GM Peachbottom's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Peachbottom

Chapter Six: Crown of Fangs
Part Three: Legacy of Blood

Charisma Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Charisma-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Destiny Shall Not Be Denied: A PC can spend a Harrow Point as an immediate action to force the GM to reroll a d20 roll. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to force additional rerolls).

Psychic Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on her Charisma score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that class’s spell list as she casts it. She increases the spell’s DC by 2 and gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on attack rolls for that spell.

Roll Card: Gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks. In addition, he treats his caster level as if it were 1 higher when casting spells gained from a class that grants bonus spells based on his Charisma score.

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M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

If Col climbs one of the pilings will he be able to reach the child?

Yes. The child is near the center of the room. With your monkeyfish spell you can reach the child. Then you can either cut the rope or disable device the manacles to get him free.

I checked the monkeyfish spell and it gives you only 10 ft. of climb speed, so to go up and over to the child would be a double move. So at the end of round 1, you are at the child's location. On round 2, roll damage on the rope to cut it. Standard rope has 2 hit points. No attack roll is needed. Make sure you are holding the child before you cut the rope obviously so he doesn't drop.

I'm going to the New York Renfair today. I love going there. I'll check in on things tonight.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Have fun! I miss NY.

Nadya, I have a question for you. Not to spoil things too much, but at some point soon, you'll come into possession of Zellara's harrow deck. If you'd prefer to continue to use your heirloom harrow deck, I can adjust things slightly to allow it. If you don't mind using Zellara's deck, I'll keep things as is.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

I don't mind switching to Zellara's deck. Nadya can still keep her own as a keepsake. We'll also have to work out which one she uses with her cartomancer abilities as those manifest. I don't have a strong preference on that either.

Ok. And yes the gator cannot make attacks of opportunity from the water. You each have cover from each other.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Presumably, combat is finished. Now would be the time to take care of the children. Perhaps Col would also like to examine the Fishery more closely in case he can find evidence of other misdeeds that need correcting? He can search the rest of the place while the others ensure the children's safety and such; this way, we can take care of the looting. I'd volunteer Sebastian, but he's not one to think things through.

Yes. You can certainly do that now. There is no more combat in the Fishery. There is only one more room you haven't been in. Its up to you guys if you want to split up between searching and bringing the orphans to a orphanage or stick together. You can also decide what you want to do with the surviving thugs: kill them, leave them, bring them to the authorities, etc.

On a side note: In the room you are currently in, Gaedren dropped a masterwork hand crossbow and a masterwork dagger before falling overboard. Everything else in this room is junk.

Also, if you want to indicate anything you want to sell, I can total it up and divide it among the party or you can use it however you want. So far only 2-3 items were claimed which I marked on the campaign page.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Lets see what's in the last room before we split up.

I agree. Nothing a GM likes more then to hear, 'We split up.'

Tanglefoot bags and thunderstones make good low-level tossing items. Stick foes to the floor and rattle their heads.

we are a somewhat armorlight group so we should be more wary of getting into face to face combat. Perhaps double teaming from Cole and Sebastion with flanks.

Gaedren always was one step a head.

That is such a croc

I added a treasure spreadsheet link instead of keeping it on the campaign page. You should be able to edit. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I'm not sure the best way to handle.

Col, since it seems the party is resting for the night, did you want to take 10 or 20 to pop open that chest you brought with you?

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Take 20

Everyone receives 634 XP from the Old Fishery.
2nd Level is at 3000 XP.

Also remember, Zellara's deck can help you identify magic items now.

I updated the items you appraised on the loot spreadsheet.

How do you prefer to handle the items you didn't appraise? What have you done in other games?
Do you want to hang on to them and have another acquaintance attempt to appraise?
Do you want me to give you another attempt when you level?
Do you want to sell unappraised for a percentage of the value? 80%?
In my home games, I'm usually lazy and just tell the players the values.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

In the games I've been in the GM has usually just let us sell them at value, this has led to nobody investing in the appraise skill. I like the idea of selling for a percentage of the value. Maybe randomly determined? However, really what ever is easier for you works for me you are already putting in a tremendous amount of effort into the campaign.

Keep them for a while.

Gems and Jewelry can be sold right away for cash.

Makes me wonder why treasure lists have things like gems and non-essential jewelry when they just get cashed in, I think 4th edition D&D just had treasure packs that could be cashed in for upgrades.

Let's keep it simple. You can sell unappraised items for full value. When you go selling with any unappraised items to sell, it will take slightly longer to sell due to having to find an appraiser. That's all.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Sounds good.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

Yes, that sounds good. I was considering investing in Appraise just because I have the highest Intelligence, but it would have been a slow go since it isn't a class skill. It doesn't particularly fit with what I think of Nadya so the longer route sounds good.

