Iron Gods: Forged into Legends

Game Master polyfrequencies

Roll20 Map
Loot Sheet

Current Characters

Basil NaN

Ongoing Effects:
+2 Natural Armor, -2 Dex; Heightened Awareness, Resist Fire, See Invisibility, Fast Healing Judgment
HP: 32/84 | Grit 2/3 | Determination 2/3 | Judgement 1/3| RN: 0/1 NS: 1/1 | Bane 3/7 | AC: 18 / T: 12 / FF: 16 | Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +7 | CMB: +6, CMD: 19 | Init: +5, Perception: +13 (Darkvision 60ft +Lowlight-Vision) |

played by MordredofFairy (904 posts)
Tin Golem
Gauntlet the Eidolon

Male 1/2 Elf/Construct/Outsider (Synthesist) Summoner/Paladin Gestalt 7| HP 77/77 (Temp: 6/42)
AC 28, T 13, FF 24| CMB +11, CMD 23 | F 11, R 9, W 11 | Init +2, Perc +9 / Low-Light Vision/Darkvision|Current: -5Con; Evasion, AuraofGood/Courage;Chainsaw 9/10 charges left!

played by Jeremy Clements (612 posts)
GM Polyfrequencies

played by polyfrequencies (1,878 posts)

Ongoing Effects:
Shield +4 AC
Magus/Slayer 7 HP: 69/91 | AC: 22 / T: 13 / FF: 20 | Fort: +8, Ref: +7, Will: +5 | CMB: +10, CMD: 25 | Init: +2, Perception: +12

played by NeoEvaX (687 posts)
Keldor Whisthawk

Male 1/2 Elf Summoner(Synthesist)/Paladin Gestalt 7
| HP 77/77| AC 17 (20 w/Smite), T 13 FF 15| CMB +8, CMD 20 (23w/Smite)| F 9, R 7, W 9 | Init +2, Perc +9 / Low-Light Vision| Current:Aura of Good/Courage;Chainsaw: 9/10 charges left

played by Jeremy Clements (629 posts)
Kaiju, Mogaru
Summoned Monster!!!!

played by Jeremy Clements (16 posts)
Thawm Uhturj

Female NG Aasimar oracle 3 / sorcerer 1 | max HP: 29 | AC: 13 (12 TAC, 11 FAC)| CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Ammo:37 | FF 1/1; RE 3/3; Spells (os): 53-00-00+00-00-00+00-00-00 | Active conditions: LL @ Cecily & Dorek & Tandyn

played by ScegfOd (1,025 posts)
Thawm's Summoned Monsters

played by ScegfOd (15 posts)

Previous Characters

Sovereign Court GM Sapphire Fox

(2,806 posts)
Vrog Skyreaver

(6,309 posts)

LG Halfling Occultist 3 | Max HP: 22 | AC 16; T: 12; FF: 15 | CMB: +2; CMD: 13 | Init: +1 | Fort: +7; Ref: +4; Will: +5 |
Mental Focus Invested:
A: 2 (2), C: 4 (4), E: 3 (3), T 3 (3)
Spell Slots:

played by Vrog Skyreaver (122 posts)
Suit of Keys
Dirissa Dhib

F Gnome Barbarian-1/Oracle-2 | HP 31(+6)/31(37) | AC 23; T 14; F 20 (-2) | F+5/+7 R+0 W+3/+5 (&+2v.fear/emotion, +2v.illusion) | CMB+3/+5; CMD 15/17 | Rage 3/7 | Init+0 Perception+8| Lowlight vision | Current effects: divine favor, rage

played by RobL8675309 (306 posts)
Mask of Stolen Identities
DM Default

December 26th Update

played by inxpitter (3,464 posts)
DM Nex

played by NeoEvaX (2,931 posts)
Painter Worshipper of Shelyn
Ember Firesong

Female Gnome Cleric / 1 ||| Init: +1 / Per: +3 / HP: 9/9 / AC: 15/14/12 / Saves: W: +5 R: +1 F: +3

played by Joy (199 posts)
Setrona Sabinus
Hali Gearalt

Current Effects:
Female Human (Kellid) Investigator (Scavenger) 1 | HP 6/10 | AC:16 T:13 FF:13 CMD:14 | F:1 [+2 vs Skymetal Effects] R:5 W:0 [+2 vs Emotion / Fear] | Initiative +3 | Sense Motive -1 | Perception +3 [+1 vs Traps]

played by Hourai (60 posts)

Not a Doctor. 10th level Creepy Dead Guy in a Red Shirt

played by Jeremy Clements (388 posts)
Sheila Heidmarch
Rasellia Seraphaelis

Female Human (Varisian) Kineticist (Chaokineticist) HP: 12/12 | AC: 15 / T: 12 / FF: 13 | Fort: +6, Ref: +4, Will: +0(+2 against mind-affecting) | Melee: +0, Ranged: +2(+3 when with 30 ft) | CMB: +0, CMD: 12 | Init: +2, Perception: +4

played by Sam Cameron-Mckee (57 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Silvester Roland

Male Human Swashbuckler (noble fencer) 1 | AC 19, T 14, FF 15 | hp 12/12 | Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0 | CMD 15 | Panache 2/2

played by El Ronza (43 posts)
Sovereign Court Tathaniise Mortis

Female Sylph Rogue Unchained

played by GM Sapphire Fox (27 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Tiras Silverblood

M Elf wizard (arc. bomber) 3 | Init +3, Perc +6 (low-light) |20/20 hp | AC 13 (T 13, FF 10) | CMD 15 | F+1, R+4, W+4 ( immune magic sleep; +2 vs ench) Mwk quarterstaff +2, 1d6| Bombs/alchemist's fire +6, 2d6+4 A/1d6 F | CMB +2 |Spells: 4/4 1, 2/2 2

played by Vraptor451 (8 posts)
Varilien Dorianathi

M Elf inquis of Brigh 3 | Init +6, Perc +11 (low-light) |
2/18 hp | AC 17 (T 13, FF 14) | CMD 15 | F+4, R+5, W+7 (+1 per adj ally; immune magic sleep; +2 vs ench)
Mwk longbow +6, 1d8 / +1 lt hammer +7, 1d4+1 | CMB +2 | Judg 1/1, Disappear 6/6, 1-Spells 4/4.

played by GM Grimtongue (49 posts)