Jobu was a son of a fisher family working the shoals of Lake Encarthan in Nirmathas. While he was initially set to follow in his father's wake, his talent for healing made itself known, and he split his time - mornings on the lake, evenings with the village herbalist. One morning, a rogue sturgeon knocked his boat over; a near-drowning experience awoke his latent psionic powers, allowing him to manipulate the lake waters around him and save both himself and his boat!
3 descriptive words - placid, fishy, short
2 quirks - he wears a woven reed hat, on which he hangs his fishing hooks (and sometimes, his bait); the spear he carries came from his capsized boat
1 flaw - Jobu can be slow to act; he sometimes takes patience to the extreme. (He also smells like fish.)
1 distinctive physical feature - Jobu has patches of vitiligo on his limbs. (He also smells like fish.)
Male Human Kineticist 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short spear +0 (1d6)
Ranged cold blast +2 touch (1d6+2 cold)
Kineticist Talents Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
Infusion: extended range
Wild Talents: basic hydrokinesis
Element water
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (heal)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +4, Profession (fisher) +4, Swim +3
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ burn, elemental focus (water), gather power
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of endure elements; Other Gear short spear, studded leather armor, backpack
Jobu was a son of a fisher family working the shoals of Lake Encarthan in Nirmathas. While he was initially set to follow in his father's wake, his talent for healing made itself known, and he split his time - mornings on the lake, evenings with the village herbalist. One morning, a rogue sturgeon knocked his boat over; a near-drowning experience awoke his latent psionic powers, allowing him to manipulate the lake waters around him and save both himself and his boat!
3 descriptive words - placid, fishy, short
2 quirks - he wears a woven reed hat, on which he hangs his fishing hooks (and sometimes, his bait); the spear he carries came from his capsized boat
1 flaw - Jobu can be slow to act; he sometimes takes patience to the extreme. (He also smells like fish.)
1 distinctive physical feature - Jobu has patches of vitiligo on his limbs. (He also smells like fish.)
Dotting for interest; wondering what a Caydanite inquisitor would look like …
Staring at shot glass: "How many malts are in there? Answer me!"
There's also the Psychedelia Psychic.
Huh. According to the lore, Cayden's followers frown on excessive drinking or alcohol abuse, so maybe an inquisitor would be, like, an addiction counselor? Someone who promotes responsible consumption, rather than over-consumption. Interesting...
I played & GMed the Realms back in the day - even ran City of the Spider Queen a couple times! - and love the heck out of that era. I would happily wrestle one...nay, several kittens, for a place in this game.
{Announcer voice} We've secretly replaced his ordinary kittens with displacer beast, manticore, and chimera kittens. Let's see if he can tell the difference.
Oh. Oh yeah. This we MUST record.
I hadn't thought about a monk/ranger until now, but...
Dotting for interest; wondering what a Caydanite inquisitor would look like, or I ran across a sorcerer archetype that was basically a stoner? Which might be an interesting mix with all the drunks.
"Alcohol? Nah, man, that stuff'll kill you. *toooooooooooke*"
I played & GMed the Realms back in the day - even ran City of the Spider Queen a couple times! - and love the heck out of that era. I would happily wrestle one...nay, several kittens, for a place in this game.
Dotting for interest; might do a straight fighter of Taldor descent, carries his family's ancestral falcata despite getting dirty looks and words at every turn.
Oooh, I was just doodling up a character last night for just such a occasion, how lucky!
Meet Tanaterra Tibeth, Badge #491, halfling investigator and proponent of justice! She may have once been a Sarenrite, but she's seen too much of the rich and powerful doing as they please without consequence, and has been transferred to Edgewatch for...purposes.
About Me:
I've been playing TTRPGs for a few decades, and am comfortable with various online formats. This would be my first PbP game, my first PF2e game, and my first game with this style of play format. I work 3 12-hour graveyard shifts a week, 7pm-7am Pacific, so my posting times might be wacky, but I can easily commit to a daily (or nightly) posting schedule.
Submitting Draven Kral, goliath druid! And his sharp companion, Master Bites (100% willing to change that name, it just seems funny at 4am). (gear & spells TBD)
Male Dwarf Druid (Goliath Druid) 6
NG Medium humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +0 ; Senses Perception +4, darkvision, stonecunning
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp: 62 (6d8 + 24)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9
Defensive Abilities: +2 vs poisons, spells or spell like abilities; + 4 to avoid being bullrushed / tripped while standing on ground; + 4 dodge bonus on AC against giants; +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of giants.
Speed: 25 Ft
Special Attacks: + 1 racial bonus to hit orcs and goblinoids
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 8
Base Atk +4 ; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats: Extend Spell, Fleet, Toughness
Traits: student of giantkind, weathered emmissary
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (local +10, nature +10), Spellcraft +10, Survival +13
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Giant, Sylvan
SQ: face nature's might, primal bond (animal companion), primal empathy, primal size, spontaneous casting, trackless step, wild shape 2/day (dinosaur, large giant, megafauna), woodland stride
Master Bites, allosaurus animal companion
N Medium animal
Init +; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +8 natural)
hp 36 (6d8+6)
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +4
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +8 (1d8+3), 2 claws +7 (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +18; CMD 29
Feats Improved Natural Attack (bite), Tough, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Perception +8
SQ devotion, evasion, link, low-light vision, scent, share spells, bonus tricks (x, y, z)
A character concept: briefly explain who they are and what they bring to the party.
