Ingra Stormstone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Here's Ingra.
There is a disappointingly small selection of Female Dwarf portraits, but there's an image in her profile that looks like how I'd image her close enough.
Also updated her Advancement section for VMC, not sure what blessing I'll go with. Like the idea of her jumping off a cliff and using Wind Barrier, but Storm Strike lasts longer than the bloodline power even if it's weaker and not as dramatic. But Wind Barrier is so situational XD
icehawk333 |
I got writing, and the feats ended up being a little less important then I expected.
Statblock to come soon, just wanted to make sure the story was alright for the setting..
Marra is a small thing, frail even by kobold standards. A member of a broken tribe, she was left without a home at a young age, leaving with her brother (as of yet unnamed), who followed along with her. wandering the wilderness and barely managing to stay alive, she was often struck quite quite a bit of hunger. Her brother managed for himself, but would never split his rations if it would leave him with less then "enough.".
The effects of this malnutrition can be seen even now, as she stands at 2'4", and can barely lift thirty pounds.
Marra, while wandering, eventually passed out, and nearly died- but soon awoke on a soft surface, looking up at what seemed to be a really short human. After a short while of marra's completely panicked and ineffectual attacking, the "short human" and marra managed to talk.
Soon enough, marra had been adopted by the halfling, living among the river people quietly. Some distrusted her, but most came to realize she was harmless, at least. Her adoptive father, Jamier, was a devout follower of erathis, and taught marra her ways. As much as Jamier did try, she wasn't remarkably devout- rather, she took up the faith, but also seemed deeply interested in things less practical. She practices dance and song, adapted from the old dances of her ancestors. Her father became more and more concerned as she was unfocused from her faith, but didn't have it in him to stop her.
However, it soon became apparent her skills were increasing daily, showing a rather remarkable talent for the arts. She became something of an entertainer for the river people as she traveled with them, though most did start to notice odd changes in her songs, as the slowly became more draconic in nature. People soon started to realize she saw erathis not as her normal self, but as a great dragon in her own right. Her father tried to talk to her about this, but she was largely unyielding, insisting that unless gods have a tangible form, that she can't really be shown otherwise.
Dispite this, she still extolled the glories of the goddess of trade in her own odd way, becoming more and more determined to spread fair opportunity and trade to all.
A short year ago, she finally got a chance to go to a city, stepping into brindol with a cloak, a couple coppers, and basically nothing else.
As she stepped off, she met lord Noel prasad, who more or less immediately saw through her disguise. Through quite a bit of discussion, he decided to give her a bit of work trading around the town. Soon enough, the two found each other interesting conversation partners. though marra moved on from his work after she felt suitably set up, she still drops by and talks with him over his beverage of choice regularly.
Though he's still kinda unnerved by her putting animal blood in half her drinks.
Marra found her calling elsewhere- among the weak and lowborn. She wandered among these lowborn, talking and helping with everyday tasks, taking nothing more then small amounts of food as payment when people desired to pay her. One day, however, there was a large fight among several of these lowborn, and she stepped in, deflecting blows with surprising precision, and talking to one involved until, the fighting stopped.
Soon, the lowborn brought thier troubles with each other to her, and she would find solutions, becoming known among the lowborn as "the peacekeeper". Eventually, she finally revealed her disguise to the lowborn she associated with so much- and they accepted her rather easily. Most lowborn know what she is, and keep it quiet for her sake.
From here, she went to make better conditions for the lowborn, and is currently working with lady maribrel towards that goal, sharing with maribrel her own gradual clawing up, and how she hopes to be as sucessful as her, someday.
However, her activity among the lowborn has drawn the suspicion and ire of most other nobles, but none more then Troyas, who, through his informants, know full well her heratige, but has little proof, and is looking for any opportunity to get her kicked out of town, not trusting the kobold in the slightest.
The fact that she helped several lowborn pay off their debts to him instead of keeping them constantly owing him doesn't help either.
Other details-
Marra is energetic, optimistic, and freindly. The moment she gets up from the moment she falls asleep, she's always pushing herself as much as her frail frame will allow. She supports those around her eagerly, wanting little glory for herself, preferring to see happy people and healthy trade, while mostly uncaring about her own personal wealth.
Her motivations are flighty, however, and she's quite likely to get dragged off on adventures if she gets interested.
Marra's goals are fantastical and unachievable- searching to end poverty, make sure that everyone works where they can succeed, or redeeming entire races. Deispite the impossibility of the task, she keeps trying- she's still rather young, perhaps she'll grow more cynical with age. For now, though, her ideals drag her along, longing for a better world.
However, her most achievable, and most unchanging goal, is to prove that kobolds can be strong too, in their own way.
As a player, I want to see her become a defender and loyal helper to the party, who occasionally steps in and solves problems with her words. Perhaps a face, but never a leader, she's fiercely loyal, and will throw herself in harm's way for an ally without a second thought.
While she has very few secrets of her own, aside from being a kobold, she does do her best to hide her intesnse fear of being alone, and how much she misses her sibling, who she fell out of contact with when she was adopted. She also hides how afraid she is- she's just as fearful and craven as any other kobold, her hands often shaking when she gets even a bit nervous. If people catch on, she insists that bravery isn't a lack of fear, but carrying on despite it.
A secret she doesn't know-
Her brother is still alive, and has much the same goal as her- prove that kobolds can be strong. But he's going about it quite differently, amassing power and talent, intending to show all the races what kobolds can do through violence and fear. Becoming more dangerous by the day, he's ruthless, and will easily attack even his own sister without a second thought should she stand in his way.
Deispite how quickly he's growing strong, he's a loner, and often refuses to side with almost anyone unless it's a short term arrangement in his favor.
She distinctly remembers her village falling apart due to infighting, and fears any sort of conflict between those she likes as a result.
She often wakes up in the middle of the night, and opens up a locket she keeps- this plain silver locket has a single brown scale and a single purple scale in it- her's and her brother's. She often stares at this for quite a while before she returns to sleep.
She tends to dance basically everywhere, never really content to just walk, unless she has to maintain a degree of normalcy more then normal.
She is always on the lookout for a patch of cloth that represents this town so she can sew it on her cloak.
Harakani |
Given people didn't like them, I got rid of Roles.
