GM Tarondor's Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Perception Rolls:

[dice=Little Liam]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Reveka]1d20+8[/dice] But blind beyond 30'




The Tale of Tula and Aeteperax and the History of Belhaim

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F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

My sincere condolences on the passing on your MIL, Liam. May she rest in peace. Wishing you and yours some peace, too.

Hello, all. :) My sight-impaired human oracle will be joining your company in the near future. Thank you, GM Tarondor, for including her in this game. I'm looking forward to playing.

Waves to Jayla (hopefully you'll remember me). I haven't played in a game with you for some time, which is a shame!

- Ariarh/Reveka :)


GM Tarondor: How well do we know the existing/original characters? Do you have a preference or would you like us to make some kind of connection with some or all (in our backstory)? Thanks.

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Trap Spotter Female elf slayer 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53) Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9 AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 hp 36/36 Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities trap sense +1; Immune sleep

@Reveka I do remember you. Welcome to the game.

@Uhe Spirit of the Corps sounds like fun.

Reveka Casovei wrote:
GM Tarondor: How well do we know the existing/original characters? Do you have a preference or would you like us to make some kind of connection with some or all (in our backstory)? Thanks.

Existing players: Do any of you have an idea how you think this ought to be handled?

Assuming, of course, that the zombie doesn't eat you all?

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

We could have been exploring the area ourselves, as a second adventuring group that just happen to come upon this group battling for their lives?

That is assuming that we are ready? Uhe is for the most part; not certain about Reveka; or even Robert Henry?

EDIT: Crap! You were asking existing players! Apologies.

No, your idea is good. I had thought of it myself and will employ it if the poop hits the fan squarely.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

I don't really have any preferences. I mean, Brandor is a replacement character too, so just recruiting some new blood is easily plausible. But we were also talking about looking for a cave, so maybe team 2 was curious and hopeful for some treasure finding?

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Reveka is ready to go. I wonder if Robert Henry saw that all three characters got in. I may send him a PM just in case he hasn’t. (Addendum: PM sent)

Being we’ve been living in town, too, we would have heard or know something about the people in the original party (we shouldn’t be complete strangers, as Belhaim is a small town, yes?)

I’m good with the idea of being a second adventuring party who crosses paths with the first.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Alrighty. I received a response from RH (he has also PM'd the GM) and it appears it will only be Uhe and Reveka joining the party (I'm sure we'll get the opportunity to play with RH in other games and wish him well).

I'm still okay with the premise that Uhe and Reveka came looking for the cave and the group exploring it, unless the GM has other ideas now that it's just the two new characters.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Sorry to hear about not having RH joining us. I do have in my Ironfang Invasion game, so that's good.

Going to stick with boring Coordinated Maneuvers. We will need the
At 6th, he will be granting you guys Arcane Strike and Riving Strike...hehe!

Uhe is ready to help investigate this mysterious eruption to our town!

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

So, I just finished reading the entire Gameplay Thread.
That tiny Imp was such a pain!
Not for nothing, that Bearskin rug Summon trap was preetty good.

So, Uhe and Reveka will need to be out roaming the forest near the Wolf Cave and possibly be curious?
We could have been investigating the strange goings-ons about town also. Maybe the Lady wanted more security for her investment?

That's the plan if things don't go the party's way fast...

Uhe and Reveka, you're up!

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

It felt natural having our characters be good friends already.
Uhe tends to get distracted and he is a bit forgetful.
I thought you would mention your sight restrictions to
Probably not for the first, or last time.

This will be fun!

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Reveka certainly has a friendship with the scholar! And, no worries - she won’t have an issue with gently reminding him that her sight isn’t the best. Does look like fun! :)

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

GM Tarondor, I can't seem to move Reveka's little token on the map as I see Uhe is further into the tunnel. Do you move those tokens or do you need to give me permission to edit the map? Thanks. :)

You should be able to move them, and the others have. What platform/browser are you using? I can't do it from my iPad, but I can from any computer.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

I tried on my computer and all it did was highlight the icon and enlarge it but wouldn’t let me click and drag. I’ll try again.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

This may sound a bit silly; although I have done it many times.
Make certain you are on Select?

There isn't any Smiley Face to click here....

@GM It was implied that Uhe double moved forward 40'. Dwarf speed!

Uhe: Got it.

Reveka: Uhe makes a good point. With Google Slides you do have to select the "pointer" icon (the arrow) before selecting and moving your token. But I presume you know that. Let me know what happens. Maybe reload the map?

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

I did the select pointer arrow and it worked this time. Thanks! She's directly behind Uhe on the map.

I'm having Reveka keep up with Uhe at the moment (even though her speed is higher). He's her eyes past 30 ft. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Thanks for botting Edo. Just a reminder that I'm on a combination of vacation/work the next 2+ weeks and will be irregular with my posting. Do please feel free to take over again if the timing is appropriate.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

You're welcome, Edo. :)

GM Tarondor, Jayla is now awake at 2 HP after Brandor's channel. She is awake however prone and has she dropped both her kukri's? Is picking up both weapons considered one or two move actions, as I know standing up is a move action and can provoke. Just considering options to bot Jayla's character this round. Thanks!

Rules as written, picking up two objects is two actions. I'll let you do it as one.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Thanks, GM.

Edit: Posted for Jayla. I hope I did that right. Apologies, if not.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

If the monster died before Reveka’s spell attack (rendering it unnecessary) - can she not waste it, GM Tarondor? I’d rather have that spell slot back, if that’s okay.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

I also would appreciate mine back; if applicable?

No problem.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

I would like to have my channels back because they sucked so bad... but I guess they did help, so better just leave it be :)

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Thanks, GM.