Teldrene is one of those young ladies who's just in love with love, and doesn't really quite get why everyone can't be the same way. She provides support in terms of buffs and healing, as well as some bardic performance capabilities from her archetype; she also will do well with social interactions, though she is an overly honest (and not terribly bright) soul.
Backstory: A brief overview of your character's history, showing what motivates them.
Teldrene's father was a paladin of Shelyn who went to the River Kingdoms to assist in the founding of a cathedral to Shelyn. He returned to Taldor with some minor riches gained while adventuring, and a half-elven daughter. He claimed her mother was a forlorn elf who was happy to spend a few years at the side of a lovely human, but said she was not fit to raise a child who would die before her. He focused on the time he'd had with her mother, and the time he had with his daughter, teaching the foundations of appreciating and loving that which was good and beautiful in the world. When she felt ready, she took up her father's glaive and sought formal training with the church of Shelyn, ready to help teach others to see the world the way she sees it.
Why Heldren: Why is your character in the small town of Heldren in southern Taldor?
Teldrene is hoping to play matchmaker and facilitate some marriages across the border to help foster international peace & improve relations between Taldor and Qadira.
A little crunch: This should at minimum be a race/class/archetype combo. I don't need full crunch at this time, but if that's your thing go wild.
Dotting for interest! Looking at a human unchained barbarian who will acquire world serpent totem powers. He was born under a strange star, and though prophesied to bring an end to a powerful foe of Golarion, this revelation has been hidden from him since birth. Recently, his tribe's shaman counseled him on the voices he was hearing, directing him to listen to the spirits and go to Kenabres. Still knowing little-to-nothing of his fate, but trusting in the spirits and in his elders, he has arrived at the Worldwound to test his mettle and see what destiny has in store for him.
Here's my character, Ellara! She's a paladin of Shelyn, looking for love and adventure. I'd made her for an earlier RoW game that didn't pan out. i just need to double-check her stats, but she's good to go otherwise.
Here is my submission for Giorgio Karakios; he was made for a prior CotCT game, where we made it just past the first couple of encounters (hence the extra equipment and level). I can easily adjust him back down to the appropriate level and gear for this game.
Hmm. I'm not sure that Tarja would be on that particular trip. I suspect she and Hideaki might have met on a previous mission, and send letters to stay in touch. Probably the same with Reinhardt.
I'd like to see about filling in with Giorgio Karakos, a character from a prior CotCT game. He's an infiltrator inquisitor of Sarenrae, mostly focused on social skills with ranged support & magics as needed for combat times. We'd gotten past the first couple of scenarios in the first book, just enough to get to Level 2, before the GM dropped. I'd just need to adjust the stats and HP (originally a 15-point build) and he'd be good to go.
Here, for the most part, is my magus, Tarja Steelcutter. I'm still working out her equipment - I've got the purchased stuff down, but I figure that like most experienced adventurers, about 50-75% of her stuff is bought, and the rest just found and hung on to.
Dotting for interest - I really like inquisitors, and an inquisitor of Erastil has always struck me as a fun concept to play, kind of the wilderness troubleshooter (literally, in some cases.)
Hello all! Here is Maxim; I'd made him for a different CC campaign where he wasn't accepted, so I figured I'd put him in here. I haven't made any adjustments from his original creation, but that shouldn't be too difficult.
I got a bit busy for character creation (working graveyard sucks sometimes), but I can definitely get a character up tomorrow. I've had a barbarian concept I've wanted to try out for awhile. Dice rolls below.
Question: as I'm thinking of having the character have Craft Magic Arms & Armor, would he be paying the crafting price on magic armor and armor, rather than the market value?
I think I like the idea of a dwarven magus from Tathran, trying to acquire funds for crystals so he can do some experimenting with them and see if they can help break the stalemate between Tathran and Nekorol. I'll do my rolls here for whatever character I decide on, just to get things out of the way.
OK, so after a third attempt, I decided to recycle a character from Carrion Crown, since Ustalav is right next door to Numeria.
Meet Maxim, a stalwart defender of his people. He'd come to Torch to see about putting his crafting skills to use, and to try to acquire some skymetal for his people...but now that the torch is out, is he about to get pulled into something much larger than some nasty skeletons mucking up people's fields?
OK, working on a halfling pistolero gunslinger who escaped bondage with her master's favorite pistol (and he is now pistol'ed-off, heh heh.) More to come soon.
Here's Willem, my urban barbarian - roustabout, security, bodyguard, audience plant, and occasional caricature artist. I still need to tidy up the background a couple of secrets, but the basics are all there.
Dotting for interest. Not sure if I'm more interested in a drummer monk, or a weather druid who helps make sure show days are clear and roads are passable.
Or, y'know. Play into the stereotype and finally crack out that bard I've always wanted to make.