
Evelyn Starr's page

265 posts. Alias of Pathfinder Zoey.

Full Name

Evelyn Starr




Mesmerist 3, AC/FF/T 16/13/13, Initiative +3, HP 23/33 CMD: 14







Special Abilities

Cold Resistance 2


Chaotic Neutral




Taldor, Heldren


Common • Skald • Varisian • Elven • Dwarven



Homepage URL

Character Sheet

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Evelyn Starr

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Evelyn tries to do the right thing by people with little regard to the law but old habits die hard and sometimes a hot meal is worth scamming a few locals.

Mythic Path: Archmage, Tier 1

Race: Human.

Race Powers:
• Silver Tongued: Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature's attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two.
• Focused Study: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.

Size: Medium, 5ft Reach.

Initiative: +3 ( +3 Dex )

Senses: Perception +4

Favored Class: Mesmerist, +HP.

Combat Role: Evelyn works best with a group, she distracts enemies while supporting her allies with physic abilities.

Class 1: Mesmerist
Consummate Liar: A mesmerist adds 1/2 his mesmerist level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Bluff checks. +1

Hypnotic Stare: A mesmerist can focus his stare on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action. That creature takes a –2 penalty on Will saving throws.

Mesmerist Tricks: A mesmerist can create hypnotic bonds with his allies, implanting magical suggestions in their minds that he can later activate. 5/Day

Painful Stare: When an attack that deals damage hits the target of a hypnotic stare, the mesmerist can cause the target to take an amount of additional damage equal to 1/2 the mesmerist's class level. +1

Towering Ego: a mesmerist gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on Will saving throws. ( +4 )

Bold Stare (Timid): The hypnotic stare penalty also applies to damage rolls. ( -2 )

Touch Treatment (Minor): Remove any condition on the minor conditions list: Fascinated, shaken. ( 7/Day)

Armor Class: 17 ( 10 Base, 4 Armor, 3 Dex )
• Touch: 13
• Flat Footed: 14

CMD: 14 ( 10 Base, 3 Dex, 0 Str, 1 Bab )

Hit Points: 33 ( 24 HD , 3 Con, 3 Favored Class, 3 Mythic )
• Healthy: 33-
• Grazed:
• Wounded:
• Critical: -0

• Fort: +4 ( 1 Base, 1 Ab Mod, 1 Trait, 1 Auto )
• Refl: +7 ( 3 Base, 3 Ab Mod, 1 Auto)
• Will: +7 ( 3 Base, -1 Ab Mod, 4 Ego, 1 Auto )

BAB: 2

CMB: 2 ( 2 BAB, 0 Str )

Move Speed: 30 ft

Attack Routines:
• Swordcane: +2, 1d6; x2
• Dagger: +2, 1d4; 19-20/x2
• Sap: +2, 1d6; x2

Mesmerist Tricks: (DC 14, 2 Known , 5/Day)
Misdirection: The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject makes an attack or uses a spell that requires an attack roll. The mesmerist attempts a Bluff check to feint against a single target of the subject's attack. Unlike a normal feint, this ability can be used on non-melee attacks. If the feint succeeds, the target of the attack is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the triggering attack.

Mesmeric Mirror: An illusory image appears near the subject to throw off attackers. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject is attacked or becomes the target of a spell that requires an attack roll.

Mesmerist Spells: ( 6/4/0/0/0/0/0 )
Level 0: (DC 14, 6 Known , X/Day)
Detect Magic: You detect magical auras.
Ghost Sounds: Ghost sound allows you to create a volume of sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place.
Light: This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius from the point touched.
Prestidigitation: Prestidigitations are minor tricks that novice spellcasters use for practice. Once cast, a prestidigitation spell enables you to perform simple magical effects for 1 hour.
Mage Hand: You point your finger at an object and can lift it and move it at will from a distance.
Unwitting Ally: You befuddle the target's mind. The target has difficulty telling friend from foe for a short period of time. The subject is considered your ally and not your enemies' ally while determining flanking. ( +1 DC )

Level 1: (DC 15, 4 Known , 3/Day)
Command: You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. ( +1 DC ) ( Mythic )
Sow Thought: You plant an idea, concept, or suspicion in the mind of the subject. The target genuinely believes that the idea is his own, but is not required to act upon it. ( +1 DC )
Silent Image: This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you.
Murderous Command: You give the target a mental urge to kill its nearest ally, which it obeys to the best of its ability.

Mythic Path: ( Archmage, Tier 1 )
Hard To Kill: Whenever you're below 0 hit points, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check.

Mythic Power: Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. (5/Day)

Surge: You can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. (1d6)

Arcane Surge: As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. None mythic roll twice and take worst.

Enduring Armor: You are protected by armor made of force. This armor grants you an armor bonus to AC equal to 3 + your tier. (+4)

Mythic Spell Lore: You can learn a number of mythic spells equal to your tier and can expend mythic power when casting them to enhance the results.

