in her did not sit well with Sarania.
She left the wilds, returning to town with a renewed understanding of herself. It was at this point that she met Professor Petros Lorrimor. The professor was interested in studying Sarania, as a changeling is a rare find and a changeling that has encountered its mother and resisted the call is rarer still.
A friendship formed between the two, and a greater sense of curiosity was stoked in Sarania. It is this new-found curiosity that has led her to a life of adventure and the path of the carrion crown.


DM, how far in the AP do you plan on this campaign going? Will it be just the first book or is this going to be a long-term campaign that will be spanning into the higher levels?
I never begin an AP without the intention of finishing it. As far as I'm concerned, unless life gets in the way this will rub to the bitter end!