Character - Player - Race - Class
Aerin - Doomed Hero - Elf - Wizard (Exploiter)
Dinvirte Babriote - Chapel36 - Tiefling - Arcanist
Godwyn Blaecwulf - Grumbaki - Changeling - Enlightened Philosopher Lunar Oracle
Javos Kincade - ExiledMimic - Human - Cavalier (sister in arms)
Bastien de Navarre - Helikon - Human - Fighter
Kra'el Blackscale - Lazyclownfish - Dragonborn - Paladin
Rhona Copperhair - Critzible - Dwarf - Ranger (Trapper)
Rune Hyrrfel - Harm's Way - Human - Bloodrager (Shadow)
Giblin Maru - natloz - Halfling - Fighter (Cad)
Taurs Scipio - Daleyn Levanthus - Human - Fighter (2 handed)
Aelion Kinandev - Kamaloo - Elf - Unchained Monk (Zen Archer)
Jathal - DBH - Elf - Slayer
Ísmet - Me'mori - Human - Mediu (Fiend Keeper)
Morgrym Dolgringrun - Harakani - Dwarf - Cleric (Forgemaster)
Ingra Stormstone - TheoreticallyYours - Dwarf - Warpriest (Forgemaster)
Chapel Ty'El |
I think i can see the party already:
Aerin (elf wizard)
Aelion (elf zen archer)
Rhona (dwarf trapper ranger)
Morgrym (dwarf forgemaster cleric)
Ingra (dwarf forgemaster Warpriest)Fully balanced. And it’s a band of elves and dwarves. Who likely resort to murdering each other within a week.
Dang, yo.
Maybe a tiefling to keep the peace?
Cecilia Hawthorne |
Here's Cecilia Hawthorne, my Sound Striker Bard. Let me know if there are any issues, Kaavek. ;)
Shortly after turning 18 years old, Cecilia began travelling on her own. During this time she worked as a sword-for-hire, was employed as a barmaid in a tavern, and even apprenticed herself to a bard. A natural singer and dancer, Cecilia was quick to embrace the life of a travelling minstrel. After learning everything she could from her mentor, a woman known only as Madame Blossom, the two of them parted ways. Moving from town to town, Cecilia went on to perform in taverns, inns, and village squares throughout the region.
However, for the last few months Cecilia has been staying in Brindol, working on a project. She has always known that her father died doing battle with the Red Hand during their invasion of Elsir Valea 23 years ago, but recently she has found evidence that suggest he might have fought alongside the legendary heroes of the Diamond League themselves! Excited to discover this lost piece of family history, Cecilia now spends most of her time studying city records, consulting locals on their experiences, exploring the remnants of the war scattered throughout the countryside, and badgering the caretaker of the local museum. She hopes to one day to compose an epic about the brave adventurers who almost single handily saved Elsir Valea from destruction, and perhaps to follow in her father's footsteps, and become a hero herself...
Description: Cecilia is a young woman with fine features and long red hair. Her eyes are green, she has a small nose, and prominent cheekbones. Cecilia has a slender build, though anyone who looks at her for more than a few moments will realise that there is a firm layer of muscle on her slight frame. She has worn many different types of clothing over the years, but over the last few months Cecilia Hawthorne has increasingly favoured the colour red. She currently wears a rather theatrical get-up, with a frilly white shirt, crimson vest, crimson pants, crimson cape and a crimson broad-brimmed hat, complete with a single white feather. She always carries a red whip on her belt.
Personality: Cecilia greatly values the concept of freedom. On a personal level, this means she likes being able to choose her own path. On an interpersonal level, this means that she pities those who allow themselves to become just another cog in society's machine, and hates those who force their will upon others. In Cecilia's perfect world, everyone would be able to go where they want, do what they want, and be whoever they want to be. When interacting with others, Cecilia is generally passionate and full of bravado, and quickly bonds with those who share her enthusiasm. But while she might play the part of the invincible hero while around others, Cecilia still has her fair share of fears and doubts when she is alone. She simply refuses to share them with others.
Out-Of-Character Goal: Much of Cecilia's character is based around the heroic persona that she has crafted for herself. She believes that her lineage guarantees a grand destiny for her, one that is full of adventure. However, should she find out that her father (a man who she has idolised for years) was not the man she thought he was, it would almost certainly shatter her worldview. Combine this with the reality of war (the poems and songs often forgot how to mention traumatic it can be to drive a blade through someone's chest or watch a friend choke on their own blood) and it is clear that Cecilia has some tough times ahead of her. To describe it in a single sentence: I would like Cecilia to discover the truth about her father, have this cause her to question everything that she knows about herself, only for her to ultimately realise that such things don't matter, and to emerge from the ordeal with a new perspective on life.
Unknown Secret: Though Cecilia takes great pride in her recent discovery that her father was a hero, the truth is that Tarras Hawthorne was nothing more than a traitor and a coward. While the man did fight alongside the Diamond League several times during their defence of Elsir Valea, he was secretly conspiring with Azarr Kul to betray the group to the Red Hand in return for a large sum of gold. He was discovered before he could put his plot into motion, and was summarily executed. To avoid bringing shame to his widow and infant daughter, the Diamond League spread the story that he died in a battle with a Red Hand Warband. Very few people know the truth about what actually happened.
Sertanian (Friend) – Her study of the War of the Red Hand has understandably led Cecilia to the local museum, commonly referred to as 'The Hall of Great Valor'. Over the course of her many visits, she has befriended the caretaker, an old soldier by the name of Sertanian. He has been more than happy to share some of his war stories, and the two of them regularly meet for lunch.
Vericho Nindleton (Hostile) – Though she has only been performing for a few years now, Cecilia has been able to make a name for herself by singing and dancing at some of the taverns in Brindol. Since she and the halfling are often competing for work, a rivalry has formed between the two of them, to the point that their last meeting ended with Cecilia slapping Vericho across the face. She can't explain it in words, but something about the halfling just rubs her the wrong way.
- As part of her efforts to establish her new identity as an adventurer, Cecilia often introduces herself to others as "Cecilia of the Crimson Lash". She will also answer to the title "Lady Hawthorne" in a pinch.
- Because of her allergy to water, Cecilia will go to great efforts to avoid becoming wet. If someone brings a round of drinks to the table, she will quietly move to the chair furthest away from everyone else. If it begins to rain, she will make excuses to not go outside. If they must cross a river, Cecilia will simply say that they must go around it. Additionally, Cecilia is very careful not to let her emotions get the better of her in public. Crying or sweating is just more thing that will trigger a reaction.
Female Chaotic Good Human Bard (Sound Striker), Level 1
Init 4, HP 10/10, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 15,
Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 1,
CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Whip +4 (1d3, x2)
Rapier +4 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Shortbow +4 (1d6, x3)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 16
Harakani |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
This was a 30 level adventure originally? If 2 of 9 original players make it through thirty levels, we'd be doing well... which gives me a new take on Tolkien...
"Steve - who plays Boromir? Yeah, he's going overseas for two years and won't be able to play. I'll have his character fail his will save against the ring, or go out in a blaze of glory or something..."
