With Ustalav's proximity to Numeria, what is your opinion on Android characters?
I'm considering a Ranger in the style of a monster hunter and could also twist the Subject of Study background trait to include himself and a monster if this is acceptable.
I think the campaign leaves a very interesting take for the Android's lack of emotions and even the possibility of gaining emotions (through feat)
The idea just struck me as interesting as I looked over concepts and if that would be too far I'm ok with rethinking it.
I have plenty of time during work and check the forums fairly constantly during work hours out of boredom lol. 2 posts a day shouldn't be out of my range of ability.
Ill be honest Guru, I don't love rhe idea. I don't know enough about Numeria to tie in some interesting stuff for your Android.

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Alright, I think Sophia's crunch is done, and I have a small little background write up done for her. It only skims the very surface of some of my ideas I had, but I didn't feel like anyone needed to read her life story from birth up until what she had for breakfast this morning. I'll probably add some point form notes for my own reference (and anyone else's if they are so interested) as well as a bit on her personality since the background doesn't really go into that well.
I also had a question about reflavoring the versatile performance, but it's late and I can't find my words properly. It involves reshuffling the versatile performances that stack nice (half of them are redundant with each other, and ofc those ones are the ones that suit her flavor, like sing and string...Zzz...) so I can take flavorful performances rather than ones for the stats.

Tomato Jam |

Dotting for interest. two posts a day (minimum) shouldn't be a problem.
Current concept is a spooky Gnome Hex Channeler Witch aiming for the Soul Warden Prestige class for level 7 onwards. Any early objections/input?

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Oh! I forgot to mention I was going to dip into sorcerer next level to make my mind-affecting spells work on undead (even the humanoid specific ones). I looked at the dirge bard archetype, but it seemed like the one level dip was going to be more bang for my buck without giving up class features I wanted from my Bard.

PensivePanther |

Hello. First time poster! I am interested in trying me some Carrion Crown.
Concept: A distant man obsessed with fire. He covets the flame and treats its destructive nature as sacred. I'm thinking a fire-themed cleric of sorts. I'm quite fond of making warriors out of mages.
@Tomato_Jam ~ I took the plunge.


Dotting for interest. two posts a day (minimum) shouldn't be a problem.
Current concept is a spooky Gnome Hex Channeler Witch aiming for the Soul Warden Prestige class for level 7 onwards. Any early objections/input?
No objections there. Remember the Slumber Hex is out but otherwise go for it!


Oh! I forgot to mention I was going to dip into sorcerer next level to make my mind-affecting spells work on undead (even the humanoid specific ones). I looked at the dirge bard archetype, but it seemed like the one level dip was going to be more bang for my buck without giving up class features I wanted from my Bard.
Sounds cool Sofia, there is some good synergy between the two classes so I can see how they would gel.

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Sounds cool Sofia, there is some good synergy between the two classes so I can see how they would gel.
I thought so, too. And I mean, the undead bloodline is stellar for my concept, and makes sense. Plus it'll give me a a cast or two of a couple neat sorcerer spells per day. Maybe make myself a wand of shield...

Oterisk |

Dotting for interest.
I've a fortuneteller character that might be perfect for this. He's a con-man who has conned himself into believing that it's all true. Also, he only fights with cards, being a Card Caster/ Eldritch Scion Magus, so it has some interesting flavor. I got to play him for a little bit in a Jade Regent campaign, but he might actually work better in Carrion Crown.
Out of curiosity, do you like Variant Multiclassing? And do you allow retraining?

CampinCarl9127 |

Beohawk |

I love this AP and particularly like your character creation rules. Having enjoyed playing in another game with you I am anxious to see what type of game you can offer, and expect it will be excellent. I have played through the first two books of this AP and hope that will not disqualify me.
I present the character Beohawk the Shamed for your consideration. He is an outcast ranger from the north who has settled in Ustalav, hoping to find a new home, and if he dare say it, a new people. He owes Professor Lorrimor much in helping him get his start in this strange new land and expects someday to be called to repay all the man has done for him. In the North debts are repaid and Beohawk will be ready when called upon.
I believe my character is ready for your review.

haruhiko88 |

Ooh carrion crown, I've been waiting for one of these to pop up on the boards. I played a little bit in real life, but the game lasted 2 sessions probably about 3 years ago. This is a remake of that character, but updated to a new class as this is more of what I am looking for. I present Rission Thrune the arcanist. Using the Occultist archetype.

CampinCarl9127 |

I have returned with my character complete. Say hello to Zed Ulmin, the dhampir paradox of an inquisitor of Pharasma. Everything is under his profile. I always appreciate feedback!

