GM Axolotl's Maiden, Mother, Crone
Game Master
"When Baba Yaga is approached without good preparation, sincerity, and due respect, she is dangerous. When too many questions (or the wrong questions) are asked, she is also dangerous. Only by maintaining pure heart and faith, proper respect for her as one's elder, and loving care of her creatures can the encounter be successful." - Dubravka Ugrešić
Loot Tracker
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Whither go we? Wanna meet another annoying raven? Hint: answer is Yes
Whither go we? Wanna meet another annoying raven? Hint: answer is Yes
There is NOTHING Elbrynn likes as much as meeting other birds!
When do they all rest? (He wants to conjure his wings)
There's two other doors that the rest of the party found: one with the symbol for Night, and one with the symbol for Dusk/Twilight. They're back out in the hallway.
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
I'm down for exploring the other two doors! Twilight, then Night.
I'll post an introduction to the Twilight Room today. :)
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I really kind of wish the Beast had a Stench trait, like trogolodytes.
Hope you're enjoying the custom rooms. I just can't stand standard maps! Too small and boring!
I have no idea how the PCs would guess that the ritual to undo the geas is elsewhere, so let's say that Yrja is very very smart. ;)
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Well, she certainly is! And she might have some intuitive insight on how a witch would approach hiding such a ritual...
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
What's our status resources-wise? Can we assume we took time to rest? We should consider some buffing before we go fight giants... Dez will at least have extracts handing to consume, or consume depending on timing. Is there some advantage to Dev (anyone else?) turning invisible and positioning...
ALL - while I knew I would be a little slower because it was my birthday, the next 2 days of bomb threats on my work place took a little more out of me than I had planned. Please bot me as needed, I will be able to attend to my games on Sunday :)
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Ok, so the deal is that this @#$^^ giant encounter is supposed to scare you and then the Hut kicks their butts and drives them off. Like sensible players, you got worried and were trying to figure out a way to deal with a super high CR rating. Instead, I'm gonna post right through this because I think the way the AP set it up is kinda dumb. Then we move on!!
Also, sorry to just deflate like a lead balloon for a while there. I just couldn't deal.
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Thanks! Yeah, sometimes the APs are not very thoughtful in how they set up encounters, and it can paralyze the players, especially in PbP.
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I had a vision of centaurs frantically hammering at their hooves to put their shoes on and help you :P
It's my feeling that centaurs would go 'barefoot', and perhaps, inside buildings, use a 'hipposandal'. Horses apparently come from arid environments. In colder and wetter places, their hooves crack more often. Perhaps centaurs dry their hooves near a fire a lot, whereas they are fine in Qadira and the Isle of Kortos. (Isle of Kortos centaur supremacy makes sense now)
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Great image! Fun to think about this stuff, and equally true that the game mechanics can only bear so much of it... But I'm sure the module contemplates that this is our fight -- my main complaint with the module writing is that the authors often fail to step back and apply common sense to the situations they come up with...
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
I think this is one of the issues with XP by encounter, the designers have an XP quota to fill while still keeping encounters varied, so the suspension of disbelief streeeeetches at some points.
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Maybe there are other demons elsewhere...yeah...yeah, that's the ticket! ALL of the tents were attacked! *apply handwavium*
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Do we have much in the way of loot for buying stuff? Dez has 370 or so GP, which is not really enough for any serious purchases... I noticed the loot tracker link is dead...
oh shoot, I thought someone resurrected the loot tracker!! Orik, maybe? If not, I can try looking for it.
LG | M Half-Orc Ranger 1/ Cleric 4 /Hinterlander 3 | HP 46/64 | AC 22-14-19| F+13, R+11, W+15| Per +14, Sense M +11, Init +3 | Spells Up:
Hmm, I thought I did something with it. Let me check when I have time.
Any strong feelings one way or the other? Up to you. The trip to town is optional.
If the loot list is irretrievable, I suggest that we use some percentage of WBL. As we are using ABP, how about roughly 25% or, 6000 gp per person to go a-spending in CentaurTown?
Did anyone watch CentaurWorld besides me? That show is WEIRD :D
LG | M Half-Orc Ranger 1/ Cleric 4 /Hinterlander 3 | HP 46/64 | AC 22-14-19| F+13, R+11, W+15| Per +14, Sense M +11, Init +3 | Spells Up:
That seems pretty fair.
Just fill out your slots outside of the big 6.
Yeah, my daughter thought it was great. I saw a few pieces and it looked funny.
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
A heads-up that I will be travelling for work for most of next week and will be unable to post.
Let me know if I should deduct the list costs for the mithral shirt and potions or if the cost is adjusted up or down...
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Reemerging from multiple job rejection funk. Thanks for bearing with me. Onward!
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
Oh no, sorry to hear. Putting a Fortune hex on you for your future job applications!
Thank you. It's really demoralizing to realize that freelancing and substitute teaching are my options right now. Nevertheless, I'll make a go of it.
GM Axolotl wrote: Thank you. It's really demoralizing to realize that freelancing and substitute teaching are my options right now. Nevertheless, I'll make a go of it. If the discussion tab is now the 'demoralization tab' I am happy to share more :(
9 months of looking AND pain in the "centaur" interviews ...
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NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
I hear you both, been there for "fortunately" only 4 months, it is demoralizing. My industry is in shambles, and I'm lucky to have gotten a job now, but it's nowhere near what I was being paid before.
Good luck to everyone searching, lean on your friends and former coworkers if you can for referrals. From what I saw, direct referrals are the strongest factor for getting an interview and eventually an offer.
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
Heads up that I will be on holiday from this Friday until September 1st. I'll try to post during this time, but frequency will be lower.
There are 5 humans in this group and the centaur, correct?
One half-elf, two tieflings, one half-orc, one eagle, one puffy bat, and one NPCentaur. If I miscounted, please heap blame upon me!
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
I think long-armed Dez gets an AoO as the rider moves by him, right?
Ride By Attack triggers no AoO...but perhaps the addition of the long arms negates that?
I wasn't sure who the rider attacked, but if it attacked Dez, then, yeah, no AoO. (From the ability: "You and your mount do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that you attack.")
oh, it swung at Dez, yeah. and kept going.
ffeffeui = Sylvan for "flee!"
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Sorry, folks, I had a big audiobook recording to do and it zapped all of my time and energy. Back at least in body, if not in mind.
Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10
Character updated, can't remember all the bonuses but it should be right.
NG Tiefling Witch 8 | HP 51/51 | AC 20-15-17 | F+6, R+7, W+9 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +11, Init +3, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 20
Yrja's profile is updated as well. Another level of witch, took Fortune as hex and added Lesser Spellcrash to her spells known. Skill points mostly went into Knowledge, Perception and Spellcraft.
LG | M Half-Orc Ranger 1/ Cleric 4 /Hinterlander 3 | HP 46/64 | AC 22-14-19| F+13, R+11, W+15| Per +14, Sense M +11, Init +3 | Spells Up:
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 49/49 | AC 25 | CURRENT AC 25 | F+5, R+15, W+7 (W+6 w/ mutagen) | Per +16 (+18 traps), stealth +16, Init +6 | Inspiration 8/8 | panache 6/6
Dez level up:
Tiefling investigator (empiricist) 7/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1
Armor attunement +1/+1, resistance +2, toughening +1, weapon attunement +1/+1
+1 to BAB
1 third level extract
new investigator talent -- probably trap spotter
ability score increase
want to retrain "effortless grace" (allows aid another in combat as move), which I have not used once -- instead "resiliency" -- ok?
also, how do I do hit points?
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