About Selda QuigleyAttacks:
Griselda Quigley F Glaistig Fighter 2 LG Medium Fey Init: +3; Senses: Perception +10; low-light vision AC: 22 (+3 Dex, +6 armor, +3 shield); Touch: 13; Flat-footed: 19 Max HP: 30 (roll10+10+con4+4+fav2) Saving Throws: Fort +7; Ref +3; Will +4; +4 fort v disease/poison; +2 will v enchantment/compulsion; +1 will v fear Speed: 30 feet
Attack Options:
*Healthy: Glaistigs have tough immune systems, allowing them to live on nearly anything much like the goats they resemble from the waist down. Glaistigs gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases. * Mountaineer: Glaistigs are immune to altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces. Nearly all Glaistigs live in rocky or mountainous regions and they are used to traversing treacherous terrain. * Protector: Glaistigs are the sentinels of the fey, trained from birth to battle the enemies of their people. Glaistigs add +1 to the caster level of any abjuration spells they cast, and also gain the following spell-like abilities: constant—nondetection; 1/day—faerie fire, obscure object, sanctuary. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user’s character level. * Stubborn: Glaistigs gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if the Glaistig fails such a save, it receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the Glaistig has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue’s slippery mind class feature), it can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails. * Treacherous Earth (Su): Once per day, a Glaistig can will the earth to rumble and shift, transforming a 10-foot-radius patch of earth, unworked stone, or sand into an area of difficult terrain centered on a square it can touch. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to the user’s level, after which the ground returns to normal. Stats, Skills:
STR 17 DEX 16(-2) CON 19(+2) INT 18(+2) WIS 18 CHA 13
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Aklo Traits: Conspiracy Hunter, Armor Expert Feats: Breadth of Experience, Shield Focus, Improved Shield Bash Skills: 6 (2+Int) per level; Armor Check: -5
Skill Tricks:
Combat Gear Breastplate, battleaxe, heavy steel shield, dagger All
Appearance & Personality:
Short for her race and a bit on the thin side, Selda is not an imposing figure, even while brandishing her axe. With dark blonde hair tied back and steely eyes on a slender face, she appears to be simply an elf, so long as none look below the hem of her skirt, where two goatish hooves reveal her true nature. Selda dresses simply with mobility in mind - a basic tunic, cloak, and skirt under her armor. Selda is a quiet and studious type, cautious by nature and upbringing and thus rarely rushes into anything - be it a fight or a conversation. She has a clear fascination with magic though uses none herself.
Selda is the only child of a wandering warrior and wizard, passing through several of the nations before finally settling in Galadae. Unchosen by any divine power and not blessed with the innate talent for magic of many fey creatures, she turned instead to the martial, following her father's example and the traditions of the glaistig race in defending those in need. GM Info:
5 things your character fears
-Stagnation -Drowning -Helplessness -Imprisonment -Enslavement 4 things your character loves dearly
3 things your character is embarrassed by
2 things your character is proud of
1 secret you will do anything to hide