Feats: ( 1 Race, 2 Level )
Skill Focus ( Bluff ): +3 to Bluff.
Spell Focus ( Enchantment ): +1 DC to enchantment spells.
Antagnoize: –2 penalty on all attacks rolls made against creatures other than you and has a 10% spell failure chance on all spells that do not target you.

Skills: ( 12 Class, 4 Int, 4 Background ) ACP = 0
• Appraise: +8
• Bluff: +16
• Diplomacy: +13
• Linguistics: +8
• Perception: +5
• Profession ( Con Artist ): +5
• Profession ( Chef ): +5
• Sense Motive: +5
• Sleight Of Hand: +9
• Stealth: +9

• Acrobatics: +3
• Climb: +0
• Craft: +2
• Disable Device: +3
• Disguise: +4
• Escape Artist: +3
• Fly: +3
• Handle Animal: +4
• Heal: -1
• Intimidate: +4
• Know ( All ): +2
• Perform: +4
• Ride: +3
• Spellcraft: +2
• Survival: -1
• Swim: +0
• Use Magic Device: +4
• Artistry: +2
• Lore: +4

Stats Explained:

• Appraise: +8 ( 2 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Bluff: +16 ( 4 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill, 1 Mesmerist, 2 Race, 3 Feat )
• Diplomacy: +13 ( 4 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill, 2 Race, 1 Trait )
• Linguistics: +8 ( 2 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Perception: +5 ( -1 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Profession ( Con Artist ): +5 ( -1 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Profession ( Chef ): +5 ( -1 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Sense Motive: +5 ( -1 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Sleight Of Hand: +9 ( 3 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )
• Stealth: +9 ( 3 Ab Mod, 3 Rank, 3 Class Skill )

• Acrobatics: +3 ( 3 Ab Mod )
• Climb: +0 ( )
• Craft: +2 ( 2 Ab Mod )
• Disable Device: +3 ( 3 Ab Mod, )
• Disguise: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )
• Escape Artist: +3 ( 3 Ab Mod )
• Fly: +3 ( 3 Ab Mod )
• Handle Animal: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )
• Heal: +0 ( )
• Intimidate: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )
• Know ( All ): +2 ( 2 Ab Mod )
• Perform: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )
• Ride: +3 ( 3 Ab Mod)
• Spellcraft: +2 ( 2 Ab Mod )
• Survival: +0 ( )
• Swim: +0 ( )
• Use Magic Device: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )
• Artistry: +2 ( 2 Ab Mod )
• Lore: +4 ( 4 Ab Mod )

Traits: ( Campaign, Social )
Northern Ancestry: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, as well as cold resistance 2; this resistance does not stack with cold resistance gained from any other source.

Mediator: You receive a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, you receive a +1 trait bonus to the DC of any charm or compulsion effect that does not provide ongoing control and results in peaceful acts.

Languages: ( 1 Free, 2 Int, 3 Linguistics )
• Common
• Skald
• Varisian
• Elven
• Dwarven
• Celestial

Equipment: (Current Load: 35) (Light Load: 38) (Medium Load:76) (Max Load: 115)
Armor: Enduring Armor

Weapon 1: Swordcane
Weapon 2: Dagger
Weapon 3: Sap
Weapon 4:


Platinum: 000
Gold: 014
Silver: 000
Copper: 000

• Outfit, Pickpocket's
• Outfit, Winter

• Cards
• Cards
• Canteen
• Hide Armor

Evelyn is a naturally liar, a trained manipulator, and a lost-soul. Despite her upbringing she has a soft-heart that wants to be a positive force upon the world, being from a tight knit group she craves companionship but has a growing hatred of life on the road and a desperate want to settle down in a place she can call her home. She views most people as outsiders and treats them with distrust until they prove they are worthy of becoming part of her "family", she's open to talking to anyone but her first response is almost always to lie.

Appearance: ( Character Art )
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117
Age: 22

Evelyn has straight jet-black hair adorned with a single red streak, which she keeps cut boyishly short. Her fair skin and elegant frame cause colors - such as the dark blue of her eyes or bright red of her lips - to stand out and draw the attention of any onlookers. Unlike her family Evelyn finds the traditional Varisian attire far too gaudy, she prefers dark clothing with smooth defined lines that allow her to control and direct the attention of viewers with precision. Although she isn't one for combat Evelyn knows traveling unarmed and unarmored is practically suicide so, even while she is unskilled with them, she carries a sap and dagger for emergencies. She also carries what appears to be a slim wooden cane marked with hand carved letters but the small gap near handle reveals its true purpose as a sword sheath.