Rajuna Two-Fangs |

They say that shadows of deceased ghosts
Do haunt the houses and the graves about,
Of such who life's lamp went untimely out,
Delighting still in their forsaken hosts.By adult-themed I mean that although we aren't talking R-rated, I am graphic in my descriptions, fully embrace the horror theme of this AP...
So I've been noodling over the stuff above and the potentially gothic horror tone of Carrion Crown... and I have a question, JZ. Are you looking a group of heroes who don't battle self-doubt (i.e. they can brush off the horror of the scenario), reluctant/imperfect heroes (who can be profoundly affected by the environment), or a combo of the above?


Oh people may think they are prepared for what lurks in the dark, but when it comes to it they may not be as impervious to the horror as they think.
I wouldn't want characters to just shrug off every terrible thing that happens, otherwise you could all play Androids, which I think I nixed a few posts back :/

Rajuna Two-Fangs |

I ran a gothic/Cthulhu-esque horror game awhile back and let the players know that I was looking for heroes that would know fear, have doubts, despair, etc. to really 'fit' the vibe. I had one player whose character was always chipper, unflaggingly optimistic, and shrugged off every horror. It was an ambiance killer.
Raj is designed to be a conflicted hero at best, with his sense of self-preservation and somewhat jaded world view warring against his desire to do the 'right thing'.

Sarabian |

Thank you for the above info, JZ.
Maxim is sort of designed to be the brave warrior who dives headfirst into danger, as well as the unwitting scion of a cursed noble line (a la Dark Shadows).
Of course, diving headfirst into danger while your compatriots may or may not be fleeing in abject terror behind you might not be the wisest of ideas...but dying alone surrounded by the terrors of the night is also a classic horror trope, n'est-ce pas? There's also the difference between your standard, bad monsters/shambling zombies terror and "Oh dear gods that's an actual god-killing lich*" level of terror.
*I haven't read the modules, but given what I've seen from Paizo, it wouldn't surprise me if the party ends up taking a swing at Tar-Baphon as the end-game.


It's not just the combat itself though Sarabian. Say that zombie you put down had only recently been raised, and the family are still expecting their husband/dad to come home. But wait, you just caved his head in?
What effect might that have on the brave warrior who, quite rightly, was battling in an 'it or me' situation. I'm quite keen to look at the horror aspect of this AP not just in the messed up monsters you fight, but the implications of your actions, the attitudes and suspicions the people of Ustalav harbor, the really effed up sh*t that can happen to people in a land where undead are rife. And so on.
All I'm saying is, don't expect the horror to be limited to "man, that ghost was scary!" hence when I say mature themes.

Sarania |

Fleshed out the characters background a little further on the profile.
Looking forward to the atmosphere of this AP. I think the changeling fits nicely with the mature themes, as her very nature is essentially the result of a forced sexual encounter.
I am sure that, if here exact nature is discovered, there will be plenty of semi-awkward roleplaying goodness that will ensue.

Fiendish Zen |

Your campaign intro has piqued my interest JZ :)
At this stage considering an unchained rogue, as think it might be a good fit for an urban(ish) horror story.
Anyway, just a quickie post to declare my interest, fluff and crunch to come!
EDIT: Sarania has pipped me to the post on the rogue doh! Will have more of a think.

