Giantslayer: With GM Placeholder of Doom

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Loot Sheet

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Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

well, I meant it more thematic that the guy with the might of dragons can lift and carry a lot more than the others :P

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Yeah I'll memorize some lesser restorations. I'd forgotten warpriest gets heavy armour so maybe Daseem should take the armour.

Kitsune Game Master

Forget about healing up. Once things normalize in town you get healing in the Sanctuary for free. And if you're not in a hurry game wise, You'll have up to a week for preparations, crafting and such.

There will be a meeting with the council, but everything that follows needs some time first.

Kitsune Game Master

I also forgot to answer Ivans: Ivan nods. I'd like to kno' if they find anythin' out if I can't be there when he is questioned.

This was about Kurst not wanting to do the questioning. You can be part of that if you want to. But you'll get the information anyway when meeting with the council.

Kitsune Game Master

Shall I move through the the rest of the day and halfway through the council meeting until it comes to the Q&A, or do you want to play it out?

There will be more time after the meeting to get things done, but if someone wants to craft something now would also be the time to start.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

I'm fine with that, the only thing I can think to do would be to sell out items, and then spend 9/10ths of my cash on finishing up my mithril shield which, technically does little save make the tower shield -4 acp normally (after other bonuses) which, is still something of a -8 or 9 after adding the full plate.

Or, getting it or my armor magically enhanced, likely the armor, since the idea was it's his father's armor that he has reforged/is reforging.

Both would cost 1000, and leave me with about 100ish gold assuming we give everyone a equal share of the Gold from the selling of assorted treasure. (Not counting the scrolls and like)

Also, I feel like a good idea would be to split monetary loot 6 ways, (1 for each party member, and 1 for "party pot" that helps pay for things like wands, potions, etc. Or can be dipped into by people to help them purchase something they need or want.)

Now would be a good time to decide if we want to keep the scrolls and wands, or if we want to try and sell them.

As well as either give out unwanted mundane gear to the militia (as compensation for buying us potions of lesser restoration, or try and sell them as well. And for how much.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Actually, out of curiosity. what magic items are for sale in the town st the moment?

Also, we have a +1 large spear ivan could fix up to sell or use.

Menrozzar could use it if he wanted. It would be a net -1 to hit, but would be a magical weapon.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

6 way split is fine with me.

I'd prefer to keep scrolls and potions. They don't sell for much and can be handy in a pinch.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Bupkis won't be doing much until he recovers some of his strength. He will want to buy a mithril chain shirt, if he can.

We should consider buying some scrolls of condition removal spells. That's a real weakness for us with no full divine caster.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Assuming we sell the wand and phantasmal killer scroll (both at 50%)
We get 660 gold to play with, and a party pot of about 200, totaling 860g.

If we sell the double axe and splintmail, that's another 180g and 175g, for 1235 I think, which could grab us a couple of 2nd level scrolls with a little extra left. Arrows could be sold for about 300g as well, assuming the 50% rate.

So, 1500 gold to spend on party supplies, preferably on scrolls/wands either me, Daseem, or menrozzar can cast.

And if Menrozzar doesn't want the large spear, we could sell it for about 1000g more, unless bupkis would like to use it thematically as hid kinetic weapon haha. (Which I would find very humorous)

This would be on top of the 200ish gold each for everyone, and assuming we can even get this much out of the town right now.

What scrolls were you thinking of getting?

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Mernozzar will take the heavyload belt. I vote we sell the +1 large spear - we can fix it up easily, since Daseem can now prepare Make Whole. I don't have the Strength to take a stray -1 to hit, since I only started with 16.

If we split loot 6 ways, how much does each of us get individually?

Kitsune Game Master

Ok, all of that loot loks ridiculously little. And I think you forgot to calculate in the higher price of large armor. Also added the loot from Skreed to the loot sheet for you to arrange.

But if no one of you really likes book keeping we can do something different. For example: The adventure tells to hand out large stuff worth 3500gp for the giant skeletons. I have to come up with it. You can't use it and sell it.

How about instead, you take the two or three items you need, from Uskroth and bring the rest to the guard to do with it as they please, and the town rewards you with a voucher for gear for the task you'll get about 6000 gold to share?

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

I I'm fine with either.

Though, either way, I'd like to know what magic items are available.

