Giantslayer: With GM Placeholder of Doom

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Loot Sheet

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HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

It's a good ability, particularly in the early levels. Bupkis is right though, it isnt going to work for big hits after level 5 or 6. Luckily by then I'll have other options for avoiding damage.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving

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Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

I did, thank you; it was a month ago, since I'm in Canada. :)

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends.

Kitsune Game Master

There is nothing useable for you for this fight. Therefore I'd like to postpone the details until you got the next fight done to do it at once. Because that takes quite some time that I don't have at the moment.

For identifying it's Detect Magic/Identify and Spellcraft
Or for you: Craft or Appraise.
Appraise has the rules given for finding out if it's magic. I guess there is something similar for Craft.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Apologies, for the most part ivan isn't thinking of using any of the gear, it was mostly to assess the value of it etc. If it was good material it could be used to pay for things, which is Mostly what he was looking at. Sorry if I didn't make it clear on that point

And as a player I figure most of it is not usable by us at the time, but in character Ivan would have still asked if any of the others could use it. Since if it was a one-handed spear/weapon one of then could use it two handed, though with a penalty. (Ivan prefers axes/hammers to swords or spears anyway)

Not trying to clog or bog down the game.

Kitsune Game Master

No need to be sorry. You ask, I tell you. Or I tell you why I tell not. No big deal. It's just that RL got really busy the last two weeks.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1
Scrabbler wrote:
Scrabbler pulled out his bear trap and clicked it open. "You cans use magic rock throw trick with this?" he asked Bupkis.

It's a GM call as to how that would work; the rules don't generally allow you to add to the normal telekinetic blast damage.

Minor note: Scrabblers 2 points of non-lethal burn damage would have healed during our 8 hour rest (I still see it listed in his status line).

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1


Bupkis wrote:
Scrabbler wrote:
Scrabbler pulled out his bear trap and clicked it open. "You cans use magic rock throw trick with this?" he asked Bupkis.
It's a GM call as to how that would work; the rules don't generally allow you to add to the normal telekinetic blast damage.

I don't think the bear trap would add to the Blast, but the act of using it as a telekinetic weapon would definitely deposit it in an enemy's square, which by the trap rules, sets it off.

Up to the GM, though.

Kitsune Game Master

Just do it. If that becomes a regular, I decide on seeing the result.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1
Ivan "The Mountain" Ironbrow wrote:
Ivan then slams his shield down, providing total cover against the half-orc

That's a Standard Action, unless there's something that get's around that restriction.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

this style feat does.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Ah, I see. There's so many different feats in Pathfinder that it's difficult to keep track of all the possibilities.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Bupkis will heal Daseem next round.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1
Scrabbler wrote:
Is this Alchemist Fire, or is it Catching On Fire from the environmental rules? What should I roll to put the fire out?

I think it's the Explosive Bombs Alchemist Discovery. "Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a Reflex save."

Kitsune Game Master

Hehe, ninja'd you by one minute in gameplay.:D

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

I'm so glad I had a couple of those enlarge potions (even more so that I remebered) but I'm likely gonna need to restock a few after this haha. Down to 1 each XD. This has proved to be quite the rough dungeon.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Yes maybe it's the luck of the dice but we seem to be taking rather large amounts of damage.

Kitsune Game Master

It's the end boss fight. Don't want you ask wondering: That was all? :P

Kitsune Game Master

Someone who is not burning, going to help Daseem? Like someone who has some water or a blanket?

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Bupkis is doing his best! He'll get Menrozzar conscious next round, so that's one more person who can help.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Hmm. I'm almost positive that halforc is dead, unless he didn't have that ferocity trait. Though it is definitely worth the shot to hope he ain't haha.

Kitsune Game Master
Daseem wrote:
Daseem did cast detect magic.

I gave you all the information that is there to know in the loot spoiler. That includes what is magic. Just if you're not sure: The stone from the eye is not magic.

Kitsune Game Master
Ivan "The Mountain" Ironbrow wrote:
I'm fine with hand waving the vermin as we take of them later, or with us clearing them out in actual combat.

I'm fine with you leavng the vermin. Who cares about some spoiders in a grave. Have the patrol wall up the hole outside.

You can level to 4th btw.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Bupkis lvl 4 highlights:

+1 Con
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Ref
+9 HP

Utility Wild Talent: Telekinetic Finesse.