mellowgoth |

For your consideration, Kazamir Ruuhl, former Inspector of the Caliphas City watch and recent sojourner in Jalmeray.
The poets call Ustalav, and, in particular, Caliphas, a complex weave from a master’s loom, with patterns so subtle and layered that they cannot all be seen from one angle.
In the run-down, desperate streets of Ashtown, they say Caliphas is like an onion; always one more layer and each stinks more than the last. And more as like to lead to tears. *
Kazimir was born in these mean streets to a Andrev and Soltya, a dock laborer and his fairly young wife – whose prior employments have always been delicately not discussed. As a child, Kazmir unnerved his parents – knowing who was at the door before they knocked, stepping aside a second before a heavy object dropped, standing staring at nothing for long periods. As he grew, his parents encouraged him to hide this side of himself, so he buried it deep and near forgot about his gifts himself.
His parents were delighted when he won an appointment with the city Watch, rather than following Andrev into the back-breaking work at the East Docks. He progressed quickly from constable to inspector, his quick wit and flashes of insight serving him well. It was his mentor, the elderly and sharp-toungued Inspector Olivia Revenfeld, that introduced him to the cult of Zohls, Empyreal lady of secrets and those who ferret them out.
But, as we well know, Calpiphas has its layers, and someone that peers beneath them too well is almost as useless as one that does not look at all. After an investigation into a murder in a brothel proved embarrassing to one Lord G-, Kazimir found himself shunted sideways, given less and less important work, and…watched.
Then, about four years ago, came the event that changed his life. He was tasked to escort a visiting Professor, one Lorimor, to and through the Quarterfaux archives, when a flash of insight led him to see the daggers that his constables were drawing, in preparation to murder them both. Quick reaction and a short, sharp struggle left both of his mean dead in an alley, a grateful Professor, and quite a quandary. Surprisingly, the Professor was not so much interested in why he was about to be murdered in a Caliphas byway, but how his companion had spotted the attempt. Holed up in a seedy tavern across the city, Kazimir poured out all of his stories of strange insights, weird events, and his worst investigations.
The professor listened carefully, then offered his advice: Nurture these gifts. Using Lorimor’s contacts, Kazimir was soon on his way to Jalmeray, of all places, studying at the feet of Vudrani mystics. For three years, he soaked up every bit of learning that he could in the Impossible Kingdom, all the while carrying on a lively correspondence with the Professor, and eventually returned home to Ustalav. He has made a living offering his services on a private basis, trying to recover the lost and missing in Caliphas – always a challenge in the mist-haunted capital.
With the modest pension he had earned with the watch, and resources from the Professor’s friends and his own early investigations, he was able to set his parents in a modest cottage outside of the city. His parents, now into their fifties and showing the wear of a a life at hard labor, have enough to subside with a little gardening and fishing. His mentor, Inspector Revenfeld, is “enjoying” her retirement in Caliphas, even more acerbic than ever, though always glad to see her protégé, even if he did “come back with a head full of magical nonsense and addled foreign ideas.” His only other family is Martev, a cousin on his mother’s side that has recently graduated from the University of Lepidstadt, and is staying on to work in the Archives.
As our story opens, Kazamir has just left the home of M. and Mdm. Von H., having had the unfortunate task of informing them that their son and daughter were in their last stages of Ghoul Fever, having been deliberately infected by the decadent Viscount of D-, who now languished in chains in the Gateless Tower. Their children were in the care of the Pharasman clergy of the Maiden’s Choir – they should hurry to see them one last time. The investigator returns to his home to find a letter…
*(Thank you, Donkey and Shreck, for this analogy.)
Kazimir has always found his almost preternaturally average appearance to be a benefit to his line of work. Medium height, unremarkable build, plain brown hair just long enough to draw back and bind with a plain black ribbon, brown eyes, and a symmetrical, if unmemorable, clean-shaven face. He dresses like the middle classes of Ustalav’s major cities: white shirt, muted neckcloth, close-fitting, long black jacket, knee-breeches. He prefers long boots to the pointed shoed currently in fashion, but then he does rather more walking than the fashionable do. He adds a leather greatcoat and short black tophat when the weather dictates, and he is never without his cane – a rather weighty, iron-shod and brass-studded affair that has rather more dents and scrapes than a fine gentleman’s mere walking-stick ever should…
While the sight of him rarely offers much to remember, the sound of him certainly does. He speaks with a clear, resonant baritone voice, and when he shouts, it seems to carry for miles. More than once he was approached by members of the theatrical and legal communities, saying that such a gift was wasted in his current line of work.
His general demeanor can be described as patient and soothing. Unlike so many of his colleagues, he rarely tried to beat or frighten information from his prisoners or informants; he tends to use quick, unsettling questions and verbal or logical tricks, frequently throwing out seeming non-sequitors. When words turn to action, he has been. Before his foreign sojourn, fairly indecisive, but his study with the mystics has made him much more comfortable trusting his instincts.
Human (Varisian) investigator (psychic detective) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +8
AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +0 (1d6) or
dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Investigator (Psychic Detective) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (2/day)—detect thoughts (DC 15), detect undead
0 (at will)—detect magic, detect psychic significance, light, telekinetic projectile
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Alertness, Spirit Sense
Traits clever wordplay, teacher's pet
Skills Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +5, Heal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Lore (Ustalav) +8, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +4
Languages Common, Hallit, Necril, Osiriani, Ancient, Varisian, Vudrani
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), inspiration (4/day), trapfinding +1
Gear: lamellar cuirass, club, dagger, 10 sling bullets (carried for TK Projectile),alchemist's fire, holy water; backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, charcoal stick, earplugs, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, journal, mug/tankard, parchment (5), signal whistle, soap, thieves' tools, trail rations (5), waterproof bag, waterskin (2), wooden holy symbol of Zohls, 27 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Inspiration (+1d6, 4/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Spirit Sense +5 bon on chks to notice haunts. When tar inc crea with cor spl or eff, have 75% of aff targ.
Teacher's Pet (Knowledge [arcana]) Professor Lorrimor traveled the Inner Sea region lecturing and teaching at universities in locations as far-flung as Manaket and Magnimar, and as different in scope as the bardic colleges of Taldor and the battle colleges of the River Kingdoms. Speak
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

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Say that zombie you put down had only recently been raised, and the family are still expecting their husband/dad to come home. But wait, you just caved his head in? I'm quite keen to look at the horror aspect of this AP not just in the messed up monsters you fight, but the implications of your actions
I just want to say that I REALLY like what you're going for here.