Kitsune Game Master

Minor Items +1 heavy steel shield, +1 light crossbow, cowardly
crouching cloak UE , oil of shillelagh, ring of spell knowledge I UE ,
scroll of divine power, scroll of magic weapon, wand of magic
missile; Medium Items +2 greatsword, potion of resist energy
(fire); Major Items —

If you want any of them, you have to find out who sells them in game ;)

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

I'd like the half-orc's masterwork cold iron falchion, if no one objects.

We should dispose of the poisons, keep the alchemicals and the potion of cure moderate wounds, and sell most of the rest.

What is the value of the formula book?

Kitsune Game Master

formula book - contains all prepared extracts (2nd—elemental touch APG (DC 15), protection from arrows 1st—bomber’s eye APG (2), cure light wounds, expeditious retreat) plus enlarge person, invisibility, shield, and stone fist APG

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Okay, so the formula book sells for 90. We can sell that, too.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Hm sadly no cloaks of resistance, so I guess I'd like to spend most of my cash on giving my armor or shield a +1.

6k is about 1000 divided out, I'd say give the remaining 1k to bupkis and scrabbler if they want it as they didn't get much so far.

I may have enough to squeeze out a mithral shield and a +1 after all.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

GM, the new Martial Arts Handbook has Handwraps for unarmed warriors that are enchantable, and can be made from special materials (studded with cold iron, and such).

Are they available for this game?

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

If possible, did we want to try and get Menrozzar or Daseem a +1 weapon?

I'd say Menrozzar, as then the 3 "front liners" would have magic weapons (or counts as magic)

A mithral shield, and a +1 to both the shield and armor would cost me 2300, 500g more than what I would have from the split shares, if someone was okay with me dipping into extra funds, I'd me happy to pay them back later.

Also please do remember that if anyone wants special material armor/weapons Ivan CAN make them for 1/3 of the cost. Just make the request.

I also may still pick up master craftsmen in a few levels, depending on the flow of time in the AP.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

Why don't you take the extra 500 you were suggesting I get? Getting you geared up would benefit the party more than me having an extra 500 to spend on trinkets and the seeds of goblin mayhem. I can probably get away with not having a magic weapon for another level or two, and Roll With It is keeping me plenty durable for a while more. I don't feel like I need much at this point. Later you can make me stuff to pay me back.

Kitsune Game Master
Scrabbler wrote:

GM, the new Martial Arts Handbook has Handwraps for unarmed warriors that are enchantable, and can be made from special materials (studded with cold iron, and such).

Are they available for this game?

You have a link to them? d20pfrd or archives of nethys?

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1


And here's a thread about developer intent and design philosophy regarding handwraps

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

If there's any mithril available, Bupkis would like Ivan to make a mithril chain shirt for him.

The only other thing he would be interested in is a +1 Cloak of Resistance, but it sounds like there aren't any to buy. He doesn't need a weapon.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

We don't have the means to get +1 weapons for all three of us - there isn't enough loot to split. I'll work with the masterwork cold iron falchion and my claws mostly, and just get a +1 put on the masterwork breastplate. Menrozzar isn't designed to use any specific weapons - he uses what's available, until it becomes fully viable to go natural weapons in all combats. Once I get my bite attack, I'll have 3 primary natural attacks at 1d6 and 1d8 apiece, respectively, every time I rage.

Course, we find an amulet of mighty fists, I wouldn't say no to it, since the handwraps Scrabbler mentions don't apply to natural weapons.

Incidentally, the ring of spell knowledge is actually useful for me, but I don't have the money for it.

Kitsune Game Master

You can have those handwraps. One handwrap per hand, when it comes to masterwork, special material and enchantments.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Daseem when using a greatsword counts as magical anyway, so he doesn't need a +1 weapon yet.

Kitsune Game Master

Wait a moment before you spend money on magic weapons. Only until the meeting is over.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Menrozzar, are you. Buying that falchion? If so, remember Ivan can make it at 1/3 cost! Though it may take longer than a week since he is making a couple other things. haha.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

I'm not buying it - it was part of Skreed's loot. I'm claiming it from that.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Missed that, jolly good.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1
Foxy Quickpaw wrote:
You can have those handwraps. One handwrap per hand, when it comes to masterwork, special material and enchantments.

Great! I'm going to silver-stud one of them and iron-stud the other. My new weapons cost 20 gp and 3 sp.

