GM Peachbottom's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Peachbottom

Chapter Six: Crown of Fangs
Part Three: Legacy of Blood

Charisma Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Charisma-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Destiny Shall Not Be Denied: A PC can spend a Harrow Point as an immediate action to force the GM to reroll a d20 roll. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to force additional rerolls).

Psychic Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on her Charisma score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that class’s spell list as she casts it. She increases the spell’s DC by 2 and gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on attack rolls for that spell.

Roll Card: Gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks. In addition, he treats his caster level as if it were 1 higher when casting spells gained from a class that grants bonus spells based on his Charisma score.

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Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28
Sebastian Merrin wrote:
People with hero complexes don't tend to go around interrogating the traumatized victims they save. For that matter, neither do the Navy Seals.

"Where are the other hostages" might be a perfectly appropriate question even for the Seals. Not that I really now anything about how they work.

So thanks for the insight into your motivation here.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

It's been a busy couple of days. It's slowed down a bit now.

I'm sorry, I just want to be clear on your intentions with the emperor. Is the plan to tar and feather him and set him loose in Old Korvosa?

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I am ok with everything that ensures we never meet him again.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

I'm good with that. It may come back to bite us, but I don't really want to kill him out of combat.

Sounds good to me. After we take all of his stuff and wreck the guillotine and throne.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

As everything is stuck I suggest the following:

Tyrandro grabs the emperor again from Sebastian. "Thanks for holding him."

"So tar and feathers it is. Seems like your lucky day. If you come along and cooperate you get a count to 20 before I start shooting you. So don't throw away that opportunity to save your sorry ass."

As with every evil dictator there is the tar and feathers found not far from the guillotine. "I feel generous. You can keep your underwear on if you like. And no need to save on the tar. We won't need it anymore after you're done."

Tyrandro takes a step back and nocks an arrow waiting for Pilts to tar and feather himself. Once Pilts is out of his clothes and sufficiently covered in tar and feathers Tyrandro starts counting "One..., two..., three..., four... , five..., six... " until Pilts is out of ear shot. Then he waits until Pilts is out of sight.

"So what now? I suggest searching the rest of the building."

If no one's opposed to that I'd copy it to gameplay. Or if the ok for that comes when I'm asleep Peachbottom could write up something similar. So we can move on.

Works for me. I'll have a new post today

Not opposed

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Works for me.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Please don't forget the ring. I found the box and asked who wants bling. I can't do detect magic, nor appraise so I have no chance to recognize it.

3 pp, 44 gp, a single silk glove inset with tiny pearls on the back of the hand (worth 250 gp), a masterwork hand crossbow, and a wand of slow (13 charges).

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Hey everybody, I'm in the last stretch before leaving for Cameroon! I'm flying to DC tomorrow, set to leave the country next Wednesday. I'm not sure what my posting schedule will be like going forward. I intend to get some more posts up before leaving, but if you don't hear from me for over a month, that means this is the last internet access I had.

If this is goodbye, I want to say thanks to everybody for the ride! And if it's not, then I'll see you on the other side!

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Hey Sebastian,
I wish you the best for your journey.

And if you're not hiding with the Pygmies in the jungle but stay within the larger cities then there is a fair chance you have mobile internet access. A friend of mine was in Cameroon and she held contact via mobile phone and WhatsApp. Just not in the time she was with the Pygmies ;)

Been an honor, Sebastion.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

How exciting for you Sebastian. I hope you have an amazing adventure, and that you can reach the outside world. Good luck and if this is goodbye soon it's been a pleasure.

Good Luck Sebastian. I don't know anything about Cameroon but I hope you enjoy yourself. Hopefully, you'll have internet access. I enjoy playing with you and your character has been great. I'll keep you spot for a while to see if you are able to continue. But if not, best of luck.

I don't think I listed Emperor Pilts stuff. He had:

potion of barkskin +4 (2), rod of wonder, +1 glamered chain shirt, mwk light crossbow with 10 bolts, mwk war razor, cloak of resistance +2,
headband of alluring charisma +2, 291 gp

Ayako would like a potion of Barkskin +4

Before you guys start the next section, you can also level up to 7th level and you are actually already close to 8th but we'll save that for next time.