In practice, I think the usual approach if you are going to use Appraise is that when you fail you randomly fail low or high. The difficulty in game terms is that failing high is probably just going to land you right back at selling for full value (unless the merchant also fails his Appraise). Failing low is going to see you getting taken advantage of. But since none of us really seem to be into appraising and bargaining, full value is a very generous way to go!

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Some things just work better on screen than written on a page. For reference, this clip from Tarzan.

Just let me know where you guys want to go next and I'll head you over there.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Either the castle to return the jewelry or some where to sell the goods, I vote for the castle first.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

I'll second the castle.

To the castle!

Col wrote:
Another madman, of late this city seems to have a surplus of them.

The chapter is called "A City Gone Mad."

Sebastian, how is your relationship with Sabina? Are you on good terms or bad?

I'm just waiting to give Nadya and Sebastian an opportunity to post.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Apologies, it's been a rough couple of days. I'll have a post up tomorrow once I'm coherent.

I'm assuming you'll want to go sell your treasure now. It'd be a good time to do so before heading off to start something new. I added a column on the treasure sheet labeled "Keeping/Selling". Please mark off anything you want to keep or sell and then I'll add up the total and divide it evenly between you four. You can discuss here who wants to keep what, if anything, even though there's not much yet. Anything unmarked, I'll just assume you're selling. Make sure you add anything you are keeping to your character sheet as well. You all should be able to edit the treasure document, if you're not, let me know and I'll fiddle with it.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

I have marked two items I would like to keep, the thunder stone and the tanglefoot bags.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

Will definitely keep Zellara's deck. I think I should also probably keep the wand of magic missiles. It will give Nadya a little more offensive capability. However, right now she only has a 25% chance of activating it so it will probably only get used as a last resort. Since I'd be in the same boat with the wand of acid splash for less damage, I vote to sell that. I'm done marking up what she'd want to keep.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

Sounds good

Silversheen and Keen Edge can be good to keep for combat, our main fights use light weapons so every little edge counts.

Assuming Sebastian doesn't claim anything, everyone will receive 604 gp, 9 sp, and 3 cp.

The silversheen and oil of keen edge can be kept as "party" items and you can hang onto them and hand out later as needed.

Everyone also receives an additional 200 XP each for various events after the Old Fishery up until the present. Your current experience total should now be 834 out of 3,000 to 2nd.

604 gp! The days of 1st level where PCs pry the door hinges off for a few more cp. :)

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

Might pick up some scrolls to build up the spell deck.
Air Bubble
Chill Touch
Comprehend Languages
Delay Disease
Diagnose Disease
Endothermic Touch
Hex Vulnerability
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Sickening
Remove Sickness
Touch of Combustion
If you're ok with all of those, it will be 325 gp of my 604 gp.

It will also take 13 hours of rituals to get all of those into the spell deck so between looking for the scrolls and time to conduct the rituals, I'm guessing it will be at least a few days for them to be available.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Sebastian would like to claim the ivory succubi figurine. You can't just sell loot like that. Heck, I'll even just "buy" it with my portion of the proceeds seeing as how it would cost the rest of you about 100 gp for no reason at all.

So you will be needing this? Perhaps as an aid?

Ok. So after Sebastian keeps the Ivory Succubi Figurine, everyone's total gp gain is 492 gp, 4 sp, and 3 cp (112 gp and 5 sp less).

Yes, Nayda, you can purchase all of those scrolls during the time the party went selling today. You can start adding them to your spell deck when the party rests at night.

I also updated the Korvosa Map. The Bank of Abadar, the Three Rings Tavern, and All The World's Meat are now labeled. They are all coincidentally in eastern North Point.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

Great sounds like a plan. Thanks!

Ayako keeps a hold of her gold for now, perhaps for a CLW wand later on.

That's fine. The good thing about this campaign is the majority of it takes place in Korvosa so you'll have access to shops whenever you need them.

F Samsaran Witch (Cartomancer) Init +3, Per +0 HP 22/22, AC 12/12/10 (mage armor 16/12/14), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4

I'd be willing to contribute 150 gp toward a wand of cure light wounds. If we all did the same, it would be enough. I have exactly enough. 84 gp left over from character creation plus 167 gp left over from my share of the 492/4/3. Would leave me with 1/4/3 :)

EDIT: Scratch that. 4 player party instead of 5. Need to make a little more before I can pay my share. Or wait on a few of the scrolls.

M Human Investigator(Empiricist)/2, Init.+4, Percp.+9 (+10 vs. traps) HP 9/24, AC 17 Fort+2, Ref+7, Will+3

I'll cover the extra cost for the wand. It will come in handy. 300gp total spent

Yes, you can all chip in for a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. It's 750 gp total.

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