GM Tarondor's Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Little Liam]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Reveka]1d20+8[/dice] But blind beyond 30'




The Tale of Tula and Aeteperax and the History of Belhaim

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Electrical Storm took out one of Paizo's servers and they lost a lot of sign-in info. So what you need to do is go to your browser and delete all Paizo cookies. Worked for me!

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

I just now got it to work for me. Of course, I never saw any message that cookies were the problem, so I have just been continuously trying to login.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Thanks for the post about the cookies. I thought I was going crazy. Wish I'd clicked in here sooner than Monday and I would have posted on Saturday :D

Seriously, who keeps deleting everything from the map? Please learn to hit CTL-Z if you accidentally delete everything. Putting it all back is a bit of a pain in the behind.

Folks, I'm overwhelmed preparing for a major jury trial this week. I probably won't be able to give this game any attention until the middle of next week. My apologies.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

No problem. I myself am more responsive when I'm teleworking from home. I've been at the office recently so I probably looked like I dropped off a bit.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

No worries here either - work has been kicking my butt as well!

I had a short conversation with CariMac, who plays Jayla. She's slammed at work for the next several weeks, so while we'll be happy to see her we shouldn't expect her to post for awhile.

I'm hoping you, the players, will jump in and give orders for Isabel until her player returns.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

Got it!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

No problem. Good luck, CariMac!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Sorry I've been slow to respond recently. I'm in a pretty intensive course until July and it's consuming a lot of cycles in my head, taking my attention away from other things. Forgot my wife's birthday yesterday! Luckily, gifts had already been purchased and she is the understanding type.

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

I'm back. Reading and making a post shortly.

Liam's player sent me a note asking about Wealth by Level. We're playing 1st Edition Pathfinder and that assumes that a 3rd level character has roughly 3,000 gp worth of gear. I ran the numbers and discovered that you're not close.

Brandor - 623 gp
Edo - 550 gp (of course, Edo only bought armor and two weapons and nothing else...)
Jayla - 2262 gp
Liam - 1092 gp

All told you've got 4527 gp worth of gear when you should have 12,000 gp worth of gear and loot. You're about to be 4th level, where you're supposed to have 6,000 gp worth of gear (for a total of 24,000 gp.) So let's call it 20,000 gp shy. More than a rounding error!

Later, I'll do a spreadsheet of everything the adventure has offered to steal, earn or pry off the wall and see what's what. EDIT: I did that. I ignored Hunclay's Estate since good characters were likely to steal nothing. So just going by Chapter One (the Witch Tower dungeons and the kobold caves), you could have taken 13,100 gp worth of gear and currency. If you had sold all of it you would have netted 9417 gp. Divided four ways that'd be 2354.25gp each. So even at 100% looting efficiency you'd have been behind the power curve. Now, a whole level later with no treasure, you're more behind.

So I'll point out that Dragon's Demand has presented you with a few opportunities to take low-value stuff you didn't and then presented you with a lot of high-value stuff in Hunclay's Manor you weren't supposed to take. The saving grace here is that Lady Origena owes you 5,000 gp when you have reported to her on the Hunclay estate. Also, there might be untold riches in Hunclay's cave.


You are now 4th level. Take some time to level up and then we'll proceed.

Apropos of nothing, this is the last 1e game I'm running. When it is done, I shall retire 1e forever.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

Happy to be with you here at the end!

I am actually also becoming a convert, but I am running a number of APs in PFe1, so it will be quite some time before I am walking away from it.

I converted my Kingmaker, Emerald Spire and Ptolus games to 2e. While I loved 1e, I feel that it breaks down past 11th level. Of the four AP's I have run in 1e, my own enjoyment always waned by the time the PC's were 15th level or so.

I'm still playing in a 1e online AP (Reign of Winter) and we're just starting book 5, so I'll be playing 1e for a few more years at least. The one issue I've had with 2e is that I like the storylines for 1e AP's better than 2e's so far (though I do like Age of Ashes).

It turns out that running a 1e AP in 2e is a breeze (just like I ran so many D&D2e and 3e games in PF1e.)

Dragon's Demand caps out at 6th or 7th level, so the wonkiness of high-level 1e play won't be an issue for us. The real issue is remembering the rules. For about the first 8 years of GMing 1e, I inadvertently used rules from 3.5e D&D from time to time, so it's an old tradition!

Hell, I've been playing this since there were three little brown books in a box and you could buttonhole Gary Gygax at conventions to ask him questions, so it's no wonder I get stuff mixed up!

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Not a fan of 2e. I find the progression options underwhelming.

I have a core group that used to do table for a few years and have moved through Roll20 and Discord and we plan to go back to table. I still do play 2e because I enjoy the friends and interaction more than the system itself.

"Ack the Fantasikal" Goblin Sorcerer FTW!

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

You got me beat - but not by much! I started with AD&D (and I think there was a brief introduction with a Boxed Basic set) in the early 80's. I remember trying to get a character qualified to become a Bard.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Edo, Jayla - save the gold on the oil... should just buy a wand of Magic Weapon - Brandor or I can use it (+10 UMD here) I've got 795gp to spend, and no weapons or armor make sense... a 1st lvl wand to buff the melee or do area control seems to make the most sense for my limited budget.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

I'm thinking expeditious excavation or grease for control... protection from evil for buffing.

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

I'll save the money, and am happy to kick in on the wand.