I'm also going to buy some more alchemical weapons, some better armor, and a new jester's suit.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Alright I'll go ahead and make my changes to my profile from the enhancements and I think I actually have enough to purchase a couple of scrolls as well, and may do so.

I'll also buy another weeks worth of rations. And some more "roughing it" gear. Which will leave me virtually broke.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Made a slight change to my level up: instead of taking two ranks of Knowledge Engineering, Bupkis will take one rank of Knowledge Engineering, and one rank of Craft Carpentry. Roleplay-wise, he'll learn carpentry helping Alicia's family repair their house.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

I'm taking the family on holiday to get a bit of Christmas sun. Won't be able to post until tomorrow but I should have internet at the villa.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Oof. I've been looking over the advanced weapon training options, and oof. I gave up so much stuff/options. Armed bravery, item mastery, warrior spirit, focused weapon, combat maneuver defense? Oof. Anyway, we could provide Sara with a potion, but I'm not sure how much help that would do vs what she already got haha XD

Kitsune Game Master

I thought you got a warpriest. With some days no combat it should be no real issue. But of course you're free to make this 'sidequest' more interesting ;)

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

I'm still a bit unclear on the treasure distribution. How much gold each do we get? Bupkis will pay Ivan to make a mithril chain shirt for him; how much will that cost (it's OK if Ivan gets an extra fee)?

Other than that, Bupkis will buy 50 ft of silk rope, an antitoxin and an antiplague. He would like a +1 Cloak of Resistance, but my understanding is there aren't any available.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

There was 6000g equivalent, I'll edit the loot sheet when I get the chance.

Each person got 1000g on top of what they had before finishing the cave, and 1000g went to "pot",

Ivan had a good bit of gold saved up from before/from his trait. And took 500g from the "pot".

Just a head up/refreshment on crafting in this game.

We are/were using the "making craft work" alternative crafting rules, which greatly speeds up crafting times, and makes crafting times for varying items more in line with each other, with this system, instead of taking close to 40 weeks to make a masterwork fullplate armor, it takes about a week.

Due to the crafting rules we are using, items are made at 1/3 the price of their base price, I believe this holds true for special materials as well, as I've found nothing stating it is increased or decreased when using a specific material, and there are no "types" of special material to worry about, mithral is mithral, there is no "easily worked" mithral, or "flawless mithral".

If you want a mithral Chain shirt it would only cost 1/3 of the price. so would only be 367 Gold in total, 1000 for the material + 100 for the chain shirt, 1100÷1/3.

It will take me 4 days to finish my tower shield and have it enchanted, and another 2 days for your chain shirt, assuming a small sized light armor counts as "simple", if instead the GM wanted to count it as moderate, it would be another 4 days. Unless I pay for aid another from a couple of people to halve the time unit.

Phew. I don't understand why mundane crafting can feel several times more of a hassle than magical haha.

Kitsune Game Master

You're all going to craft and stuff? Because you have a few days and I won't move the story on until you say you're done with your downtime stuff.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

The Pathfinder non-magical crafting rules are frusterating, unrealistic, and very slow. You'll want to calibrate your expectations accordingly.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Here is a link to the crafting rules I and placeholder were using. Its technically 3pp but it makes crafting actually worthwhile.

making crafting work alternative craft rules.

As for me, Ivan's time is spent for the better part of a week in crafting the two items of tower shield and chain shirt.

Also I'd like to say thanks again to our foxy GM for putting up with our ragtag group and continuing to run the ap for us. I've thoroughly enjoyed playing with you all.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Menrozzar doesn't have much to do during the downtime except get a +1 on his armor. After that, he's pretty much free.

Kitsune Game Master

So you want to roleplay it, and roll, or want me to handwave it and ff to departure.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

I think Daseem will try to make a masterwork greatsword. If I'm reading those rules right that will cost 250/3 = 83.33g in materials, take 3 days and require a DC 18 crafting check.

Kitsune Game Master

350/3 = 116.66

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Hope everyone has a merry Christmas!

Kitsune Game Master

I have.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Merry Christmas everyone!

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

How much weight of supplies can someone carry for Bupkis? Ideally, he'd like to bring his own weight in food (35 lbs)!

He will also buy (if available): 1 potion of CLW, 4 antitoxins, 2 antiplagues, 2 smokesticks, 20 more sling bullets and 30 more crossbow bolts (393.2 GP total).

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