Ever Last The Night

Game Master Orthos

A tale of warfare, espionage, mystery, and heroism in a post-apocalyptic, subterranean world.

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F Sass genasi Bard
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Selda Quigley wrote:
Should be done unless I see something else that absolutely needs to go into the inventory.
I suggest a crowbar. They are wonderful for high strength characters like fighters. Very handy when a door won't yield to a rogue's finesse.

Ok, bought. Think I'm good now.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Any notes on languages?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Not exactly sure what you're asking, sorry. (Blame the time change...)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I need to select languages for my PC. What languages exist in the campaign?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Ah, gotcha now.

Undercommon (which is becoming increasingly more and more blended with normal Common these days)
Arachnid (only speakable by Araneas and Arachnes in their spider forms, but other races can learn the language to understand it)
Lupine (racial language of Fenrin)
Feline (racial language of Leoni)
Hive (racial language of Entomorphs)
Necril (frequent in Anhur)
Elemental Languages (Auran, Aquan, Ignan, Terran)
Planar Languages (Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Protean)
Druidic (secret of course)

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:

OK, question: what is this? This is only the second time I've heard it mentioned, the first being a player in my semi-regular 3.5e game that insists that her character can speak it because it's in the PFSRD.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

It's the language of undead. Only real place you'll run into it is in Anhur, or when dealing with undead or undead-accompanying/controlling/creating Anhuri.

Am I the only one holding the group up?

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

I still need to work on my back story and GM questions. Other than that, I think I am good to go.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Am I the only one holding the group up?

I think only Scint and Shiny are 100% done, unless I missed another announcement of completion. No rush =)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
I still need to work on my back story and GM questions. Other than that, I think I am good to go.

Likewise for me.

Good news! I have landed 2 projects for the spring!

Bad news is I'm going to be out for a month or two so I'm going to have to bow out.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2
Bitter Thorn wrote:

Good news! I have landed 2 projects for the spring!

Bad news is I'm going to be out for a month or two so I'm going to have to bow out.

Congratulations on the 2 gigs BT! Too bad we can't game together yet. Someday/Sometime.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Yep. No worries man. Thanks for the interest while it lasted.

Good luck and congratz =)

Male Ael-Varan Sorcerer 2 {HP: 19/19, AC 13 (17 with Mage Armor)}

Eyarwen's back story is complete and added to his profile. Last thing to do is begin answering some of the GM only questions. Otherwise, He is ready to play anytime now.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

I'm slow on the draw this week >.>

Awesome. How's everyone else coming along?

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

The forums ate my lengthy background and questionnaire.

I'm set apart from that.

Male Ratfolk Alchemist 2 {HP 24/24, AC 18 [22 with Dex mutagen]}

Ok. I am ready now.

Male Ael-Varan Sorcerer 2 {HP: 19/19, AC 13 (17 with Mage Armor)}

GM questions are complete as they will be for now. The rest will be completed as the character evolves.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Is it the four of us? Fighter, sorcerer, oracle, and alchemist? It looks like it should work pretty decently.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

I think there is one more. A ranger played by Faceless. Yep, I think we have a good combination.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Yep. Scint or I will nudge him next we see him to see if he's ready.

I apologize for my lateness, but finished save for questions and a full backstory.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Alright then. Looks like everyone's about ready.

I'll put up the first post sometime this week, likely tomorrow or Wednesday.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Or not. Sorry for the delay folks.

Found out Monday night that we'll be hosting an impromptu Grandparents visit Friday (MAYBE. Still haven't got the confirming yes/no call yet. Ugh.) and the weeknights have been pretty heavily occupied with emergency housekeeping.

Should be able to start up over the weekend. Hopefully this isn't the beginning of a trend -_-

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

No problem Orthos - my weekend will be pretty busy so I probably won't be able to jump in until Monday evening. Hope the visit goes well if it does occur.

And we are go.

Liberty's Edge

I keep accidentally reading the thread title as "Pieces of the Night."

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Okay Lugaid gets the first "make the GM snerk soda" award.

Also, after fairly recently playing a Halfling Witch with a Human Monk in Scint's campaign, I sympathize greatly with Gatley.

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
Okay Lugaid gets the first "make the GM snerk soda" award.


She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

It has been a week. GM post coming this evening.

Male Ratfolk Alchemist 2 {HP 24/24, AC 18 [22 with Dex mutagen]}

Changed avatar... So that nobody is confused.

It says this avatar is female, but can anybody tell with a ratfolk? I can't.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Not really, especially with that perspective. If it showed more of the figure, maybe? But their heads/faces don't have a lot of gender dimorphism so yeah.

(I actually have that picture in my creature pictures folder for ratfolk and wererats, but can't remember off the top of my head what the rest of her besides the face and clothing looked like, except that she's holding bottles of stuff.)

Female Glaistig Fighter 2 (HP 30/30) AC(22/13T/19FF)

After staring blankly at the text input box for far too long, I've got nothing. DM, if you want to move on, go ahead.

And this is why I shouldn't play wallflowers

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

No worries, figured that was the issue =) Was going to post this afternoon anyway.

Now is fighty time! A little warming-up exercise =)

I'll get a quick grid made and posted up when I get home.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Map, as promised!

Tried to get everyone as close to where they said they were as possible.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

I think we need to sacrifice a d12 to the dice gods for Shiny. =/

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to be at a two-week-long seminar in California starting this coming Sunday, so there's a chance my posting will be somewhat spotty for a little while. Please GMPC as you see fit.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

No worries man, enjoy your trip. And thanks for the heads up.

Female Glaistig Fighter 2 (HP 30/30) AC(22/13T/19FF)

It figures, first nat20 of the combat, and it's on an ooze.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Update is here >_< I will try not to go so long without updating again. Mostly annoying because I can only update combat from home due to not having MapTool at work to make the map with.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, I'm back, in theory. I should be back to a regular posting schedule as of Monday.

Liberty's Edge

I'm having to devote a lot more time towards finding a job, and as a result won't have as much time to post. I apologize for being AWOL for the last few weeks. Hopefully I'll be back at some point, but until then do what you see fit with Lugaid.

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