
Uhe Stonethorn's page

484 posts. Alias of Dorian 'Grey'.

Full Name

Uhe Stonethorn


Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1


Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 60/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Antitoxin, Antiplague, Numbing Tonic, Quick Silver Mutagen Exploration mode Investigate, Search










Common, Dwarven, Jotun, Undercommon, Goblin, Gnome, Fey(?)

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 14
Charisma 8

About Uhe Stonethorn


The soft snapping of the crisp flames of the hearth caressed the eager listeners' ears. The salty scent of recently cooked bacon flitters into the noses of the eager listeners. The billowing and lazy smoke rings being produced from the dandy-looking dwarf floated throughout the common room of the Drowned Whistle in Highhelm. The dwarf smiles at those entranced by his storytelling.
Tis be un tale of woe and wariness. Un tale ov misunderstanding, misdirection, and mistaken identity. Dere be un land of dark and dreariness fer them dat be unfortunate ta be born into. Un land of sternness and stress; ov torture and turmoil; ov mistreatment and missed opportunities.
The story-telling dwarf's voice sounds sad, melancholy, and just a bit personal. He sits, crossed-legged, on a stool set in the center of a triple-layer ring of townsfolk. Dressed in burgundy and blues, with a bald head, but a full white beard; braided neatly, the story-telling dwarf continues.
He be named Uhe. Uhe Stonethorn. He be born un dwarf; but wit sum glaring differences. He be from da outcast family. His great-great grandmother were a bit eccentric. It be rumored dat she be marrying un Stone giant! Well, as yee may imagine; dat was not ta be fun fer any different dwarf! Always accused ov wrong; da poor Uhe had no choice but ta conform ta da accusations ov his clan. Dey accused him ov being cursed! So, he was sent away from his home; out ta wonder and roam alone in the dark.

The blue-eyed dwarf smirks.
Den da guud dwarf be finding da lore ov da Era of the Five Kings! Da call ov da treasures were not ta be ignored! But dere were sum complications wit da Keep.

He looks around conspiratorially.

The story-telling dwarf reaches into his pack, sitting next to his stool. Pulling out a bit of tobacco, he refills his pipe, snaps his tindertwig with deft fingers (which one may notice the largeness of his hands), lighting the pipe. He smiles as he blows the spark out.
Uhe Stonethorn (so name fer da descendant ov da cursed Stone giant) traveled far frum his home. He would weep; wounded, wary, while being dogged by his past. The cursed dwarf was shunned by all those he be meeting in da wilds. Until, he come ta Highhelm. Here Uhe Stonethorn found sumting dat he never found in da dark: Home!

Uhe Stonethorn laughs, as the knowing crowd applauded and laughed with the giant-dwarf.


Uhe Stonethorn
Ancestry Dwarf Heritage Strong-Blooded Dwarf Background Dungeon Delver
Class Investigator 6 Deity ?
Alignment NG Size M Traits Dwarf Humanoid
Perception(E)+12 (+1 Traps); Darkvision

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC (T) 23, Fort(T)+11, Ref(E)+13, Will(E)+12
+2 circumstance bonus to your AC or saving throw against the device or trap

Resistances & Immunities
poison resistance 3

HP 82
Class DC(T) 22
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 20'

(With DaS)
Melee(E) Rapier +14 1d6+1+2d6 Traits: Deadly d8 Disarm Finesse P; Light Mace +14 1d4+1+2d6 Traits: Agile Finesse Shove B; +1 Striking Clan Dagger (Skysunder) +15 2d4+1+2d6 Traits: P Uncommon Agile Dwarf Parry Versatile B; Scorpion Whip +14 1d4+1+2d6 Traits: Uncommon Disarm Finesse Reach Trip

Ranged(E) +1 sriking Shortbow +15 2d6+2d6 Traits: Deadly d10 P Range 60'

Ammunition Arrows 20/20

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 19 Wis 14 Cha 8
Acrobatics(E)+13, Arcana(E)+14, Athletics(T)+9, Crafting(E)+14, Deception(T)+7, Diplomacy(T)+7, Intimidation(E)+9, Occultism(E)+14, Society(E)+14, Stealth(T)+11, Survival(T)+10 (+1 Underground), Thievery(E)+13, Cave Lore(T)+12, Court of Ether Lore(E)+14