Two years later "Hey, Steve's back, and he's keen to play again! Boromir's dead though, so I guess he can play Boromir's brother or something..."
Zorin Blitz |
Here is my submission for the game. I would love any sort of feedback about it.
Male tiefling alchemist (vivisectionist) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 20)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee wand of misery +4 (1d6+6)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
At will—deathwatch
Alchemist (Vivisectionist) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—cure light wounds, shield
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Brew Potion, Iron Will, Throw Anything
Traits pragmatic activator, scholar of the great beyond, student of philosophy
Skills Acrobatics -4, Appraise +1, Bluff -3 (+1 to lie (as a result of using Int instead of Cha)), Climb +0, Craft (alchemy) +7 (+8 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy -3 (+1 to persuade others but not to gather information (as a result of using Int instead of Cha)), Disguise -3, Escape Artist -4, Fly +0, Heal -2, Intimidate -3, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +4, Profession (librarian) +4, Ride -4, Sense Motive -2, Spellcraft +7, Stealth -4, Survival +4, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +7; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), meticulous, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 10 minutes)
Combat Gear mutagen[APG]; Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor[UC], wand of misery, alchemist starting formula book, alchemy crafting kit[APG], alchemy crafting kit[APG], backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, bottle (2), flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, tindertwig (5), torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 41 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Meticulous -2 on all untrained skill checks
Mutagen (DC 13) (Su) Mutagen adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes, and +2 nat. armor for 10 minutes.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Zorin is set up as a cross between Dr. Moreau, from the old science fiction movie, and Herbet West. Zorin is not evil but is often blinded by his studies. Many people find his subject manner horrible and terrifying yet he does his best to share his biological discoveries. He is quick to help those in need who cannot afford medical care but will often charge them something else. Such as a sample of flesh, the promise of future participation in a study, or even the assurance that they will allow him to teach them or their children. He believes all people can help to push boundaries, either as researchers or subjects.
Zorin went to study in the college of Ioun before he was kicked out do to his nature of study. While his grades were some of the highest he often went suggested disturbing ideas in medicine and surgical practice. A student went to the dean after discovering rat corpses that had been dissected out of class.
Zorin’s main goal is to achieve the certification of doctor in the eyes of the academic community. My personal goal is to see him start his own school of surgery that teaches young minds pushes for research into all fields as long as it shows benefit for sentient kind.
A secret that Zorin is part of is that, to help afford his tuition at school, he would often craft alchemical contraband, supplements, but never drugs. The strongest thing he would ever sell would be tobacco he cut and rolled himself. A secret he is not aware of is that
One major person in Zorin’s life is Dean Lorrender. He was one of the few people who took an interest in his studies as well as offered guidance. He was pressured by the other teachers to expel Zorin after the scandal.
Lady Ariane Sanja has often gone to Zorin looking to have alchemical items made, trying to undercut the local alchemist shop. Zorin receives less profit then if he tried to sell them out of a shop but does not need to deal to heavily in regulations and taxes.
Unknown to Zorin he was sold out to the faculty by a jealous fellow student. Ludvic Stelord found Zorin repellant due to both his race and his studies. After Zorin was expelled this let Ludvic go on to graduate with honors for their class.
Zorin has a tendency to turn the screw inside of his head when he is excited or deep in thought.
His fondest memory is his first frog dissection.
Zorin is also a bit of a chain smoker.
ExiledMimic |
This was a 30 level adventure originally? If 2 of 9 original players make it through thirty levels, we'd be doing well... which gives me a new take on Tolkien...
"Steve - who plays Boromir? Yeah, he's going overseas for two years and won't be able to play. I'll have his character fail his will save against the ring, or go out in a blaze of glory or something..."
Two years later "Hey, Steve's back, and he's keen to play again! Boromir's dead though, so I guess he can play Boromir's brother or something..."
Hahahahahahaha! That's so tr- wait. My character has a sword and shield... this is bull$#!^
Jathal Mitheralia |
Add Morgrym and we have the Dwarf/Elf bickering going.
Unless Jathal hits the whiskey, then things turn strange. :)
The inspiration for Jathal's problems with booze. Moyashimon
Kamaloo |
Harakani wrote:Hahahahahahaha! That's so tr- wait. My character has a sword and shield... this is bull$#!^This was a 30 level adventure originally? If 2 of 9 original players make it through thirty levels, we'd be doing well... which gives me a new take on Tolkien...
"Steve - who plays Boromir? Yeah, he's going overseas for two years and won't be able to play. I'll have his character fail his will save against the ring, or go out in a blaze of glory or something..."
Two years later "Hey, Steve's back, and he's keen to play again! Boromir's dead though, so I guess he can play Boromir's brother or something..."
Man, this brings back memories of DM of the Rings... good times!
ExiledMimic |
Man, this brings back memories of DM of the Rings... good times!
I needed this in my life...
Aerin Aurora |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Before I became a forever GM, my GM only did homebrew. My first session ever he killed my character 20 minutes in by having an enemy shoot a magical arrow through a 5' stone wall, crit, and instakill my PC.
Sometimes I wonder how I got into the game.
In game design circles, we call that a "Typhoid Mary GM". (Warning: to anyone interested in the study of gaming and game design, that wiki is like TV Tropes. You can lose hours just clicking through links and peeling back the layers.)
Dayana Elerye |
LadyGrayRose's submission. Since Day-bae here didn't make it into Queenmaker, I've tweaked her and will be submitting her to Scales of War instead; let me know if I seem to have missed anything or if her stats look wonky, I might have missed something while rolling her back to a plain ol' Witch instead of a gestalt.
Green-Born Changeling Witch 1
N Medium Humanoid (Changeling)
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60ft., Perception +0
AC 13 Touch 12 Flat-footed 11 (+1 Natural, +2 Dex)
HP 7
Fort 1 Ref 1 Will 2
Speed 30ft.
Melee 2 Claws -1 (1d4-1, 20/x2)
Special Attacks Hexes (Evil Eye (-2, 7 rounds, DC 14))
Witch Spells Prepared (Caster Level 1st, Concentration +5)
1st— Ear-Piercing Scream (DC 15), Charm Person (DC 15)
0 (at will)— Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic
Patron Agility
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 10 Cha 14
Base Attack Bonus 0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits Child of the Temple, Fast Talker
Trained Skills (+2 class, +4 int, +2 Background Skills, +1 FCB) Bluff +10, Craft (Jewelry)* +8, Disable Device +3, Knowledge (Arcane) +8, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perform (Singing)* +6, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +8
*= Background Skill
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQs Alchemy (+1), Hexes (Evil Eye, Coven), Inspiration, Trapfinding (+1), Witch's Familiar (Viper; +3 to Bluff checks; knows prepared Witch spells + Mage Armor, Sow Thought, Cure Light Wounds & all Witch Cantrips)
Combat Gear N/A Other Gear Witch's Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), chalk (10), a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch,torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), Silk Rope (50ft.), Masterwork Thieves' Tools, assorted jewelry worth 25 gp, 24gp
Green Widow +2 bluff against creatures that could be sexually attracted to them.