You've accumulated 18,900 xp each so far this chapter. You were at 31,563 out of 35,000 to 7th. You are now at 50,463 XP each and 8th level is at 51,000.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I could use that cloak of resistance. It's better than mine.

Does someone have detect evil on their list of abilities?

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

No detect evil for me. I've got a headband of Alluring Charisma +2 already. I wouldn't mind that rod of wonder if only for the sheer hilarity that might ensue.

Will level soon.

Level 7
Bab +1
All skills except profession +1
Feat:Familiar Bond (PIGGY!)
Interstellar Void: +1d6
+1 2-3 level spells cast
Revealation:Gift of Madness
Gift of Madness (Su): You tap into the unthinkable void between the stars and cause a single living creature within 30 feet to become confused for 1 round. A successful Will save negates the effect. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. At 7th level, the confusion lasts for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

+1 1-3 spells known
1.Remove Fear
2.Protection from Evil-Communal
3.Summon Monster 3

Okay, let us see if I can make Mu Shu properly

Mu Shu
Pig Familiar
XP 135
N Small animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5


AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size)
hp 23 (1d8+2) (7H from master)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +10


Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d4)


Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10 (14 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude
Skills Perception (7+1)8,Spellcraft (7-1) 6,Know-Planes (7-1)6,Heal (7+1)8,Diplomacy (7-4) 3,Intimidate (6-4) 2
Special: Grants Alertness(+2 Perception/Sense Motive when in arm's reach of Ayako)
Improved Evasion:When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link’s limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.
Speak with Master (Ex): If the master is 5th level or higher, a familiar and the master can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.

Looks good

Mu Shu: Oink!

Ayako: What is it lad, Sebastion fell down the well again?

So current role is deliverer of potions. I was tempted to make him a Mauler so he could Hulk out on people. :)

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

We're going to this dungeon crawl? Or has someone more questions for this Lord?

I think his lordship is going to do a passive-aggressive/i'm not touching you thing. So let us hit the dungeon.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Let's go. I think he's just playing with us, and doesn't actually expect us to survive his little dungeon.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Level Up:

1st Level Spell: Shield
2nd Level Spell: Darkvision
3rd Level Spell: Fly
Bloodline Spell: Protection from Energy (70 HP at this level)
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Feat: Silent Spell
Skills: Spellcraft, UMD, Perception

I think I've got it all. Alias is updated.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I took a look at level up which is rather boring this level. But I need to take some time to sit down with PCGen to check the numbers as some things look suspicious with Tyrandro.

But there is one question that is a bit harder to answer and affects the group too: the feat.

I was planning to take Furious Focus to get a better to hit in melee for flanking with Sebastian. But as he told he doesn't need a flanking buddy the obvious selection would be Manyshot. Higly improved damage output with the bow.

But with Ayako introducing piggy into the game I immediately thought WOLF. With Sebastian having real life issues for now I'm pondering about taking Boon Companion and a wolf. Because it would be someone who could stand first row.

Wolf: Would you send me a potion?
Ayako: Which one?
Wolf: I don't care I only want to eat...eeeh, I mean CLW.

Your thoughts?

Animals that can aid in flanking if not attacking? Could work

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

I could also swap out my new spells for Summon Monster I, II, and III though we'd lose Fly. That could give you a flanking buddy.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

The flanking buddy would have been me for Sebastian. I don't need one as I'm much stronger with my bow. What I would aim for with the wolf is to have someone in first row that allows me to use my bow, instead of having to be the meat shield myself. And compared to an animal companion, summons are rather weak and cost you a lot to get one every fight.

I'm doing the numbers later and show it to you. Btw rules wise this wolf would be comparable to a horse in size. If you look into the monster manual a pony is only medium.

