Ever Last The Night

Game Master Orthos

A tale of warfare, espionage, mystery, and heroism in a post-apocalyptic, subterranean world.

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She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

"And now the dreams and waking screams that ever last the night;
So build the wall, behind it crawl, and hide until it’s light."

Link to the player info document, for easy reference. Apologies again that it's so big, I tried to narrow it down as much as I could without losing too much necessary information. Be sure to read the racial sections - some of the core races (mainly elves and dwarves, sorry Tordek/BT!) have had their core flavor changed for the setting.

Campaign Starting Information:
All your life, all you have ever known was darkness.

The sun is a legend, its light long forgotten. The moon a myth, empty and vain. The cycles and patterns they established, more habit or tradition than fact. Years, months, days are as they are only because they always have been.

The year, such as it is, is 887 SA. Which stands for “Surface Abandoned”. 887 years - or so the sages have reckoned - since the Above was devastated by the Catastrophe, driving the survivors deep below ground. None - even the long-lived elves, ael, dwarves, or arachnes - still live that remember that world firsthand, but the earliest years of exile below were filled with the records of the escapees. They tell stories of devastation and loss, cities reduced to ash in seconds, magic setting the sky aflame, summer turning to winter in an instant, people turning to stone or smoke or water on the spot, or - worse - warping into insane, hungry monstrosities and devouring their friends, family, and countrymen without hesitation.

This is where you were born, grew up, lived, learned, and worked all your life, never having once seen the surface in anything more than books and paintings. Such dangers are lost to you except as part of history - now, you simply have to deal with warring neighbors, natural dangers, the occasional earthquake, rampant lycanthropy, lurking unchecked vampirism, and the hidden dangers of the dark imprisoned within the stone.

You're an adventurer, tradesperson, wanderer, or whatever you choose to call yourself, currently located in Galadae. You've had some historical success, a few minor adventures of your own or with friends and allies you've since parted ways with, and gotten some practice under your belt (hence your characters beginning at Level 2). You are in Suir, a city in northern Galadae. You're looking for work or money, bored and looking for adventure or entertainment, or perhaps feel it your civic duty to assist the powers that be when a notice for help catches your eye at a local inn, tavern, bulletin board, or waystation:

Wanted: Adventurers, Bounty-Hunters, and/or Trackers to locate and return missing person. Meet Captain Milton at Station Dair on 19 Ianuwary 887 at Noonturn for details. Payment offered.

Thanks to the Grangoban, the massive clocktower erected in the center of Suir, knowing the current time is far from difficult, and any native of the city can point you in the direction of the various troop stations on request, so finding your way to your destination is simple. Station Dair is a secondary facility for Galad soldiers - a training hall, medical facility, and fallback point should ground be lost against the Anhuri in the conflicts along the northern border. Thankfully it has been years since the Sand Empire gained ground so swiftly, so you do not fear having to worry about a sudden influx of wounded or retreating soldiers during your meeting.

Further information about the city, the region, the ongoing Galad-Anhuri conflict, or other world details can be ascertained with appropriate knowledge checks, gather information, and such like.

Our story begins with your arrival at Station Dair. An aide ushers you into a large, spacious waiting room with several chairs and couches as you arrive, informs you that Captain Milton will be arriving shortly, thanks you for your patience, and returns to his post.

Character Creation Information (Posted here for easy reference, also available in player info document.)

* Stat Generation: Roll 3d6 for each stat, reroll 1s. Replace lowest roll with a 6. Arrange as desired.
* Starting experience: 2nd level. Fast XP (1300 XP currently), 1300 gp starting funds.
* Alignment: Any non-evil please.
* 2 traits (any); ask GM about waiving race restrictions on traits, favored class bonuses, archetypes, feats, and such like. I tend to ignore most of these that don’t rely on the physical properties or anatomy of the race, especially due to the high presence of homebrew and/or non-standard races in my world.
* HP: Max 1st and 2nd lvl, 1d4 + difference 3rd and beyond (d6 = +2, d8 = +4, etc.)
* Skill tricks (3.5 Complete Scoundrel): free and unlimited once prereqs are met. Note that the +3 class skill bonus counts toward prereq requirements, due to 3.5>PF conversion.