At the age of seven, after much begging and pleading and a few tears, Alaine reluctantly let Dayana keep a cat she'd found while playing outside the parish. The much-beloved creature was, for reasons unfathomable to anyone but Dayana, named Dove. Sadly the cat died when Day was ten after it tried to get at chickens from a nearby farm and was caught by the farmer's dog.
At thirteen, the manifestation of her hag heritage became even less deniable as once thin and easily-bruised skin began to toughen and tauten and the girl's vision in the dark rivaled her vision in the daylight. Dayana became withdrawn over the weeks, and finally she began to find that she was lacking; There was so much in life, yet she lived a simply as a parishioner's freak of an adopted daughter.
At fourteen, the child was becoming something of a thief, filling up the longing in her heart with material goods she would hide away in her room beneath her bed. But as with all stupid teenagers doing stupid things, she was eventually caught red-handed. Alaine was distinctly less than pleased and the two had a massive argument that ended with Dayana storming out. Alaine thought the child would return in a few hours when she'd calmed down; Alaine was wrong.
Over the next year Dayana drifted from here to there, working odd jobs and thieving as necessary to make ends meet. During her travels she was contacted by a strange entity promising her the power 'to do that which she'd please,' that spoke through a viper; she accepted this curious offer, and the viper remained as her familiar and liaison for her Patron.
A few months ago, Day showed up in Brindol and began working odd jobs here and there before finally getting a job as a barmaid in Ilya's Cardhouse; whether she's finally settling down or whether she's simply taking a break from her wanderings is up for question.
Goal #2: Dayana's other major goal is to enhance her arcane prowess and unlock greater power, both to further her own ends (such as ending her Call, either by finding a way to sever the link or by slaying her hag mother) and to assist any others she considers dear.
Unknown Secret: The true nature of her Patron is that of a fairly powerful Fey.
Emmalyn (Human Female) — A former barmaid at Ilya's Cardhouse who left her position after marrying recently, Dayana and Emmalyn met while the latter was still working there and bonded over their shared woes of working as barmaids.
Vericho Nindleton (Halfling Male) — Dayana doesn't like the bard. The bard doesn't like her. This mutual dislike stems from an incident when the bard was playing at the Antler and Thistle a few weeks after Dayana came to town; while the exact specifics of what happened have been lost to time and memories fuzzy by drink, what is known is that several individuals received black eyes that night when a large argument broke out between several individuals over whether or not Vericho was a good musician and proceeded to turn into a barfight.
2. She picks at and files her nails constantly, but it does little good in dulling them for long.
3. Dayana sneaks scraps out to the stray cats of Brindol when she can.
Thank you for your consideration, and good luck to everyone else submitting!
icehawk333 |
So , here's the full application, now with statblock, in one post.
Kobold bard (dragon herald)
LG humanoid (reptilian)
Init +5; Senses preception -1
AC 17 touch 15, flat-footed 12 (10+1 size+5 dex+1 natural armor)
+2 armor if moved more then 10 feet.
hp 9 (8+favored class bouns)
Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +1 (-1 vs charm)
1 cold resistance
Speed 30ft
Melee dagger +5 (1d3-3)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks- inspire competence
2 1st level spells (DC 13)
Spells known-
Grease, cure light wounds.
STR: 4 DEX: 20 CON: 10 INT: 14 WIS: 8 CHA: 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -3/+5;CMD 12
Feats precise shot
Traits augmented disguise, adopted (halfling), helpful, friends in low places.
Flaws- lonely
Skills- diplomacy +8, intimidate +6, bluff +6, spell craft +6, disguise +8, knowladge (local) +6, use magic device +6, stealth +12
Backround skills- preform (dance) +8, lore (erathis) +6.
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ jester
Other Gear- light crossbow, 20 sharpened bolts, waterskin, soap, Wheatstone, patchwork cloak, gauntlets, dancing scarves.
Special Abilities
he dragon herald is proficient with simple weapons and light armor, but not with shields. Dragon heralds are messengers, not warriors.
Like other bards, dragon heralds don’t incur the normal arcane spell failure chance from wearing light armor.
Dragon Patron (Ex)
A dragon herald must choose a particular true dragon species whose glory to extol. In most cases, this is a dragon with whom the herald is familiar, but it could be a dragon deity, a long-dead dragon hero, or even an entire dragon lineage. The energy type associated with her dragon patron determines the energy type used by several of her abilities. She must also designate a sacred space relevant to her dragon choice—usually the lair of a patron dragon or a shrine or holy place associated with a dragon type.
Coat of Arms (Ex)
A dragon herald gains energy resistance equal to her dragon herald level against the energy type associated with her dragon patron. This resistance stacks with any inherent racial resistances, but not with magical or temporary resistances.
Dragon Voice (Ex)
A dragon herald gains a bonus equal to half her level on Intimidate and Diplomacychecks. She gains Draconic as a bonus language.
This ability replaces bardic knowledge.
Bardic Performance
A dragon herald gains the following types of bardic performance
Diplomatic Immunity (Su): A dragon herald can use bardic performance to generate a sanctuary effect upon herself. Most use this to deliver the word of their patron or to safely complete Diplomacy or Intimidate checks in the presence of hostile foes. The effect persists for as long as the dragon herald performs and for 1 round after.
This performance replaces countersong and fascinate.
Marra is a small thing, frail even by kobold standards. A member of a broken tribe, she was left without a home at a young age, leaving with her brother (as of yet unnamed), who followed along with her. wandering the wilderness and barely managing to stay alive, she was often struck quite quite a bit of hunger. Her brother managed for himself, but would never split his rations if it would leave him with less then "enough.".
The effects of this malnutrition can be seen even now, as she stands at 2'4", and can barely lift thirty pounds.
Marra, while wandering, eventually passed out, and nearly died- but soon awoke on a soft surface, looking up at what seemed to be a really short human. After a short while of marra's completely panicked and ineffectual attacking, the "short human" and marra managed to talk.
