GM Axolotl's Maiden, Mother, Crone

Game Master Axolotl

"When Baba Yaga is approached without good preparation, sincerity, and due respect, she is dangerous. When too many questions (or the wrong questions) are asked, she is also dangerous. Only by maintaining pure heart and faith, proper respect for her as one's elder, and loving care of her creatures can the encounter be successful." - Dubravka Ugrešić

Loot Tracker


[dice=Dez]1d20 + 6[/dice]
[dice=Anyanka]1d20 + 3[/dice]
[dice=Elbrynn]1d20 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Yrja]1d20 + 4[/dice]
[dice=Orik]1d20 + 2[/dice]


[dice=Yrja]1d20 + 10[/dice]
[dice=Anyanka]1d20 + 12[/dice]
[dice=Elbrynn]1d20 + 25[/dice]
[dice=Dez]1d20 + 15[/dice]
[dice=Orik]1d20 + 13[/dice]

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Hey, I'm very interested! So I know... certain elements of the campaign's plot - mostly the ones that everyone knows. You know the one. Are you still fine with me apping if I keep it from interfering?

Also, since

the winter portals show up in many places around Golarion
are you fine with people not from Avistan in particular showing up? I'd like to reuse my Mwangi reach Occultist for this.


Clever idea, Grankless. I'll allow that for sure.

For everyone: people with prior knowledge of the AP are ok, as long as you don't meta-game. I modify the game slightly anyhow--with 5 characters, CR will increase, and I've scrapped an encounter here and there *cough*mantis*cough*

Looks like you have a few solid applicants. I'll withdraw my application as I've played it last year. However please keep me in mind for Book 3 as I haven't played it yet... ;)

How she got to Irrisen is what I’ve yet to figure out. Maybe her mother called her to Irrisen, and she didn’t like what she found.

Uhtred, thanks for coming by, and I'll see you as you defend Northumbria against the Danes and also those pesky Saxons! *howling Eivør song*

Oh, and my last spoiler was for Grankless and the answer is "Yeah, people from Avistan can show up." :)

Simeon, just let me know what you come up with! I do enjoy good backstories--they don't have to be long, but 10-minute backgrounds are very useful in terms of hooks and I do use them (not always, of course).

Silver Crusade

Hrothdane wrote:

Here is my submission in the link

I hope you enjoy and find her to your liking! I consider her submission done though I may make some tweaks here and there, especially if you have any feedback, GM.

Thank you for the consideration <3

I know I said I was done, but I went back and changed out one of her traits for something more flavorful (whitethrone gourmand, so more flavorful in multiple respects). I also think I might add a couple more character tidbits later on when I have some more free time.

Also, I forgot to ask before whether background skills were in play? I’m strapped for skill points and would love to have more to max out perform(wrestling) :D

We aren't using Background Skills, no. Sorry about that!

GM Axolotl wrote:

Uhtred, thanks for coming by, and I'll see you as you defend Northumbria against the Danes and also those pesky Saxons! *howling Eivør song*

Oh, and my last spoiler was for Grankless and the answer is "Yeah, people from Avistan can show up." :)

You have correctly assessed the gist of Uthred, GM Axolotl! :)

Here's a sample posts from Shackled Hut, ha ha ha! :) I had fun playing such a ham! LOL!


A knock is heard at Nadya's door. After one of the two boys open the door, a six foot tall Irrisen native with blond hair and colorful knit wool sweater enters house, and thanks the boy with a local accent.

Soon after the door is closed, his clothing and accent changes to that of an Ulfen man, with leather and furs, bearing a large axe, and with red hair and matching beard.

<"Heil ok sæl, Nadya Petska! Hvat segir þú?"> says the Ulfen man in the typical Skald greeting, dropping backpack to the ground. <"Everyone has some friend even among his enemies. I have received words from the Pathfinders. They say you need help, já? I am here to strengthen warriors. I hail from Kalsgard and have studied most stories and legends. Long is it remembered what youth has gained. I am skald!">

<"Healthy and happy, Nadya Petska! How are you?"> = translated from Skald

After a few moments, after hearing Nadya's reply, he asks, <"Where is my bed and where are the other warriors?">


Uthred nods to the big man and shakes his hand.

<"I am Uthred, son of Uthred. Destiny, is all! I will gladly take up the axe against the White Witches. But you are of Irrisen! Beware if you take this fight to them: 'The treachery of friend is worse than that of a foe.' They will hate you most and hunt you beyond reason. Is your heart ready?">

<"..."> = translated from Skald


<"There is more in the heart of man than money can buy. Other than your masters' concerns, Halros Vaultkeeper, what moves your heart, when the blood sings in your veins and the horn calls for battle?">

From somewhere behind Uthred you hear a faint residual ringing like that of steel long after it's been clashed against, only made audible due to the silence that was just evoked by Uthred's question to the half-elf.


[dice=Knowledge Arcana on the enemies, Heightened Awareness, Heroism]1d20+14+2+2

Uthred sings a song of lightning and raging grappler. He then bellows to his friends, "Kill the golem! hug the witch!"

Uthred then blows a long note from his horn and begins to sing with a deep guttural voice!

♫ I smell blood around
Valkyries are flying in the sky!
My fate belongs to the gods!
Through the sea,
Through fire,
Through honorable death in fighting,
We will come to the sacred land! ♪♫

Move action- Inspired Rage: +4 morale bonus to STR & CON, +3 morale bonus to Will Saves. Rage Powers: Lesser Elemental Blood - +1d6 electricity dmg on melee attacks; Raging grappler rage power: As long as you are raging, whenever you succeed at a check to start a grapple, you can choose to deal damage as if you had also succeeded at a check to maintain the grapple. In addition, while raging, whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to maintain a grapple, you can choose to give yourself, the target of your grapple, or both the prone condition as a free action while continuing to maintain the grapple.

The song quickens the blood, despite the long, slow notes...

Standard action- Haste to himself and 7 more people.. first ones to post to claim it first!! TO BATTLE!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I'm going to suggest we wrap this up by the weekend. Get me your submissions by Sunday, 1/12 and I'll review and make a decision on Monday. I'll have all my players leveled up and rarin' to get to the next scene as well.

Thanks, all! Nice to see some 1E players out there still :D

Hmm, I'm not sure we'll see Grankless' application. I hope so! If I don't see anything on Saturday I may wrap up the recruitment sooner rather than later.

Good luck everyone who has applied to fill the void!

Whoops, I didn't make my announcement! :D . Sorry, I made my decision and then just went off to play in the snow with my kids. Ahem.

Kseniya Morgannan, please join in on the Discussion thread and dot in for Gameplay!

Thank you to all who applied. It was a pleasure to read through applications.

Thank you very much! I'm honored to be selected and I wish all the best to the other applicants.

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