GM Valen's PFS Quests - The Silverhex Chronicles (Standard) PbP (TABLE 2) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle

Excerpts of Ulisha's Journal


Trek across the River Kingdoms in search of treasure.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

A place to discuss.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Welcome all. The key factor in dividing up tables was by character class. Then, I tried as best as possible to keep folks with the same, general posting times at the same table.

Grand Lodge

M Nagaji Druid (Nature Fang) | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Ft +3 Rf +2 Wi +4; +2 vs. mind-affecting or poison | +3 Init | Perc +10 | Death roll 5/5


Grand Lodge

| AC17 T12 F15 | HP 11/11 | CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +5

Sorry I have been a bit behind I should be good from now on.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

In an effort to make it easier to post and keep track of where PCs are, I have cropped the tactical map to expand its size. I also moved the map of Gralton to the slides with Ulisha's Excerpts (along with the maps of other areas for future quests).

Please make sure that your PC is in the current and correct spot.

Grand Lodge

| AC17 T12 F15 | HP 11/11 | CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +5

What time of day is it?

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Sunset, minutes before sundown.

Grand Lodge

| AC17 T12 F15 | HP 11/11 | CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +5

Ok in that cast see my post about reflecting the sun at the door.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):

Hey everyone, I just want to let you know I will be attending Gen Con this year, once again as a volunteer GM for PFS events. I will be gone from July 31st - Aug 6th, 2018. I may be able to post a few times while there but it will not be consistent. Feel free to BOT me as needed.

The Concordance

Gnome Bard1 |AC 15 (t 12, ff 14) | F+2, R+3, W+2 | CMD 9 CMB -2 | Init +1 | Percep +6 SM +4 | shortbow (small) +2 (1d4-1/x3) | Daily abilites: Bardic performance 7/8| [Spells: 1 lvl-2/2 | HP 10/10 | Active conditions: [i]none/i]
Skills Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Perception +6, Perform (Sing) +8, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +3, Use Magic Device +8

I also want to let you know I will be camping this weekend (friday - monday.) Feel free to bot me. I will leave some tactics in his sheet.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):

I am back from Gen Con. Thanks for botting me.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Welcome back Omero and Waddy!

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

I might be out of pocket til beginning/mid next week. Bot me as necessary.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

With Gameday rapidly approaching and the current quest about to come to a close, I plan to put the remaining 4 on hold.

If any PC needs a completed Chronicle for the first two quests prior to Gameday, please let me know as soon as possible. Please note that anyone who intends to play the current PC between now and the end of Gameday should request a Chronicle. Otherwise, while I will report the quests, I plan to hold off on issuing Chronicles, since they will have be altered anyways as additional quests are completed.

Please also note that your current PC can continue to play the remaining quests as long as it has not been played in any other scenarios in between. If you play the current PC in another scenario between now and when I resume running the remaining quests (I had planned to do so post Gameday in November, but my "back half" of Gameday looks pretty light at present so I may be convinced to move it up if there is consensus). All players are welcome to play in the remaining quests, but those quests will have to be played/assigned to a separate character.

The Concordance

Gnome Bard1 |AC 15 (t 12, ff 14) | F+2, R+3, W+2 | CMD 9 CMB -2 | Init +1 | Percep +6 SM +4 | shortbow (small) +2 (1d4-1/x3) | Daily abilites: Bardic performance 7/8| [Spells: 1 lvl-2/2 | HP 10/10 | Active conditions: [i]none/i]
Skills Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Perception +6, Perform (Sing) +8, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +3, Use Magic Device +8

I'm happy to go on hold and start whenever. Waddy is not playing in any gameday events so no chronicles needed.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):

Omero is also okay to wait.

Grand Lodge

| AC17 T12 F15 | HP 11/11 | CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +5

Delance is happy to wait.

Liberty's Edge

tiefling paladin 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 20 t11 f19 | F+8 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs death) immune to fear, disease | resist cold, elec, fire 5 | Perc -1 | Init +1 |

Nyshka is playing in Gameday, so I could use a chronicle please.


Grand Lodge

M Nagaji Druid (Nature Fang) | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Ft +3 Rf +2 Wi +4; +2 vs. mind-affecting or poison | +3 Init | Perc +10 | Death roll 5/5

I'll wait, since the new guide hasn't made any changes to race availability.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

I will try to get a Chronicles to Nyshka as soon as we finish, though even if we were to finish today, it may be Monday before I have the Chronicle available to downlaod.

Please note - Yesterday, I learned that I was mistaken about reporting requirements for these quests. Apparently, 4 quests have to be completed before the game can be reported. I have been in contact with Venture Agent Redelia, who confirmed that I can issue paper (pdf) chronicles to those who have asked for them and that those chronicles are official, valid, and controlling even though the playing of these quests may not be reported for sometime. She is looking into the matter and I will pass along what I learn.

Thanks again for a fun game!

Liberty's Edge

tiefling paladin 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 20 t11 f19 | F+8 R+5 W+5 (+2 vs death) immune to fear, disease | resist cold, elec, fire 5 | Perc -1 | Init +1 |

Thanks, and if you're tight on time there's no rush for Monday, Nyshka isn't signed up until the second session.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

I believe that I can put this Campaign on inactive and then make it active again (re-active?) shortly before we resume play, so once I get Nyshka's chronicle up (later this week, I hope) and she has confirmed receiving it, that is what I intend to do. This should clear some space on folks' active campaign list (which you may need for Gameday).

