Darkwing_DM's Heroes of Damara (Inactive)

Game Master DarkWingD

PbP featuring many classic DnD elements out of the Aber-Toril. Save the kingdom, rescue the Girl, fights in taverns. that will be set up as a choose your own adventure/video game with free roaming unlocking quests from people you meet.


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Male Human Cavalier 2 | hp 21/21 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | Fort 5, Ref 3, Will 0 | Per 2, Init 3 | rapier 7 (1d6/18-20)

Hope they come back.

female Aasimar Cleric (Herald Caller) 1 | HP 10/10 | Fort +5 ,Ref +1, will +6 | Perception + 7 | Ini +1

Freya is still here, just giving the social chars their due!

Sorry about the delay I’ll be posting tonight , my daughter has been useing my computer almost non stop for a project the last three days and I hate posting from the phone anything long than a sentence or two

Male Human Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | AC 17 | perception +5 | Int +1 | Init +3 | Bardic knowledge +1
DarkWingD wrote:
Sorry about the delay I’ll be posting tonight , my daughter has been useing my computer almost non stop for a project the last three days and I hate posting from the phone anything long than a sentence or two

So true. Formatting and getting something decent is difficult.

Male Human Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | AC 17 | perception +5 | Int +1 | Init +3 | Bardic knowledge +1

A question:
what are the legal power of a tax collector? He can arrest someone for something that isn't related to tax matters?

Our tax collector don't seem to be e noble or other figure with authority outside collecting the taxes, so I would like to know what he can legally do.

I suppose it is a roll of Knowledge (local) or Profession (barrister).

I really dislike Knowledge (local) as it is Knowledge (everywhere) when used in game.

Witch 2 | HP 9/9 | Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 | AC12 T12 FF10 | Percep +1 | Init +3

As the only local representative of a higher office, and with him corrupt enough to extort coin for protection, it seems reasonable he would try to leverage that position into more and more authority even when he does not have leave from his superiors.

It is apparent the mercs are a cover for the collector to charge more unauthorized taxes.

I think the only authority they have is whatever they can get away with out of intimidation.

We should tread smart... if the merc's have been setting the fires as part of protection/intimidation to make the townsfolk comply, and now the opportunity arises to lay the fires on a stranger without the merc's being the ones pointing the finger...

This is gonna get mushy -- meaning I do not think we will be able to do this on the sly anymore; we'll have to reveal our cards to get Daren out of suspicion and then do the investigation in the open as duly appointed and known representatives. Need to make sure real quick the mercs and tax collector don't bail as soon as they find out.

If they are the authorized representative of the baron, Sheriff/tax collector etc. they have authority. however if you want to give them the writ. then yall might be able to talk them down, however it would 100% blow any cover you have. lol. choices, choices.

I don't like thinking the towns in terms of the civilized world currently. its very much always a power struggle with those who have power and those that don't.

So yes they "could" easily have the power to do that, but they are in the same boat as you. because you were warned also that the baron better agree with how your handling things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To play devils advocate on this, I think Gweenth would let them take Daren, "he was breaking in, with no just reason." and she is lawful.

I would look back on other conversations with the barons son, to see exactly what kind of authority you have. because if he is the authorized sheriff of the town its up to him to enforce the laws.

Ranger 2 | HP 21/21 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +1 | Perception +6 (Darkvision 60') | Init +5

Morgabir doesn't really LIKE Daren, and getting him locked up for B&E & assault would at least give us an in with the local authorities.

We could always bust him outta jail before they hang him, anyways. A night in the pokey might do him some good, even.

Male Human Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | AC 17 | perception +5 | Int +1 | Init +3 | Bardic knowledge +1

Having him locked for being an obnoxious and pretentious wanna be noble will not pain Finn at all. Having him lynched by a angry mob for arson, something he didn't, is another thing.
And I doubt that if we let him be imprisoned on wrong or malicious charges will help us. Daren is the one with the letter of introduction to the mayor after all.

About B&E, it is a medieval world without electrical doorbells and buzzers. Daren opened the door to the store back and peered inside. It is pretty normal to do that to call the store owner in that kind of set up.
He hasn't broken anything to enter.

@DarkWingD my doubt was what kind of power has officially a tax collector. It was already clear that this guy is the kind of person that take as much power as he can get through intimidation or violence, but it is very different if he can call his mercenaries to do that or if he can call the army.