Adventuring Skill Ranks:
+1 Acrobatics
+2 Disable Device
+1 Perception

Background Skill Ranks:
+2 Knowledge Engineering

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Also, do you want us to RP out taking the magical goodies to be spell crafted by good ole agrit, or do you want to hand wave that? I'm fine either way, though I may enjoy a bit more rp around it. So I suppose my vote would be at least have some rp around significant items, like the named pieces if nothing else, up to the rest and you GM though.

Kitsune Game Master

As fighting is over feel free to do some RP. I offered you a hook to do so anyway with Kurst.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Level up (warpriest)
HP: 5+2
FCB: 1/6 combat feat
Skills: +1 Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
Background Skills: +1 Blacksmith & Profession: Soldier
2nd level spells are unlocked
+1 Fort save
+1 Will save
+1 Strength

Spells memorized:
1st Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Stunning Barrier
2nd Defending Bone, Weapon of Awe

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

HP: 5 base, +2 con, +1 FCB

Skills: +1 to everything I already had. Nothing new.

+1 Fort
+1 Will

Underfoot Agility Small skill bonuses against larger enemies

Finesse Training! Frickin' finally. Scrabbler just got a serious damage upgrade.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Gonna go ahead and dip this now I guess, was considering holding off till level 6, but It may prove more useful than an extra feat and +2 to hit total. This also means I can use the CLW wand as well now too, I believe. (as well as possibly other things)

Class: Ranger Archetype (TBD) Thinking Urban Ranger or Dungeon Rover if any
HP: +10 [6+4] (3con 1 FCB)
ASI: +1 str (total of 18)
BaB: +1
Skills: +7 this level
Saves: +2 Con, +2 Reflex
Class Skills gained: (possible minor changes)
Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Heal

Skill ranks placed:
1 stealth, 1 perception, 1 dungeoneering, 1 climb, 1 survival, 1 Knowledge Nature,
Background Skills: +1 Craft Armor, +1 appraise

Feats: None this level.

Ranger abilities:
Favored Enemy (Giants)
(Track, Wild Empathy)?

Hopefully I remembered to list everything.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Also, are we still using the spreadsheet link for loot, or do we need a different one?

Wanted to right up a list but don't have access to edit the spreadsheet. Wanted to go ahead and discuss OOC if anyone wants anything in particular. Depending on what it is, Ivan will likely want the hammer now that he can actually wield it with his shield (pretty cool it shrunk like that tbh)

list of loot?
1300gp worth of assorted treasure
Masterwork breastplate
masterwork splint mail
four +1 human-bane arrows,
13 adamantine crossbow bolts,
a masterwork orc double axe
a heavyload belt (subjects bearer to a permanent ant haul spell, Likely a good fit for anyone at the moment)
wand of inflict moderate wounds (7 charges)
a scroll of phantasmal killer (700g, 350 if sold?)
a scroll of tongues (200g?, 100 if sold)
and Several large sized weapons and suits of armor where we fought the undead skeleton, (unless that was already listed in the "loot" spoiler)

As well as, A hammer (Agrimmosh), an suit of armor (Uskroth’s armor?) which may or may not shrink as well,
and of course, the gemstone from the eye-socket.

OOC, what does the hammer and armor count as? If its ok to tell us?

Kitsune Game Master

If you can create a new one, maybe simply as a copy of the old one with access for everyone, or adapted to your needs, I'll exchange the link, once you provide it.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

The only thing that we be any use to Bupkis is the Heavyload Belt, although that would just be for carrying more food. :) It's better for that to go to someone with a higher carrying capacity, really.

He just wants cash so he can buy a mithril chain shirt.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Here is the link to the doc

non-urled link. C2R7tuVQ/edit?usp=sharing

I do have a question though, would you rather leave it open to editing by anyone with the link (signed in or not) or would you rather just give me your emails so I can give you each specific access?

At the moment, I've made 3 separate lists, one is a list of all the loot (some is missing at the time, as I can't recall everything we have gained to this point, if someone remembers things we gained feel free to add it to the Loot list)

the other two lists are for any items you claimed, and still have access too (at the moment, Ivan has the Hammer Agrimmosh, so its under his name). I think this will be a list that shows "what you have access to" in other words, while the loot list would still contain a potion you got at some point, once you used it, it would be good to delete it from the loot list under your name.

The last is not quite a list, it is merely a total of the value of items you have claimed in gold. (using full price), I haven't had the time to go through and find all the costs for things at the moment, but anyone is free to do so, though please make sure it is the proper amount when you do so.

if anyone has any ideas, feel free to present them haha.