+1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about ancient history, peoples, and cultures
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats & Abilities
Clan Dagger
Rock Clan's Edge (1st; Ancestry)
Protective Sheath (5th; Ancestry]

Skill Feats
Terrain Expertise (Underground) (1st; Background)
Alchemical Crafting (1st; Alchemical Sciences)
Wary Disarmament (2nd; Skill)
Arcane Sense (3rd ; Investigator)
Magical Crafting (4th; Skill)
Intimidating Glare (5th; Skill)
Additional Lore (Court of Ether ) (6th; Archeologist)
Catfall (6th; Skill)

General Feats
Toughness (3rd)

Class Feats & Abilities
Methodology Alchemical Sciences (1st; Investigator)
Quick Tincture (1st; Alchemical Sciences)
Strategic strike +2d6
Pursue A Lead (1st; Investigator)
Clue In (1st; Investigator)
Devise A Stratagem (1st; Investigator)
Shared Stratagem (2nd; Investigator)
Known Weakness (1st; Investigator)
keen recollection (3rd ; Investigator)
Ongoing Investigation (4th; Investigator)
Weapon Expertise (5th)
Alchemical Discoveries (6th; Investigator)

Free Archetype
Archeologist dedication (2nd; Free)
Trap Finder (4th; Archeologist)
Settlement Scholastics (6th; Archeologist) (Court of Ether)


versatile vials 5/5

Formula Book
1. Antitoxin
2. Cheetah's Elixir
3. Eagle-Eye Elixir
4. Elixir of Life, minor/moderate
5. Quicksilver Mutagen, lesser/ moderate
6. Drakeheart Mutagen, lesser/ moderate
7. Smokestick
8. Numbing Tonic, lesser
9. Soothing Tonic
9. Serene Mutagen

Magical Formulas
1. Owlbear Claw
2. Goz Mask
3. ?
4. ?

Magic Tradition

Spell Attack Roll (T)
Spell DC (T)

1. Detect Magic(1st)- at will
2. Word of Faith 1/ hour 4d8 Healing
Focus Spells Focus Points

--- -----------------------------------------------------
Gp 22/ 6 Sp 1

explorer's clothes
Clan Dagger (Ancestry)
Adventure's Pack (1gp 5sp)
Studded Leather armor (3gp)
Light Mace (4sp)
Rapier (2gp)
shortbow (3gp)
Scorpion Whip (3sp)
Thieves' Tools (3gp)
Replacement picks (3sp)
Alchemist's Tools (3gp)
Basic Crafter's Book (2sp)

Bulk Max 6


Filled with predators, pitfalls, and other perils, the Darklands
rightfully scares off most travelers. Not you! Whether you’re
a veteran Darklands caravanner, a cartographer seeking
safer paths through dangerous territory, or just a spelunker
who loves to escape the surface and hear the caverns sing,
you’re adept at navigating underground obstacles and
finding your way back to civilization.
Clan Tolorr specializes more in studying the past than
extracting it from dangerous areas. Its leader, Arghan
Tolorr, was an avid explorer in his youth, and he’s begun
an initiative to befriend, recruit, and train subterranean
daredevils who can extract relics responsibly. You’re one of
his candidates for this pilot program. Helping administrate
recruits is Ria, a gnome curator and close Tolorr confidante
who helped arrange your travel to Highhelm.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or
Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in either the Athletics skill or the

Survival skill, and you’re trained in the Cave Lore skill. If

you selected Athletics, you gain the Combat Climber skill
feat. If you chose Survival, you gain the Terrain Expertise
(Underground) skill feat.
Connection: Ria, an oread gnome curator who studies
rivethun traditions
Reputation Points: +0

Spoils of War!:

? faulty potion of leaping and a faulty potion of quickness.

At the end of each of the imbiber’s turns, roll a DC 3 flat check. If the check fails, the potion’s effects end prematurely. If the check succeeds, the potion’s effects persist (maximum 1 round), and the flat check’s DC increases by 1.