About Lilith LorrimorThis character is specially designed for the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, to serve as the estranged ex-wife of Petros Lorrimor and the biological mother of Kendra Lorrimor. Background:
In her youth, Lilith attended the University of Lepidstadt in Ustalav. Preferring the physical arts over the cerebral ones, Lilith was only a middling-to-poor student. Following her graduation, she did some work for the university, participating in some scientific expeditions. It was during this time that she met Petros Lorrimor, who was also a recent graduate at the time, though slightly her senior. He pursued her romantically for several years as they worked together for the university, but she was unwilling to commit at the time, nor did she desire a placid, settled down, "caged" life. Then she got pregnant.
Petros was never absolutely certain that he was the father, but he fancied Lilith enough to marry her nonetheless. It was a hurried, cheap ceremony, as she did not want to waste money on frivolous matters such as a wedding. She was never content with motherhood, and after giving birth to a daughter they named Kendra, it angered her that she was stuck at home feeding the baby and changing diapers while Petros was out there traveling the world and seeing interesting places and people. Petros insisted that because he was far more accomplished academically, and Lilith had always been a poor student, he was in a much better position to build a career. Lilith on the other hand demanded that Petros migrate to the more lucrative private sector instead of "wasting his talents" at the university. Further strain was put on the relationship by Lilith's difficulties sticking to monogamy, including a particularly difficult scandal at the university with two of Petros' colleagues. Matters only escalated over the years, until finally, while Kendra was still a toddler, Lilith walked away, abandoning her husband and daughter. The marriage was never officially ended. It also remains arguable whether or not Lilith had the right to take some valuable things along with her when she finally left Petros and Kendra. On the few occasions that Petros and Lilith have met since then, there have been some incendiary arguments along the lines of, "That thing is too dangerous, it should be in a vault hidden away", "Does nobody any good rotting away in some safety box, and besides, I know how to take care of myself, thank you very much Mister Patronizing", "It doesn't belong to you anyway, I'm the one who dug it up", "Yeah, because you forced me to stay at home so this is the paycheck I take for it". Learning to unlock the arcane and occult powers sleeping within these items became a valuable job skill for her. Since then, Lilith has taken on several jobs in the security field, serving as a bodyguard and mercenary for various employers across Ustalav, not being too picky on who she worked for as long as it paid damn well. Over the years that have passed since she parted from Petros and Kendra, she has made a comfortable life, but has failed to find the "big score" that she's been looking for. Now that Petros is dead, however, she is convinced that among his possessions must be something valuable, so she has made her way back to Ravengro for Petros' funeral. She is intent on procuring some more of Petros' items, either by being included in the will (though she doesn't hold out a lot of hope for that), or by going behind Kendra's back if necessary...after all, she deserves something for having put up with Petros for so long. Personality:
Lilith is a Chaotic individual, which means she chafes under authority and restrictions, feeling a deep primal need to direct her own life without outside oppressors. She's extremely pragmatic, not valuing ceremonies or decorations, preferring a well-forged tool over a pretty but useless thing. Everything is a cost/benefit analysis to her -- is something of use? If not, screw that. On the Good/Evil axis, she's Neutral, meaning that she doesn't go out of her way to help others altruistically -- she needs some kind of motivation: money, knowledge, or any kind of reward to get her moving. But neither does she screw over others for her own advantage as a general rule (although a massive, massive payday might represent a huge temptation to her). She believes in standing on her own two feet, not on the backs of people she's trodden over.
She's a bit of a brute and not one for finesse. In social situations, she might be blunt and not bother with flowery speeches or useless conventions. She "cuts through the bull" rather than dancing around issues. The best way between two points is a straight line. She's largely self-centered, feeling that she is 'due' things. She is entitled. She deserves things. She she she. It's all about her, and how to make herself richer, more influential, in a better position in society. She also has some gender issues, feeling that men oppress and restrict women, to the point where she looks for that sort of stuff even when it's not there. She often digs up slights against women in general or herself personally, whether real or imagined. Much of this stems from the unfortunate way that her marriage to Petros turned out, and from her bitterness and disappointment at having spent so many of her best years sitting at home. Custom Campaign Trait:
Ignore this section for GM Umineko's recruitment.
Occult Exposure During your marriage to Petros Lorrimor, you witnessed him gathering and examining an endless supply of arcane and occult trinkets that he had brought home from his excavations and adventures. Despite your professed disinterest when Petros tried to tell you about them, you still listened closely, and sometimes even experimented yourself when he wasn't home. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (arcana) and Use Magic Device, and one of these is a class skill. Plans:
My plan is to take Item Mastery feats to make the character slightly more reminiscent of an Occultist (how the character was originally built and how her background themes work). My level 7 feat would be Leadership, and I would pick up Kendra Lorrimor as a cohort at that point, with the two of them both determined to see the adventure through for personal reasons, so they would be "stuck" with one another. From them on I could occasionally write the two of them as a catfight sitcom, as two women who hate each others' guts (but maybe love each other deep down, like DEEP, *DEEP* down, but aren't willing to admit it) yet are forced together by circumstances. I think it could provide some moments of levity and/or character depth to offset the more horror moments of the adventure.
I'm thinking something like the following sample exchange between Lilith and Kendra: Spoiler:
"Your father was an idiot and an agent of the patriarchy. Nothing would have made him happier than having women stuck bare-footed and pregnant in the kitchen."
"Yeah, I guess that's why he paid for my whole education, just so he could 'control' and 'oppress' me. Your schpiel is pretty damn tired." "He paid because you're a meek little submissive who does everything he tells you to, instead of what you want to. If you would've gone against his wishes even once, he would've yanked your school so fast your head would never have stopped spinning." "Because doing what you feel like worked *so* well for you. Tell me again how much you respect yourself after spreading your legs to half of Lepidstadt." "Witch." "Whore." "What the hell did he tell you? I'll have you know I own my own sexuality and if I want to take a price for it with somebody, I have every right to do so." "You are *so* far beneath me it's not even funny, mom." "Screw you. Your dad had the tiniest endowment I have ever seen." "THAT IS SO DISGUSTING SHUT UP." "Tiny tiny tiny." "MOM SHUT UP. EWWWW!" As a whole, I don't plan to be a highly optimized combat killing machine but will be aiming more in the vein of a decent fighter with also some utility abilities. I will also emphasize defense over offense, taking feats like Dodge and Shield Focus over things like Power Attack or Weapon Focus. Survivability, damage blocking, tanking and some utility is my goal. --- CRUNCH --- Statistics:
Female Human (Kellid) Fighter (Relic Master) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +1; Senses Perception +2 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex, +1 Dodge) hp 14 Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 20 ft. Melee battleaxe +4 (1d8+3) or wooden stake +4 (1d4+3) Ranged wooden stake +2 (1d4+3) ------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------ Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15 Traits Teacher's Pet (Religion +2 and class), Seeker (Perception +1 and class) Feats Curative Mastery, Dodge Skills Arcana +5, Religion +7, Use Magic Device +5 (3 points; 2 class, 1 Int) Armor Check Penalty -7 *ACP applies to these skills
Languages Taldane, Hallit, Infernal Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Alternate Racial Trait Dual Talent (second +2 attribute) Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Chain 40 lbs. Heavy wooden shield 10 lbs. Battleaxe 6 lbs. (3) Wooden stakes 3 lbs. Club 3 lbs. Carrying Capacity Light 0-76 lb. Medium 77-153 lb. Heavy 154-230 lb. Current Load Carried 62 lb. Money 8 GP 0 SP 0 CP