I chose Summon Monster 3 as a third level spell and will spit out huge spiders for flanking

Lantern Archons are always useful for pew-pewing people in the head.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Are you sure no one has arachnophobia in our team? :D

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

"Grrrrrrr!" you hear a deep guttural gnarl.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Can animal companions make use of Mage Armor and Shield? We could get his AC up to 26.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

You can cast mage armor on everyone. But instead of mage armor I could invest in a barding. Masterwork chain shirt barding costs 550gp for +4 to AC.

But Shield has range personal. So it can't be cast on someone else.
A way around this would be if it were on the druid spell list, because then I could cast it on wolf too. But it isn't. Shield of faith would work though. Barkskin would be an option, as well as magical enhancements to the barding.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

Tunstall sticks his nose out of Ayako's bag of holding. He crawled in there to follow that tasty looking piggy. But it is so large and cluttered in there that he didn't find it. Now he's bored and hungry and climbs out again.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

It's a funny idea but large wolfs usually don't fall out of the sky. Maybe there is a place in the dungeon to find and save that cute little pet.

I'm thinking of magic barding for Mu Shu, and/or a bandolier for potion holding.

Too bad he isn't charismatic enough for wand use, he could clench a wand of CLW and heal people as he runs around

I wonder if they can continue to gain feats.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Familiars are rather limited in this direction. Also Armor Proficiency.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I made the level up and fixed Tyrandro.
I had some miscalculations about the 15point buy and some of the skills were off. Now everything has listed where the boni come from and it is hopefully correct.

For this level I got Woodland Stride and Boon Companion as feat.

Tyrandro, I think your hit points need to be updated.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Yes. Done.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

School divination (scrying); Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, F/DF (a small horn or a glass eye)

Someone with magical skills like detect magic or knowledge arcana or such could make an educated guess. The first green gems were the eyes of a statue.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

Sneaky nobles.

I'll be attending PaizoCon this weekend. Posting will be pretty sporadic until Monday. If you are attending, let me know and we can say hello.

Tyrandro wrote:
Someone with magical skills like detect magic or knowledge arcana or such could make an educated guess. The first green gems were the eyes of a statue.

You are onto something there.

A black marble arch depicting dozens of elephants standing one atop the other frames a great ebony door in the south wall of this wide and airy entrance hall. Above the door, an elephant looks out over the hall, its single eye a glittering bloodstone the size of an apple. Tall windows grant a commanding view of the palace grounds, and a rich red carpet, ten feet wide and luxuriously thick, provides a pathway between doors to the west and north, and around a corner to the east. Each of these doors, as well as three smaller ones to the west of the northern pair, are decorated with images of a six-armed, four-faced woman who rides a tiger with human hands for feet.

A fourteen-foot-tall marble statue of a six-armed woman with four faces on her head—one looking to each of the four cardinal directions—stands under a dome of colored glass. The statue wields numerous weapons in its six hands, and a small kneeler at its base gives a place to pay respects to whatever deity the statue represents. Each of the statue’s eight eyes is a sparkling bright green orb.

Glorio gets up and takes a small box off the mantle piece above the fireplace and opens it before you. Inside is a golden ring set with a deep green bloodstone.

This chamber hardly seems to be part of a palace, but looks more like a clearing at the heart of a vast jungle, teeming with life. The sky above is a deep, cloudless blue, while in the distance, hazy towers rise above the verdant canopy. Exotic bird calls fill the air, the scent of dozens of unfamiliar flowers and plants assault the nose, and everywhere a riot of color demands the eye, whether it’s the wing of a tropical bird, the petals of a brightly hued flower, or the glittering multicolored tiles that make up a round fountain to the north. The fountain’s central plume is a stone pillar around which entwine two cobra statues that clutch green gems in their fanged maws. To the south of the fountain stands an immense, life-sized jade statue of an elephant, a howdah perched on its back, its tusks and trunk raised high in greeting to the southeast doors. From inside the room, the doors look more like gates set into a wrought-iron fence that encircles the garden. Other gates set in this fence doubtless lead to other parts of the palace, and after a bit more observation, the somewhat static nature of the jungle and landscape becomes apparent—the walls of this garden are in fact an incredibly realistic and clever painting of a Vudrani junglescape.

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