A young thrill-seeking aristocrat hailing from one of Ardeal’s wealthiest families, Duristan has come to Lozeri to make a name for himself as a werewolf slayer. He’s already had a few successful hunts and to date has slain three of the beasts.
As a result of his success, he’s grown dangerously overconfident. Still, he becomes somewhat star-struck in the presence of real adventurers, and eagerly attempts to discuss his hunting tales with them.
Duristan is somewhat contemptuous of most of the lodge’s other guests. While he considers himself a hunter, he views the others as pampered politicos who use Ascanor Lodge to escape from their nagging spouses. Duristan rarely denies himself the opportunity to pique the ire of his fellow guests, whether by wearing his bloody armor around the lodge or by flirting with the lodge’s “low-born” staff members and even inviting them to participate in “upper class” social events.