Soon enough, marra had been adopted by the halfling, living among the river people quietly. Some distrusted her, but most came to realize she was harmless, at least. Her adoptive father, Jamier, was a devout follower of erathis, and taught marra her ways. As much as Jamier did try, she wasn't remarkably devout- rather, she took up the faith, but also seemed deeply interested in things less practical. She practices dance and song, adapted from the old dances of her ancestors. Her father became more and more concerned as she was unfocused from her faith, but didn't have it in him to stop her.
However, it soon became apparent her skills were increasing daily, showing a rather remarkable talent for the arts. She became something of an entertainer for the river people as she traveled with them, though most did start to notice odd changes in her songs, as the slowly became more draconic in nature. People soon started to realize she saw erathis not as her normal self, but as a great dragon in her own right. Her father tried to talk to her about this, but she was largely unyielding, insisting that unless gods have a tangible form, that she can't really be shown otherwise.
Dispite this, she still extolled the glories of the goddess of trade in her own odd way, becoming more and more determined to spread fair opportunity and trade to all.
A short year ago, she finally got a chance to go to a city, stepping into brindol with a cloak, a couple coppers, and basically nothing else.
As she stepped off, she met lord Noel prasad, who more or less immediately saw through her disguise. Through quite a bit of discussion, he decided to give her a bit of work trading around the town. Soon enough, the two found each other interesting conversation partners. though marra moved on from his work after she felt suitably set up, she still drops by and talks with him over his beverage of choice regularly.
Though he's still kinda unnerved by her putting animal blood in half her drinks.
Marra found her calling elsewhere- among the weak and lowborn. She wandered among these lowborn, talking and helping with everyday tasks, taking nothing more then small amounts of food as payment when people desired to pay her. One day, however, there was a large fight among several of these lowborn, and she stepped in, deflecting blows with surprising precision, and talking to one involved until, the fighting stopped.
Soon, the lowborn brought thier troubles with each other to her, and she would find solutions, becoming known among the lowborn as "the peacekeeper". Eventually, she finally revealed her disguise to the lowborn she associated with so much- and they accepted her rather easily. Most lowborn know what she is, and keep it quiet for her sake.
From here, she went to make better conditions for the lowborn, and is currently working with lady maribrel towards that goal, sharing with maribrel her own gradual clawing up, and how she hopes to be as sucessful as her, someday.
However, her activity among the lowborn has drawn the suspicion and ire of most other nobles, but none more then Troyas, who, through his informants, know full well her heratige, but has little proof, and is looking for any opportunity to get her kicked out of town, not trusting the kobold in the slightest.
The fact that she helped several lowborn pay off their debts to him instead of keeping them constantly owing him doesn't help either.
Other details-
Marra is energetic, optimistic, and freindly. The moment she gets up from the moment she falls asleep, she's always pushing herself as much as her frail frame will allow. She supports those around her eagerly, wanting little glory for herself, preferring to see happy people and healthy trade, while mostly uncaring about her own personal wealth.
Her motivations are flighty, however, and she's quite likely to get dragged off on adventures if she gets interested.
Marra's goals are fantastical and unachievable- searching to end poverty, make sure that everyone works where they can succeed, or redeeming entire races. Deispite the impossibility of the task, she keeps trying- she's still rather young, perhaps she'll grow more cynical with age. For now, though, her ideals drag her along, longing for a better world.
However, her most achievable, and most unchanging goal, is to prove that kobolds can be strong too, in their own way.
As a player, I want to see her become a defender and loyal helper to the party, who occasionally steps in and solves problems with her words. Perhaps a face, but never a leader, she's fiercely loyal, and will throw herself in harm's way for an ally without a second thought.
While she has very few secrets of her own, aside from being a kobold, she does do her best to hide her intesnse fear of being alone, and how much she misses her sibling, who she fell out of contact with when she was adopted. She also hides how afraid she is- she's just as fearful and craven as any other kobold, her hands often shaking when she gets even a bit nervous. If people catch on, she insists that bravery isn't a lack of fear, but carrying on despite it.
A secret she doesn't know-
Her brother is still alive, and has much the same goal as her- prove that kobolds can be strong. But he's going about it quite differently, amassing power and talent, intending to show all the races what kobolds can do through violence and fear. Becoming more dangerous by the day, he's ruthless, and will easily attack even his own sister without a second thought should she stand in his way.
Deispite how quickly he's growing strong, he's a loner, and often refuses to side with almost anyone unless it's a short term arrangement in his favor.
She distinctly remembers her village falling apart due to infighting, and fears any sort of conflict between those she likes as a result.
She often wakes up in the middle of the night, and opens up a locket she keeps- this plain silver locket has a single brown scale and a single purple scale in it- her's and her brother's. She often stares at this for quite a while before she returns to sleep.
She tends to dance basically everywhere, never really content to just walk, unless she has to maintain a degree of normalcy more then normal.
She is always on the lookout for a patch of cloth that represents this town so she can sew it on her cloak.
Zalindra Freston |
Okay, here is Zanbabe's submission. Everything should be in the Alias, but copying the GM Questions out here for easier access:
Write at least 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to the image of your character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile etc.
--Zalindra's conception, during the war (probably Aaron Jarmaan is the father, but that isn't set in stone). Mother coerced or persuaded in sort of an end of the world scenario by someone who seemed charming, and it was a bad decision with unfortunate consequences. Her mother's choice to hide the pregnancy from the father and to say that the father died in the war were big factors that led to Zalindra being who she is.
--Zalindra's mother's death. Zalindra doesn't really know whether it was natural or not... she assumes not, but I suppose there is a possibility in there that she, also, "fell down the stairs." In any case, the loss of her mother also shaped Zalindra's life.--Zalindra's Grandfather. He is the only relative known to her, although depending on who her father is, she might have more family, which may or may not be a good thing. He has shaped her life.
--School. This is where what Zalindra wanted to do and what she felt she should do started to diverge. She stayed to take care of the grandfather when she wanted to be off studying ruins and making discoveries about the past.
--Double Life. Possibly triggered by several past events, Zalindra's life has increasingly become one of image vs. reality, and she feels more and more estranged from herself... there is a split between who she is becoming and who she wants to be... not just in terms of her career, but her ethics and her connection with others which she too often uses for her own purposes, betraying people's trust. Even though they don't know that she did that, and she gets away with it consistently, the guilt gnaws at her.
List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another could be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
--My character's goal is to help her grandfather keep his museum open and to ensure he is provided for.