Skill Tricks:
Interaction tricks:
Assume Quirk: (Disguise 5 ranks) Familiar viewers get no bonus to see through your disguise
Group Fake Out: (Bluff 8 ranks) Feint against multiple foes simultaneously
Never Outnumbered: (Intimidate 8 ranks) Demoralize multiple foes in combat simultaneously
Second Impression: (Bluff 5 ranks, Disguise 5 ranks) Make Bluff check to reestablish blown disguise
Social Recovery: (Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks) Make Bluff check to replace a failed Diplomacy check
Timely Misdirection: (Bluff 8 ranks) Successful feint allows you to avoid attacks of opportunity

Manipulation tricks:
Clever Improviser: (Disable Device 5 ranks) Ignore penalty for Disable Device and Open Lock checks made without tools
Conceal Spellcasting: (Spellcraft 1 rank, Sleight of Hand 5 ranks) Conceal your spellcasting from onlookers
Easy Escape: (Medium or smaller size, Escape Artist 8 ranks) Gain bonus on check to escape grapple or pin
False Theurgy: (Bluff or Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks) Your spell appears to be another spell of the same level
Healing Hands: (Heal 5 ranks) Heal 1d6 damage when you stabilize a dying character
Hidden Blade: (Sleight of Hand 5 ranks, Quick Draw) Draw hidden weapon as move action; treat foe as flat-footed
Mosquito’s Bite: (Sleight of Hand 12 ranks) Flat-footed target does not notice damage you deal with a light weapon
Opening Tap: (Disable Device 12 ranks) Open a lock as a swift action
Quick Escape: (Escape Artist 12 ranks) Escape from grapple or restraints more quickly than normal
Shrouded Dance: (Stealth 8 ranks, Perform Dance 5 ranks) Use move action to gain concealment for 1 round
Sudden Draw: (Sleight of Hand 8 ranks, Quick Draw) Draw hidden weapon as part of attack of opportunity
Whip Climber: (Climb 5 ranks, proficiency with whip) Use a whip as a grappling hook

Mental tricks:
Clarity of Vision: (Perception 12 ranks) Notice invisible enemies for 1 round
Collector of Stories: (Knowledge (any) 5 ranks) Gain +5 bonus on Knowledge checks to identify monsters
Listen to This: (Perception 5 ranks) Perfectly repeat what you’ve recently heard
Magical Appraisal: (Appraise 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks) Determine properties of magic items
Point it Out: (Perception 8 ranks) Grant ally a free Spot check to see something you’ve spotted
Spot the Weak Point: (Perception 12 ranks) Make your next attack a touch attack
Swift Concentration: (Spellcraft 12 ranks) Maintain concentration on spell as swift action

Movement tricks:
Acrobatic Backstab: (Acrobatics 12 ranks) Move through foe’s space to render it flat-footed
Back on Your Feet: (Acrobatics 12 ranks) React immediately to stand up from prone
Corner Perch: (Climb 8 ranks) Perch in chimney or corner to leave hands free
Dismount Attack: (Ride 5 ranks) Make a fast dismount from moving mount to charge a foe
Escape Attack: (Escape Artist 8 ranks) Make an attack the same round you escape a grapple
Extreme Leap: (Acrobatics 5 ranks) Horizontal jump of at least 10 feet allows 10 extra feet of movement that round
Leaping Climber: (Climb 5 ranks, Acrobatics 5 ranks) Add jump distance to start of climb
Nimble Charge: (Acrobatics 5 ranks) Run or charge across difficult surface without Balance check
Nimble Stand: (Acrobatics 8 ranks) Stand from prone safely
Quick Swimmer: (Swim 5 ranks) Swim 10 additional feet with successful check
Slipping Past: (Escape Artist 5 ranks, Acrobatics 5 ranks) Move into tight space without penalties
Speedy Ascent: (Climb 5 ranks) Climb 10 additional feet with successful check
Tumbling Crawl: (Acrobatics 5 ranks) Crawl 5 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity
Twisted Charge: (Acrobatics 5 ranks) Make one direction change during a charge
Up the Hill: (Acrobatics 5 ranks) Move up slope or stairs at normal speed
Walk the Walls: (Climb 12 ranks, Acrobatics 5 ranks) Run straight up wall for 1 round
Wall Jumper: (Climb 5 ranks, Acrobatics 5 ranks) Leap from wall as if making a running jump

* Ruleset: Pathfinder. While much 3.5 content will be allowed, the core rules of the game will be PF, and conflicting sources will use PF unless specifically requested or declared otherwise.
* Available Content: Please list source for all non-Paizo or non-Pathfinder content!
  • All official Pathfinder content.
  • All 3rd-party Pathfinder content available on d20pfsrd.com.
  • Core Prestige Classes to Archetypes Conversions.
  • Other 3rd-party Pathfinder content by request.
  • All official Wizards 3.5 books.
  • All 3.5 Paizo content (Dungeon, Dragon, etc.).
  • Other 3rd-party 3.5 content by request.

* Please fill out this questionnaire and put in a spoiler in your character sheet. Questionnaire DOES NOT have to be complete at creation, can be edited at a later time (please notify me if you do) due to character developments, and may be used for in-game events or interactions.
  • 5 things your character fears
  • 4 things your character loves dearly
  • 3 things your character is embarrassed by
  • 2 things your character is proud of
  • 1 secret you will do anything to hide

* Please provide or suggest a picture for your character. It doesn’t have to be exact, really the face is the most important part; I will be using MapTool for when movement and such need to be tracked (such as in combat) and will need something to represent each character.