History: ( Map )
Varisia, Twenty-Two Years Prior: Age 0
It's a frigid night in Varisia, a mass of wagons are arranged in a circle to serve as a makeshift barricade against the outside world. A large campfire shines from the center, a warming beacon to all those inside, but the wooden sanctuary was eerily quiet as a majority of its citizens where gathered in a silent awe as they looked upon the now mother and her new born child, Evelyn.

Kaer Maga, Twelve Years Prior: Age 9
To most Kaer Maga is place where anyone can fit in, and where anything can be bought and sold but for the young Evelyn it was a terrifying journey through a river gorge to be surrounded by shady vendors. While stuck in this dark world she retreated into stories unfortunately they didn't have many books but the caravan was rich with oral tales, her favorite of which was the story of her father "the charm of Irrisen" as her mother describes him.

Korvosa, Nine Years Prior: Age 12
Evelyn watched as her mother sat at her table covered with color observed the man, who seemed to be trying to burn a hole in the cards in front of him with his stare, but as she and her mother both new the real performance was happening behind them as coin purses began to vanish into the pockets of her family.

Nirmathas, Five Years Prior: Age 16
Evelyn handed off the last of her old flashy Varisian clothing and admired her new attire, her caravan had warned her that dressing so dark would make it hard to keep the attention of others but she had put enough time and effort into the swap to solve this. She examined herself in a mirror smirking at the new persona that looked back.

Molthune, Two Years Prior: Age 19
Evelyn sat at her table covered with color observing her quarry with innocent eyes, three cards lay face down as her hands gracefully rearranged them. She wasn't sure why such a juvenile game brought so much attention but the crowd of locked eyes was more than enough proof that it was an effective distraction, as she slowed her hands motions to a stop the man across the table indicated which card he thought correct and produced a smug look as Evelyn turned it over to prove him right. The crowd praised his triumph as he walked away with a small handful of coins and Evelyn packed up her booth, she wondered how long before people would realize she hadn't been the only one to lose coin today.

Isger, Six Months Prior: Age 21
There was a silence throughout the wagon broken only by the clink of coin as the Gypsy woman counted out their earnings. Evelyn leaned against the wall watching noiselessly as she let her mind wander, thinking of her past and the old stories about her father as she had found herself doing often as of late. Her eyes shifted to her mother in hopes of pushing back these thoughts but to no avail, she sighed as she started the conversation that could change her life forever.

Andoran, One Month Prior: Age 22
Evelyn ran her fingers over the engravings on her cane, a parting/birthday gift from her caravan, as she watched the people she'd called family for the past twenty-two years she couldn't help but feel a deep heartache knowing she would never see them again after tonight. Beyond the sorrow she knew leaving was the right thing, a chance at a new life with a clean slate was exactly what she needed; having said her goodbyes and planned her course, Evelyn embarked on her long journey.

Heldren, Present Day: Age 22
Evelyn examined the tiny town with interest, it was quite a ways off her planned path but much closer to her than the caravan so running one last deliver was the least she could do to repay them for everything they had done. She had been worried about her instructions to "take it to the tavern" but a town this small likely only had one tavern if any, she spotted the half-elf girl she'd been traveling with and headed into the town to complete her last responsibility to the caravan and begin the search for her father.


1. What does your character look like? (Height, weight, age, appearance, etc.)
Answered above under Appearance.

2. What is your character’s personality?
Answered above under Personality.

3. Where is your character from? Golarion’s history and geography is very detailed. Make good use of that.
Althougth she was technically born in Varisia Evelyn doesn't claim it as her home, she's much more comfortable on the roads of the inner sea.

4. Why does your character have the class, feats, weapon, etc. that they do? Where and how did they learn to fight? What made them take up this path?
Class: Growing up around people claiming to be mind readers or physics, whether truthful or not, made the choice to study mental magics an easy choice for Evelyn.

Feats: On her caravan everyone had a few jobs that they were expected to perform with great skill. For Evelyn, this was playing the distraction and after spending years focused on so little she has become specialized.

Skills: Being a Gypsy requires many trained skills which center around being able to deceive and control others but growing up in that environment teaches a lot more than how to lie and steal.

A) Evelyn's father hails from Irrisen and has passed on his resistance to it's sub-zero climate to his bloodline.

B) Living in close quarters with the same people for so long, much less criminals, often lead to fights and shouting matches that Evelyn had to put a stop to.

Weapons: The only reason Evelyn even carries a dagger is because she knows to go without a real weapons makes her an easy target but normally prefers to use her sap to avoid any permanent damage. Her sword cane is a gift from her caravan she carries for sentimental value.

5. Is your character religious? If so, who do they worship and why?
While Evelyn doesn't actively pursue religion activities she finds the goddess Desna shares many of her views.

6. What is your character’s reason to get involved with Irrisen? It can be something as simple as hating tyranny, but something more detailed will certainly help your chances.*
To Evelyn Irrisen is her chance at a new beginning, an escape from her old life and a place her family holds roots, which make it just as much her home as the caravan she grew up in.