--I would like to see the truth come out about her parentage in an interesting way (although what her grandfather believes is the truth may not actually be the truth, and how it would affect her is up in the air... so it would just be interesting, not essential).--Tertiary goal: Both my character and I would like to keep her out of jail, despite the generally bad ethics of antiquity trading for profit, and the questionable legality of some of her acquisitions. :)
List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves them but that they are not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that centre around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
--My character is the only one who knows that she isn't as good of a person as she seems to be. She makes friends with everyone, and so usually knows where there are digs, and sometimes goes and steals from the digs that she finds out about. She also occasionally cheats at cards... not at her weekly game, but when she is in other games in other towns. She tells herself that she is doing all of it for her grandfather, but she doesn't feel good about these things, and even though she has a collection of relics that she has personally found, the "questionable" ones she can never keep, no matter how precious or beautiful, because they make her feel guilty.
--My character does NOT know that her mother lied about who her father was. She thinks that he died in the war.Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. Feel free to use characters mentioned in the Player’s Guide.
--Elderly keeper at the Museum is Zalindra's Grandfather, who has raised her for over 10 years alone.
--Eshan Jarmaan, friend. They play cards in the same weekly game over at Ilya's. Sometimes Zalindra thinks that he is flirting with her, but she blows it off, because he is a noble and she is not. They do seem to have a lot in common though, and think similarly about many things.--Aaron Jarmaan, possibly hostile. This is who her grandfather thinks is her father, though Zalindra's mother never told him definitively. (Zalindra still thinks that her father died in the war.) He could be a potential hostile if it becomes known, since everyone knows the guy pushed his wife down the stairs.
Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavour.
--My character has a memory from the magic shop where her mother worked (she was a minor sorceress). She was very young (maybe six?) and she had found a silver-colored ring on the floor. It seemed interesting in some way (she can't remember why), and she showed her mother, and her mother took the ring away from her. She doesn't remember a lot from the period in her life before her mother died, but she does remember that for some reason, and treasures the memory because it is one of the only perfectly clear memories she has of her mother.
--My character keeps a personal journal where she records almost everything about her life. It helps her think things through and overcome her natural impatience to a certain extent... although that shows through very starkly when she is rushed or doesn't have time to write each day. She hides it on top of one of the rafters in her room when she goes on trips.--Zalindra has a tendency to change the subject whenever something comes up that she doesn't really want to talk about. Her friends know this and tease her sometimes about it, but it's also true. If something uncomfortable comes up, they suddenly find themselves on another topic entirely. She's good at it too... she just launches into something completely different mid-sentence, and it is always something interesting and compelling so you want to engage with it instead of going back, although it can make it hard to follow the conversation. :)
Kra'el Blackscale |
I went ahead and updated the list. I hope it has everyone.
Character - Player - Race - Class
Aerin - Doomed Hero - Elf - Wizard (Exploiter)
Dinvirte Babriote - Chapel36 - Tiefling - Arcanist
Godwyn Blaecwulf - Grumbaki - Changeling - Enlightened Philosopher Lunar Oracle
Javos Kincade - ExiledMimic - Human - Cavalier (sister in arms)
Bastien de Navarre - Helikon - Human - Fighter
Kra'el Blackscale - Lazyclownfish - Dragonborn - Paladin
Rhona Copperhair - Critzible - Dwarf - Ranger (Trapper)
Rune Hyrrfel - Harm's Way - Human - Bloodrager (Shadow)
Giblin Maru - natloz - Halfling - Fighter (Cad)
Taurs Scipio - Daleyn Levanthus - Human - Fighter (2 handed)
Aelion Kinandev - Kamaloo - Elf - Unchained Monk (Zen Archer)
Jathal - DBH - Elf - Slayer
Ísmet - Me'mori - Human - Mediu (Fiend Keeper)
Morgrym Dolgringrun - Harakani - Dwarf - Cleric (Forgemaster)
Ingra Stormstone - TheoreticallyYours - Dwarf - Warpriest (Forgemaster)
Cecilia Hawthorne - Bale Fire - Human - Bard (Soundstriker)
Zorin Blitz - loc - Tiefling - Alchemist (Vivisectionist)
Dayana Elerye - LadyGrayRose - Green-born Changeling - Witch
Marra - icehawk333 - Kobold - Bard (Dragon Herald)
Zalindra - Zanbabe - Human - Unchained Rogue (Sharper)
Indira Gotama - eriktd - Half-orc - Skald (Totemic Skald / War Drummer)
Faro al-Wati |
Here's my submission for your game, thanks for your consideration.
Name: Indira Gotama
Concept: Blessed barbarian
Race: Half-orc
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Erathis and Pelor
Class: Skald (Totemic Skald / War Drummer)
Roles: Party support (healing), control (combat maneuvers), melee damage
Str 17 (+3), Dex 10 (+0), Con 14 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)
Half-Orc Traits
- Dusksight (replaces Weapon Familiarity): low-light vision, can reroll miss chance from cover in dim light
- Giant Ancestry (replaces Darkvision): +1 CMB and CMD, -2 Stealth
- Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate
- Orc Blood: count as human and orc for race effects
- Toothy (replaces Orc Ferocity): primary natural attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage
Background Traits
- Armor Expert (-1 ACP)
- Bred for War (+1 CMB, +1 Intimidate)
- Dragon-Hunted (+1 Will vs fear, +1 vs dragon spell or effect)
- Misbegotten (-2 Dex skills)
Skald (Totemic Skald/Urban Skald/War Drummer) Class Abilities
- Deadly Rhythm (Ex): At 1st level, during his raging song, a war drummer can draw clubs and greatclubs as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat.
- Fearsome Mien (Ex): A war drummer adds 1/2 his class level (minimum 1) to all Intimidate and Bluff skill checks.
- Raging Song (Su), Inspired Rage (Su): affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. (Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.) If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian’s rage, bloodrager’s bloodrage, or skald’s inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features. (5+CHA rounds/day)
- Skald's Vigor: While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the Strength bonus your song provides, starting in the round after you begin the song. If you stop maintaining your song, the fast healing ends, even if the effects of your song persist.
- greatclub +3 (1d10+4, 20/x2)
- gore primary attack +3 (1d4+4, 20/x2)
- gore secondary attack -2 (1d4+1, 20/x2)
- scale mail, +5 AC, -3 ACP
- Bluff +4
- Diplomacy +7
- Intimidate +6
- Knowledge History +3
- Linguistics +3
- Perception +6
- Sense Motive +6
- Common
- Celestial
- Draconic
1st level: 2
Spells Known
0th level (4): ghost sound, light, prestidigitation, spark
1st level (2): cure light wounds, feather step
#2 Misshapen Child: Her biological parents are mysterious; Indira believes she is part human and part minotaur, for she has small horns growing out of her head. This might be why she was left at Erathis's temple. Nevertheless she has forsaken her monstrous heritage, and tries to redeem other creatures considered to be monsters as well. She believes there is good in everyone if only they choose to behave in a lawful and benevolent manner.