Male Human Cavalier 2 | hp 21/21 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | Fort 5, Ref 3, Will 0 | Per 2, Init 3 | rapier 7 (1d6/18-20)

It would give Daren an excellent character building experience, as well as test how easily it will be for him to somehow escape :D Just expect a lot of complaining afterward. Should he survive.

Male Human Cavalier 2 | hp 21/21 | AC 18, T 13, FF 15 | Fort 5, Ref 3, Will 0 | Per 2, Init 3 | rapier 7 (1d6/18-20)

I have bad news. RL is calling, so I won't be able to be on for quite a while, so I am going to have to withdraw for now. I apologize for the sudden departure and hope you all have fun. It was great to be able to roleplay such an interesting character, and feel free to use him however.

Ranger 2 | HP 21/21 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +1 | Perception +6 (Darkvision 60') | Init +5

Sorry to hear that Daren. Looks like you'll be spending more time in lockup that we imagined.

Witch 2 | HP 9/9 | Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 | AC12 T12 FF10 | Percep +1 | Init +3

Disappointed and sorry -- especially at such a pivotal time in the story thus far.

It is a game however, and games are a distraction we do when times are good & predictable. Take care of you and yours and what is really important.

I run up and stab Daren while Thing bites his face off...

Joke, joke... or...??

female Aasimar Cleric (Herald Caller) 1 | HP 10/10 | Fort +5 ,Ref +1, will +6 | Perception + 7 | Ini +1

Good luck with real live Daren!

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

I'm going to let the sheriff take Daren for a story element.

Male Human Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | AC 17 | perception +5 | Int +1 | Init +3 | Bardic knowledge +1

I hope you will return, Daren.

Witch 2 | HP 9/9 | Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 | AC12 T12 FF10 | Percep +1 | Init +3

I will be away until Sunday (5/6)

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

Ill be posting Monday. I took the weekend off for mothers day doing a lot of family stuff.

Ranger 2 | HP 21/21 | Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +1 | Perception +6 (Darkvision 60') | Init +5

Just an FYI: I will be busy this weekend celebrating my son's first birthday. I'll try to post tomorrow night or Sunday, but no guarantee. Please bot as needed, thanks.

Day count=(3, evening time); weather= (dark and stromy); situational Modifiers=(Food and water is suffecient.)

Its been four days since the last post I am assuming this campaign will be going away soon. (R.I.P.) I will assume the responsibility because I was hoping for a more RP focused campaign, and I think there was not enough fights to keep people interested.

So if this is the end of this campaign if anyone is interested I can take up to 2 players in the curse of crimson throne campaign im DMing. if MOR, or Finn want to join. if that is something your interested in. you can PM me or post here.

Oalin is already playing in it.

Male Human Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3 | AC 17 | perception +5 | Int +1 | Init +3 | Bardic knowledge +1

Sorry for not posting.

Personally, I like what you are doing, but I am stumped.
I can think several possible explanations for what happened, but few options for checking them without writing several hundred posts.

Questions I have:
- the embezzling and the arsons are related?
- they are done by the same party or two different party (one can be the spirit of someone killed by the tax exactor or his minions)?
- if they are unrelated, it can be a prank by some fey?
- unrelated to the main plot, but I must find a way to send a message to the army camp in Daren name, or his family will be executed. I doubt the sheriff will allow him to write a letter.

Maybe our approach was the wrong one, trying to find material proof instead of speaking with more people in the village, but the impression was of some strong hostility against strangers.

Lack of combat is not an issue.

Edit: and, just of honesty sake, currently I am spending a lot of time reading abut PF2 and playing some new computer game.

Witch 2 | HP 9/9 | Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 | AC12 T12 FF10 | Percep +1 | Init +3


Truth be told, I am as stumped as Finn with which direction we needed to go next. Everything we actively tried was not working out or revealing anything but more questions. The puzzle is challenging, but not unworkable...

I was hoping that the moment we camp alone and away something would be revealed, either an ambush by the tax-guilty party or the "creature" that is the source of the fire. My last post I nudged for us all to go to the abandoned farm and camp out hoping for something to happen.

I was still of the mind the scarecrow might be a guy dressed up and the fear, night and imaginations of people was running away from them. But the burned trail cannot be caused by that, so it's back to a "creature."

My opinion (yer a big boy, you can handle it) Too many mysteries, not enough clues or development to string along more active posting. It's like we were aching for an "aha!" moment or more obvious clues.

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