Giantslayer: With GM Placeholder of Doom

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

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Kitsune Game Master

About the stakes: That is as a readied action. Your rolls with your own weapon for readied was better so I took that. You can't have both.

For the AoO, no one walked into that.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Ah, okay. Thank you for answering the questions.

Kitsune Game Master

You seem to have missed, that your orc is dead already and the next wave is on the other side of the barricade again.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

I was going by the map there's an orc there. OK I'll change his action then.

Kitsune Game Master

Sorry, forgot to remove that one.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

I've never been sadder to not have evasion.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

I'm pretty sure Scrabbler is staggered at 0 HP, not unconscious.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Certain attacks deal nonlethal damage. Other effects, such as heat or being exhausted, also deal nonlethal damage. When you take nonlethal damage, keep a running total of how much you’ve accumulated. Do not deduct the nonlethal damage number from your current hit points. It is not “real” damage. Instead, when your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you’re staggered (see below), and when it exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious.

Bolded the relevant part.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

That's what I thought, I just couldn't remember. Thanks team.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

GM, I just realized there's an issue with your last post.

Scrabbler was Riding the orc. Unless the orc was able to shake Scrabbler off (a grapple check), then Scrabbler should have moved with him.

Based on my understanding of the action economy, the orc would have had to stand up (move action), make a grapple check to break Scrabbler's grip (standard action), and then move (another move action).

How do you want to handle it? Have the orc not move? Have Scrabbler be dragged along clinging to the orc's ankle? Something else?

Kitsune Game Master

I'd like to leave it as it is.

Under normal circumstances you would move around with a climbed creature, but I don't think these are normal circumstances. You had a great idea for a ridiculous stunt, and I rolled with it, without accounting for every rule that might apply. And then I left you with the bomb, with a 2/3 chance to use the bomb before it explodes, and the dice decided otherwise.

I don't have access to the complete vexing dodger rules at the moment, but from what you have in your profile, the only benefit is that you can climb a creature and get some AC bonus for it.

As you pointed me to your Limb Climber feat I found:
1) I need to check with the complete rules, if this is indeed a free action, as climbing usually isn't and the Limb Climber doesn't state anything.

2) Neither you nor the climbed creature gets the grappled condition. And no info given, about how to get rid of you again. I need to check on that in the context of the whole Vexing Dodger description, but as of now this seems pretty half baked.

Fair deal in my view would be, that the victim spends as much time to get you off, as you spend to get on. But even then it is totally unclear what to roll for that. As you do nothing that would justify the need for an escape artist, or CMB roll.
Simplest ruling: Move to get on, move to shake off, without a roll. If you want to hold on, you can grapple. Would leave you the benefit of hindering a foe from doing a full attack with your climbing.

If you have any rules, discussions, FAQs that clarify how this is supposed to work, please point me to that.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

The easiest way to work with it for me is to have him make a climb check each turn similar to how you would a grapple. If he succeeds, he is "stuck" to the creature. The creature gets no negatives to anything but attacks against him. Or, he remains "attached" to the creature every round he manages to make the climb check. If the creature wants to shake him off, I've run it as a standard action.

Think of it similar to the martial artists ability to roll sense motive every round. All things considered, its meant

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Ivan, it looks like your post got cut off.

Regardless, since Scrabbler is staggered, he still has either a move or standard action - his choice.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

ah sorry, was in a rush this morning and forgot to finish before hitting enter XD.

Its meant to be a boon, so I don't think running it how I described is too much of an issue. the only statistical bonus the ability gives is a negative to hit under the specific circumstance of targeting the rogue. And only a negative equal to his sneak attack dice.

as I said, its similar to the martial artist's ability. As long as you pass the check, you get the bonus.

Honestly, this would likely work great paired with the mouser swashbuckler now that I think about it.

Kitsune Game Master

Sorry to disappoint you, but that orc is very alive. That one moved close to attack you after the one that was there earlier died.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

I agree the rules are very unclearly worded. When I built the character I brought those issues up, and looked through the boards for some clarification. The rulings I've been working with were what the previous GM decided. If you want to change that, I'm happy to work with you.

I'll see what I can dig up about how an enemy is supposed to get rid of someone climbing them.

One correction though, Climb checks, like Acrobatics and Stealth checks aren't their own actions. They're conditional modifiers added to movement. They are free actions. It's the movement that isn't.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

In that case he won't move, and will instead attack it.

Kitsune Game Master
Scrabbler wrote:

I agree the rules are very unclearly worded. When I built the character I brought those issues up, and looked through the boards for some clarification. The rulings I've been working with were what the previous GM decided. If you want to change that, I'm happy to work with you.