#3 Blessed Barbarian: Indira believes that because of her personal purity, she is blessed by her deities with divine strength and wisdom, and a gift for magical healing. Her totem is a sacred cow, a mighty celestial creature that represents her idealized self. When she prays, the rumbling of her drum makes her think of thundering hooves across the plains, and this stirs something primal within her.
#4 Dragon-Hunted: When she was still a girl serving in the temple, Indira had a vision of a five-headed red dragon that swallowed up the world. Indira and others stood on a tiny plot of land that she recognized as Brindol, in a hemisphere of light that kept them safe from the creature's fire. When she spoke of this dream to the high priestess, she sat Indira down and instructed her in the war against Tiamat's followers and the army of the Red Hand.
#5 Heroic Crusader: Indira believes it is her destiny to stand against the army of the Red Hand should it rise again. With the rumors of evil stirring in the Elsir Vale, the temple has decided to send a representative to the city council, and Indira is their chosen scion. She is empowered to offer her services in the investigation on their behalf.
#2 Epic Battles: As a player, I'd love to have a few really impressive large-scale battles, ideally with many enemies that can be more or less single-handedly defeated by the player characters.
#2 PC Unaware: Indira's parents were actually Erathis and Pelor, who created her immediately after the fall of Azzar Kul specifically to oppose Tiamat in the future, and gave her divine gifts to make that possible. She has their favor, though they cannot intervene on her behalf without giving Tiamat similar power. The high priestess of Erathis may have some inkling of her importance, but if so she has never told Indira her suspicions.
#2 Pietra: Pietra is a young human woman who also grew up as an orphan at the Erathis temple. She works as a server at the Succulent Salmon restaurant and recently moved into a small house that she rents from the Jarmaan family. She and Indira are close, like sisters, and though Indira suspects that Pietra's arrangement with her landlord is not entirely proper, she looks the other way in the spirit of family. She is glad Pietra is prospering, and loves her enough to let her keep her secrets.
#3 Aravyre Tigersoul: The spiritual leader of the Shrine of the Sun, Pelor's cathedral, Aravyre dislikes Indira and has publicly refused her entry to the temple after discovering her listening to a sermon. Aravyre is a human cleric, very imposing and strong, and often preaches her belief that evil is in the blood, tainting races such as half-orcs, dragonborn, and tieflings. She has a great deal of influence in the city and its council.
#2 Sheltered: Having grown up at the temple, Indira has never left Brindol. The wide world is wondrous and intimidating to her, and she is awed by stories from those who have seen distant lands. She loves trinkets and souvenirs from far away.
#3 Body Temple: Indira is very careful what she eats and drinks. She does not consume alcohol, mind-altering drugs, or meat by choice, to keep her body healthy and pure. She doesn't rebuke or judge others for doing so, of course.
Daleyn Levanthus |
Good afternoon GM DM Kaavek,
I respectfully withdraw my application for consideration in your campaign. I have recently undertaken running a game on the play by post forums and I feel that will require 100% of my attention.
Thank you again for allowing me to apply.
-Please remove Taurs 'Bull' Scipio
Happy Gaming
DM Kaavek |
Good afternoon GM DM Kaavek,
I respectfully withdraw my application for consideration in your campaign. I have recently undertaken running a game on the play by post forums and I feel that will require 100% of my attention.
Thank you again for allowing me to apply.
-Please remove Taurs 'Bull' Scipio
Happy Gaming
Thanks for letting me know, good luck with the Runelords!
HeftyUpTop |
Alright, I finally decided and got the last bits together. I'll be submitting Anghar Silverscale, a traveler brought to the region by a Halfling acquaintance who is in Brindol looking to possibly settle in for a time to better understand the magical abilities that he has a difficult time manifesting.
I enjoyed working on the 10-Min Background, but it doesn't feel 'clean' enough so I'll probably end up putting it into timeline if I get picked out. Otherwise, Anghar should be good to go. Playstyle-wise he's a little odd off the top and is melee using natural Claws as a Draconic Bloodrager, but he goes caster after that an acts as a switch-hitter between the two once into mid and high levels.
LN Medium Humanoid (Dragon)
Init -1; Senses Perception +7, Darkvision 60ft
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (3armor - 1dex + 2natural)
hp 12
Fort +4 (2base + 2con) Ref -1 (0base - 1dex) Will +1 (0base + 1wis)
Speed 40 ft.
Melee +4 (1bab + 3str)
Claw +5; 1d6+3 (3str)
Claw/Claw +5/+5; 1d6+3/1d6+3 (3str)/(3str)
Ranged +0 (1bab - 1dex)
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 10
1) Magical Knack (Sorcerer): +2trait to Caster Level
2) Imposing Scion (Dragon): +1trait to Intimidate, +2 v Dragons
1) Weapon Focus (Claws): +1 Atk with Claws
Skills (4 points; 4 class + 0int + 2bkgrd)
ACP -1
*ACP applies to these skills
Skill Bonuses
*Acrobatics: -1 (-1dex + UCS)
Appraise: +1 (0int + 1rank)
Bluff: +4 (4cha)
*Climb: +3 (3str + UCS)
Craft: +0 (0int + UCS)
Diplomacy: +4 (4cha)
*Disable Device: Untrained (-1dex)
Disguise: +4 (4cha)
*Escape Artist: -1 (-1dex)
*Fly: -1 (-1dex)
Handle Animal: Untrained (4cha + UCS)
Heal: +1 (1wis)
Intimidate: +11 (4cha + 1rank + 3cs + 2racial + 1trait)
Know(arcana): +4 (0int + 1rank + 3cs)
Know(dungeoneering): Untrained (0int)
Know(engineering): Untrained (0int)
Know(geography): Untrained (0int)
Know(history): Untrained (0int)
Know(local): Untrained (0int)
Know(nature): Untrained (0int)
Know(nobility): Untrained (0int)
Know(planes): Untrained (0int)
Know(religion): Untrained (0int)
Linguistics: Untrained (0int)
Perception: +7 (1wis + 1rank + 3cs + 2racial)
Perform: +4 (4cha)
Profession: Untrained (1wis)
*Ride: -1 (-1dex + UCS)
Sense Motive: +1 (1wis)
*Sleight of Hand: Untrained (-1dex)
Spellcraft: +4 (0int + 1rank + 3cs)
*Stealth: -1 (-1dex)
Survival: +5 (1wis + 1rank + 3cs)
*Swim: +3 (3str + UCS)
Use Magic Device: Untrained (4cha)
Languages Common, Draconic
R) Darkvision 60ft.