Haha to Brandor. :)

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

That is the pain of PF1e
My Dwarven Life Oracle will be finding out soon enough also in another game.

Thank you!

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

I'll get a post up in the next hour. Sorry for the hold up.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Considering that Reveka and Uhe have only just joined this merry band; I would suggest that the original party tie up this end?
Our characters only know what they have been a part of at this point.

We can be more involved from here on out.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

I concur with Uhe. :)

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

The Knowledge check was to identify her racial abilities and such.
Uhe is still holding out judgment until he knows what she is.

The only spoiler labeled Uhe; asked me to clarify my Knowledge check's purpose? Which I ooc. It may have been lost.
That is my fault for posting it in Game Thread.

Reread that spoiler. After the question it goes on to explain about her and the shae.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

GM Tarondor, just wanting to clarify day/time in game at the moment: Is this a new day (I noted the reference to a sunny day waiting outside the manor to be let in to see Origena) - visiting with the baroness and then returning to Hunclay manor, or is it the same day that Uhe and Reveka met up with the original party? I just want to make sure I'm checking off my spells correctly. Thanks!

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Gotcha! Smooth like shae butter....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Reveka Casovei wrote:
GM Tarondor, just wanting to clarify day/time in game at the moment: Is this a new day (I noted the reference to a sunny day waiting outside the manor to be let in to see Origena) - visiting with the baroness and then returning to Hunclay manor, or is it the same day that Uhe and Reveka met up with the original party? I just want to make sure I'm checking off my spells correctly. Thanks!

Same day, about six hours later.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |
GM Tarondor wrote:

Same day, about six hours later.

Thanks, GM.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

I'm in a bit of pain at the moment as I'm having issues with my neck, back and legs. And, a migraine has started to kick in. I'll work on a post tomorrow. Sorry for the hold up.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

Please take care of yourself, Reveka.
Uhe will do the heavy lifting.
Besides, he can just give a dissertation on back and spinal pain remedies for ya to

Take it easy, Reveka. Clearly, things ain't moving here at a blistering pace anyway. Take good care of yourself!

I've also been having migraines as I usually do when the storms roll through fast. Luckily, mine last for hours, not days.

Male Dwarf Hero Points: 3/1 Investigator 6 AC 23 (+2 Traps)| hp 55/82| Saves F+11 R+13 W+12 (+2 Traps) | Percep(E) +12 (+1 Traps) | | Status: Exploration mode Investigate, Search

I was/am not expecting any of that Chapter's monetary awards?

We were only there at the literal I built Uhe with 4th level WBL.

Uhe would be interested in Lot 18, though.

Male Dwarf Cleric 4| HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 (11 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +7 | Init: +5/+7 if can act in surprise | Perc: +4 / +6 Eagle, SM: +7 | Active conditions: none

For my own part, you all probably saved us from dying, so I am happy to share!

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Thanks, Uhe and GM Tarondor. I'm doing a bit better after a few adjustments. I hope your own migraines have settled now.

Brandor, thanks for wanting to share with Uhe and Reveka.

GM: I just realised that I hadn't noted the correct 1st level spell for Reveka. It should have read Shield of Faith instead of Remove Sickness in one of her first level spell slots. I had copied and pasted from an old character info. It's corrected now. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Hi all. I see I've missed quite a lot.

Nonetheless, I am back in Germany from our visit home to the US. After I get read up with all the action, I will make a retroactive in-character post with some OOC details for Reveka and Uhe's benefit and so there is some sort of in-game interaction and Edo can be "caught up."

To Uhe and Reveka, welcome! Thanks for the rescue. We were probably toast without your intervention.

. Halfling Sorcerer 4 | AC:16| T:16 |FF:13 (+3 Dex, +1 Sz, +2 Deflection) HP 26 / 26 | Percep +2 | Fort+4 Ref+5 Will+5 |Init+3 .

Apologies for my absence of late - I have my home PC and a work laptop, and took my work laptop with me to my Mother-in-Law's memorial; been gone a week... had no issues earlier in the year using it for posting off hours, but this time - nope, maybe they changed an access setting.
So I had to bide time until I was back.

F Human (Varisian) Oracle (Ancestor Mystery, Clouded Vision Curse) 4 | HP 27/27; AC 18, Touch 14, FF 16; | F:+3 , R:+5, W+8 | Init +6; Perception +8| Lowlight 30ft, Darkvision 30ft | Phantom Touch 6/6 | Hero Pts: 1/2 |

Thanks for the welcome, Edo! :) (Also, thanks for letting us in on Edo's general personality and reasoning.)


I hope it was a lovely memorial. Sorry about the comp issues and welcome back, Liam. :)

Little Liam wrote:
apologies all, had a pet death recently.

I'm so sorry for your loss. God bless you and the pet both.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 4 NG [ HP: 44 | AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 17 (+7 Amr, +1 Dex, +1 dodge) | F: +7, R: +2, W: +4 | CMB +7, CMD: 19 | Init: +3 | Perception +8]
Acro -3 (-7 jump), Hndl Anml +4, Intmdte +4, Ride -1, Surv +5, Swim +1

Okay, so I'm having a bad time trying to price out Edo's own magic items. What I'm looking for is a +1 Guardian Greatsword (assign +1 enhancement to saving throw as a free action at beginning of turn). The table I'm looking at says its base price modifier is +1 bonus. Does that mean the sword costs 2255 (2000gp for the +1 enhancement + 50 for the sword + 10% for sending away for it) or Is it the +1 enhancement cost twice? 2000gp for +1 enhancement + 2000gp again for Guardian special ability, etc?

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