About Rajuna Two-FangsRajuna Two Fangs
Fort +3
Dagger +4 1d6+1 AND
Special Attacks
Spells (CL 1st; concentration +3)
0 (at will)
Feats Fast Learner[ARG], Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Dagger) Feral Heart (story),
Team Feats Ferocious Loyalty Traits Blood of Dragons, Inspired (Iomedae), Outsider Skills
* = Feral Heart +2 Languages Celestial, Common, Varisian
Leather armor Iron holy symbol of Iomedae Dagger (belt)
MW Backpack
MW Heavy Mace [from Loot]
High in Ustalav's forbidding Hungry Mountains nestled the village of Dragaswael. One night many years ago, out of the darkness and mist, nightmare creatures attacked the village. Their fangs and claws stained the land red. The village mounted a futile defense to allow some of their women and children a chance to escape. Sitta and her son Rajuna were among these lucky few. However, their escape wasn't without cost. The 5 year old boy and his mother were horribly mauled by the creatures - their faces and bodies layered in bloody slashes. They staggered painfully into the fog-bound night, trying to find their way safely down from the mountains.
Despite her desire to save her child, Sitta's body wasn't up to the task. She died in the deep brambles of the strange forest-draped hills, orphaning the boy. Raj struggled on and survived despite his horrible wounds which, in the fullness of time, became heavy scars. [CHA 8] He journeyed slowly through the mountains fighting fatigue, injury, and grief. He did whatever it took to survive - becoming almost feral. Weeks later, he found his way down into the more civilized lowlands of Ulcazar. Traumatized by his experiences and distrustful of everyone, [Trait:Paranoid, Trait:Outsider] he began a life as a scarred scavenger on the fringes of society - living by nerve and blade. [Class:Rogue, Story Feat:Feral Heart] Years passed and slowly Raj learned to interact with other people as something other than predator or prey. For the first time, he was considering his future. In the meantime, he needed food on the table. To that end, he was shadowing an old man with all sorts of interesting equipment that could be pawned to the right fence. His embryonic plans for a snatch & grab were ruined when a group of blade-wielding bravos set upon his mark. Normally, he would have shrugged and left the jackals to their sport. That day, for no reason he could explain, he decided to step in and make the fight a bit more even. In the end, the bravos were run off. And the Professor, Doc Lorr as Raj called him, [tie in to Carrion Crown and Whispering Way] proved grateful - just not grateful enough to part with his equipment, much to the young thief's chagrin. Instead, he gave Raj a shot at a future. He took the scarred and scrappy teen to Ardis, vouched for him, and turned him over to the care of the church of Iomedae. The church would feed, clothe, and educate the boy until he was ready to make his way in the world, hopefully as a contributing member of society in the service of Iomedae. The idea worked... mostly. [2nd Class: Warpriest, Trait: Inspired (by Iomedae)] Raj would never, could never, be a completely upright citizen. Larceny was in his blood. But he could fight fire with fire to even the playing field and give those upright citizens a little help. As Raj saw it, the Church's one weakness was that it played by the rules against forces that didn't. Raj decided that gap was where a feral, enterprising, semi-reformed predator might meaningfully contribute to the fight... and he wouldn't limit the battle to just Iomedae's enemies. There were monsters in the dark - as he knew all too well - and they needed to be faced. With complete faith in his mission and his Fangs, [2-Weapon Fighting; uses a matched pair of curved, fang-like daggers] Raj set off to forward the goals of his Church - by any means necessary. It has been a brisk business over the last few years and Raj found that he wasn't alone in the fight. There were other men and women that were dedicated to Iomedae or other good deities without exactly seeing eye-to-eye with them or Her [Align:LN] and they had banded together. They called themselves the Dusk Men. They were a loose organization that pooled information and resources then used subterfuge, deception, and a host of questionable tactics to confront the enemies of all that is good. Raj had found a second family. So when rumours made it to the ears of the Dusk Men that an evil cult was potentially settling in the ass-end of Lastwall, Raj was tasked to investigate. The rumours were frustratingly nebulous - some sort of death cult venerating old Thassalon that was stirring up trouble. Raj had chased down rumours like these before, and they had come to nothing. But, in this case, there was just enough 'smoke' to warrant a search for any fires. His job was simple - reconnaissance and report. Raj assumed one of his typical guises - a traveling tanner and leather worker. It was an easy cover, well within his skillset. His arrival in Roslar's Coffer went relatively unnoticed, save the scars on his face which always drew some attention. So far, the mission was going to plan... About the Dusk Men...
They see themselves not as heroes or role-models like Paladins or Clerics. They are the flawed, fearful, morally weak, and spent mortals laying on the fields of Encarthan. But despite that, they will rise and fight regardless of the cost. They are the men of the Dusk because they don't expect to live to see the Dawn. About the Attack...
On the job, Raj is a driven professional - fearless, decisive, cool in the clutch, and 'no drama'. In many social situations, he is out of his depth and it shows. He becomes shy, quiet, and introverted. While his social skills have improved greatly, he often feels out of place in polite society having spent a large portion of his life living more like an animal than a man. Race & Appearance:
5'10" ; 175 lbs ; 23 years old Languages: Common, Varisian, Celestial Move: 30 ft. Rajuna is an athletically built 23 year old Varisian man with dark hair and a swarthy complexion. He isn't attractive, a fact enhanced by the two parallel fang slashes running from his hairline diagonally across his face and down his neck to his shoulder. A small divot of flesh was taken from the bridge of his nose where a fang crossed it. His clothes are strictly utilitarian - dark leather armor and leggings further darkened by water and sweat stains along with worn and mud-spackled black boots. Over it all Raj wears a loose, black, woolen burnoose and scarf that break up his silhouette and hide his weapons - a matched pair of curved daggers strapped his forearms with a third riding diagonally - and openly - in his belt. Calling Card:
Raj uses a set of curved daggers in tandem - an homage to the creatures that destroyed and, in some ways, created his life. It is also his 'calling card' when killing people becomes necessary. Rules of a Still Breathing Thief:
The only blade you can trust is the one in your own hand.
A focused woman is a dangerous creature. You never win a knife-fight, you just survive it. More eyes are better. Know your exits before you enter. Research, research, research and when in doubt - research. The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle. Pair direction and misdirection. A dishonorable win is better than an honorable death - mostly. The best lies shade the truth. In a grift, use what you can. The more that is true, the less that can be found false. Know when to cut your losses. Play the odds, not your hopes. Sheep get fleeced... but wolves get skinned. Maintain plausible deniability. Never follow in the footsteps of a dead thief. Don't follow the expected path. Separate your opponents. Advancement Notes:
Goal: Rogue 10 / Warpriest 10
L01: Rog 01 - Finesse, Trapfinding, Sneak +1d6, F:Fast Learner, F:2-Weapon Fighting
Need to take Eclectic feat. Feral Heart Triggers:
Spells: Aid (2nd), Bless (1st), Blood Rage (2nd-3rd), Bloodsworn Retribution (4th/6th), Contagious Zeal (2nd-3rd), Dance of a Hundred Cuts (4th), Fiendish Wrath (3rd-4th), Good Hope (3rd), Heroic Invocation (9th), Heroism (2nd-4th), Heroes' Feast (6th), Inspiring Recovery (4th/6th), Miserable Pity (2nd), Rage (2nd-3rd), Righteous Vigor (2nd-3rd), Vengeful Outrage (5th-6th), Wrath (1st).
Items: Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone, Candle of Invocation |