R) Draconic Mein: +2racial to Intimidate
R) Dragon Breath: Dragonborn have retained the dragon breath of their draconic heritage. Once per day as a standard action, dragonborn can breathe 20-foot line of dragon breath that deals 1d6 points of Cold damage (Reflex save for half damage). The dragon breath ability is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
R) Dragonskin: +2natural armor bonus due to their scaly hide.
R) Energy Resistance: Resist5 Cold to the same energy as their dragon breath.
R) Fearless: +2racial bonus on all saves v fear effects.
R) Keen Senses: +2racial on Perception
R) Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with longswords and bastard swords.
BRC) Bloodline: Draconic (Silver)
BRC) Bloodline Power: Claws - Grow 2 sets of claws as Natural Weapons, deal 1d6+Str
BRC) Bloodrage: Enter Rage as Free Action for (4+Con) 6 rounds/day. +4 Str/Con, +2morale on Will saves, -2 AC, +2HP/HD, Fatigued 2x rounds spent in rage afterwards.
BRC) Fast Movement: +10ft land movement
Proficiencies: All Simple/Martial, Light/Medium/Shields
Carrying Capacity
Light 0-76 lb. Medium 77-153 lb. Heavy 154-230 lb.
Current Load Carried 48.5 lbs.
(Worn) Hide Shirt (Wolf); 18lbs
(Worn) Traveler's Clothing; 5lbs
--- Pendant with Emerald shaped as an eye (20g)
--- Onyx Ring (12g)
--- Gold Ring (5g)
--- Silver Ring (3g)
--- Gold Hoop Earing with fine Jade carving of encircled dragon (10g)
(Worn) Backpack; 2lbs
--- Hammock; 3lbs
--- Wandermeal Rations (7days, 21 meals); 10.5lbs
--- Fishing Kit; 3lbs
--- Courtier's Outfit; 6lbs
Money 2 GP 1 SP 9 CP
2-5: Sorcerer
6-15: Dragon Disciple
16-20: Sorcerer
3 - Improved Unarmed Strike
5 - Feral Combat Training
7 - Dragon Style; Bonus: Power Attack
9 - Dimensional Agility
10 - Bonus: Improved Initiative
13 - Stunning Fist (req Dex 13, Wis13, Acro5); Bonus: Quicken Spell
15 - Dragon Ferocity
17 - Dimensional Assault
18 - Bonus: Toughness
19 - Dimensional Dervish
5 Concept Elements
1) Born of the Dragon: Anghar is the direct descendant of a Silver Dragon and a Dragonborn mother (see Secrets). His powers derive from this bloodline.
2) Due to the chaotic upheaval of his life several times, Anghar doesn't trust any religious groups whether good or bad. Instead he trusts in people, sometimes to a fault, and will stand up for them even to his own detriment.
3) A silver dragonborn, Anghar has telltale signs of his more 'pureblood' ancestry with a small, spiny frill from the top of his brow and back down to the nape of his neck - silver at the base and fading into purple at the tips. He also has two small silver horns on either side of his head which fade to black at the tips. Otherwise, Anghar is a dragonborn just on the edge of adulthood but bears the marks of a hard life on the road, including several stripes of discoloured scales from wounds on his arms and back and the last two inches of his tail were once cut off and is now capped with a silver shotglass fused to the scales there.
4) Sometimes even despite his own needs, Anghar is something of a miser and would rather go well out of his way to provide for himself then give up his coin. He will often offer services rendered rather than pay for a room and a meal, and would rather hunt and sleep in the rain than pay for the privilege of a roadside inn. The one thing he is willing to splurge on is fine clothing, often of exotic fabrics.
5) While he has yet to meet one, Anghar will become somewhat obsessed with trying to interact with any full blooded dragon once he comes into contact with them. Despite person danger or mission, he will want to talk and reason with the dragon unless it is clearly and absolutely an enemy that must be destroyed. He will feel any harvesting of a dragon's corpse, or it's use as an undead creature, will be the most heinous of acts. While he understands this reverence for dragon-kind might not be healthy, he will still be pulled toward it.
In Character - Short Term: Find somewhere to settle down to begin properly exploring the powers he harbours.
In Character - Long Term: Discover why his clan, devout worshipers of Bahamut, abandoned his mother.
Out of Character: Anghar, once he gains the ability to 'ascend' into a dragon form (approx level 12) will want to A) figure out how to ascend permanently, and B) be accepted into a proper clan of silver dragons
Known: His mother was driven out of their nomadic clan because his birth triggered recurring dreams/nightmares for all of them.
Unknown: His father was an ancient Silver Dragon who had decided to live out the rest of his life as a polymorphed Dragonborn with a nomadic tribe of silver dragonborn, the descendants of a larger clan he had led into a failed battle generations before. He unexpectedly fell in love in his twilight years, but felt his death was imminent before his child's birth and left in the night to die alone rather than reveal himself.
1) Astra the Emerald: A green dragonborn woman who took in a teenage Anghar, seemingly out of the the kindness of her heart. He left several years later when he found out she had sensed magical gifts in him and had been attempting to use him in various ways - first, drawing out his gifts, then planning on sacrificing him to Tiamat when she couldn't figure out how to use him another way.
2) Craia: A halfling struck blind when she had a vision of the future, she was once a warrior but is now an Oracle of Battle. Anghar came upon her in the wilds as she was fighting a pair of orcs with nothing about her but a woodsman's axe, a shield and the rags of her pilgrimage, yet between her magics and skill she defeated them both and called him over to her campfire. They shared a meal and Caia said she had a prophecy for him, but it wasn't yet time to tell him what it was. They traveled together for nearly a year before entering the Vale, but she never told him prophecy and they split ways when she found an extended branch of her family.
3) Lucious the Halfhelm: A wandering dwarf peddler, Lucious was the man who found Anghar when he had escaped from Astra. Seeing the young dragonborn in need, Lucious hired Anghar on as his bodyguard as the peddler traveled through some difficult lands, teaching Anghar more of the world than his mother or Astra ever had. Lucious eventually settled down with his clan, releasing Anghar from service and sending him out into the world alone with a friendly pat and a promise if he ever came by the hold that there was a pint waiting for him.
1) Anghar doesn't like hot food and tends to chill the things he eats with his frosty breath. He does, however, love spicy food.
2) While he usually tries to stay out of other people's business, Anghar gets frustrated when he sees injustices happening in front of him and becomes sarcastic with authority.
3) He mistrusts chromatic dragonborn after his time with Astra, but he also mistrusts those who worship the Platinum Dragon almost as much because of the way his clan treated his mother.