I'll see what I can dig up about how an enemy is supposed to get rid of someone climbing them.

One correction though, Climb checks, like Acrobatics and Stealth checks aren't their own actions. They're conditional modifiers added to movement. They are free actions. It's the movement that isn't.

In normal combat situations where you climb a foe and then the two of you struggle in a fight until preferably the enemy is dead, there are no issues. You get a small boon for a climb check and we all imagine you riding the enemy piggyback style or on the shoulders while stabbing them.

I haven't cared about the exact rulings of that and if you need to climb with a move action or not. And I'll happily ignore that further on as digging into rules that are badly written is no fun.

Just cut me some slack in such extraordinary situations when I don't want to dig into the rules too and someone flees you without taking you along, and doesn't care that you're in some not exactly defined way attached to them.

Is that ok with you?

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

That's fine with me. I really liked your solution of splitting the falling damage and having us both go prone. It was elegant.

If it's somehow super important that I'm riding someone in a non-standard situation, I'll bring it up.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

GM, since I have line of sight out the gate, can I see how big the next wave is?

Kitsune Game Master

Not really. But by the noise they make you can tell it is a large group. Maybe a dozen?

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

I was hoping to avoid using burn-based healing, but Scrabbler is in too much danger staggering around with 2 hp.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Scrabbler if you move near Daseem, he'll try to heal you if possible.

Kitsune Game Master

Is everyone on the map where the actions lead to? Would be nice to have that correct, before I have the orc invade. But standing in front of the logs is not really helping here.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Bupkis will move out of the way on his next turn. He moved in front of the logs to heal Scrabbler.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Ivan has to have another turn to move away from where he took the orc down.

Kitsune Game Master

Reminder: Coordinated release of the logs is a full round action for two characters.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Are the log pile independent of each other, or are they released all at once? Can they even be activated without someone in the area between the two sets of logs?

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

My guess is they're independent. Might need people at both ends however...

Kitsune Game Master

They are independant and you need one person on each side of the logs you want to send down. With a full round action.

Ivan gets a full round action. Kicking the bomb and moving there with his last round. Menrozzar is in position anyway.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Menrozzar retreated behind the barricade, so there's no-one on that side to release the logs.

Kitsune Game Master

And Scrabbler is still in the way. Your tactics really have potential for improvement.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

PbP does not typically lend itself to complicated combat tactics in my experience :(

Kitsune Game Master

I'll fix that for this round if that's ok for you.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

I moved as much as I'm able. I have a 20' move speed and am staggered.

Kitsune Game Master

Will post this evening, as I have no access to the map now.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

I just realized I messed up my attack rolls yesterday - they should all be two lower. Fighting Defensively is a -4 penalty to hit for +2 AC.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

I'm trying to find the specifics of how attacking with the barricade works, but I'm not seeing it anywhere.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

The rules for the stakes are here. The description makes it sound like the sharpened stakes are just on the section of the barricade at the top of the map.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

GM, can I get a clarification? Are we currently next to the sharpened stake barricades?

Kitsune Game Master

You can assume that there are sharpened stakes in the barricades, that you can use as a brace weapon agains oncoming orcs. Doesn't help too much as no one can charge over the barricade, but it's a weapon you can ready without having to pick it up.

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

Do they have to be Braced to be used to attack orcs, or can I just slam them into the orcs on my action? (Or vice versa)

Sorry for slowing things down, I'm just trying to get a feel for how these mechanics are supposed to work.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

sorry all, dealing with a hurricane right after midterms, so I've been away a bit. Not sure if I will have access to post over the weekend, depending on how bad the damage is.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

@Ivan: Stay safe. Don't worry, we understand that posting might be difficult for you over the next few days.

Kitsune Game Master
Ivan wrote:
were any of the orcs that took the bomb blast caught in the logs?

Oops. Forgot to include that.

Five of the orcs will fall dead. I'll sort through that once I got access to the maps, later today.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

I think it's the orcs turn to act.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Is Menrozzar injured? I thought he was hit by a couple of javelins. If so, he needs a wand charge or two.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

I am. Stat line adjusted. If I end up with time, I may also drink a potion.

Kitsune Game Master

You may. You were quick enough dispatching the last wave. I just wanted to make sure, you don't go out of combat mode.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1
Force Ward wrote:
If you use this ability multiple times, the increases stack. For every 2 points of burn you accept in this way, your force ward’s rate of regeneration increases by 1 hit point per minute.

Bupkis accepted 2 points of burn on his Force Ward, which increases the rate of regeneration to 2 hp per minute. How do you want to handle this: one hp every 5 rounds, or 2 hp after 10 rounds?

For reference, it's been 4 rounds since the Force Ward was hit.

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