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

Just getting back. I'm happy to wait, LOL.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Bressa wrote:
Just getting back. I'm happy to wait, LOL.

Welcome back! I hope you get to enjoy Gameday and I will start us all up again in a couple of months!

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

@ Nyshka - your chronicle can be found here. Please let me know if you have any changes or corrections.

Otherwise, I will put this campaign on inactive in another week.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Mustering for the final four quests. Please post and let me know if you will be continuing and, if so, with which PC.

Grand Lodge

| AC17 T12 F15 | HP 11/11 | CMD:15 | F:+4 R:+2 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +5


Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

Here! Bressa is happy to continue the quests.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):


Grand Lodge

M Nagaji Druid (Nature Fang) | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | Ft +3 Rf +2 Wi +4; +2 vs. mind-affecting or poison | +3 Init | Perc +10 | Death roll 5/5

I am ready to continue.

The Exchange

HP 48/48 NL 10 | Burn 2/6 | AC 23 t17 f18 CMD 17 | DR 3/adamantine | F+9, R+11, W+3 | Init +5, Perc +9 | Halfling Geokineticist 5 |

Teke here will take over where Nyshka left off. Finishing some character tinkering and will be up to date tonight.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

I have PM'd Waddy. In the meantime, I think we can still continue.

Grand Lodge

Some deadlines got moved and my thesis has to be submitted this weekend so please bot me until my return.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

It is always difficult to gage pacing on a PbP. I apologize if I am moving things along too quickly. However, I would like to get as much of the quests completed as possible prior to the upcoming holidays and know that my schedule will get heavier between now and the new year.

If you prefer a slower (or faster for that matter), please let me know. I want to keep things fun and keep players engaged.

The Exchange

HP 48/48 NL 10 | Burn 2/6 | AC 23 t17 f18 CMD 17 | DR 3/adamantine | F+9, R+11, W+3 | Init +5, Perc +9 | Halfling Geokineticist 5 |

No problems here, wrapping up by holiday time sounds good.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

I'm good with everything from glacial up to 1 post a day. I'm willing to stay in a faster game as long as the GM is happy to bot me frequently. (I have a weird complex where I hate being in the way and/or having people waiting on me).

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):

My apologies to everyone for disappearing for a few days. I came down with an illness that rocked me. I am back and feeling much better now.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

My posting the next 10 days will likely be limited, but I decided not to stop completely as I think we had a good momentum going and I didn't want to break it completely.

Even with limited posting for a week or so, I suspect we will be completed before mid-January.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Been a busy couple of days. Will try to get an update up over the weekend. If you want to make plans to ambush assassins, go ahead and plan. Map is up and you can place PCs where you want them.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

That's all folks! It has been a fun run. Thanks for playing and continuing to do so even after the extended hiatus.

It will be a few more days before I have chronicle sheets up, but you should have them in hand by the end of the week.

I look forward to an opportunity to share a table with each of you in the future. Happy gaming!

The Exchange

HP 48/48 NL 10 | Burn 2/6 | AC 23 t17 f18 CMD 17 | DR 3/adamantine | F+9, R+11, W+3 | Init +5, Perc +9 | Halfling Geokineticist 5 |

Thanks for running a great game!

Grand Lodge

Take your time. Thank you all for the great game.

I really should have put my skill point into diplomacy and rebuilt at level 2 when I get versatile performance. Rookie mistake.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

Yep, it was great fun. Thanks for running it.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Found some time, so I was able to get the chronicles completed. They can be found here.

Please let me know of any changes or corrections. Otherwise, I will be marking this campaign inactive in about a week.

Thanks again all! Happy gaming!

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

got it, thanks!

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Paladin (Temple Champion) of Iomedae 2 | 22/22 HP | AC 17, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 | CMD 17 | Init: +1 | Perc: -2 | SM: -2 | Smite: 1/1 | Active Condition(s):

Chronicle obtained. Thanks.

The Exchange

HP 48/48 NL 10 | Burn 2/6 | AC 23 t17 f18 CMD 17 | DR 3/adamantine | F+9, R+11, W+3 | Init +5, Perc +9 | Halfling Geokineticist 5 |

Yup, it's all good, thanks again GM

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Female Human |Brawler 1 |HP: 13/13 | AC16 T 12 FF 14 | F+5 R+4 W+1 | Init +2 | Perc +5 | SM +1 | CMB +4 | CMD ~16 | Speed 30

Hey, for Liberty's Edge faction cards (season 9), does defeating the priest with the compulsion staff meet this requirement:

Defeat a known slaver whose Challenge Rating is at least equal to your character level. For the purposes of this goal, a slaver is a creature that owns at least five slaves, is maintaining a compulsion spell or effect to control a creature for at least 1 day, or is explicitly cited as trafficking slaves.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Bressa wrote:

Hey, for Liberty's Edge faction cards (season 9), does defeating the priest with the compulsion staff meet this requirement:

Defeat a known slaver whose Challenge Rating is at least equal to your character level. For the purposes of this goal, a slaver is a creature that owns at least five slaves, is maintaining a compulsion spell or effect to control a creature for at least 1 day, or is explicitly cited as trafficking slaves.

In short, yes. Slightly longer answer sent via PM.

Will be setting this campaign to inactive tomorrow unless someone raises a reason not to. Happy gaming all!

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