Female Glaistig Fighter 2 (HP 30/30) AC(22/13T/19FF)

Dibs on fighter.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I am thinking ratfolk alchemist. Either the grenadier archetype or chirurgeon (which would be a handy bit of healing if the party is in need of it.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1) = 11

1d6 ⇒ 5

Scores: 15, 15, 14, 13, 9, 9

Does the last 9 automatically get replaced by a 6, then?

F Sass genasi Bard

Nope, the lowest in each set.

so 6(6)5 = 17 and so forth.

e: Guess I should link mine for transparency's sake

(6)56 = 17
5(6)4 = 15
66(6) = 18
65(6) = 17
(6)34 = 13
6(6)6 = 18

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10




18, 17, 17, 17, 13, 13

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

I may not be able to thoroughly digest your material until Monday evening. Very busy weekend ahead. I'm open to which class I play so I will see what other concepts come forward and adjust accordingly.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

No worries, take your time. =)

Liberty's Edge

Scintillae wrote:

Nope, the lowest in each set.

so 6(6)5 = 17 and so forth.

Really? That doesn't seem quite right...

Liberty's Edge

Suddenly, I feel like I'm 13 again and playing Talislanta...

Liberty's Edge

3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) = 5
3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) = 9
3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15

2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12

3, 5, (6) = 14
(6), (6), 5 = 17
(6), (6), 2 = 15
(6), 4, 4 = 14
(6), 4, 3 = 13
5, (6), 6 = 17

F Sass genasi Bard
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

Nope, the lowest in each set.

so 6(6)5 = 17 and so forth.

Really? That doesn't seem quite right...

It's how he has us do it in live games.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

Nope, the lowest in each set.

so 6(6)5 = 17 and so forth.

Really? That doesn't seem quite right...

That's how it's intended, yes.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Suddenly, I feel like I'm 13 again and playing Talislanta...

I had never heard of it before this mention, but I do have to admit, I would give it a shot after reading about it.

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Suddenly, I feel like I'm 13 again and playing Talislanta...
I had never heard of it before this mention, but I do have to admit, I would give it a shot after reading about it.

It's like Dying Earth crossed with Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms on crack. Either that or Rifts lite.

Liberty's Edge

...And, as always, I'm stumped for character concepts. Any holes in the party that need filling?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Not yet. Scint's playing a Fighter, CH's looking at Alchemist, and BT mentioned a Barbarian/Rogue.

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
Not yet. Scint's playing a Fighter, CH's looking at Alchemist, and BT mentioned a Barbarian/Rogue.

That's pointing me toward spellcaster. Are you allowing 'Secrets of Adventuring'?

F Sass genasi Bard

I'm just glad to finally have the chance to play something that is neither the healer nor the face.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Not yet. Scint's playing a Fighter, CH's looking at Alchemist, and BT mentioned a Barbarian/Rogue.
That's pointing me toward spellcaster. Are you allowing 'Secrets of Adventuring'?

Sure, go for it.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) = 16
3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) = 5
3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10

1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 3

6, 6, (6) = 18
(6), 6, 2 = 14
4, 4, (6) = 14
4, (6), 5 = 15
(6), 2, 2 = 10?
5, 4, (6) = 15?

I think I did the re-roll right.

I think I'll try a Ti'Larinn Ranger.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) = 6
3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7

1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 2
1d6 ⇒ 5

6,6,(6) = 18
5,(6),6 = 17
2, 3, (6) = 11
(6),6,6 = 18
5,4,(6) =15
(6),5,4, = 15

18,17,11,18,15,15. I think that's right.

Liberty's Edge

Thinking of playing an aasimar oracle of bones (APG) or a fey-touched human oracle of the primeval (SoA). Thoughts?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I think I did the re-roll right.
Faceless wrote:
I think that's right.

Yep and yep

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
fey-touched human oracle of the primeval (SoA). Thoughts?

Using the 3.5 Feytouched template or the PF Fey creature template?

I've got my human brb/rog from Iomrall built mechanically, but I'm still struggling with wrapping my head around the the setting and culture so the background is proving challenging for me.

Do I just email you my character as an attachment?

Do I have to make one of those alias things?

Male Ratfolk Alchemist 2 {HP 24/24, AC 18 [22 with Dex mutagen]}

I decided to go with grenadier. Working on stats.

There are no ratfolk avatars, so I figure I'll use this one for now.

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
fey-touched human oracle of the primeval (SoA). Thoughts?
Using the 3.5 Feytouched template or the PF Fey creature template?

This is what I was looking at.