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep


+1 Dex
Slayer Talent: Trap Spotter

Skills +1:
Know Dungeon
Know Local
Sense Motive
Linguistics: Infernal
Know Geography.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Or if we do not want to go full-in with a wand for 50x, a few scrolls.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

I would try for two wands, not trying to pressure anyone - if we each kick in 350gp, we can get two. Before we decide anything though -- Like the previous PC's... If it would be best to combine funds to pump up Jayla with better arrows or Edo with a better sword or armor, or Brandor with a Divine-oriented device, whatever, sound off and let's talk it out...

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

Honestly, a wand at 750 is equivalent to 30 scrolls. I wonder if we will use it that often, but I am happy to pitch in for it. Also, I already have a few scrolls and can cast it as part of my daily allotment, if we want to spend the money elsewhere.

I have leveled up, increased my Str and BAB, so hopefully Brandor will be a little more useful in melee. I also just realized that I took extra channels as a feat, so I do get 6 a day (but I don't gave selective channeling). I also just gained an eagle animal companion named Fluffernutter. He might be handy in searching for this cave...

Otherwise, I only got 2 skill points, so added to Religion and Spellcraft.

Also, I am not sure why I didn't have a Masterwork Battleaxe as my family heirloom, so I spent the extra 300 on it if that's ok, GM.

<Thumb's up>

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

My thinking on wand use is thus -- Expeditious Construction use once is somewhat useful, a 3ft wall is only DC5 to climb over, but it will penalize MV and prevent a charge. Using two times makes a 10ft wide, 6ft tall wall of cover to control or channel areas.

Grease a DC11 Reflex is not that tough, but spamming multiple 10 foot squares and lighting them on fire does have its appeal. Combo that with the Web wand before ignition...

If we are OK with losing an action each round whipping out another scroll, I could see saving $$$ with 10 scrolls of each to better spend on arrows or other scrolls, items, something divination-oriented? (could really use something to help locate that cave, just don't think anything is in our gp range.)

sorry - I keep interchanging expeditious EXCAVATION with CONSTRUCTION. it is the CONSTRUCTION I am meaning...

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

Never heard of Expeditious Construction. That sounds like an amazing way to gain some cover in a hallway.

Grease still makes people roll and slows them down.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

All set. Cashed in some gems, bought some scrolls:

3 scrolls grease
1 scroll glitterdust
4 scrolls expeditious construction
2 scrolls protection from evil

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

I am sorry for my absence and lack of participation this week. I'll spare you the excuses.

I have no heartburn or strong opinions about scrolls vs wands and like the idea of effecting change on the battle field, both with the oil and the walls.

The only thing I wanted for Edo during the in-between time was a magic sword and things to get healed with. Liam, if you or Brandor have access to one during a battle then I'm happy with that. I just wanted to make sure Edo could hit and cause damage to the things that cross our path.

I won't be able to get around to leveling-up Edo for a bit longer. Personal goal to be complete no later than Sunday.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Edo Level Up:
- Added 5 to HP (Fighter d10)
- BAB increased to +4. Increased by 1 on character sheet where applicable (CMB, CMD, Dagger/Greatsword/Shortbow)
- Fort Save increased by 1.
- New Feat: Cleave
- Skills: +2 to perception

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

I am going to be limited to my access for the next 2 weeks, so my participation could be rather spotty. I will be trying to post every day anyway, but just know that if I don't, I will be back to normal around Jun 10.

For my colleagues, if someone wants to bot Brandor until then so our GM isn't stuck with it, I would be grateful as well. Feel free to use any and all resources. :)

Apropos of nothing, I'm looking for players in my online Sunday game.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Hi all... back from my jaunt to Austria. Sorry for my sudden absence (e-mailed Tarondor).

I'll be gone again for a week in Switzerland starting July 1st.

Then I'll be gone for nearly a month beginning in late July, but I'll be in Texas and with a laptop so I shouldn't be out, just possibly irregular.

Hey folks. I have a big jury trial through the 8th, so please don't expect much from me until then.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

np - good luck!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Back from Switzerland. Should be stable for the next 2 weeks, then on/off back in the States.

Good luck with the trial!

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Sorry for the absence. Was doing a 4hr trip on Friday to visit my ill mother-in-law and she passed away before we ever go there. It obviously extended the stay.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. :(

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

Oh man - I am so sorry to hear that. Certainly take your time for your family - we'll still be here when life settles down for you.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Mother in law, and she was very organized for this eventuality. Not, "all is better now," but ready to keep moving forward...

Yeah, it doesn't get better in my experience. You just come to terms with it, eventually. God bless.

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

I'm so sorry for your loss Liam.

I'm working on getting you some allies.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 42/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Hello All!

Thank you, GM Tarondor for inclusion into this game.

I found this Bard Archetype.

I am a bit fascinated by it....thoughts? I will begin building it to see where it goes.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

Another dwarf!

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 42/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Yes; probably my favorite race to play.

So, I have build him as Bard [Dwarven Scholar] 4.

I really like him. He will be the Knowledge guy, along with granting allies his Combat Feats. I think that is fantastic!
I am still deciding on a good Teamwork Feat (Combat) to share!

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

Welcome! I'm looking forward to extra combat feats, and more dwarves.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 42/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Feat candidates:

Spirit of the Corps

This actually really fits his Dwarven Scholar theme. Plus, Uhe will most likely have Heroism going.


Coordinated Maneuvers


Stony Rampart

Now this one we would be Battlefield Control

These are the fun ones that I found. The sensible choice is Coordinated Maneuvers, but....

Just some gold to spend.

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