CampinCarl9127 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think the changeling fits nicely with the mature themes, as her very nature is essentially the result of a forced sexual encounter.
I am sure that, if here exact nature is discovered, there will be plenty of semi-awkward roleplaying goodness that will ensue.
I think you should read my background. Our characters would get along nicely.

Renault Oreisen |

I am submitting my soon to be Paladin of Shelyn, Ustalav native. Due to Shelyns favored weapon (glaive) I am starting with 2 levels of Polearm Fighter so as to be able to short haft my Glaive and use it in tighter spots. Besides that most of his stuff is coming from Core or APG. I went with Chance Survivor and Affable. I am focused Skill wise in Diplomacy. Renault is a friendly, and open half elf, who is obsessed with the beauty of voice and adventure. Soon he will be obsessed with protecting the beauty of the living world from the supernatural! Death is as beautiful as life, it should never be spoiled!
Male Half-Elf Fighter (Polearm) 1
LG M Humanoid( Half-Elf )
Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +2
AC 18, 13 touch , 15 flat-footed (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, [ b]Ref [/b]+2, [ b]Will [/b]+0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft.)
Melee +5 Glaive 1d10+4, +4 Dagger 1d4+3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 23
Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus (Glaive), Dodge
Traits Chance Survivor, Affable
Skills +8 Diplomacy, +4 Knowledge (Local), +7 Climb
Other Gear Scale Mail, Backpack, 2x Sunrods, Rope, Bedroll, Blanket, 5x Torches, Wooden Holy Symbol of Shelyn, Waterskin, 5x Trail Rations, Flint and Tinder
Special Abilities
Bonus Feat (Dodge)
Bonus Feat (Skill Focus (Diplomacy))
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses
Multi-Talented: Fighter/Paladin

Dal Selpher |

I've been mulling Vala over a bit and had a really neat idea. The idea, however, required a change in class from arcanist to shaman.
Her personality and backstory both remain identical, but I think this change has a lot more potential for her development as a character. I think it anchors her more tightly to the inciting events and I'm finding myself more excited by this idea than my initial stab at things.
Anyway, her updated sheet is behind the linkypoo.
I also have to say, it's cool to see so much interest from everyone! The list of intriguing characters keeps growing! =)


Ok, quick update. If I have any details incorrect, please just let me know.
Zed Ulmin - Inquisitor - Dhampir - Melee - CampinCarl9127
Rajuna Two-Fangs - Rogue - Human - Skills - Stormraven
Faradir Rokannon - Wizard - Human - Arcane - Camris
Valavastra Cross - Shaman - Human - Divine - Dal Selpher
Cedric Rydell - Cleric - Aasimar - Divine - Rorek55
Lillith Lorrimor - Occultist - Human - Mix - Samy
Kazamir Ruuhl - Investigator - Huma - Skill - Mellowgoth
Bellona Arc - Cavalier - Human - Melee - Pathfinder Zoey
Renault Oriesen - Fighter - Elf - Melee - Zach W
Osric Roburn - Unch Rogue - Human - Ranged - Battlespy
Maxim Kanterhaus - Fighter - Human - Mele - Sarabian
Sarania - Rogue - Changelin - Skills - Bes753
Sofia Muratova - Bard - Dhampir - Skills - mimesyne
Also shown interest:
Hotaru of the Society
Pale King
Sir Peter
Fiendish Zen

CampinCarl9127 |

Quite a lineup! Oh and I just thought I would mention that I have a fair number of skills, so while I'm not as deadly as a fighter I will have more out of combat uses.
Also, I forgot to ask this question. Are eastern weapons ok? I took proficiency with the tetsubo, which is basically a baseball bat with metal studs. The imagery of Zed smashing undead with a glorified baseball bat seems awesome to me!

haruhiko88 |

Yep, I posted an arcanist, here's the link again. Rission Thrune. Human Arcanist, heavy on the arcane and witty banter.

Beohawk |

I love this AP and particularly like your character creation rules. Having enjoyed playing in another game with you I am anxious to see what type of game you can offer, and expect it will be excellent. I have played through the first two books of this AP and hope that will not disqualify me.
I present the character Beohawk the Shamed for your consideration. He is an outcast ranger from the north who has settled in Ustalav, hoping to find a new home, and if he dare say it, a new people. He owes Professor Lorrimor much in helping him get his start in this strange new land and expects someday to be called to repay all the man has done for him. In the North debts are repaid and Beohawk will be ready when called upon.
I believe my character is ready for your review.
I too posted a character here. I believe you missed it.