Male Ratfolk Alchemist 2 {HP 24/24, AC 18 [22 with Dex mutagen]}

Most of my stats are up. Still need to equip, so that may adjust some things slightly. If anyone feel like looking over anything I might have missed, feel free.

I need to go for now. I'll try to get on this Tuesday

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
fey-touched human oracle of the primeval (SoA). Thoughts?
Using the 3.5 Feytouched template or the PF Fey creature template?
This is what I was looking at.

I'll allow it at +1 level adjustment. So you'll begin at 1st, as if you were playing one of the LA+1 races on the list.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

Still thinking about what I'll be but here are my stats.

3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6) = 15
3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) = 7
3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) = 14
3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) = 6

Reroll 1's
2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 2


Final Stat Array

Male Fey-touched human Oracle 1

Stats are done.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Can I request you detail your oracle abilities? (Specifically the two revelations and curse.) I don't own their source and they aren't on the PFSRD so I can't look them up. Thanks =)

Liberty's Edge

Orthos wrote:
Can I request you detail your oracle abilities? (Specifically the two revelations and curse.) I don't own their source and they aren't on the PFSRD so I can't look them up. Thanks =)

Here are the low-level (1-5) bonuses and penalties from the revelations and curse:

Quick: +2 to Initiative and Reflex saves.
Night Vision: Gain low-light vision. If the character already has low-light vision, gain darkvision.
Technical Ineptitude: -5 to Craft and Use Magic Device, and they are never class skills.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5


She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I've got my human brb/rog from Iomrall built mechanically, but I'm still struggling with wrapping my head around the the setting and culture so the background is proving challenging for me.

Do I just email you my character as an attachment?

Do I have to make one of those alias things?

Sorry, BT, I missed this post. No worries on the background - I don't need a highly-detailed history to start, I've no issue with something partial and fleshing it out a bit as the character develops. If you're at a roadblock with something, feel free to leave it be for now and come back to it when you have a better idea or feel for it at a later time.

Yeah, create an alias (click "My Account" at the top > enter password > find the column on the left titled "Messageboard Aliases" and click "create new messageboard alias".

You don't need to send me the character sheet, just put it in your alias's profile.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

FYI - I'm thinking Ael-Varan Sorcerer. I'll try building him tonight.

Male Fey-touched human Oracle 1

Almost done.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

Do you mind if I take this trait since Ael-Varan is related to the elven race?

PRD wrote:
Warrior of Old: As a child, you put in long hours in combat drills, and though time has made this training a dim memory, you still have a knack for quickly responding to trouble. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Also, will I be able to fly and fire a bow at the same time? From the picture in your guide,it looks like the Ael-Vari have arms, legs and wings.

Male Ael-Varan Sorcerer 2 {HP: 19/19, AC 13 (17 with Mage Armor)}

90% built pending answers to my questions above + need to work on back story and GM questions.

Male Ratfolk Alchemist 2 {HP 24/24, AC 18 [22 with Dex mutagen]}

Stats are up, including equipment. Mechanically, I think I am all set. I would appreciate a second set of eyes.

I will be moving on to backstory.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

@Tordek: Yes, the trait is fine, and yes, Ael can fight and fly at the same time. Their hands are talon-like, but still fully functional and not connected to their wings.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Gatley Raspart wrote:
Stats are up, including equipment. Mechanically, I think I am all set. I would appreciate a second set of eyes.

Everything looks clear to me from a cursory glance-over.

Female Glaistig Fighter 2 (HP 30/30) AC(22/13T/19FF)

Should be done unless I see something else that absolutely needs to go into the inventory.

Male Ael-Varan Sorcerer 2 {HP: 19/19, AC 13 (17 with Mage Armor)}

Build mostly complete. Still need to tweak some DC's since I have built all of the Ael-Varan abilities into Hero Lab yet.

Back story tomorrow.

FYI - I probably won't be able to start playing until Monday at the earliest. Not sure what your time frame for starting will be.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2
Selda Quigley wrote:
Should be done unless I see something else that absolutely needs to go into the inventory.

I suggest a crowbar. They are wonderful for high strength characters like fighters. Very handy when a door won't yield to a rogue's finesse.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Eyarwen wrote:
Not sure what your time frame for starting will be.

Pretty much just "when everybody's ready".

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Selda Quigley wrote:
Should be done unless I see something else that absolutely needs to go into the inventory.
I suggest a crowbar. They are wonderful for high strength characters like fighters. Very handy when a door won't yield to a rogue's finesse.

Speaking of which, while BT's character sounds like he may be skilled in this area, my alchemist had a lot of skill points to throw around, so has some rogue-ish skills as well.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Selda Quigley wrote:
Should be done unless I see something else that absolutely needs to go into the inventory.
I suggest a crowbar. They are wonderful for high strength characters like fighters. Very handy when a door won't yield to a rogue's finesse.

Makes a decent improvised weapon in a pinch too.

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