Edit: I feel that, people who don't claim items would be good targets for monetary loot. Or, at least a larger share of monetary loot, or at least given sell-able loot no one else really wishes to use.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Put in values for the wand, the arrows and the bolts (relied on HeroLab to calculate the numbers).

HP 30/34, 1 Con damage, AC 18, Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +4, Perc. +7, Init +5, Panache 0/1

I'd love to have a couple of those Adamantine crossbow bolts. They make fantastic chisels and glass cutters, and they can be hammered through any stubborn lock.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Mernozzar will take the masterwork breastplate - it's pretty much the best armor he can wear.

Level Up

HP: 9 (6+2 Con+1 Toughness)
Base Atk: +1
Fort +1
+3 Bloodrage rounds (+2 Class, +1 FCB)
Ability Score: +1 Cha

Skills: 5 (4 + 1 Human)
Acrobatics +1
Intimdiate +1
Knowledge (arcana) +1
Perception +1
Survival +1

Background Skills:
Craft (leather) +1
Handle Animal +1

Class Features: Bestial Aspect (Claws), Blood Casting, Bloodline Power (Draconic Resistance), Eschew Materials

Spells Known
1st-level (2/day) - enlarge person, true strike

This was a very big level for me.

Kitsune Game Master

Loot sheet added to top links. As I have no account with google, I like it open.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Oh yeah, we also have a large magic spear, it's broken atm, but its magic.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Nifty stuff. I guess from Daseem's point of view, it's not the weapon Gorum favors so he'd prefer somebody else to have it.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

DR 5/Evil reduces all damage not from an evil aligned weapon.

Human Arsenal Chaplain 12 | HP 80 / 99 (1 burn 9 NL) AC 23 T12 FF23 | CMB +13 CMD 26 | F +12 R +7 W +13 init +1 | Resource Tracker
Heal +3 Kn:Religion +9 Perception +19 Sense Motive +18 Survival +12 Craft:Blacksmith +15 (with tools) Prof:Soilder +18

Yeah that's sweet. I was planning to use Defending Bone for similar effect although DR 5/bludgeoning is weak in this campaign I suspect.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

Menrozzar can't wear heavy armor atm can he? Why wouldn't the armor work well for daseem?

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

Well, some giants have big swords, so Defending Bone isn't worthless.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

is this the stat block for the armor?

If so, I don't see why daseem couldn't take it if he wanted it, seems like it could pretty useful for any martial oriented.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Menrozzar can't wear heavy armor period. It's not a Bloodrager armor proficiency unless you go Steelblooded, and I fully intend to be loading up on natural armor. Plus, you know, I'm gonna be a dragon eventually.

Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

How to train yer dragon. Haha.

But, if Ivan gets the hammer, Daseem takes the armor, I feel menrozzar should at least get the option to take the belt if he wants. Would be pretty thematic too haha.

Kitsune Game Master
Ivan "The Mountain" Ironbrow wrote:

is this the stat block for the armor?

If so, I don't see why daseem couldn't take it if he wanted it, seems like it could pretty useful for any martial oriented.


Fighter 10/Ranger 1/brawler 1 HP:127/127, 0NL | AC: 40(44 vs giant subtype) FF: 37 T:20|DR3/adamantine|| CMD: 33 (37vs trip, 37 vs bullrush, 37 vs overun)(+4 vs giant subtype)|Fort: +17(+5) Ref: +17(+5) Will:+12(+5)| Init: +4 Perception: +17

If daseem really doesn't want it, I guess ivan will take it, but I already have the hammer, so rather give the option for others to pick it up, though, a huge sized dwarf sounds quite humorous.

Goblin Aether Kineticist 12 HP: 159/159 (84 NL) Force Ward: 24/24 | AC:29 T:17 FF:23 | Saves F:17 R:20 W:12 | Init: 7 | Per:19| CMB:4 CMD:21 | Speed 30ft | Burn: 7/8| Internal Buffer: 1

There is some precedent for a huge sized dwarf.

Male Human Bloodrager 7/Dragon Disciple 5 | AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 Uncanny Dodge | HP 109/109 (143/143 Bloodrage); 24 nonlethal | Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9; Resist fire 10 | Perception +15; blindsense 30 ft. | Init +6 | Bloodrage 33 rounds/day | Active Effects: none

Are you suggesting the Barbarian hybrid be the pack mule, Ivan?

If people want, I will happily take the belt. Once we rest, Daseem can maybe prepare a couple of lesser restorations in those new 2nd-level spell slots of his, and help a couple a Strength-depleted PCs out.

Bupkis has 2 Str right now, and I'm down 4 Str.

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